Anime RPG (Open To All)

OOC: What quote?IC: shadow ran around the corner and saw Glin leaning on cross, he expected the worse, but ran over anyway.
Ooc:It can be, if you wanted. I just needed to figure out a way to get Allen behind cover, since he'll be a major part in a plot I'm thinking up. If you want it to be the same alley, it can be, but he might end up attacking her or using her as a bargaining item to be allowed safe exit away from Cross and Glin and Shadow and all the others. And the quote is 'Even in death, may I be triumphant.' :)

Ic:Glin slowly let up on the trigger, and then slumped in Cross's arms. "You would have.....killed him if you...........had drank blood.....................drink mine..............................that is my final..................................request................................" Glin told Cross. Cross nodded weakly. "As you wish,....."
Shadow kept an eye on the man with the armour, mainly because he liked the armour so much, but so he could warn someone if he ran.OOC: I need to read sone Daren Shan, it's embarrassing =>
Ooc:Lolz. I love the books. Just finishing up the series xD The movie looks stupid though. More like a spoof than a serious movie about it... :dot dot:

ic:Allen glared at Rya, than snarled something under his breath; "Душе које су проклети еонима пре, јављају и поштујте моје воље. Душу, ФЛАРЕ!" Seven souls burst out of the armor around Allen's torso, and flew straight at Rya...

Ooc:Translation (The language is Serbian) 'Souls that were damned eons ago, arise and obey my will. Soul, FLARE!'
Rya yelled out as a dark portal opened sucking the souls inside as it closed as Rya dropped to the ground fearful at what he just did.
Shadow watched as the souls fell into the dark portal, then he figured now would be a good time to make a move. He thought about running away, he thought about attaking the man, he thought about joining the man, but in the end he decided his best option would be to stay still.
OCC: sorry sorry but im bk e,e

Alex.::. he sighed of relief that the boy walked away, he started to run to his home.

Bella.::. she felt dizzy, she had to go somewhere, maybe home? a friends house? she saw some people yelling and started slowly walking toward them
Allen stared in shock at Rya, frozen in fear. " the world........" The demonic voice hissed through Allen, its voice dripping fear.


Cross leaned up from Glin, blood running down his chin. He had sucked Glin dry. 'Part of him resides in me now...' Cross thought as he wiped the blood off of his face and stood up. He picked up his sword, than turned towards the alley that Allen was hiding in. He raised his hand, and made a finger gun, than slowly lowered his thumb. A chunk of the wall that was sheltering Allen burst apart, and Cross sprinted towards Allen...


Allen whirled around as brick pieces and large rocks struck him, and he barely had time to yell in alarm before Cross was upon him. Cross' blade went through his stomach, and Allen shouted in pain...

Name: Reisuke Houjou

Age: 4

Gender: Male

View attachment 1495

Power/What Creature?: Other than being intelligent and knowing how to use poison, he has a special colouring book. It tells him the future. However, it is limited, because it only shows him doing activities during three times of the day: morning, noon, and evening. This means he gets ample time to plan out what he's going to do, and he can kill you only three times a day! Yippee~!

History: Reisuke's parents were part of a vicious yet seemingly religious cult that was massacred by unknown people. He used to live with an old couple, but he killed them, and now he lives alone. How charming!

Other: Reisuke's the bad guy. So basically, he wants to kill everybody because it's fun. You can kill him too, just don't make it messy!

Pending approval. If I don't get to kill people, I'll just be that typical psychotic kid running down the street. Sigh. But it would be so much more fun if I could kill people (or if they could kill me. That's fun, too).
Shadow Got a shock as the wall burst open, he got another shock when cross burst through. Shadow decided now was an exelent time to leave. He spun on his heels and ran in the opposite direction. He ran through the break in the allyway. Luckily for him it was still dark so not many people were around. He ran into the forest in which he had followed the elf. He ran into the cave, sat down and got his book back out, thinking if he should go back at some point, but decided to stay in the cave.
Ooc:Accepted! OOOH! One more evil person. Allen and him will make a deadly combo...looks like things are about to get even bloodier! :D

Ic:Cross tore his sword out of Allen's gut, and tried to bring it down on his head. Allen slid down to the floor, and the sword was driven into the wall. Cross tried to yank it out of the bricks, but it held fast. Allen pushed himsel across to the other building, and used his feet to stop himself. He stood up, whirled around, and round house kicked Cross in the head, who soared through the air and crashed into the middle of the street. Cross groaned, and tried to stand up, but he collapsed. Looking to his right, he saw two bright lights, and closed his eyes. "even in death...may they be they are our only hope for survival..." he whispered softly, waiting for the eternal darkness to overtake him, and take his soul away from the bloodied battle ground...
Reisuke Houjou snickered as he saw the man fall down to the ground. What a weakling. He decided to show himself from his hiding place, then and there, and take them on like an elite. They probably wouldn't think a 4 year old would be evil, so he had the advantage; the element of surprise was on his side. He quickly glanced at his colouring book and looked to see what it said for his afternoon.

I played with a man today. He looked really big, and I think I like him! I took the sword from the other man's hand, but I tripped! But it was okay, the man caught me.

He snickered again, this time slowly pulling out a bottle of cyanide and hiding it in his puppets, Lin and Len.

"I will kill them... like an elite!"

He walked out to the man, and began to run, picking up the pace.

"Hey! Big brother! Won't you play with me?"


OOC: Sorry for controlling your character for a bit, but it might help if you played along to make it work. All it's doing is describing what the kid does, not anybody's deaths. Reisuke will probably decide how to kill you from what he does. Again, you can still escape his future sight, but if you don't want to be controlled by the future diary, just let me know and I'll make some arrangements to the kid's powers.
Ooc:I'm fine with having a few of my charas controlled, but not too much. :)

Ic:Cross closed his eyes as the car approached, and as the world slowly started to fade, he heard a faint voice. He coughed a mouthful of blood out of his mouth as he tried to place where he had heard that voice before.


Allen leaned against a building's wall as blood pumped out of his stomach, but he closed his eyes, and slowly began to murmur something in a soft, ancient language. The wound slowly began to close, but his concentration broke as a voice echoed through the air and his wound burst open again, spilling blood onto the ground in a vicious torrent....
OOC: Is it alright if I get to know what's going on right now? (I actually have no idea, except for the fact that two characters were fighting each other)
Ooc:Basically a dude named Skull was trying to get mutants to kill humans. Kyle challenged him, almost died. Cross came in, killed Skull, brought everyone to Glin's house. They rested their, than 2 of the people left. Allen ended up getting chased by a gang, ran into Shadow. Shadow helped him out, but Allen ended up falling off of a roof. A demonic essence (An Elphis) Saved him, but in return was able to take control of Allen. Cross & Glin came to the rescue. Glin got killed. Cross attacked Allen. And you know the rest. (that was just a brief summary of everything :) )

Ic:The wind blew.
Sitting in the cave, shadow heard something scuttle, something big, he looked around, nothing. He heard the scuttling noise again when suddenly hundreds of spiders poured into the cave, they came from every corner, every crack and crevice. They swarmed around him, looking like they were going to attack. He sprinted out of the cave, nearly forgetting his book. His head turned back to see the spiders, not one seemed to go past a certain point, which was useful for him. His only choice was to go back to where he had ran from, he didn't trust anywhere else.
Ooc:Allen's not dead. Almost dead, but-

Ic:Allen collapsed to the ground as figures stepped out of the shadows. "Vektor...the eleventh Elphis...we have found you..." One of the figures said softly. "Pity that we have to save you. Without you the world will not fall. We have to save you to crush these pitiful humans. But, when we do, you will be our first target to destroy." Allen passed out, but he felt his wounds closing as a soft chant over took the people around him.


Cross felt weak. Terrible. How much time had passed? A second? A minute? An hour? A month? An eternity? Cross didn't know. Time seemed to have disappeared. He had felt no pain, but he figured he must be dead. Everything around him was misty. " anyone here?" He called weakly. "" A voice said. He turned around, and asked "where am I?" "You are dead..." The voice said, coming from everywhere and nowhere. "Who are you? Where are you?" Cross demanded. "Better questions would be what am I, and when am I." The voice replied. Confused, Cross stayed quiet. "I understand your wishes. I sense them. Paradise, or stay on earth? Well, you can get into Paradise for ten dollars. Or, you can stay on earth and suffer alongside the humans." The voice said cheerfully. "Well...I uh...don't have my wallet so..." Cross mumbled. "One, wow. Kinda sucks how you miss out on Paradise because you forgot your wallet. Bad luck. And two, I was joking. You are not dead. You are being reborn. Glin passed on an entire life to you. He would not have died. He thought he would, which is why he told you to drink his blood. You will go back to your allies in a minute." The voice said, depressed. "I hate it when people don't gets boring..."
Reisuke heard the figure say "crush these pitiful humans", but he was too far away to see what was going on. He smirked. Nobody was going to kill him. He would kill them, like an elite! He looked back at his diary. It seemed to have changed again.

The man was actually almost dead. There's really no fun there. But these strange figures were around him. I joined them, secretly of course, and watched. Nothing special happened, really.
Cross staggered to his feet, amazed that he had lived. He looked over to see a kid, and a group of demonic beings standing around Allen's body. Thinking Allen was dead, Cross sighed with relief...than gasped in shock as Allen slowly stood up. 'I must retreat...I must get back to Glin's, get the Flame, find the Necromancer Trainee and the Elf, and find somewhere safe to hide...' Cross thought as he snuck up behind the gorup of people and tore his sword free from the wall. He stood up, and sprinted away down the street...


Allen leaned against the wall of the building as the other Elphis disappeared. 'I feel...stronger...power...flooding through my veins...they...THEY INFECTED ME! I'm now 100% Elphis, instead of 50%....' Allen thought, shocked.
Shadow ran the way back to the ally, passing cross, but ignoring him, he ran back to where the man was, instead he saw a little boy. He thought he could see wavy figures, there was many things he saw as wavy shapes others saw as something completely different. We walked over, not thinking he was seeing much danger.
Reisuke looked and noticed the commotion. He smiled again, this time running to safety. He looked at his diary.

Somebody yelled, and now everybody knows he and another person are there. What idiots.

He anxiously waited for what might happen next.
Shadow heard cross say something, but he couldn't he what, he doubted it was too important, so he ignored him.

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