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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Makoto chuckled at the thought, that the others are basically just playing a huge prank on both him and Riika, but didn't really put much trust into it, as well as that they're doing it on purpose, it wouldn't make any sense, after all. He crossed his arms, and tilted his head back, leaning against Riika's. "Well, that wouldn't really make any sense, wouldn't it?" Makoto stated, sighing. this really was weird.

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Connor slipped in after her as he then sat next to her "you got that right you know im being honest you were the one who started me getting ym comfidence back....thank you" he said looking at her getting close as he then begun to hug her tightly as he continued hug yumi/ He knew she didn't know him that well but she might know how much this was for him/ He continued to wonder if she liked this unlike the other boy Connor was more kind to women.

@Leaf Fi
Jean slid all the way to the back onto the seat of the limo across from Jethro and Yumi. Jean checked her phone to see if she had battery life on her phone to video tape her friends. "Um, if you guys don't mind. I would like to video tape you guys singing or lip syncing. I like to make videos of fun event with friends and others so that I can mash the videos together on a CD and have something that I can look back to." Jean asked blushing slightly. She found this hobby of hers weird and was ready to hear her friends opinion on it.
Wataru said:
If Koichi was already nervous before seeing Hajime's reaction, his feelings could not be described. He and Aiko were walking to the principal's office when they saw a huge poster with "Dorm Information" written on top of it, "Ah, this might be the solution for all this confusion" Koichi thought tremendously relieved. The poster showed everyone's dorm mates
"Ichi... Ichi..."

Ichikawa Koichi->Ueno Aiko

"EEEHHHHH, so it wasn't a mistake at all!?" the boy exclaimed loudly, when he looked to the side, saw a completely speechless Aiko, as if she just saw a terrible murder right in front of her. The two came back to the group, without exchanging any words on the way back. "U-um, i guess it wasn't a misunderstanding afterall" he said shyly and afraid of how Hajime would react.

The boy noticed that it became a little awkward, it were only minium moments of silence between the words that gave him that feeling, but it soon became normal again once he started with teasing. Satsuki slapped his own forehead and threw a pillow to the male. Without saying anything he leaned against the wall. 'I've never been in love dumbass.' It suddenly got out and looked the other way. He had been in love, one time. Only one time, with his best friend. He never told him and now they didn't have contact anymore due to school and moving blablabla. Satsuki sighed and felt that this conversation somehow took a wrong direction. It remained awkwardly silence, or so he thought.

Riika felt the back of his head against hers. It made her feel like she had someome to fall back on, even when they just met eachother today. She felt really relaxed around Matoko, well everyone did actually. Riika noticed that he wasn't that tall, but still taller then her. "Well god knows? Maybe they are laughing their asses off now?" She chuckled and wiped a hair out of her face, putting it behind her ear. "But I actually don't really mind." She said way less confident.


Suzumaki sat beside Jean in the limo; propped up on her knees she faced the opposite way of how you're supposed to sit and stared out the window.

She hummed a song to herself, "Do, do, do do, bum bum!....Ah?" her hums stopped when she noticed a tall, white haired boy with a cigarette in his mouth running down the sidewalk trying to dodge oncoming people.

"Oi, oi!" She said and tapped Jean's shoulder then point to him, "Doesn't he go to our school?"

She looked back at Yumi, "Isn't that your boyfriend Yumi?" She said with a cheeky grin; oblivious to the fact that he's just a jerk who forced a kiss onto her.

Suzumaki hadn't actually seen the kiss because she was being lectured but she has already heard about it.

@Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier @Aero @drummerboi
"No" Jethro replied to Jean not even making any eye contact with her at first. He waited a bit before smiling and glancing at the girl, "I'm just playing. Sure, sounds awesome". The guy adjusted his position before closing his eyes and resting his head back against the limo wall, "It'll be a great work of art". The driver closed the door and drove off once the whole group entered the limo. Yes, Jet fell asleep again. Soon, the limo pulled up into the campus parking lot. The driver got out before opening the limo door.

@Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @drummerboi

"Oh look at the long car!" Hazel exclaimed jumping up and down. "That's a limo" Ryu bluntly stated before making his younger sister stay still. "Eh? I wish Jethro was here to see this" The young girl said keeping her gaze on the long vehicle.
"Really?" Yumi blinked in slight shock. "Well, you're welcome! I'm happy I got your confidence back," she said before reciprocating the hug. Her eyes flickered over to Jean at her question and she nodded happily. "Sounds okay to me! That's a great idea!" Yumi beamed over to the red head, pulling away from Connor. "You'll have to show us the finished product though, okay?" She held out a her pinky finger to Jean.

"W-what?" Yumi could automatically guess who the guy Suzumaki was referencing to. The image of Ryuzaki's smirking face ran through her head and she blushed heavily, shaking her head side to side madly. "H-he's not my boyfriend, Suzumaki!" She squeaked before hiding her tomato red face in her hands. How did she hear about that kiss!?

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi @Aero @RyanJXavier
Matoko chuckled as a Response to Riika's first comment, closing his eyes. This Moment felt similar to the one on the Roof a few hours ago, at least before half of his tagged along, and Riika decided to just peace-off. The Boy was a Little confused because of her second comment, as he was able to hear the lack of confidence in her voice, but he decided to leave it as that. Maybe it was must his Imagination, after all. "...Ever since we've met on the rooftop today, you and me... have always found ourselves together, even after the others, we might've been with left." His voice had a soft, but serious tone to it, and echoed through the empty halls.


Ryuzaki was too focused on making it to work on time to notice the limo from school.

He knows that if he comes in late one more time he'll get fired, "Dammit..." he thought to himself as he realized he was already two minutes late.

"No, no, no..."

Quickly he flung the entrance to the café open and was ready to dart into the back to change when he noticed a few people making their way out; he held the door open for them, tapping his foot.

"Come on...hurry."

Once they were through he gave a fake, twitching smile, "Have a nice day." then darted past some customers and made his way through a "Employees Only" door.


Suzumaki's smile flat-lined when Yumi turned red and denied the relationship between her and the smoking, white* haired boy.

She tilts her head as the limo comes to a stop, along with the engine, "He's not? But...he kissed you? Doesn't that mean he likes you?"

Not necessarily....

@Aero @RyanJXavier @drummerboi @RyanJXavier
Riika raised her eyebrows when the boy began to talk and then staryed laughing. "You made it sounds like a cliche romantic movie." The girl laughed some more and patted him on the back. "But I know what you mean Sir Goldfish." She chuckled and sat against the wall. "We must have an invisible string tied to us both." She chuckled and looked to the sky out the window. "But ehm, where are the others actually."

What Chihiro did and offered didn't calm him down any bit. He rejected the cookie and turned to them coming back and giving him the news. His hands quickly balled up as he looked at Koichi. He couldn't hit him. Aiko liked him and they were friends.

He instead punched the wall.

Yup. The wall that held the gate in place.

"Don't you fucking dare lay a finger on Miss Aiko." He said, hand throbbing and possibly bleeding. "You may not keep your finger if you do." He said before walking off to the nurses office.

Aiko was, to say the least, shocked. She was roomed with a boy, Hajime surprisingly didn't murder Koichi and she was left alone with Chihiro and Koichi. "U-uhm..." She said, breaking the silence. "T-that was.... I-interesting." She said, turning to look at angry Hajime who then dissapeared into thw school building. Her gaze was then directed to the wall that was a bit cracked. She winced and looked down and looking at her hands that was clutching her book bag. "S-sorry about that, K-koichi-kun..." She whispered. Her face was the same shade of a tomato by this point. "At least I-I kind o-of know my r-r-roomate." Aiko said, trying to lift the mood.

Ringo caught the pillow and put it between him and the chair. "Neither have I, 'dumbass.'" He quoted, smirking. When Satsuki didn't respond, he frowned slightly. "Hey, are yo-" He was cut off by a male storming into the office, holding out his hand. At first, it didn't look tgat bad until he came closer. Ringo's eyes widened as he got up and forced the male into the seat as he searched through his supplise. When he came back, he started working on the boys hand. "What in the world happened?!" He said. The boy whispered what he did and Ringo felt like face-palming. "You.... Punched a wall?" He asked, seeing the boy nod nonchalantly. "What's your name?" Ringo asked, starting to wrap his hand. He noticed that the boy shifted his gaze toward Satsuki when he said it. "Nice to meet you. Now don't punch any more walls. I'm going to call your pare-" Before he could finish, the boy jumped up and said to Satsuki, "We're going to a karaoke bar, meet at the gate." He said barely above a whisper and left. "Well then..." Ringo mumbled, wondering what got him so upset to punch a wall. He went over to the computer and inputted the information before suddenly stopping. 'Hajime's a... Girl? That can't be right...' He thought, not getting to bothered about it. He'd ask the administration later.

Yumi shifted one of her fingers to the side so a green eye could look at Suzumaki. "I-I dunno! Earlier h-he said he did... B-but..." Once again, she shook her head from side to side with an embarrassed squeak. At this point, she honestly didn't know what to think. The whole scenario still messed with her head, and she couldn't decipher it at all. It was horrible... "I just don't know..." Yumi admitted with a flustered smile before turning to Jethro, shaking him gently to wake him up.

@Suzumaki @RyanJXavier @Aero @drummerboi
Jean frowned a little at what Jethro said until he smiled and said he was kidding. Jean giggled at his joke and laughed when he fell asleep right after. Jean nodded and tied her pinky with Yumi smiled. "Pinky promise." She said chuckling a bit. Then Jean felt a tap on her shoulder and saw it was Suzumaki. She looked out the window and saw Ryuzaki for a minute till he disappeared. Jean then turned back around to see flustered Yumi denying that Ryuzaki as her boyfriend. @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @drummerboi
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Matoko jumped a Little when Riika started laughing, he really didn't expect her to react in that manner. Way to ruin the mood... He sighed, oving to the wall on the opposite sideof the one, Riika decided to sit against and did the same. He decided to let that one tease slip passt him, to concentrate on their current conversation. Let's see.... "Well... Kazue... i think that was his Name?... and Emiko headed back to their dorms to get ready... Ichigo as well... then there would be Zack and the new guy, that decided to join us. Matoko took another look around him, to make sure he was absolutely right about the fact, that they were alone. "...Maybe they've returned to their dorms as well?" Since most of the others did so, the assumption was a realistic one.

Satsuki suddenly felt bad for acting weird and wanted grin and explain that everything was alright, when suddenly a boy stormed in. His hand was serious wounded and the boy let a trail of little drops of blood behind him. Ringo immidiatley got to his supplies and handled the patient with care. Even a child could see that Ringo cared about helping people. He really is a nice guy huh. The boy suddenly invited him out for kareoke. But he waved it away, the last time he went to a bar was too long ago. "Hey doc, what did he do to hurt himself? Looked prettt serious." The boy picked up the conversation as if nothing happened and smiled brightly. "Oh and your white coat has a couple of blood stains." He added to tease the male



She was surprised that the boy didn't react on her teasing. Did he want a serious conversation? The girl tried to lock eyes with him when he slid down the wall on the opposite of hers, her shoes almost touching his. "Hm, they will be right back then." She smiled and pulled up her knees, her arms wrapping around them. This conversation was turning out weird and she could feel how an awkward silence was developing. Riika remained silent and sometimes shifted her gaze towards his, but mostly she was looking everywhere except his way.

Jethro slowly opened his eyes to see Yumi shaking him, "Thanks, Yumi". He sat himself back up before heading out the limo. Hazel's eyes widened at her brother's sudden exit from the limo. "J-j-jet?" She said as her eyes glowed. Ryu furrowed his brows and made his way over to his younger brother, "Going out already, eh? Did you finish your homework?" "NICE CAR!" Hazel yelled pushing Ryu out of the way and jumping onto Jethro. "Huh?" Jet gave off a confused look to his two siblings. He slightly stumbled back, but managed to keep his balance as he held Hazel in his arms. "Where'd you get it, huh?" The young girl questioned before squinting her eyes. "Do you have a girl friend already?...ah who am I kidding" She continued. Jethro's facial expression managed to change throughout the whole rapid fire question session. First he was surprised, then confused, and finally ( -_- ")
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki suddenly felt bad for acting weird and wanted grin and explain that everything was alright, when suddenly a boy stormed in. His hand was serious wounded and the boy let a trail of little drops of blood behind him. Ringo immidiatley got to his supplies and handled the patient with care. Even a child could see that Ringo cared about helping people. He really is a nice guy huh. The boy suddenly invited him out for kareoke. But he waved it away, the last time he went to a bar was too long ago. "Hey doc, what did he do to hurt himself? Looked prettt serious." The boy picked up the conversation as if nothing happened and smiled brightly. "Oh and your white coat has a couple of blood stains." He added to tease the male


She was surprised that the boy didn't react on her teasing. Did he want a serious conversation? The girl tried to lock eyes with him when he slid down the wall on the opposite of hers, her shoes almost touching his. "Hm, they will be right back then." She smiled and pulled up her knees, her arms wrapping around them. This conversation was turning out weird and she could feel how an awkward silence was developing. Riika remained silent and sometimes shifted her gaze towards his, but mostly she was looking everywhere except his way.

Ringo chuckled at the question, "He... Uhm... Yeah, he punched a wall. From how bad it looked, he punched it pretty hard, maybe even chipped it. I'm honestly surprised he isn't in tears." Ringo said, then looking at his coat when he said that. "Oh. My shift's over so.." He quickly took it off, revealing pants, a white button up, collared shirt with a pastel colored sweater over it. He re adjisted his flower crown that was on his head and put the coat in a bin that was next to his desk. "How do I look?" He asked, doing a turn and then posing before falling into fits of laughter.
Matoko was able to feel how the atmosphere slowly began to change, and the silence between them didn't really help the cause. The Boy noticed how Riika started to avoid eye contact after a Little while, his heart starting to pound faster and faster every second that silence Held on. At some Point, He was wondering how she wasn't able to hear his heart beat, that's how unconfortable this Situation made him feel, really. Alright... that's it,.. i have to do... something Makoto started hectically analyzing his surroundings, searching for anything, what might just change, or at that Point provide a subject, but, since this WAS an empty hallway, his Options were Slim. Out of Desperation, Makoto suddenly stood up from the ground, walked over to Riika, crouched down in front of her to be on the same height, and.... presst his index finger against her nose, saying, "Boop!"


Suzumaki exited the vehicle only to see Jethro being attacked, she took a defensive stance and pointed at him, "Don't let them get the upper hand!"

She says as she begins hopping, with her fists balled up, around the random guy who looked a bit older than Jet.

"Put'em up!" She states with a growl in her voice.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @drummerboi @Leaf Fi
Jean walked out of the limo from the other side. She walked around the back of the limo and stood behind Jethro. She didn't want to interrupt his conversation with a young looking chatty girl. 'I wonder who she is and the guy behind her too.' Jean thought and looked behind the chatty girl at the guy with furrowed eyebrows. Jean blinked and had a surprised expression when Suzumaki came and was about to start a fight with these people. "Suzumaki I think they're friendly." She said trying not to start violence over something silly. @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
Satsuki chuckled and shrugged. "Well everyone has another way off showing rage." He chuckled and watched how Ringo undid himself from the half red coat. He was actually caught off guard with the sudden question and didn't know how to respond till the nurse laughed. "You look totally handsome." Satsuki said chuckling while pulling out his hoodie out of his pockets. He shove it over his black hair and grinned. "But you are never going to beat me mister nurse!"


Riika felt her body stiffen up. It felt like of she made a sudden move that the situation would get even worser. She also noticed that Matoko really didn't like it at all too. She looked around her, trying to come up with a subject or something she did when in such situations, but she couldn't find any. How was she able to talk with him before? Everything that was normal first turned awkward. Riika was about to sigh when the boy got on hus feet and walked towards her. For a second she had weord thoughts running trough her head and she didn't dare to breath. When suddenly he just touched her nose and said boop. Riika didn't move and looked him in the eye as some rabbit ready to get killed. "Huh?" Was all she could respond to ..this.


-You made me laugh there! x3
"No problem." Yumi nodded and made her way out of the limo after her dorm mate, pausing outside at the sight of two people. A little girl was in Jethro's arms, expression bright and eyes shining, meanwhile the older male looked on, amused. The blond had mentioned his little sister when they were discussing rules, so it didn't take a genius to connect the dots. "You didn't tell me you had such a cute little sister, Jethro," Yumi smiled as she studied the two newcomers. "Nor did you say that they were coming. We could have made them something."

@RyanJXavier @Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
"Yes, yes, it's a friend's, no" Jethro replied glancing back and forth at both of his siblings. He saw Suzumaki cheering him on as if it were some kind of fight. It felt like it at first. But once he had answered all the questions, his siblings relaxed. "Okay! Well I just wanted to surprise you" The young girl grinned before kissing Jethro's cheek. Ryu coughed a bit off to the side. "What?! YOU didn't want to surprise him. YOU wanted it to be lame and stuff" The eight year old girl clarified before looking over at the people who exited the same limo Jethro was in. Hazel listened intently to Yumi before smiling, "I like her!" She quickly jumped out of Jethro's arms and ran over to Yumi, "Pleasure to meet you, miss. I'm Hazel, and that over there is Ryu. We are Jet's siblings". Jet nodded before saying, "Hazel and Ryu this is Yumi, Jean, Suzumaki, and Connor".

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Aero
He suddenly regretted coming up with this... 'Plan' of his, how did he even expect her to react to that? how would HE have reacted if she did that with him? The Boy felt how sweat was starting to build up on his forehead, his whole face was red and he felt like he was suffocating. WHY DID I EVEN DO THIS! DEAR GOD! EVEN SILENCE IS BETTER THAN THAT!

He yelled at himself in his thoughts, but then got to realise, Alright... i already started this now, there's no turning back! Makoto took Riika's index finger with his other Hand, and placed it on his own nose, again, saying "...Boop!" ...Please... someone kill me right now....



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