Anime RPG (Open To All)

Shadow almost burst into laughter at her, but kept it to a everwidening grin, "I've seen your wings, when we walked into the forest" he told her, "but do tell me about this carriage"
Ooc:Sorry i have been gone. I have been rather busy, with school work. Three reports, for three a lab...this week has been a nightmare! Anyways, once again, sorry for bein' absent. I shall be gone most of tomorrow and Sunday, might be on Monday. But, over all, I'm tryin' to get slightly more active. Once again, I apologize for my absence! :) And I've read all the posts. I don't think I ever insinuated that your elf was less powerful...if I did, I didn't mean to. Might have done it subconciously, maybe. Idk. I don't think I ever said your elf was less powerful though...

Ic:Glin looked at the elf and Shadow as they exited the room. "Well! I see that you are exhausted, and you don't look too good yourself Cross. Might as well get some shut eye. No use fallin' asleep on your toes while you're goin' through an ordeal such as this! Both of you, to the guest rooms." Glin said. "And you two either clear out, or take a guest room. Cross is getting ill, I can already tell, and the Flame here needs rest." Glin called to Shadow and Mia. "Cross, either you go out and get a little human blood, or I'll force my own blood down your throat while you sleep. You may be old, but not as old as me!" Glin snapped. "Alright. I shall feed at dusk." Cross said, bowing his head slightly.
Mia's eyes almost popped out of her head. "Wha-Wha-what?!?! I bu and I uh you and ACKKKK!!!!!" she screamed in frustration as she turned Anne ran. She threw open the front door and ran down the street, opening her wings along the way, taking into the air in seconds.
Shadow sighed, then stood up and walked out the door, he turned left as he did so, keeping both his eyes on the path, then without hesitating, he leaped onto a nearby building where he sat and read his book, occasionally glancing up at the sky
"As blunt as ever Glin." Cross said. "As stupid as ever, Cross." Glin countered. "I don't need children like them crowding up my house! They weren't injured, and they didn't seem to know you, OR the Flame, so why bother in letting them stay?" "Maybe because I just told you they have immense power and if they fall into the enemy's hands, they could restore their master..." Cross grumbled. "Oh...yeah...I guess there's that reason..." Glin mumbled stupidly.
OOC: oh it's great to see a new face, I'm sure everyone will be so happy.IC: every other page in shadow's book was filled with hyroglphics, he wondered why he had drawn them. He decided to put his book down and with a peaceful sigh, watched the sky, the first few stars popping into view.

I iz makin a new charrie

Name:Allen Johnson



Appearance:Dirty blonde hair and tanned, he has slightly yellow and crooked teeth, and is normally wearing baggy clothes.

Power/What Creature?:Human, no power!



Ic:Allen pressed his ear up against his apartment door. He heard several voices outside, and he slammed his shoulder into the door. The door crashed into the people outside, causing them to cry out in pain and shock. He sprinted down the hall, followed by the men who had been outside his apartment. "DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!" One of them shouted. Allen spotted another man in front of him, and leaped into the air. He slammed his foot against the wall, and propelled himself over the man's head. He sprinted towards the stair case, and paused. He looked over, and sprinted into another small hallway that led to a lone door. He leaped up and grabbed a pipe, and slammed his feet through the small window at the top of the door. He crashed into the people's apartments, and leaped over their bed, ignoring their screams. He stepped outside through the window, and leaped down onto the roof of a building next to the apartment building. He rolled at the last second, breaking his own fall, and stood up. He sprinted over to the edge of the roof, and sprinted down the stairs. He leaped through the small gap between the staircases, and grabbed the railing, pausing his fall. He continued this, then paused and looked up. All of the men had followed him. He hissed something under his breath as he dropped to the bottom of the stairs, and shakily stood up. He sprinted towards the door, then paused. 'They would expect this...' He thought. He walked over to the elevator, and pressed the up button. As the doors slid open, he walked inside, and hit the button to bring him to the top floor. He caught a brief glimpse of the men as the doors closed, and the elevator began to go up. Once he got to the top floor, he ran up the stairs to the roof. He ran over to the edge, and paused to catch his breath. He looked over to his right, and spotted someone sitting on the ledge of the roof. "Please...please" He panted.
OOC: don't worry, it wasn't that confusing, I just thought you had something planned, but ran out of letters :8D:IC: shadow heard someone ask for help, from the gaps in each word and the panting shadow could tell he had been running, with the fact he's on a roof and said help shadow presumed he was running from someone. Shadow flicked his head slightly so he could see him, stayed sitting, "well hello, so nice to see a chase going on, it is a chase, right? Anyway it's not important what's going, just what do you want help with?" shadow asked as he stood up and forced the book back in his pocket. Shadow knew if it was a chase or a fight he wouldn't be very helpful, but he offered to help anyway. Shadow caught a glimpse of the moon sliding into the night sky 'damn' he whispered under his breath as his fingernails and teeth grew, he kept his mouth shut and hid his hands hoping the man hadn't noticed.
"I getting away....from-" Allen's sentence was cut off as three of the men chasing him caught up. They raised pistols, and said "Nowhere to run now, Johnson. Gonna give us what we want?" "No...I can't....the" Allen began to back up slowly. "Give us the coordinates!" The leader of the group snarled. Allen began to say something in reply, but his foot slipped off the edge of the roof. He yelled in surprise, and tried to grab onto something as he fell, but only gripped air. He closed his eyes as he fell towards the street. "SHIT! GET HIM! MAKE SURE HE LIVES! WE NEED THOSE COORDINATES!" The leader snarled. As his two friends ran off, the leader looked coldly at Shadow. "Never wanted to do this, to anyone, but you've seen me and my allies." The leader snarled and raised his pistol....

Ooc:Lolz. :8D:
Shadow gulped in fear at the sight of a pistol pointed at him, he panicked and stuck his hands in the air, forgetting that his nails were sharp pointy and…purple
The man stared at Shadow's hands, then began to tremble. "You''re one of them.........." He stuttered. He lowered the pistol, then turned around and ran, screaming "DEMON ON THE LOOSE!"


Allen opened his eyes in the last seconds of his fall, than gasped as his fall suddenly stopped. He looked over his shoulder, and noticed that he was floating an inch above the ground. 'I have spared your life. But now, you owe me.' A sinister voice hissed in the air. 'No.........not again.............' Allen thought as he blacked out....
Shadow sighed with relief as the man ran away then looked at his purple claws "could something have happened when I took the demons' souls? Do I have claws like theirs?" he thought to himself, then remembered the man that fell off the roof. Shadow peered off the end of the building, seeing it was far to high to jump he ran off the edge and jumped for the building opposite him which was significantly lower than the one he was just on, but still slightly too high to jump from. Shadow could just see the man floating inches off the ground. The building to his left was low enough to jump from so he jumped onto that, then jumped off. He pointed himself very straight. When he neared the bottom he dug his claws into the wall to slow his descent like he had done with the tree. Shadow then ran over to the man who had appered to have blacked out.
Allen's eyes flicked open, but his eyes were now a dark, crimson red. "I HAVE RETURNED!" A voice snarled through Allen's mouth...


Cross jolted awake, his eyes wide with fear. "GLIN! GET MY SWORD!" Cross yelled, panicking, as he stood up and began to get dressed. 'Not now! Not now of all times! The flame needs rest, and I must find the others!' Cross thought as he rushed out of the room, pulling on his shoes...
Mia watched as someone plummeted hundreds of feet. She desperately wanted to help, but she knew she was too far away. She dove down to see if he could possibly have lived. She saw Shadow and veered upward, opening her wings to catch the wind. She instead flew behind Shadow and hovered 20 feet up, listening.
So I don't know if it's too late to join of not but...

Name: Kelmoran Sel

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kel short black hair, and wears white robes. On the back is a blood red pentagram. He is 6 foot, 4 inches. He has black, soulless eyes, and scar under his left eye.

Power/What Creature?: Kel has control over arcane magic.

History: Kel was born during a blood moon, and at birth killed his parents with his uncontrollable powers. He stayed alive through the power of his magic. He spends his time refining his powers and trying to understand the human race. Because he never knew any other human when he was young (as his raw power would just kill them), he doesn't understand morality.

Other:He doesn't understand any language other than the language of magic, that he learned from the whispers of power as he was young. He uses his powers to translate so he can understand others. When he speaks, people just understand what he is saying, regardless of what language they speak.
Shadow looked at the man slightly confused, but couldn't help but laugh slightly, "returned? When did you leave? Unless you count blacking out as leaving" shadow sneered. Shadow felt slightly bad after saying that, but kept a straight face. OOC: wow so many new people this is soooooooo exiting.
ooc:Accepted! And it's never too late to join Supsdog :)

Ic:Cross sped past Glin, grabbing his sword, and ripped the front door off of its hinges. "PUT THAT BACK CROSS!" Glin yelled, but Cross ignored him and sprinted away. 'How has he returned? He can't have gone done the devil a deal...could he?' Cross thought.


Allen stood up, and shadows steadily gathered around him. The shadows connected with his body, then there was a bright flash. The shadows had formed armor around his torso. " feels good to wear The Armor of Reaped Souls again..." The sinister voice snarled through Allen. "Now...let's start the killing..."
"OOOOOOOOH. That's very pretty" shadow said after the armour had surrounded the man.
Name:Rya Shirabuki/Psycho-Ry



Appearance:5'8 120'Lb Long Wavy Pink hair that falls around his feet Soft Purple Eyes. creamy skin tone, Long White shirt with White pants gray shoes has a snowflake button in his hair.

Psycho-Ry:6'6 170'Lb Ry gets Dark-Pink to his feet it becomes like needles bloodshot eyes has the look of 'The Devil' on his face somehow gets Black & Red armor & a Helmet that shows his face Gets Black Petal wings as well & a Bloody Chain-Saw.

Power/What Creature?:Nature with this he can talk any animals,Heart & Twilight &
Dark Energy Manipulation.

History:Rya's history is unknown but he is much older then he seems.

Other:Other:Has a Yuki-Onna D.N.A infused Owl that has Ice & Cold Power it is called Furosuto Karitori-ki(Frost Reaper). Also has a 3 Headed Hell-Hound that has Fire power called Eien Gouka(Eternal HellFire).And a Nature Beast called Écarlate Smert Roza(Scarlet Death Rose) all seem to be extremely nice to Rya himself.

(I'm new here)
Name: Alex

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: haired boy/hinataninja98/BlackHair-1.jpg?o=16

Power/What Creature?: human, fire

History: he was attacked when he was young and lost his parents when he used fire

Other: he is shy and hurt dont get him mad

Name: bella

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: haired girls/DarknessConsumeAll/Brown Haired Girls/snichy.jpg?o=22

Power/What Creature?: human, she sees things differently, can pick out anything a normal human cant...

History: she doesnt like to talk about it

Other: she fun and jumpy and loves to play
Ooc:All are accepted! :)

Ic:"You think this armor is pretty?" Allen snarled. "This is armor fashioned out of the souls of the people I killed with my bare hands! This is armor that is feared by any sane man! This armor could kill you, without my help! IT HAS THE POWER OF THE GODS IN IT!" As he continued to snarl, his voice rose into a yell, and he never heared the approaching footsteps. "You.........." Cross mumbled, staring at Allen as he walked up from behind him. "It was you all Elphis...trapped in a human...awakened in his last moments...fascinating...and terrifying, at the same time...."
Alex.::. he walked down the sidewalk, watching the day go by, he felt his hands go warm, he clenched his fist and stood in the middle on the sidewalk. a tear ran down his cheek. breathing hard he saw a quick flick of his past... him using fire... his parent scared half the death... the scent of death...

Bella.::. she rode down the street, rollerblading. she looked fierce, brave, independent. she was riding over to her fav. store, she was going to buy a new shirt ( :) )

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