Anime RPG (Open To All)

Rya walked though the street as he felt something land on his head as he felt cold.

"What is it,Furo?" Rya asked softly as Furo began hooing quickly.

"Fire?!" Rya said worried, as as he looked around shaking like a leave as
Furo stood on his head chest puffed out.
Shadow thought hard and fast about what he should do: should he run away, should he go stand by cross. Shadow ended up deciding the best thing to do would be to stand still and keep staring at the armour.
Rya wobbly walked down the street,looking out for any fire or smoke or anything that could harm the animals! (He could stop the fire but he's a pacifist)
Alex.::. he looked arcoss the street and saw someone.... cold. he hid himself in his jacket and walked fast. he new there power he could feel it
Rya saw a boy pull a hood over his head as Rya looked at him as he told Furo to fly away as she did leaving Rya as he looked at the boy long pink hair covering his body.
Alex.::. he ran faster... his heart pumping, him breathing hard. his breathe made a alot of noise. he stopped for some reason and looked back. he felt some kind on connection... even though the boy was the opposite. he was breathing hard. his felt really warm. he thought no not now, dont go all uncontrollable now... he stood there, not knowing what to do. he felt like a freak

Bella.::. she rode past the group where she saw one of her friends, Alex. she didnt stop because she knew Alex always gets in the worst problems, she kept on riding, trying to ignore them. she saw one boy, and waved to him, smiling. she thought do i know him from somewhere? have i met him in a dream? she looked away from them and *BAM!* she rode in front of a street light pool. she landed on the floor. she was to stunned do say anything or react to anything
Allen launced himself at Cross, who easily sidestepped him. "Release the boy. He's young. He has his entire life ahead of him. Fight me in your own body." Cross said. "Why would I do that? He's a human! He is filth! Worthless! He's no better than any other creature on this disgusting planet!" Allen sneered. "I do not fear destroying them." To prove his point, Allen slowly closed his eyes. His dark armor suddenly enlarged slighlty, and three souls burst out of it. "Kill them. All of them. This city will bow to me before dawn..." Allen said softly. The soul's steadily grew bodies, revealing that they were old Civil War soldiers. The raised their muskets, and fired at a small group of teenagers who were watching from the shadows. Three out of the four fell, and the last one was frozen in fear, and watched as one of the soldiers walked up, and jabbed the blade at the end of his gun through his gut. The teen looked down dumbly at the gaping, bleeding hole, than howled in pain as he collapsed, sobbing. "YOU FILTH!" Cross roared, launching himself at Allen as the soldeirs continued to fire at onlookers, who were now panicking....
Rya heard the boy breathing hard he got worried as he ran after him slowly not trying to make the boy fearful. Rya saw a girl hit a pole.
Alex.::. he stood still, waiting for a fight, something. he knew were this was going might not be the best thing... he thought. he stood tall and tried to look strong. boy the looked so good, like no evil at all, but will that edge for a need for excitement, adventure... he couldnt hurt him... he just couldnt

Bella.::. she tried to get up but failed, she lay on the floor breathing hard, then tried again. she succeeded but was wobbly, she held herself against the pole, calming down. her face hurt badly but she was still stunned from it all
Rya saw the boy get ready for a fight as he put his hands out showing that he meant no harm.

"It's okay i'm not going to hurt you" Rya said softly.
Shadow watched as cross fought the man, he didn't dare to go too near in case something bad happened. He kept one hand on the bottle filled with souls, just to be safe.
Cross spotted Shadow out of the corner of his eyes, and he yelled "GET HELP! FIND GLIN, OR GET THE FLAME! GET SOMEONE! NO MORTALS, AND NO COPS! GET AN AMBULANCE FOR THE TEENS! NOW!" He ducked under a punch from Allen, and rolled out of the way as one of the dead Civil War soldiers fired their muskets at him.
Alex.::. he sighed in relief, he relised he was getting warmer by the second. he backed up a bit. he didnt want to hurt anyone else... ever again

Bella.::. she regained her balance and tried to walk away... she took baby steps :)
Shadow heard what cross said and ran to glin's, ran through the door, "cross needs help! And an ambulance!" he yelled.
The old man groaned, than moved with shocking speed. One second he was sitting at the table, than he was by the door zipping up his jacket. He shuffled over to a closet, opened it, than took out a shotgun. "LEt's go than...might as well pop a cap into Cross's own head, the moron..." Glin grumbled as he walked out the door.
Shadow followed Glin, amazed by the speed at which he moved, 'seems everybody carries a weapon these days' he thought to himself.
Alex.::. he wanted to run... thats what he always did when he sensed trouble. he couldnt this time... the boy seemed to keep him still. he remembered what his father told him 'oppities dont atract'

Ally.::. she came to her fav. shop. she felt different, weird. she fell to the ground with a THUMP and lay there unconsus

OCC: sowwie for bad spelling lol im 11 u gotta give me some credit
OCC: lol yh im turning 12 soon, in like 3 months... lol, so yh..

Alex.::. he stood still, again frozen. he had no idea what to do

Bella.::. she noticed a bird and tried to concentrate on it, but couldnt. this has never happened to her ever before, something was wrong... very wrong.
(My b-day is tomorrow & is that my bird?) Rya came face to face with the boy as he looked at him feeling the heat from him.
Ooc:13 here. And sorry for some of my long posts...i kind of want to be an author...working on writing skills... :) And i don't care about misspellings...I honestly could care less about spelling and grammar and all that, really....

Ic:Glin dashed swiftly down the street, faster than any human possibly could. "hurry up. you young 'uns have no stamina these days!!!" glin yelled at Shadow as he tried to pinpoint Cross' aura. 'Why does he have to mask it?' Glin wondered. As he sprinted down the street, he paused. He closed his eyes, and focused on an image of Cross.


Cross yelped in surprise as he felt a small wave of pain overtake him. After a second, the pain passed, but another wave of pain followed it seconds after it ended. 'Glin....' Cross thought. He dodged another kick from Allen, and launched himself far out of range, and paused. He focused on his aura shields, and slowly they faded. The waves of pain ceased. Sighing in relief, he threw himself at Allen again, swinging his sword.


Glin opened his eyes as Cross finally set aside his aura shields. He cocked his shotgun, loading a bullet into the barrel, than sprinted in the direction of Cross' aura...
Shadow heard what Glin said and took it as a challenge. He Focused and calmed, suddenly he felt a wave of speed over himself, he ran past Glin and waved, "what was that, I could hear as you were too far away!" he called, sneering. Until he ran head fist into a wall.OOC:I'll sit right in the middle and be 12 ^^ I like your longer posts :)
"I'll give you the stamina points. But you lack IQ points." Glin sneered in response as Shadow slammed into a wall. He sped past reluctanly, not wanting to leave an ally behind but knowing that hitting a wall wasn't as bad as fighting a creature dangerous enough for Cross wanting help. He swirved around the corner, knowing Cross and his enemy would be fighting down the street. But as he turned around the corner, he froze. He looked down slowly. A musket was halfway in his gut. He looked up at the Civil War soldier, and slowly, weakly, raised his gun. He fired the gun into the soul's chest, evaporating it. The musket dissappeared, and blood pumped out of the hole as Glin collapsed.


Cross spotted Glin on the ground, and cried "NO!" He ducked under one of Allen's punches, stabbed his sword into his gut, than ran towards Glin. Allen ripped the sword out of his stomach, and cried out in pain, falling to his knees. Blood pumped out of the wound, but it was already closing. Cross knelt down beside Glin, and looked at the wound. " I going to.....die?" The old man asked weakly. "Course not. You're too tough." Cross said softly. "DO NOT LIE TO ME!" Glin snarled. "Am I....going to die?" Cross nodded feebly. After several seconds of silence, Glin said, "Help me up." Not wanting to disobey the man on his deathbed, Cross obeyed. Glin shakily stood up, leaning on Cross for support. With one hand, he put his middle finger on the center of his head, his pointer and ring fingers over his eyes, and his pinky and thumb splayed out. With the other, he fired his gun. As he did this, he yelled "EVEN IN DEATH, MAY I BE TRIUMPHANT!!!" The other two civil war soldiers faded into mist as bullets ripped through them, and Allen rushed into an alley, cursing loudly, as bullets flew through the air.

Ooc:Thanks Prowlerz :) And little quotation from Cirque du Freak in that last post. :)

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