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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Ichigo thought about going back to her dorm and walked around the school and and saw Makoto in the principal's office. "Hey Matoko." She said casually waved at him, but he seemed a bit, dazed. "Hello...?" She said as she walked closer to him.

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Kazue chuckled and and put his hands in his pockets. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at her. "I'm not interested in starting one. I probably couldn't keep up with it. I'm joining a swim club. I think it's a good way to make friends." he said and saw someone waving to them. Kazue smiled and waved back. He looked at the girl to his side. "I'm Kazue by the way. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself earlier." he said and saw that they were coming towards them.

Emiko looked at Matoko and sighed. "We'll just forget it. Kazue's over there so let's just forget it." she said. She looked at the new girl who approached Matoko and smiled at her. "Hello there!" she greeted her before walking over to Kazue. She looked up at him and shook her head.

"Where's your shirt?" she asked him and poked his tummy. Kazue grinned and flicked her on the forehead, looking her up and down.

"Outside. Got too hot. Simple." he said and shrugged. Emiko furrowed her brows and rolled her eyes.

"Put a shirt on before we leave." she told him and looked at Matoko and Zack.

"Oh, by the way, this is Matoko and ..." she felt bad for not knowing the other two's names. Mainly because she zoned out.

Makoto was distracted by a familar, feminine voice, Echo-ing from behind him. The Boy turned around, to discover that the voice belonged to Ichigo, the Girl he met earlier together with that Connor guy... and, Suzumaki. "Oh hi there, Ichigo!", Saying her Name out loud, made him remember that it's meaning was, actually, strawberry, which he enjoyed. "What are you doing here?" The Boy ask, but his gaze wandered off again, back to Emiko, who now managed to create quite a bit of distance between him, and her. Before giving Ichigo time to answer his question, Matoko grabbed her Hand, and dashed towards the others, dragging Ichigo along with him, similar to what he did with Emiko. "Zack!, his Name is Zack!" The male continued, since he saw that she was struggling with.. either remembering his Name, or simply not knowing it. "And while we're at it, that's Ichigo!" He gestured over to said person, a smile forming on his face.

Ichigo was blushing from the inside because of the guy being shirtless, but kept a wry smile on her face. "Hello, Kazue and Co., nice to meet you." She said as she bowed slightly to both of them. As Ichigo was about to say her name, Makoto said it for her. She was relieved by it, but then knew she was probably on the brink of questioning. Plus, The girl with the pink hair seemed, well, extroverted. She just smiled and looked pretty, nothing else but to greet them. "I'm Ichigo, Ichigo Shizuka" she smiled.
Uzumati smiled at everyone, seeing as he had no friends this would be a perfect time to make some. "Hey, my name is Uzumati, I'm new here."
Riika watched the others gather around them and chuckled at the way Emiko interacted with Kazue, they looked very close. 'My name is Riika,' She introduced herself towards kazue who introduced himself to her first. Her gaze shifted towards Matoko who grabbed someone's hand and ran their way. There was also a guy with a pitch black skin, Riika didn't really thought any of it. He was just born with it. She gave a smile towards the girl whose name was Emiko and and soft smile to Matoko, glad that he joined them.

@Kawaii @MissingBolt @RubyUzumati
Kazue smiled at the new girl and then nodded to the guys. "Nice to meet you all. Any friends of Emiko's are a friend of mine." he said to everyone and looked down at the short pinkette in front of him.

"You're one to talk. I can see your bra and stomach." he said and poked her shoulder. Emiko laughed and rolled her eyes.

"We're going karaoke. Are you ready?" he asked her. Emiko looked down at herself and shook her head.

"I don't mind I guess...I have perfume in my bag." she told him and turned back to Matoko and smiled.

"Thank you, Matoko." She heard the other girl speak up and turned to her. "It's nice to meet you, Ichigo!" she waved to her and put her hands behind her back. She noted that she liked the way her eyes complimented her pale-ish skin and dark colored hair. She then heard the guy from earlier and bowed slightly to him.

"It's nice to meet you Uzumati." she smiled at him. Earlier she only had Kazue but now she was surrounded by friends. She really loved this. She couldn't help but giggle at her predicament.

@Kawaii @RubyUzumati
Being distracted by all of These People surrouding him, Matoko released Ichigo from his grip, ot even realising it. He then turned towards the Boy, who Emiko already spoke to earlier, which he didn't notice since he was chatting with Ichigo at that Moment. "Hi there, my name's Matoko, nice to meet you!", The Boy stated, giving Uzumati his usual, cheerful smile.

He then shifted his gaze over to Riika. "Seems like we always end up re-united, huh?" Matoko chuckled at is comment, letting his eyes locked on to Riika.

@Kawaii @RubyUzumati
Riika smiled at the black boy and listened to the conversation of Emiko and Kazue. 'I want karaoke.' She said between the conversation with a smile on her face. 'But I'll change out of my school uniform first." With that she ran off towards her dorm and quickly dressed nice, spraying some perfume here and there. Even with Kazue saying that she smelt nice, she wanted to smell nice for sure. The girl turned back and re did her hair. 'I am ready!' She wore her favorite black striped lousy t-shirt and short black shorts with grey sneakers underneath it plus a pink hoodie on her platinum blond hair. 'Oh and yes Makoto.' She grinned, she totally forgot to reply to him earlier.

@You all by principal thing
"Thanks!" She smiled. Ichigo noticed that she was a bit taller than Emiko and then sighed internally. Ichigo's emerald eyes scanned everyone in the group, then said, "I'm gonna change, if it's okay with you guys" she said as she smiled sheepishly. She just met the group but eventually just went with it. "Well, I'm gonna have fun.."

@lonecoyote @BobbyW @Hobbesisalive

@Everyone else
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Kazue watched as people separated to go change. He figured he should get a quick shoer and change so he'd look nice. He tapped Emiko on the shoulder and tilted his head back a bit. Emiko looked at what he was doing and nodded.

"I think I need a quick shower and fresh clothes. I'll be back in a bit!" she told the group and grabbed Kazue's hand.

"Well, I guess I'm going too. We'll catch up! If not, here's my number." he said and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and scribbled his number down.

"Just in case you all decide to leave before we get back." he said and jogged with Emiko back to the dorms.

@Everyone Who They Were With
Matoko watched as Riika wandered off, into the direction of her dorm, ignoring, or maybe just forgetting him. "..Well if it's gonna be like this i'm going to Change out of my uniform too, be right back!" And with that, Matoko ran off himself, similar to how Riika did. He slammed open his door, trying to take as Little time as possible. Matoko scrambled through his closet, it was at that time, that he realised, organizing his belongings would've ACTUALLY had benefits. He managed to pull out a few possible Outfits for him to wear for the bar, he didn't want to go over-dressed... but then again, looking like a homeless Person wasn't really his style either. The teen decided to go with something in between both of them, quickly chaging into a black Dress-Shirt, and an beige jacket he had llying around somewhere. Then, Makoto quickly returned to where the Group was located, in front of the princpal's, Managing to even return before Riika did.

...Is she blind, or why exactly didn't she notice my changed Outfit? He thought, when Riika returned to the Group, responding to his earlier Statement. But to be honest, she really only took a quick glimps at him, so it wasn't impossible to not-notice. Good, that i didn't go full Gentleman on them. The teen thought, analyzing Riika's Outfit, then turning towards Emiko and Kazue, and giving them a nod, as a Response

@MissingBolt @Hobbesisalive @etc.
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"Okay, Thank you." Ichigo said calmly as she went to her dorm and showered, excited about the Karaoke thing. She then grabbed a simple outfit and smiled at it, not changing her hairstyle. The girl swiftly blow dryed her hair and tied her hair into low pig tails with her long waist length hair. She got into her outfit. She didn't want to look Too weird or too fancy so she went with a basic skirt above her knees and a white shirt, simple and nice. She walked on outside looking at everyone. She smiled at them, not really knowing what to say.


@Everyone in the group
Yumi blinked as soon as her dorm mate started to shift in their hug. "Oh! Sorry!" She apologised awkwardly and released Jethro from her grip, returning to her position on the bed. Her eyes flickered around the room as she listened to parts of the conversation Jet was having with Aiko, playing with the hem of her skirt. She was still pretty giddy from doing the handstand. Honestly, as silly as it sounded, Yumi felt like she could take on the world at the moment. A laugh escaped her mouth at the thought, and she shook her head in amusement.

At the mention of karaoke, the teen's head lifted and her eyes focused on her dorm mate. She wasn't the best singer, but it sounded like fun. "I'm in!" She agreed with the others. Well, all but Aaron. "So you have no free time?" The question was rhetorical, so she didn't expect a reply, but it was still a sad fact. "That's awful..." The girl sighed. "... I'll make sure to visit you there sometime! Same with the others! You won't be left out on anything new that way!" Yumi beamed at the teen in an attempt to cheer him up. It didn't seem to work at the time though, as a glare was shot her way from him, confusing her immensely, but the reason was soon revealed.

"W-w-what?" Face turning tomato red, the brunette stared at Aaron in slight shock at the sudden statement. "Wh-what brought that on...?" She questioned as she hid behind her hair, eyes now downwards, studying her lap. "I don't even like Ryuzaki in that way... He k-kissed me, remember?" Yumi hated talks like these, so when Connor spoke up, she was grateful for the distraction. "O-oh yeah! The letter!" She reached over and patted her notepad, "It's in here, I'm just going to read it tonight when I'm alone. It feels better that way, since letters are private." The brunette explained to the other, resting the notepad beside her. At the mention of the band, her brows rose, impressed. "You were? That's amazing!" Yumi praised, straightening her posture in excitement. "That means you're going to be brilliant when we go to karaoke! Oooh, this is going to be even more fun now!" She smiled brightly, clasping her hands together.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @True Queen Ashe @Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
Riika saw Matoko looking at her and she looked back at him, noticing that he changed outfits. She poked him on the shoulder and let her eyes scan his clothes. 'When did you change?' The girl chuckled. It was a day full of fun and Riika felt excited about the people she met and the karoake. She couldn't sing at all, but she was going to do it anyway. When she was young she and her sister used to go out to kareoke bars a lot. The two of them were terrible with singing but didn't hold back at all. And Riika wasn't planning on holding back tonight as well, she wanted others to hear her terrible voice.

@BobbyW @lonecoyote etc.
"s..stop it your makeing me blush" Connor said looking at Yumi as he then took out something "i...i got a copy of our cd you can downloade it on your computer if you want." he said handing it to her he was trusting her with it. "you can just listen to it for a few days and copy them to your computer" He said smieling lightyl at her as he then handed her the CD. He then continued to wonder what she really thought of him. He was quiet hapy that she took a lot of intrest in his band "do you want me to tell you more about it while the others get it set up?" he said smiling lightly he felt comfortable at the school now not totally comfortable to comfortable enough to not be shy around his class mates.

@Leaf Fi
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura felt relieved to hear that she got her work, with a sigh he sat down beside her on the bench and looked around; situating the papers in his hands.

"Why're you alone? Shouldn't you be with some friends?"

He asks with a look of concern; being the counselor and all.

Matoko shifted his gaze towards Riika, and suddenly realised something, Huh... that's how Ichigo managed to Change her Outfit earlier... she sure IS fast... "Well, i'm a ninja!" Matoko answered, chuckling a bit. it was the same answer Ichigo gave him earlier, when he asked her that question. The Boy thought about if he's going to sing or not, to be honest, he didn't know how he would sing, it could be completely terrible, or even decent, he never really tried it. Oh well, there's a first time for everything.

@The Karaoke peeps.
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