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Realistic or Modern Another welian trainwreck: Dumb Superhero Academy Shenanigans

High School or University setting?

  • High School setting (students aged 14 to 18)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • University (students aged 18 to 22)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Welian, we know damn well you have a backup plan for combining both.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
@HunterJJ Well now it's now sunding a bit OP, haha! But sure, that could be a thing. I wouldn't personally use any sort of space-time shenanigans though, due to the limitations of RP writing. Time travel is, messy to do, almost impossible to RP well without upsetting other RPers due to it's powerplaying potential.

You could though wrap up your power as Gravity Control, rather than Black Hole Manipulation? That would greatly simplify the need for explanation behind the powers, make it more flexible, and if anything, more versatile? It would probably be a more physically based form of Telekinesis for the most part, but with the added fun of some sci-fi gravity pseudoscience fun like "gravity beaaaams" or some shit :P
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Well, I'm not a dick I wouldn't be time travelling backwards and re writing the story. The time travel aspect was going to be used mainly for backstory and for teleporting NPCs into the future instead of killing them. Due to the fact that my character can't really travel back in time, he won't use the power to move through time, what's going to the future going to do when you can't go back to the past? If I were to do that, due to the limitations of his time travel, he'd be trapped forever in the future i.e no longer in the RP.

Also, didn't someone say they were going to have a power that gives them every psychic power? How am I OP lol.
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Look, I haven't even gotten the RP thread. Just... hold tight until you actually see the setting, okay? I haven't approved ANYONE'S powers yet.
It's not like powers should really be worked out yet anyway tbf, (#hypocrite). The RP's still being worked on, in fact I have to balance out stat points later on this afternoon xD

Sure we can chatter over them and throw ideas/suggestions around, but none of what's said in the Interest check should be set in stone :3

So, if someone submitted a character with every psychic power we'd probably reject it, as things stand just now. If anything the more we work on the setting and plot, the less likely "every psychic power" would get in.
Chibii said:
This is what happens when you create superpower rps. Sad to say, but it's the truth.
Welian and I have run a number of Superpower themed RPs over the years, it took a few failures but as we've learnt from our mistakes we're fairly confident that anything too "Over the top" will be spotted before we post up, or at least very very early on in the RP :3
Giyari said:
Welian and I have run a number of Superpower themed RPs over the years, it took a few failures but as we've learnt from our mistakes we're fairly confident that anything too "Over the top" will be spotted before we post up, or at least very very early on in the RP :3
I've participated in quite a few superpower rps and some of them are ridiculous with the powers aspect, but then again others are pretty good and actually balance things out so I hope that you're the latter. (。・ω・。)
Bwahaha, an understatement! I'm recycling the setting of a previous superpower roleplay I ran on another site - it was the largest roleplay I've ever run, I had around thirty players and seventy characters! I basically perfected the art of spreadsheets that year, lol.
Spreadsheets and BBCodes hate me I swear. Whenever I try to use accordion it blows up in my face and I feel like going to a dark corner and eating Pringles.
It also lasted for over 6 months, which I feel is quite a while considering most RP's burn out in the first 3-4 weeks :P
Accordions are evil, I'm sticking to tabs on this profile layout.
Giyari said:
It also lasted for over 6 months, which I feel is quite a while considering most RP's burn out in the first 3-4 weeks :P
Woah... 6 whole months? I would love to join a roleplay that'd last that long, since I haven't in the past.
Chibii said:
Woah... 6 whole months? I would love to join a roleplay that'd last that long, since I haven't in the past.
It was great fun! We had a nice dedicated group before it derailed for reasons other than RPer commitment, but they couldn't be helped at the time. Was definitely fun though, made some good friends through it!
Giyari said:
It was great fun! We had a nice dedicated group before it derailed for reasons other than RPer commitment, but they couldn't be helped at the time. Was definitely fun though, made some good friends through it!
Lol, friends are always nice. Hopefully this one runs for as long as the previous one... I'm kinda doubting it, because you know, I have little faith, but if it does I'll have a very pleasant surprise on my hands.
Chibii said:
Lol, friends are always nice. Hopefully this one runs for as long as the previous one... I'm kinda doubting it, because you know, I have little faith, but if it does I'll have a very pleasant surprise on my hands.
The blessing of a pessimist, to never be let down, only pleasently surprised.
@HunterJJ Your signature...

Fear me mortals, I'm working on the profile layout as we speak.
So I had a question about the stat system. (Which might be answered in the thread so if that's the case I apologies for bothering you)

So I know how we all get a specific set number of points that we divide among categories. But my question is how this works in combat ?

Like do you subtract your score from your opponents?

Like say your fighting and the person has a 9 in offense and you only have a 5 in defense would u subtract ur 5 from their nine and then they would have a 1-4 chance of hitting u or would it be they would hit and take out four of your health points for lack of a better word?

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