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Fantasy Another Chance (Always accepting!)

Okay cool." That was Marcus's reply. Marcus then turned around and made an ice flower. "Thanks again for the application." Marcus gave her a lopsided grin, and handed her the flower. He then went and sat down at the booth closest to the door.
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]After a few minutes, the door burst open, Shiori stood there, enraged and furious, with the same dark, murderous aura around her, "Hey you, Blondie!" She growled, "WHERE'S MY POUCH?!?!"

She came back after just realizing, that the pouch wasn't in her hand anymore. She's assume that this douchebag took it, and just ran here, kicking the door open, and going ballistic, randomly yelling at him, basically accusing him for her missing pouch, which he really didn't take. That pouch was really important to her, since her mother left it, and she'd do anything to find it, anything.

Hikaru took a few steps back, "I swear I didn't take it!!I swear, Is wear, I swear!!!" He said, "WHY WOULD I TAKE IT AFTER YOU LEFT A MARK ON MY FREAKING CHEEK?!?! THAT PUNCH WAS PAINFUL, OKAY?! WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT?!" He yelled. Well, the mark was gone, after a few minutes, buy he could still feel the freaking pain, of course.
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"THEN WHO DID?!?!" Shiori hissed, her hand ready to punch the other side of his cheek. She was furious, enraged, mad, upset, hungry, well, maybe not that last one, but she was..well, ready to punch, or either..kill? Wait, no. Why would she kill a person?....
[QUOTE="XxBouncy BunnyxX]
"THEN WHO DID?!?!" Shiori hissed, her hand ready to punch the other side of his cheek. She was furious, enraged, mad, upset, hungry, well, maybe not that last one, but she was..well, ready to punch, or either..kill? Wait, no. Why would she kill a person?....

Nicole's eyes widened in amazement. She watched him walk to the booth, and with the flower in her hand, followed after him. Without asking for his permission, she sat down in front of him, and asked, "How did you do that?" Just then, she stood up quickly, blushing with embarrassment. "Oops, I should have asked first," she said, giggling nervously. "Oh, and thank you, by the way, For the flower, I mean." The ice was cold in her hand, making her shiver during summer in a hot, crowded cafe.

[QUOTE="Rei Itsukaya]

" Wha-..I don't know...you?..." Shiori asked, eventually shouting again, "OH, RIGHT," She said sarcastically, "Like I don't know one of the people who teased me for not having parents, at parents day? Or the boy who stuck gum in my hair, so I had to cut my hair so short just to get that damn thing out?!?!"
Hikaru jumped behind the counter, eventually hiding behind Nicole, "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, OKAY?! I WAS JUST A KID BACK THEN!" He shouted at Shiori, with those words echoing in the Café. Obviously, some people were staring at them, some were not.

And there, Lisanna was standing behind Shiori, holding a pouch, that she assumed belonged to Shiori. She tapped Shiori's shoulder, "Hello, Shiori!!" She waved at Shiori, and eventually looked at Hikaru, waving at him, "Greetings, Shiori's boyfriend!!!" She turned her attention back to Shiori, "Is this pouch your's?" She asked Shiori, waving the pouch in front her face.
"Yeah, I see what you mean", Finn chuckled. Shiori's known at school for her short temper and random rampages. Seeing it firsthand wasn't a new sight. Then Shiori went back in demanding for her purse and the two began exchanging insults. What a lovely couple they are. "Well, I'll leave you two with that", he casually said and went to the counter to pay and retrieve his order. "Thanks", he was about to go to a table when Marcus came in to ask for a job vacancy. Finn noticed a strange mark on his left hand. He followed Marcus and sat next to him. "Hey, where'd you get that?", he pointed to the mark.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX @AnarchyReins
Nona watched Hikaru, shiori, Nicole and Lisanna silently. Her eyes rolling gently in her head she crossed her legs and tended to her drink. A slight smirk on her face.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
Marcus didn't know what to do. With Nicole asking him how he made the rose, and Finn asking about his mark. "No its okay Nicole, and Finn It is a birthmark." Marcus said this as he winked at the blushing Nicole. "Nicole lets just say I am a magician. And I hope you saw when I made it snow in the parking lot." Marcus said as he laughed a little.
Siping her drink she listened to Marcus from her own table, glancing at him she looked at the mark on his hand, "isn't control over weather a little...extravagant for a Magician?"

Marcus replied to the girl saying, "The real question you want to know is how I can control snow and ice. The only answer I have been able to come up with is. I am a magician." Marcus said as he blew some red and orange snow at your table.
Nona held up her tea as to not let it freez, "interesting. So you your self don't know? Or do you lie to make it easier for people?" She looked at him standing.
"...Okay then", he said then sipped his latte. Normally he'd consider his as someone with an eight-grader's syndrome but seeing how he made a frozen rose and some colored snow on the spot, Finn really believes this guy. But what's bothering him is his mark, a snowflake. He looked at the mark on his right wrist which is similar to what Marcus has: a cloud. His parents said it was a birthmark, but his other friends thinks it's 'too cool' to be a birthmark. Can I control clouds too?, he wondered.

The woman beside Finn expressed her skepticism towards Marcus' ability. Knowing this might get nasty, he took a bite at his doughnut and decided not to step in.

@AnarchyReins @JustCallMeAimee
I have no idea what your talking about." Marcus said as he looked at the girl he has yet to define. Marcus the turned back to his job application. When he read over the first question he started to fill it out. "So Nicole is it fun working here?" Marcus asked as he looked at Nicole with wide innocent deep electric blue eyes.
Finn instinctively covered his birthmark upon hearing the remark of the woman beside her. "I dunno...", he shrugged back. "It does look convincing. Have you seen how he pulled out that frozen rose?". Finn looked at the girl with red hair for a long time. He feels like he's seen her before, but couldn't pin point where or when. "Have we met before?", he asked.

Alias said:
Finn instinctively covered his birthmark upon hearing the remark of the woman beside her. "I dunno...", he shrugged back. "It does look convincing. Have you seen how he pulled out that frozen rose?". Finn looked at the girl with red hair for a long time. He feels like he's seen her before, but couldn't pin point where or when. "Have we met before?", he asked.
Nona shook her head running a hand though those long ginger locks, "no, but I understand what you mean..." She managed to smile at him and offered her hand, "I'm...Nona."
AnarchyReins said:
I have no idea what your talking about." Marcus said as he looked at the girl he has yet to define. Marcus the turned back to his job application. When he read over the first question he started to fill it out. "So Nicole is it fun working here?" Marcus asked as he looked at Nicole with wide innocent deep electric blue eyes.
"Um...I wouldn't call it fun, but it pays the bills. And I get to meet new people, too!" she said, beaming, as she sat down. His eyes were causing her to blush even harder. Ignoring the blonde boy hiding behind her, she noticed the mark on Marcus's left hand, and hearing the girl's comment, hastily covered her's too, hoping none of them would notice the movement. What in the world...could it be possible that two random people could meet and have weirdly shaped birthmarks? No...it's probably just a coincidence. Unless... She quickly shook the thought away from her mind. She did not believe in superstition.

@AnarchyReins @Alias @JustCallMeAimee
Felicis said:
"Um...I wouldn't call it fun, but it pays the bills. And I get to meet new people, too!" she said, beaming, as she sat down. His eyes were causing her to blush even harder. Ignoring the blonde boy hiding behind her, she noticed the mark on Marcus's left hand, and hearing the girl's comment, hastily covered her's too, hoping none of them would notice the movement. What in the world...could it be possible that two random people could meet and have weirdly shaped birthmarks? No...it's probably just a coincidence. Unless... She quickly shook the thought away from her mind. She did not believe in superstition.
@AnarchyReins @Alias @JustCallMeAimee
From the corner of her eye Nona watched the girl.
"Well I could certainly make working here fun." Marcus said as he continued to fill out the application. Marcus noticed this Nona chick was starting to piss him off a little. "So Nicole do you wanna grab a bite to eat at your lunch break?" Marcus asked as he tilted his head to the side a little, and smiled.
Finn shook her hand and introduced himself as well. "I'm Finn", he said and casually resumed eating his doughnut. He nearly choked on it when he heard Marcus ask the girl at the registrar for lunch. Is this... flirting?, he sipped his latte while trying not to let anyone see his expression. He's flirting, oh my god.

@AnarchyReins @JustCallMeAimee
AnarchyReins said:
"Well I could certainly make working here fun." Marcus said as he continued to fill out the application. Marcus noticed this Nona chick was starting to piss him off a little. "So Nicole do you wanna grab a bite to eat at your lunch break?" Marcus asked as he tilted his head to the side a little, and smiled.
"I'm sure you will!" replied Nicole. She could feel the blood rush to her cheeks as he smiled, and lowered her gaze, trying to hide the tinge in her cheeks. "Um...yeah, I would love to! In fact, my break starts now! Let me just get changed and I'll be right back!" she said in rush. Without waiting for him to reply, she escaped to the bathrooms, eager to get away from Marcus before he noticed how flustered he was making her.

In the bathrooms, while she changed out of her uniform, she couldn't help thinking, why is he asking me to grab a bite? I look so weird in the uniform! Meh, he probably asks every girl he sees out. He probably has a girlfriend. So why is he asking me to grab a bite? Should I go? Would it be safe? He's a stranger! Oh my god this was a stupid idea! I'm probably going to end up dead and - She stopped, realizing she was going to far. Instead, she back to the booth, and said, "Alright! Where do you wanna go?"

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Alias said:
Finn shook her hand and introduced himself as well. "I'm Finn", he said and casually resumed eating his doughnut. He nearly choked on it when he heard Marcus ask the girl at the registrar for lunch. Is this... flirting?, he sipped his latte while trying not to let anyone see his expression. He's flirting, oh my god.
@AnarchyReins @JustCallMeAimee
Watching his expression she laughed dryly turning to watch the show fur herself, "kinda cute, I guess?" She raised an eyebrow

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