Anime RPG (Open To All)

Maneka floated above a group of three people who seemed to be having a nice conversation. "They seem to be having a nice conversation~" She was out for her occasional far distance flying. A few hunters that had been out a few miles back mistook her for a bird and hit her wings with a couple of arrows.

Now the blood had started to drip.
"Not now." She mumbled to herself, using the roses she carried on her dress to cushion her decent.

(OOC: Sorry for not being on. I had been busy.))

Name:Yoshiyuki Demura



Appearance: jet black hair, dressed in black, slender bout 6 feet tall

Power/What Creature?: gravity control, human/ninja (naruto)


Rya stopped running, as he felt something cold land on his head, as he felt soft nipping on his forehead. "Go away before i kill you too Furo" Rya said as he heard her began to hoot at him, as Rya understood it. "I'm a monster, i kill those soul with my darkness" Rya said again, as he heard something.....odd going on around him. Rya looked up seeing a Woman in a red ball gown, Her hair pulled back in a puff, a red rose in her hair, as Rya's mouth went agape at her. "Giving up some quickly?, i thought you were more then that" The woman said to Rya as he began to get confused, the woman laughed at Rya as she slowly put her hand on Rya's head, as his mind was filled with something, something from years ago, Rya passed out, as she slightly heard butterflies flying away, as he tried to open his eyes, seeing golden butterflies disappearing, as his eyes widen before he faded out of the waking world.
Mia threw a sarcastic smirk at him. She then jumped up and started to bounce. "Oh my god, you know how I was talking about my home in the sky earlier?" she asked excitedly. "Would you want to see it?!"
Shadow grinned and his eyes opened his eyes wide, "um… sure" he said, wondering how he was going to get up there.
She jumped up and down more then turned a bit more serious. "Okay, do you have a rope handy.?" she asked oddly.
"Thats okay, I think that store might sell some," she said, walking towards an Ace Hardware. Mia soon came out with a bundle of thick climbing rope slung over her shoulder. "Now tie this real tight after wrapping it three times around your chest," the odd elf requested.
Shadow looked confused, but did what she said, wrapping the rope tightly around his chest three times. His hair kept falling into his face so he was constantly flicking his head. When he was done he looked at her and nodded smiling.
In a sudden flurry of wings, they were in the air. She gave no warning, but it wasn't needed because they were quickly corrected in flight, and it was smooth again. She looked down and smiled at the comical sight of a person suspended a great distance in the air.
Once they had gained enough altitude, Mia aimed for the nearest cloud bank and flapped hard. Once they came close enough, buildings appeared through a fog like haze. She touched down on the springy but stable cloud and hauled Shadow up. "This is my home."
Shadow looked around and smiled at her, "it's a very nice place." he said, untying the rope.
"Some of the people here are a bit cooky though. I'd watch what you say," she warned. The top of this pearly white cloud was a sight to see. Elves made up the majority of the population lining the streets, but there were many species to be seen in the wintery wonderland in the sky. The buildings there were busy with people going in and out. They too were formed of white cloud, but it was smooth and more of a solid texture. Mia smiled. "Let's go to my house. It's not far from here," Mia said with a flutter of her wings.
She led him cautiously through the crowds, not wanting any disputes about his race. She was amazed when they turned off the main street that all they had received were a few dirty looks. She turned a couple corners until they came to a neat looking Victorian house with a balcony overhanging the front door and a few potted flowers at seemed out of place next to her wispy cloud house. Like many of the other houses on the block this one was not pure white. It had a light blue tint to the cloud that it was made of, as if it needed a couple more coats of paint to make it a real blue. She opened the front door with ease - it didn't even appear to be locked. "Welcome, to Jurrassic Park," she joked.
Shadow raised an eyebrow at her, "jurassic park?" he asked, looking at her house, "is it full of dinasours or something?" he asked.
She sighed. "watch the movie. And no, it is not full of dinosaurs.... I hope," she peeked on. "Nah, we're Dino-free.". She walked stepped in and stopped in what seemed to be a kitchen. "Hungry for some cirrus?" she asked, pulling yet MORE cloud from the fridge. "Tastes like cotton candy."
Shadow looked at her in confusion, "what do you mean 'cirrus'?" he asked, glaring at the cloud in her hand.
She giggled. "I keep on forgetting to explain. Cirrus is a type of cloud. It has many uses.". Here, try some, she said, holding out a large swirl of cloud.

Name:Syano Kiba



Appearance:Ripped jeans,Ripped black muscle shirt

Power/What Creature?:Ice Monster

History: I got my powers from my girlfriend when I was sleeping.


--- Merged Double Post ---

Syano sits around with nothing to do execpt draw and listen to music. Syano sighs and says "Wow,I'm so bored. Meh. I'm just going to draw and listen to Disturbed."
Leo flew through the air. The wind feeling like heaven. He loved being and angle even with his power. He landed and saw someone sitting listening to music. He sensed a strong energy coming from them. He approached with caution. He tapped his shoulder.
Syano sits and draws. "Crap! I've got to get home or else she'll kill me! I don't wanna die on the day her birthday." Syano looks at his watch and runs home.

Name: Silver

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: View attachment 4659

Power/What Creature?: human :)

History: i dont really know

Other: nerp

Name: Kat

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: View attachment 4660

Power/What Creature?: human

History: ....

Other: she will flirt with every guy but only 1 or 2 will really get to know her and see what a kind heart she has :P

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