Anime RPG (Open To All)

Shadow watched in awe as the elf spread her ten foot wings and flew off, he looked around in the forest for a place to sit and read his book some more.
Mia flew for minutes, but covered distance that would have taken others hours to travel. She touched down in a clearing and pulled off a camera that had been hanging around her neck when she woke up. She knew it was her camera, because she cull still remember most of her life. She also knew that she used to travel a lot, and took pics of every place she had been. She snapped a photo of the little clearing. It was a peaceful place. The sun broke through the leaves and made the water in a running river glitter. Bunnies and deer had been frightened into the bushes upon her arrival, but now looked at her curiously. She pulled out a book and began to read.
Shadow sat in the damp of the cave flicking through the pages of the book, the book was stories he had written before he was bit, the told of magical lands in the sky, when he wrote them he dismissed them as fairy tales, or so he wrote on the inside of the book, but after everything he had seen since, he just didn't know what was true and what was a lie. He wondered what the elf was doing, but he couldn't look out of the cave because of the sun.
Mia got up. She looked up as she stretched her stiff muscles, seeing that it was night. 'perfect' she thought to herself. The best time for flying was night, because it was so beautiful and so safe. No one was going to see her if she wrapped her black cape around herself ~ no human anyway. She repeated her vertical takeoff with ease and lifted into the sky. The night was delicious on her wings, and she didn't bother with her cape as she was in the middle of the forest. She looped and dove in the night, close to the stars.
Shadow noticed the sun had set and the moon was up, he pushed his book tight into his pocket again and set foot outside the cave. He looked around at the trees, his vision much clearer, he spotted the biggest tree and walked up to it, with his hood still up, he splayed his hand, his fingernails were sharper and stronger, he crouched down until his splayed hands touched the floor, the moment they made contact he rocketed up into the air, he wasn't flying, but he had jumped a great height. He wrapped a claw like nail into the tree and pulled himself up, he looked at the amazing view from his vantage point, were he then lay down and watched the stars
Ooc:Sorry for not replying. School just got over its winter break, and I'm crammin for some classes.

Ic:Kyle looked around as more creatures started to reveal themselves. 'The city has finally come alive. We are returning to our natural order.' Kyle thought, smiling slightly. His smile faded as he heard why most creatures were revealing themselves. A voice was yelling out over the noise of the crowd; "Our time has come! Too long have we sat in the shadows! Too long have we scraped a living off of the left overs of the humans! This is our time! Man kind has ruled this world for far too long! Why should we fear to use our powers? Why should we fear to take powers from those lesser than us? We have power! More power than any human could possibly handle! We deserve to rule! We are greater beings! Some of us are even descendants from gods or have spiritual essences influencing our powers! We deserve to rule! Our ancestors created this Earth! Flames; Your ancestors created heat to allow livable areas! Ice controllers; Your ancestors froze the water that fell long ago, so that Flames could melt it, make steam, and create an atmosphere. Nymphs and Elves; You created the first plants! You created our oxygen! Air controllers; You created winds to pollinate our plants! We all created the humans world, and we gave them the planet on a silver platter! We bowed to their wishes, for no reason! WE MUST TAKE BACK WHAT IS OURS!" Several voices murmured agreement, as even more cried out approval. 'Bones. Noone else is cocky enough to try and persuade us to take over the world. I must stop this...' Kyle thought.

Ooc:Bones' bio





Power/What Creature?:Vampire, who has absorbed several other being's powers. He controls flames and air, along with electricity.

History:Bones was one of the first beings ever to walk the earth. He is a greedy, evil being that thirsts for power. He has done everything he could to achieve power. He has murdered his allies, assassinated several enemies, blackmailed thousands of people, and has even absorbed several being's powers, just to make his power even more great.

Shadow heard some foolish remarks about taking over the world. He heard something about the flames, something about the ice and something about the air, but he didn't care about any of that all he cared about was that voice it was a familiar voice, the first voice he can remember hearing... the voice behind the bite. He stopped stargazing. He positioned himself on the edge of the tree, he perched like a eagle, the tree was easily 80ft. He flung himself off the tree, but sticking near the trunk. The moment he cleared every leaf he dug his claw like nails into the tree and using them to slide down. He landed and instantly followed the voice.

Ic:"Still got hot air in that head instead of a brain, Bones?" Kyle sneered as he shoved his way through the crowd. He heard a low snarl from a young boy, 15, maybe 16, that was standing beside Bones, and he rushed forward, aiming a slash at Kyle. Bones' hand whipped out, grabbed the back of the boys shirt, and he casually flicked his wrist. The kid was flung over Bones' shoulder, and slammed into the wall. He slid to the ground, and groaned. "Pity. He was a good assisstant. Human-Vampire hibryids are not all that common. He could have been a legend." Bones sighed, not even caring. "You filth! You killed an innocent kid!" Kyle snarled, fire sparking to life in both hands. "He may have been innocent, but if he was eager enough to attack a Flame single handedly, he was reckless and idiotic too. Not worth the time for training." Bones sneered. Kyle dug his fingernails into the palm of his hand, and was barely able to stop himself from launching himself at Bones. Kyle knew that if he went into his true form, he would be able to kill Bones, but it would be suicide. Revealing your true form meant death to a Flame. They were a thousand fold more vulnerable in their true form. "Ah, you got your anger under control. Good. Good. You may have some use yet. Are you sure you do not wish to join me?" Bones asked persuasively. "Never!" Kyle spat. "Pity." Bones sighed. There was a swift blur, and Kyle was launched backwards. Bones was standing directly in front of where Kyle had once stood, his fist outstretched. Kyle skidded to a halt in the middle of the street, and a truck was barely able to stop itself from hitting him. 'Da**...his time in the Alps strengthened him...' Kyle thought angrily as he shakily got too his feet.
Shadow saw the man behind the voice, seeing his face made him furious. He watched as someone stood up against him, shadow could see life flowing out of him, he could see life alot clearer at night. He watched as the man behind the voice launched the man standing against him back. His fist tightened when he saw that.He looked over at the boy who had been launched at the wall, he Silently whispered something in his own language "miske da fatunio"
Bones stiffened as a familiar aura wafted over him. 'Where do I recogzine him?...' He wondered as he stared at shadow. Focusing on Shadow, bones didn't pay attention to Kyle, who was now on his feet. He formed a fireball in his hands, and threw it at Bones. The fire collided with Bones' shoulder, launching him into a brick wall. Kyle wiped blood off of the corner of his mouth, and sprinted towards Bones as he stood up shakily. Kyle tackled Bones, than fired two pillars of flame out of his hands, launching himself away from the wall as Bones slammed against it. "Fu** you!" Bones snarled. "That was just a small taste of the revenge I'm gonna get for you leavin' me in the Rockies. You are worthless. You promise people thing that you can never go through with." Kyle's voice suddenly sounded hollow and sad as he continued. "I trusted you. And you betrayed me.'ll die for it..." "I promised you I would blood you! You know that is against the law of the Flames! I could not risk your tribe, tracking me down, and killing me!" Bones said. "That's a lie. You never cared for our laws before. You ran because you were scared." Kyle snarled.
Shadow stiffened as the mam who bit him looked over at him, but when the man standing against him fired fire into his shoulders he relaxed slightly, he couldn't stop worrying now that the man who bit him knew shadow had not gone back to england
Kyle aimed another fireball at Bones, but several demons from the crowd tackled him, snarling angrily. Kyle struggled against the sudden attackers, but was outmatched. They pinned him to the ground as Bones looked over at Shadow. After a few seconds of utter silence, Bones snarled "YOU!" And launched himself viciously at Shadow...
Shadow panicked clueless as to what to do, he had never fought in a fight, as he fell to the ground he swiped a hand weakly in a claw Like manner
Bones laughed as he dodged the claw motion. "You've never fought anyone have you?!" He laughed. "This kill will be easier than others!" As he launched himself at Shadow again, a dark shadow passed over him. There was a sickening crunch, and Shadow flew backwards suddenly. A man in a dark cloak stood up, and stared at Shadow. In his right hand he held a sword, and he had used the handle of it to hit Bones' head. "You alright kid?"






Power/What Creature?:Vampire

History:Cross is the man who had blooded Bones. Long ago, Cross had stumbled across two young boys who had been skimming rocks on a lake. He had blooded both of them, and they took the nicknames Skull and Bones, making the group darkly known as Skull and Cross Bones. Skull died soon after the blooding from an attack from a local townsman, but Bones lived. The longer time went on, the more corrupted Bones got. Eventually, Bones took over a small Vampire Territory, and banished Cross. Cross has forever since been a mercenary.

Shadow noded silently, standing up. He noticed that the man who stood up against the man who bit him was being attacked by demons
Cross looked over at Kyle, but didn't move. 'He's a Flame. He should be stronger than this. Unless-No, he wouldn't break the ancient laws that bind them! He would risk losing his abilities! He would risk becoming mortal!' Cross thought. But as the fight went on, the realization dawned on him. Kyle had broken several ancient laws. And his powers were slowly fading away, to nothing....
Shadow looked around wondering if there was any more surpizes waiting to leap out and either help or hinder. Slightly he wondered what the elf was up to.
After several minutes, Cross sighed and finally admitted to himself the Flame would not get out alive without help. He thrust his hand in the direction of the demons, and a gust of wind flung them off of the Flame. Cross suddenly vanished, than reappeared. The demons fell to the floor, blood pumping out of their stomachs and necks. Kyle lay on the ground, panting quickly as blood pumped out of his shoulder, nose, mouth, and forhead.
Mia saw the fight. She watched as they spouted propaganda about ruling the world and other things. She hovered above the trees and watched longer as they began to fight. She marke the good and evil sides easily. But they crossed the line when the one guy ~ Bones ~ started attacking the Flame. She had once been the best of friends with a Flame, and hated it when people talked down on them. Then he involved the on vimmppee she had seen earlier ~ despite his lack of manners, she was willing to help ~ so she dove down towards the one called Bones, aiming a slash at his shoulder.
Bones, startled from the sudden attack, stiffened quickly. As the attack hit him, he felt the slash from the new attacker connect with his shoulder. He felt a searing pain as his skin was torn apart, and he cried out in pain. He jumped to his feet and tried to run away, but ran into Cross. "Going somewhere?" Cross sneered as he hit Bones to the ground. "Please don't kill me! Show me mercy!" Bones cried. "Like you showed all of your victims mercy as you ripped them apart! As you showed the Flames mercy as you invaded your lands! You do not deserve mercy! You do not deserve life!" Cross snarled. Bones froze in fear, and realized that with the demons that were once on his side dead, he was outnumbered, and he had no escape....
Shadow looked at the demons, wondering if any were dead, he focused on where they lay, most to all had died. Shadow splayed his hand in the direction of them, as he did so black shadows rose from their bodies and into his palm. Shadow sat by the bodies, with his eyes closed.
Kyle shakily tried to struggle to his feet, but that only inflicted more pain to him. "I...I'm fine..." Kyle lied. "Yes, and Bones is a generous citizen that cares for other people." Cross said sarcastically. "one of you get him to a doctor. Preferably the one on elm street. His name is Dr.Glin. Demonic name. He'll know the cures for the wounds inflicted by the claws..." 'If he's not dead or on the run....' cross didn't add.
Mia nodded. "Come on," she said, picking him up and slinging him over her shoulder. She took off and landed on elm street, knocking on the door she was suggested. She waited for a reply.

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