Anime RPG (Open To All)

Shadow's eyebrow twitched slightly as he continued to focus on the bodies, "not alot, just how to take the death out from a dead sole and bottle it, I'm learning how to use that as an advantage" he told cross
"You're right, you've learned little. You've barely even scratched the bottom of the barrel." Cross took several items out of his pocket, and walked over to one of the dead demons. He began to place several of the items on the demon, while others he crushed and sprinkled over the demon. He stood up, than snapped his fingers. The body convulsed once. Than another time. Than it stood up. A bead of sweat trickled down Cross' face as he focused, than the body collapsed and he exhaled, gasping for air. "Even a master has some troubles. And my age does not aid me. I could teach you much more than just bottling souls." Cross said.
"it would be greatly appreciated." shadow said, dropping his focus on the demons.
"I must warn you though. Learning Necromancy is no easy thing to accomplish. As a creature of the undead myself, it is easier to manipulate the dead. I will only teach you what you can handle. I will teach you what Necromancers can do, and items that can help them. But, only if you are willing to go down a rough, dangerous road, that may take your life..." Cross warned.
Shadow nodded, knowing as a vimmppee he was already dead, he thought if he should inform cross about. He opened his mouth to speak, but stayed silent.
"Alright. First, I must see Glin. I have a feeling that Flame knows more than he has told anybody..." Cross mumbled as he began to walk down the street. 'These people are strong with forces they can't even comprehend. What is happening? Can we all be evolving even more than our ancestors did when they earned their powers? Are we all going to become even stronger than we already are? If we are, the world is in major risk of a third world war. Demons have started the other two, but we cannot risk a third, otherwise the world may fall into shadow...' Cross thought.
Shadow thought it would be a good idea to follow cross, he didn't want to stick around incase any more demons appeared, he also thought Glin would know why his claw pike nails, that in daylight were just nails, were tinted a deep purple.
Cross walked into the building Glin was in, and wandered around until he found him. He unsheathed his sword, and swung at the old man. Glin ducked, slid backwards, and reached up. He grabbed a knife he had used for cutting carrots, and blocked a second blow that would have taken his head off. Glin kicked Cross in the stomach, than pinned him down, panting heavily. "Old, but still got the moves. I'll beat you yet, Glin." Cross sighed. "In your dreams. You were my assisstant when I was teaching you and you'll always be nothing more than an assisstant, even if you are a full vampire now." Glin laughed as he stood up. He grabbed an inhaler, and quickly used it three times. His breathing slowed to its normal rate, and he leaned against the wall as Kyle stirred. "Waz goin' on?" He asked groggily.
Kyle looked around at everyone, than swore softly. "Was I in another damned coma?!" He yelled, panicking. "Shut up, idiot. If it were just a coma I woulda had you awake lickity split. What were you thinking, fighting a horde of demons?!" Glin snapped aggressively. He looked at Cross and asked "Who's he?! I enjoy company, but bringing in too many people causes me stress, which I do NOT need! I had enough of that when you almost tried to attack a giant on your own..." "His name is Shadow. The Flame and Elf, I do not know their names." Cross said softly. "They have much power. I want you to help me keep an eye on them. I do not wish for them to join the enemy. Darkness is already rising. If one of them were to join the other side, we may lose the war." He continued, even softer, only loud enough for glin to hear. "Fine." Gline looked at them, and said "You are all welcome to stay. You though" He pointed at Kyle "You have no choice. Three years. Least amount of time for those wounds to heal. Twenty, maybe, at the most." "I HAVE TO STAY HERE FOR THREE YEARS?!" Kyle yelled angrily "BULL SHIT!" Glin slapped him across the face, startling Kyle. "Now, use that language in my house hold again and you'll be locked in the basement for the three years." Glin snapped.
Shadow snickered slightly when Glin slapped the flame. He thought about asking Glin about his purple nails, but guessed he had more important matters to deal with.
Glin looked over at Shadow, than noticed the nails. "My my aren't one of those demons who had attacked this Flame here, would you?" Glin asked, glaring at Shadow.
Glin instantly brightened. "good! I didn't want to kill someone, not today at least. Now, why the purple nails? Are you one of them kids called the uh...the uh.... moths?" He asked. "I think you mean goths...moths are insects, Glin..." Cross said. "Oh mistake..." Glin mumbled.
"er... No, I don't think I am, I've been called goth, but I'm not sure if I am. I didn't do this to my nails. They... Er did it themselves I suppose" shadow said, thinking if he could be classed as a goth, or a moth...
The elf that is "less powerful" than shadow is offended. She has freaking WINGS! ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mia sighed as they talked. She had no clue where she was. Maybe if she did a bit of her old woodland magic, she would be able to find answers. Show was especially good at scrying, so she could tell if her parents were alive..... She drifted a bit, and came back to reality with a start. "a goth....." she heard, catching onto the end of a sentence.
OOC: rage elves are the scariest type of elf *cower behind sofa. Realise he doesn't have a sofa in his room. Cower behind pillow* IC: Shadow stopped thinking about walking into lighbulbs like a moth and turned slightly to the elf, he realised he hadn't made a proper introduction with her. He sat next to her, "hello" he said, smiling.
"and your the elf I saw earlier" shadow said, continuing the stating of the obvious
"Elventerra. It's up in the sky," she said, pointing qt the ceiling. Then she realized that she had slipped. 'Dang, they don't know about my wings!' she thought.
Mia lost her cool q bit. "Wha? No, uh, well... Are you crazy? How could I fly up there? It's- I- uh- I ride in aaaaaa carriage! Yeah, a carriage, that's right!" she said, stumbling on her words.

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