Anime RPG (Open To All)

Kyle moaned softly in pain as he was picked up, and soon after he blacked out.


The door of the house opened slightly, and a voice growled, "Get off my property! I do not want any more of your stupid law enforcers asking me questions! I saw what I saw, and I am NOT insane!"
Mia rolled her eyes and replyed. 'I have a wounded Flame, mister. I was sent by Cross," she said loudly, not knowing if he was too old to hear her.
Shadow took the new energy he had just taken and placed it in a glass sphere with bits of metal forming cage like handholds in the sphere. The sphere glowed black slightly then stopped, inside the sphere was nearly full of black energy. Shadow had no clue what it did. As he did so he worried about the flame's safety and wellbeing.
"You have a game that was rented by moss? What are you talking about?!" The man croaked as he opened the door farther, revealing that he was very old. He had a small device on his ear; a hearing aid, that was obviously turned off.
Mia made a gesture to her ear, as if she were pressing a button inside of it. She hoped he could tell that she was trying to get him to turn on his aid. "I said, I have a wound Flame and was sent by Cross!" she shouted as loud as she could.
The man turned on the hearing aid, than winced as Mia shouted. "Well, there's no need to yell! Bring him inside." The man snapped.
Mia smiled and shook her head at the sky. She hefted the Flame higher on her shoulder and followed him iqnto his house.
"Set him on the table lass. I'll see what I can do." The man sighed. "That Cross, always thinking that I run a hospital. Either way, always happy to help a Flame, and an ELF none the less! I have not seen one of your kind in so long! Tell me, how is Leaf? Is he well? Or have his adventures killed him?" As the man rambled on about his old adventures with his friend Leaf, he inspected Kyle. "Ah, there is the problem. Poison tipped claws from the demonic clans...Have not seen those since my time in the Underwold. Nasty place there! One demon was one thousand five hundred thirty years old! ALMOST AS OLD AS I AM!" As he suddenly started talking about the Underwolrd, he began digging in the cupboards of his kitchen. "Now...antidotes, antidotes...which cupboard were they in again?" He mumbled softly to himself.
Mia stared at the old man as he rambled on. She was kind of uncomfortable by him, as if he had once been pretty sharp. She had heard of an elf named Leaf. She knew he was looked down upon though, because he was always running from one woman to the next, then leaving to go explore one place or another. She sighed, thinking of her home. How had she gotten here?
Feeling a sudden wave of uncomfortablness coming from Mia, the man paused and said "Sorry for talking so much. Haven't had a visitor in years! Anyways, this Flame will need to stay for...I don't know how long. A year, at least, from the damage these claws dealt. How did this attack happen, anyways?"
"Poisoned tipped demonic claws do not heal shortly, lass. This one was lucky! If this were any worse, he could have had to stay here for the rest of his life!" The man sighed. "If he's lucky, a year is the shortest. Longest might be...five...maybe seven..."

Ooc:K. See you later.
Shadow stood up and turned to cross, he opened his mouth to say something, but instead just looked at his claw like nails. He looked back up to cross, "will he be ok?" shadow asked him.
"The Flame? Yes, once he gets to my friend he should be fine. He may have to stay with my friend for several years, but he will live." cross answered.
"years? Why years?" shadow asked, a little bit shocked. He glanced at his claw like nails again. He couldn't tell if they were tinted purple slightly or not.
"Poison tipped nails. The wounds will heal, but only over the length of years, and Glin has the biggest amount of antidote. He will be scarred forever. Both physically, and mentally. Those claws awaken, your worst fears and nightmares. The Flame will be unstable for a short while...that is the main reason. Glin is the only person, known to be able to heal a victim to their full health again." Cross replied.
"poison tipped claws?" shadow said slightly supprised. He kept looking at his own claw like nails, he was sure something about them had changed.
OOC: sorry for such a late reply, I fell asleep. IC: shadow noticed the sun sliding into the sky. He made sure his hood was on tight, he sat back down next to the dead demons, he kept his head down, but tried to keep up the conversation, "so he's a good doctor this Glin, is he?" shadow asked
"Excellent. My partner in a job got us into a fight we couldn't win. I suffered wounds noone should have been able to live through. All the doctors said I would die in an hour. Even the best hospitals wouldn't help me. Than Glin shows up, and saves my life." Cross replied.

Ooc:IT's alright :)
Shadow nodded silently, still sitting next to the dead demons, eyes still closed.
After a few seconds of silence, Cross suddenly said "You're not from around here, are you? I know every person in this town, but not you, or the elf. Or the flame and his two friends. New people are popping up and I don't know why...something is brewing. A dark power...I can feel it in the earth...and taste it in the air...I have a feeling...that there will be alot of death in the future if we cannot figure out what this power is..."
Shadow kept nodding "I'm not from here, I don't know about the elf or the flame and his friends." He told him.
"You have power wafting off of you...more than the Flame, or the Elf. Possibly more than me...Have you had any battle training, or power training?" Cross asked.
"hmm, I'm training in necromancery, but other than that, no" Shadow told him. Still foucusing on the dead demons

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