Anime RPG (Open To All)

Allen spotted Cross and Shadow, and his eyes turned into slits of fire. "Eager for death are we...." He growled, black fireballs sprouting in his palms. "Well...I'll be happy to oblige than!" He raised his hands and aimed them at Cross and Shadow, and a loud bang rippled through the air as the two black fireballs soared through the air at lightning fast speed...
"Oh. How exciting... not really," Reisuke said to himself. He turned to his hand puppets, and sought to them for advice.

You should probably wait and see what the man can do. Fire is dangerous, Lin told him. Reisuke nodded. He looked back at his diary, and it said:

A man shoots fireballs, and they are going for the two men. I wonder what's going to happen next... Luckily, he doesn't spot me. I'm safe, for now.

Reisuke silently covered his mouth, and observed.
Shadow tried to jump out of the way, but was too slow. He was flung backwards into the wall. His bottle full of souls smashed onto the ground, souls oozing out. Suddenly the souls sprang up and became an attachment to shadow's body, wrapping around his claws and creating small tentacle like things from his back, but he was to hurt and weak to do anything with them.
"This city....will BURN UNDER MY POWER!" Allen flung his arms wide, and a pillar of flame shot up from the ground. The pillar slowly began to get wider, burning everything inside of it except for Allen. A tear slowly fell down Cross' face. "So this is how it ends...the beginning of the end...begins here..." He said softly...
This wasn't looking very good. Reisuke deducted this, but anybody could have when they saw a wall of fire descending upon them. Reisuke frantically got up and ran the opposite way.
Despite barely being able to see, shadow spotted the fire pillar and thought to himself: ''honestly, I always hoped the end would be prettier, less fire than this" as he thought this one of the tentacle like things shot off his back and towards the man (Allen), sometimes shadow hated his power, he didn't tell the tentacle to do that, nor could he have.
Allen froze as he saw the tentacle coming at him. 'What is this madness? I have never seen such a thing...' He thought. Losing his focus, Allen wasn't able to keep up his defense, and fire began to burn him. He screamed and fell to the floor, and forced himself to regain his defenses. He panted as the fire receded, and he pushed his forhead onto the cement as blood seeped out of his fresh wounds. He shakily got to his feet, than remembered the tentacle, and frantically searched for it until he saw it still coming at him...
Shadow laughed in success at what his tentacle had done, but then he realised he was laughing up blood. He licked the blood off his lips then closed his mouth, then he realised his mouth was full of blood, he had no choice but to spit it out.
Cross stared at Allen as he collapsed, than sprang into action. He sprinted over to Shadow, and said "Come. We must leave. It is unsafe. He will heal far quicker than before. We will die if we stay."
Reisuke watched curiously as one of the men dashed to another one. Reisuke observed that they were deciding to leave, so he decided to secretly follow them. He silently got up, and ran after them. They would probably be his first victims.
Shadow tried to get up, but he wad too hurt. He pressed both of his clawed hands, which seemed to be unharmed, against the wall, but he still couldn't stand. In a moment he felt all the strengh in his arms go, they flopped uselessly as the souls dragged themselves down to his feet. Suddenly he felt like he could stand. he stood and followed cross.
"Hurry! We must get back to Glins to get the Flame! Then we must track down the Fairy!" Cross growled as he sprinted down the street. 'How will we survive this? We were supposed to PREVENT this from happening! How did we fail? Have I guessed wrongly? Is there another Elphis we must kill to prevent this? Or are we doomed to suffer?' Cross thought...
Reisuke thought this might be a good time to approach them. They couldn't really do anything to him, and even if they could, he had a backup plan He checked his diary:

I met these two men. Their names are Cross and Shadow. What strange names... They think I'm an innocent boy, what fools!

Reisuke ran towards the two men.

"Hey! Big brothers! Wait, wait!"
Cross whirled around, drawing his sword from its sheath, than slowly lowered it. "What are you doing here, of all places?!" Cross asked.
Shadow spun around to see a little boy, his face was familiar, but at the moment it seemed everybody he went past looked familiar. He smiled at him, thinking what a terrible time for a little boy to appear, with the end of everything and all. He turned to cross slightly and said: "We're going to have to take him somewhere safe, you know?" hoping cross wasn't one of those grumpy granddads who used every trick in and around the book to get away from little children.
"Thank you, mister!" Reisuke smiled innocently. When the two men looked away, he grinned. Nothing was going to stop him now!

Two men took me in. They're so nice!
Shadow smiled back, "always a pleasure" he told him, lying, he hated being around loads of people, one of them was going to stink.
Reisuke just smiled. Sometimes it was easy to tell if somebody didn't want you there. This was one of those times. And although he tried to be polite, Reisuke knew that that one was going to be the first of his kills. Besides, he looked stronger than the other one. Eat the juicy ones first, and spare the rest if you're feeling up to it.
Shadow tried to seem welcoming to the boy, but despite best efforts he couldn't, "are you ok?" he asked randomly.
"Are you okay?"

Reisuke looked up at the man, confusion in his eyes.

"What do you mean, mister? I'm fine!"

He smiled knowingly.
I am sososososoosoooo sorry! I haven't been on because this site doesn't work on my computer. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . ....Mia watched most of this happening. She saw Shadow talking to a little boy, So she swooped down. "What's going on?" she asked him, completely confused. "What was with the fire and the fighting and the death and the boy and the armor and...." she stopped, realizing that she was rambling. "You were right, I can fly."............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I'll be twelve in eighteen days. I read everything btw.
Shadow smiled, he had been wondering where the elf was, "honestly, I have no clue what's happening. See I sooooo told you!" he said, starting to sound childish.

OOC: then I'll not be the only one, yay!

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