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Realistic or Modern Another welian trainwreck: Dumb Superhero Academy Shenanigans

High School or University setting?

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  • Welian, we know damn well you have a backup plan for combining both.

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readingraebow said:
So it's like the ranks used in X-men ? Gama , Delta, Omega, etc?
How would we determine which one our characters fall into?

Example - say I use this character ( Gallery of Luck by DaydreamerRae on DeviantArt ) her powers are probability manipulation, enhanced reaction/reflexes, and pixe physiology.

I believe in X-Men she was considered a Beta because she couldn't turn her powers off and they were all more or less dependent on each other.

So I guess is it just raw power that seperates the ranks or is it also something more tangible? Like maybe the lower ranks are the ones that can't pass for human or have detrimental powers that are also weak?
I believe it will be based around this, E being 0-1 and S being 4, but of course that is subject to change. Here's what we have so far on that
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Thanks @readingraebow Each rank up gets three more stat points to work with. An A Rank is a bit more powerful than a B rank, because they have three extra points. It's not much of a system to look at, and it doesn't affect combat (there won't be a combat system, frankly) but it's the method I chose for mitigating potentially over-powered characters.
welian said:
Thanks @readingraebow Each rank up gets three more stat points to work with. An A Rank is a bit more powerful than a B rank, because they have three extra points. It's not much of a system to look at, and it doesn't affect combat (there won't be a combat system, frankly) but it's the method I chose for mitigating potentially over-powered characters.
No that part I understood but I meant how to we determine if our character is A or B?

As they are essentially a part of the same "level" on the TV Tropes what is the difference?

Like is it what the power can actually do? How the character can use the power? etc.

Again using the previous example - Probability Manipulation with the secondary powers of Enhanced Reflexes/Reaction and the physical ability of pixie physiology.

The power would be Rank 3 because there are secondary powers that are crucial to how the power is actually utilized in a real world setting. But by the chart shown I don't know if probability manipulation would be counted as - Average / Moderately Powerful or Above Average Super Power.
You decide! I trust you, as a roleplayer, to make that judgement call.
Chill, the roleplay's not up yet. :P
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welian said:
You decide! I trust you, as a roleplayer, to make that judgement call.
lol. okay i'll just random number generate it then. otherwise i'll spend days going back and forth. but then again luck is by it's nature a probability intensive power so that probably is the fairest way to determine it anyway.

although all that and i never asked - could i use that character for the roleplay? like is the picture and powers okay?
Meredith said:
Chill, the roleplay's not up yet. :P
i'm a pre-planner. the more i answer now the less of a bother i'll be when the roleplay starts. as i would ask these kind of questions anyway because i don't want to make a character that doesn't fit the rules.
Probability manipulation is a tricky power - as a general rule, I only allow it if it's heavily nerfed, and the limits of the power are explicitly laid out.
welian said:
Probability manipulation is a tricky power - as a general rule, I only allow it if it's heavily nerfed, and the limits of the power are explicitly laid out.
Her power works much the same way as Domino's from X-mens.

Probability Field: Domino is a mutant with the ability to subliminally and psionically initiate random telekinetic acts that affect probability in her favor by making improbable (but not impossible) things to occur within her line of sight, thus causing her to have "good luck" and her opponents to have "bad luck." This phenomenon can be anything from an enemy's equipment failure to hitting just the right switch with a stray shot to shut down an overloading nuclear reactor. The full extent of her powers is still unknown.

This unconsciously controlled talent is triggered when she is in a stressful situation (such as fighting or escaping). This effect constantly emanates from her body at all times and is completely subconscious. However, it is also largely participatory - in order for the luck to take effect, Domino herself must engage in an action whose chance she can affect. She cannot consciously control her ability, Domino can only activate it by putting herself in a position in which she could be harmed. She has shown some level of control over her powers when in Civil War:X-men#1 she caused lightning to hit two sentinels.

In that she is only lucky in the sense that she stacks things in her favor. So it's not like oh wow i can randomly win the lotto or avert a natural catastrophe or whatever.

It's oh hey there are bullets coming my way - rather than make me all holey my body will bend and twist to dodge as many of them as possible.

But again it's about stacking odds - so if those same bullets came at her from a sniper or while she was immobilized she'd be dead as a doornail.

It's reactionary. She has to see the thing that she is trying to effect and she has to be conscious and capable of effecting the situation.

So basically blind her or bind her in some way and she's screwed. Her power is pretty much useless.

For that matter it doesn't save her from other people's enhanced abilities. Take for instance Hawkeye. His whole thing is he never misses - he has perfect accuracy. Put him up again Chons and she's gonna be in deep trouble. While she can dodge that isn't going to take away the fact that he's good at his job. So he would still hit her eventually it would just take slightly longer.
/fails miserably in making a supernaturally-inclined Oasis character

~ several weeks later ~

/is hyped for yet another superhero-based roleplay, fully aware that every attempt I have made superhero-wise, thus far, as crashed and burned

Feel free to tag me if you're short characters, wel--the general concept has me hooked.
If my RP (just posted) gets no love from the people, I'll join. Literally picked the worst time ever to start an almost identical RP considering that you're a super mod lmao. I like your system btw although the community service part will be kind of a drag, I'm sure my character will echo that sentiment.

Btw, how much action/villainy will be in this RP, will there be ample time to flex our characters proverbial (or literal) muscles in combat?

Btw, I'm leaning toward either a gravity bender or micro black hole/vortex creator, would you allow that?
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Gonna go ahead and say I plan on having a character with Psionic Manipulation as a power, although I'll avoid god-modding, and of course won't use things like mind-control unless anyone requests that I use it on their character or something.

I will also be acknowledging the limitation(s) mentioned here

User's mental/psychic resilience: overuse can cause headaches, unconsciousness, coma and even death.
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TheDox said:
Gonna go ahead and say I plan on having a character with Psionic Manipulation as a power, although I'll avoid god-modding, and of course won't use things like mind-control unless anyone requests that I use it on their character or something.
I will also be acknowledging the limitation(s) mentioned here

User's mental/psychic resilience: overuse can cause headaches, unconsciousness, coma and even death.

All abilities?

Damn, and I thought I was gonna be a badass, well.... black holes are still kind of badass, but damn, all abilities, jeez....

Good thing we're gonna be on the same side.... hopefully.

Black hole manipulation wiki page btw

Black Hole Manipulation

Slowing time near the event horizon will be pretty sick. My guy will be able to send people into the future by hundreds of years, or just shred them in the infinite density of a black hole's inverse sphere, or hell, even send them to a parallel universe.

The community service part will be funny with this power, my character will be the worlds most effective waste disposal service #kingofsanitation.
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Eh... My character would probably have something like Sound Manipulation (Acoustokinesis).

Here's more information.

If it sounds too OP or anything, just lemme know.
I have a thing fod Nullification based abilities. To make it less OP and much more fun, maybe my character could only nullify it if she touch the target/the attack is directed at her
I was thinking about a guy that could talk to/control animals and maybe plants... That could be kickass too! Right? Ah well, not everyone can be the most awesome super.
RemainingQuestions said:
I was thinking about a guy that could talk to/control animals and maybe plants... That could be kickass too! Right? Ah well, not everyone can be the most awesome super.
Subpower: Heart
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And here I was contemplating a D rank whose only power is to herd cats.
Look at all these powers. Black hole, probability manipulation, psyonic controls, and I was gonna make flame throwing teen with no immunity to fire...

I'm gonna throw a suggestion out here, and keep in mind it's only a suggestion... The simpler the power, the more toned down the power, the more you'll be likely be able to do with it, and the more fun you'll have writing with the character.

For instance, using black hole stuff as an example (from my point of view), they're deadly sure, you can crush and waste lots of things, but can you use it as a form of travel? is it suitable and simple enough for defence? Can you use it in daily life as a tool?

Probability manipulation, that's going to require a lot of thinking for use, it's also very "situational" as in it relies heavily on whether the writer feels like the power not working or not, rather than in action events, and would need every RPer to be on the same page and have the same mindset (which is highly... improbable... see what I did there? Yeah? I'm the best.). As a flip, saaaaay.... intangibility (passing through matter, ala Kitty Pride). Intangibility is very useful as a power, you could potentially use it to travel by just, walking in straight lines (also no air resistance, gonna be moving faster with less effort too), defence is obvious, shit passes through you, you don't want to be noticed in a busy city? just allow light to phase through you and boom, you're invisible too as a sub power. Now like probability this is all very defensive and passive, what's the offensive in it? You have a quarter in your hand, not a deadly weapon is it, but phase your hand into someone's heart, let go of that quarter inside their aorta...

Telekinesis is a good example of powerful, yet simple. Moving objects about from a distance with your mind, hella versatile! You can move yourself (fly), slow, stop, and bend the direction of objects (defence), use it to cook, clean, catch shit you've dropped, you name a time when you wanted an extra pair of hands, Telekinesis has you covered :P Not only that but throwing a truck at an opponent is no small fry move.

The more complex and "up there" your characters power is, the more work you're gonna have to up into the finer details, the more specialised and single layered your power's gonna become, it also means you're going to have less energy to pour into personality and the rest of the things that make up a believable human being.

Also it's a lot more fun for the rest of us when weaknesses are easy and obvious (fire/water, telekinesis/physical strength, technopathy/information overloads, metal manipulation/things that are not metal )
HunterJJ said:
If my RP (just posted) gets no love from the people, I'll join. Literally picked the worst time ever to start an almost identical RP considering that you're a super mod lmao.
Oh dude, don't feel that way!! Even two perfectly identical roleplays - intentionally identical - will end up going different directions. Give your RP all the love and attention it needs.

And let's be honest - my threads are flashy and full of hype, but as a GM I have a terrible time keeping things going after two weeks. >.> Hence why I always grab a reliable person or two to help me out.
Giyari said:
Look at all these powers. Black hole, probability manipulation, psyonic controls, and I was gonna make flame throwing teen with no immunity to fire...
I'm gonna throw a suggestion out here, and keep in mind it's only a suggestion... The simpler the power, the more toned down the power, the more you'll be likely be able to do with it, and the more fun you'll have writing with the character.

For instance, using black hole stuff as an example (from my point of view), they're deadly sure, you can crush and waste lots of things, but can you use it as a form of travel? is it suitable and simple enough for defence? Can you use it in daily life as a tool?

Probability manipulation, that's going to require a lot of thinking for use, it's also very "situational" as in it relies heavily on whether the writer feels like the power not working or not, rather than in action events, and would need every RPer to be on the same page and have the same mindset (which is highly... improbable... see what I did there? Yeah? I'm the best.). As a flip, saaaaay.... intangibility (passing through matter, ala Kitty Pride). Intangibility is very useful as a power, you could potentially use it to travel by just, walking in straight lines (also no air resistance, gonna be moving faster with less effort too), defence is obvious, shit passes through you, you don't want to be noticed in a busy city? just allow light to phase through you and boom, you're invisible too as a sub power. Now like probability this is all very defensive and passive, what's the offensive in it? You have a quarter in your hand, not a deadly weapon is it, but phase your hand into someone's heart, let go of that quarter inside their aorta...

Telekinesis is a good example of powerful, yet simple. Moving objects about from a distance with your mind, hella versatile! You can move yourself (fly), slow, stop, and bend the direction of objects (defence), use it to cook, clean, catch shit you've dropped, you name a time when you wanted an extra pair of hands, Telekinesis has you covered :P Not only that but throwing a truck at an opponent is no small fry move.

The more complex and "up there" your characters power is, the more work you're gonna have to up into the finer details, the more specialised and single layered your power's gonna become, it also means you're going to have less energy to pour into personality and the rest of the things that make up a believable human being.

Also it's a lot more fun for the rest of us when weaknesses are easy and obvious (fire/water, telekinesis/physical strength, technopathy/information overloads, metal manipulation/things that are not metal )
I have a pretty solid grasp of the science behind black holes in terms of what they are and how they form and what it could be used for if it were a power.

Also, at a base level, black hole creation is more or less gravity control. So I will have a basic skill that can be utilized for multiple things.

To answer your questions, it could be used to travel by my character but it would only allow travel to other, pre existing vortexs so it could be a useful escape strategy but not an effective impromptu teleportation power.

Due to the way in which gravity can bend space-time it could be used to slow time in the area around the black hole while leaving time untouched outside of its grasp allowing time travel to the future, a good way to eliminate targets in a non lethal fashion. Travel back in time could be possible but extremely difficult and taxing, requiring a reversal in the gravitational pull of a vortex, which is a theorettical, non proven structure called a "white hole" which is what potentially created the universe.

It can be used for defensive purposes. As its essentially gravity control, my character would be able to raise and lower gravity. To stop bullets from hitting him, for example, he could jack up the gravity ten fold and cause the bullets to hit the dirt.

Also, black holes could be used to trap incoming projectiles. Additionally, black holes can trap light, electricity and magnetic energy, so it would be a useful power against several elemental types.
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Giyari said:
Look at all these powers. Black hole, probability manipulation, psyonic controls, and I was gonna make flame throwing teen with no immunity to fire...
I'm gonna throw a suggestion out here, and keep in mind it's only a suggestion... The simpler the power, the more toned down the power, the more you'll be likely be able to do with it, and the more fun you'll have writing with the character.

For instance, using black hole stuff as an example (from my point of view), they're deadly sure, you can crush and waste lots of things, but can you use it as a form of travel? is it suitable and simple enough for defence? Can you use it in daily life as a tool?

Probability manipulation, that's going to require a lot of thinking for use, it's also very "situational" as in it relies heavily on whether the writer feels like the power not working or not, rather than in action events, and would need every RPer to be on the same page and have the same mindset (which is highly... improbable... see what I did there? Yeah? I'm the best.). As a flip, saaaaay.... intangibility (passing through matter, ala Kitty Pride). Intangibility is very useful as a power, you could potentially use it to travel by just, walking in straight lines (also no air resistance, gonna be moving faster with less effort too), defence is obvious, shit passes through you, you don't want to be noticed in a busy city? just allow light to phase through you and boom, you're invisible too as a sub power. Now like probability this is all very defensive and passive, what's the offensive in it? You have a quarter in your hand, not a deadly weapon is it, but phase your hand into someone's heart, let go of that quarter inside their aorta...

Telekinesis is a good example of powerful, yet simple. Moving objects about from a distance with your mind, hella versatile! You can move yourself (fly), slow, stop, and bend the direction of objects (defence), use it to cook, clean, catch shit you've dropped, you name a time when you wanted an extra pair of hands, Telekinesis has you covered :P Not only that but throwing a truck at an opponent is no small fry move.

The more complex and "up there" your characters power is, the more work you're gonna have to up into the finer details, the more specialised and single layered your power's gonna become, it also means you're going to have less energy to pour into personality and the rest of the things that make up a believable human being.

Also it's a lot more fun for the rest of us when weaknesses are easy and obvious (fire/water, telekinesis/physical strength, technopathy/information overloads, metal manipulation/things that are not metal )
Yeah this is why I gave my character the line of sight limitation as well as a reliance on movement. In this way she isn't really all powerful because using a simple example - a sneak attack behind her back. If she can't see it she can't dodge it. Thus a sneak attack would work and not require a complicated series of checks and balances like more broad luck based powers. As really what her power boils down to in a practical sense is just the ability to dodge really well.
I am absolutely going to say no to broad manipulations of space-time.

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