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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jean let out a little wave. "Hiya." She said with a smile. She watched the little girl, Hazel was her name run over to Yumi and giggled a bit. 'Little kids are adorable!' Jean thought smiling.
Connor got out of the limo as e then wondered why ther was a little girl there. Once he relised that thay were his siblings he started to lok troubled by that. Not that he had a problem but he just rememberd his brother's birthday and death was coming up next week. he kind of felt a little sad about it and it was clearly visile on his face. He sighed a little and looked at the sky. He then looked back down on the ground again kind of like what he used to do back at the school. Still with that sad look on his face.
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki chuckled and shrugged. "Well everyone has another way off showing rage." He chuckled and watched how Ringo undid himself from the half red coat. He was actually caught off guard with the sudden question and didn't know how to respond till the nurse laughed. "You look totally handsome." Satsuki said chuckling while pulling out his hoodie out of his pockets. He shove it over his black hair and grinned. "But you are never going to beat me mister nurse!"

Riika felt her body stiffen up. It felt like of she made a sudden move that the situation would get even worser. She also noticed that Matoko really didn't like it at all too. She looked around her, trying to come up with a subject or something she did when in such situations, but she couldn't find any. How was she able to talk with him before? Everything that was normal first turned awkward. Riika was about to sigh when the boy got on hus feet and walked towards her. For a second she had weord thoughts running trough her head and she didn't dare to breath. When suddenly he just touched her nose and said boop. Riika didn't move and looked him in the eye as some rabbit ready to get killed. "Huh?" Was all she could respond to ..this.


-You made me laugh there! x3
Ringo bowed when he said he looked handsome, "Why, thank you, kind sir." He said, still trying to recover from his little laugh. When he pulled out his hat, he started laughing again. "Of course!" He said, grinning. "Now... What to do?" He said, using his pointer to tap his lip, thinking. "Oh! I know!" He said, quickly leaving his office and grabbing two pairs of crutches and running back in, handing a to him. "I used to do this all time. You walk around pretending your crippled and find someone. You walk close to the and oretend like they knocked you over, and then see what they do. It's really entertaining." He said, smirking as he adjusted the crutches the the correct height, "Need help?"

Suzumaki halted her fighting stance once corrected by Jean, she began scratching he back of he head, "Oh...wa..aha ha...sorry..."

she says as she pats Jet's older brother on the back.

She was soon startled to see the little girl run over to Yumi and grew defensive once again.

Standing beside Yumi she hugged her arm, "....I'm older than you..." she says while pointing at the girl with a jealous pout.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @drummerboi @Leaf Fi
Riika still looked at him with the same eyes. She was caught too off guard to respond normal and started to blush herself. The two of them looking like tomato's. Matoko then took her index finger and placed it on his own nose. She blinked a couple of times before realizing what was happening. "Boop?" She repeated him with a soft voice. They still sat red as tomato's touching eachtothers noses. If someone saw them right now then..then...Riika pulled her finger back real quickly and started to chuckle i credibly awkward. "Ha..ha...ha.." okay this had to stop right now so she stood up and walked towards the window. "Let's wait outside for them! I can see the Aaron group." She smiled, still a bit akward and acted like nothing of this happened.


Satsuki laughed and raised his eyebrows when the nurse suddenly left and came back with two crutches. "You have some crippled humor." He said with a small smirk. Satsuki shook his head when he asked if he had to help, he was already done after he finished his sentence and got on his feet."Lead the way partner im crime" the boy added, his smirk growing on his face.

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Yumi had to admit; Jethro's siblings were pretty adorable. Her eyes flickered downwards as the young girl planted herself in front of the teen. She listened to the introduction given to her and smiled. Hazel was just too cute! "Nice to meet you, Hazel. As your brother said, I'm Yumi." The brunette made an attempt to hug the little one but found herself being pulled back by Suzumaki. Yumi glanced between the two before ruffling the orange haired girl's hair, "Hazel's sweet, you don't need to worry." She comforted the girl with a soft laugh.

@RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
Ryu just nodded at Suzumaki before she went over to Hazel. Hazel smiled at Jethro's new friends, but paused when she saw Suzumaki. "Hello, one who is also older than me!" The young girl waved before pulling both Suzumaki and Yumi into a hug. "Oi I'm going to get my car. Focus on your studies, Jet" Ryu said before giving Jethro a bro hug and walking away. Jet just watched his charismatic younger sister do her thing. She was probably going to scold Ryu for his boring-ness once they got back home.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki relaxed as Yumi began to ruffle her hair, she reacted similar to a cat.

She gently lets go of Yumi's arm and begins looking at the little girl like she just won at the crane machine until all of a sudden she is pulled into a hug.

With a red face, Suzumaki began to fidget, "W-waaah....umm..I..." Affection isn't something she's good with.

@Aero @Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier @drummerboi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30ccd7b4_BoastingPose2.jpg.783df44b57f904c39a839617395c833f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30ccd7b4_BoastingPose2.jpg.783df44b57f904c39a839617395c833f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Connor looked at the two young people in front of him. He just couldn't stand it anymore "im im sorry i i need a moment alone" he said to everyone as he then continued to have the troubled expression on his ace as he last saw Yumi before he left. He then continued to walk until he saw a bench near the karioky place he sat down and just sug a song in english it was from his second favor Disney film Mary Poppins "wind's in the east mist coming in like something is brewing about to begin i can't put my finger on what lies in store i fear what's to happen all happend before" he sung in English. He then sighed as he cry ed a little as a tear fell onto the path

@Leaf Fi
Corgi said:
What Chihiro did and offered didn't calm him down any bit. He rejected the cookie and turned to them coming back and giving him the news. His hands quickly balled up as he looked at Koichi. He couldn't hit him. Aiko liked him and they were friends.
He instead punched the wall.

Yup. The wall that held the gate in place.

"Don't you fucking dare lay a finger on Miss Aiko." He said, hand throbbing and possibly bleeding. "You may not keep your finger if you do." He said before walking off to the nurses office.

Aiko was, to say the least, shocked. She was roomed with a boy, Hajime surprisingly didn't murder Koichi and she was left alone with Chihiro and Koichi. "U-uhm..." She said, breaking the silence. "T-that was.... I-interesting." She said, turning to look at angry Hajime who then dissapeared into thw school building. Her gaze was then directed to the wall that was a bit cracked. She winced and looked down and looking at her hands that was clutching her book bag. "S-sorry about that, K-koichi-kun..." She whispered. Her face was the same shade of a tomato by this point. "At least I-I kind o-of know my r-r-roomate." Aiko said, trying to lift the mood.

Koichi was petrified with Hajime's reaction, he has been a peaceful guy for all his life, definitely wasn't used to this kind of thing, and wasn't sure if there was something between Aiko and Hajime. And he was too afraid to ask this point, but something inside him, actually wanted to know if there was something or not, he didn't know how to explain what he was feeling at that moment, but it was like an arrow of light had pierced through his heart. "Is it love? No, it can't be.". But he still needed to know "Nee, Aiko-chan is there something between you and Hajime-kun?"
Makoto saw how Riika started blushing herself, as if trying to compete with his own redness, when She herself, repeaded his... 'Words'

in a questioning manner. Everything came down to that single Moment, they would either be able to break the ice again... or make this Situation ten times more uncomfortable..... and unfortunatly... Option two, was the outcome. Riika tried to fake a laughter, in an awfully robotic manner, She then stood up and walked towards the window, announcing that the... 'Aaron group' arrived at the School. She probably tried to ignore what just happened, but you couldn't really blame her for that. Matoko, didn't really listen to her, he was still frozen, on that exact spot, his index finger now just pointing to the wall, and his other Hand, looking like it was Holding an invisible microphone to his mouth.

"U-U-Uhmm!" was all that he managed to force himself to say, and you were able to hear that.

Yumi really, really liked this little girl. Dare she say it; she was kinda like a younger, more naive Suzumaki. The brunette wrapped her free arm around Hazel, squeezing her gently in the hug. "This here is- Woah, Suzumaki, are you okay?" Yumi asked in worry as she took in the sight of her red face. "You're not sick, are you?"

@RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
drummerboi said:
Connor looked at the two young people in front of him. He just couldn't stand it anymore "im im sorry i i need a moment alone" he said to everyone as he then continued to have the troubled expression on his ace as he last saw Yumi before he left. He then continued to walk until he saw a bench near the karioky place he sat down and just sug a song in english it was from his second favor Disney film Mary Poppins "wind's in the east mist coming in like something is brewing about to begin i can't put my finger on what lies in store i fear what's to happen all happend before" he sung in English. He then sighed as he cry ed a little as a tear fell onto the path
@Leaf Fi
Hazel paused to look at Suzumaki, "I like you too, Suzumaki!" Jethro smiled a bit noticing while noticing Suzumaki's uncomfortable expression. Within a few moments, Ryu pulled up right beside them and put his window down. "Hazel! Come on, aren't you hungry? Let's get some food" The man called out while glancing and nodding at Jethro. "On my way Ryu!" Hazel announced before going up to Jean and hugging her as well. "Bye nice and pretty people!" With that, she slid into the car and both Ryu and Hazel drove away.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
Riika still chuckled like a robot and didn't know what to do. It felt like she lost herself, she didn't know how she usually acted and totally forgot how she was. "Whaf is my personality again?" She spoke her thoughts out loud, not on purpose. The girl blinked again a couple of times and shook her head. "I-I mean, uuhh..." at this point she just wanted to pull herself through a hole im floor and never return. But instead she walked towards Matoko and poked him on the shoulder. "Matoko, you and I have to agree to never talk about that again ever. We are going to erase this from our humble life and pretend, no not even pretend! We are going to live on like nothing of this happened, because there was nothing..nothing happened got it?" She looked into his eyes, for a second she felt to urge to rum away but she remained calm and it felt like everything went somehow more relaxed.

Jean smiled when Hazel hugged her and hugged the little girl back. She waved as she got in the car with Ryu and they drove off to get some food. "Your sister is really cute." Jean said to Jethro smiling. She then began to think about her own little sister Ellie. 'I wonder how she is doing.' Jean was once again lost in thought.
Wataru said:
Koichi was petrified with Hajime's reaction, he has been a peaceful guy for all his life, definitely wasn't used to this kind of thing, and wasn't sure if there was something between Aiko and Hajime. And he was too afraid to ask this point, but something inside him, actually wanted to know if there was something or not, he didn't know how to explain what he was feeling at that moment, but it was like an arrow of light had pierced through his heart. "Is it love? No, it can't be.". But he still needed to know "Nee, Aiko-chan is there something between you and Hajime-kun?"
The question was slightky sudden and caught her off guard, "Huh? What do you mean?" She asks confused. 'Between me and Hajime?' She then understand and started lightly giggling. "Hajime-chan's just really over protective about me. She won't hurt you since you're my friend." Aiko said, emphasising the word she and trying to comfort him slightly. "Don't worry about it." She said, giving a reassuring smile.
Emiko raced up to her dorm, saying a quick hello to her ferret and taking her clothes off. She hopped into the shower and took a quick one. She jumped out as soon as she was finished, drying her hair, applying a bit of eye liner and letting her medium length hair stay a bit wavy. She put her clothes on, spraying a bit of perfume and grabbing her purse before leaving.

"I'll be back later, ok?" she said to her ferret who only scratched against his cage. Emiko smiled and pulled her phone out, calling Kazue.

Kazue leaned against the entrance of the dorm rooms, looking out at some squirrels chasing each other. He felt his phone vibrate and looked at the caller I.D. and grinned. He answered and walked outside.

"Hey. What? Slow down, Em. Huh? Yeah. I just got downstairs. C'mon, I'm waiting on ya." he said and heard the familiar grunt she made when she was left out and then the dial tone. He laughed to himself and was soon joined by the small girl who was out of breath. She looked up at him and let out a long breath.

"Do I look alright?" she asked him and Kazue looked at her. He nodded before asking her the same before receiving the same response. He was wearing a light blue shirt with "Everyone Has A Past" on it with the words floating around to look artsy with a white jacket over it but not buttoned or zipped. He matched it with dark blue pants and black tennis shoes.

"Well, let's go then." he said and put an arm around her shoulders and began walking back to Riika, Ichigo, and Matoko who were waiting for them.

Riika's 'Lought thinking' only added confusion on top of everything else, of Matoko's Emotion-list. ....What is she trying to say by that? am i able to read minds? is she a Psychopath??

Matoko's thoughts just turned into a big Cluster of mind-garbage, making a Response, or questioning about what that meant impossible. After a few seconds.. that felt like hours for him... Riika walked over to Matoko, and tapped him on the shoulder, explaining that thes should just erase this incident from their Memory. It the Boy to gather all of his willpower, to actually break out of the pose, and give her a proper Response. He stood back straight, and rubbed the back of his head. "....And you're the one claiming that i was being cliché? this sounds like we just murdered someone!" Makoto exclaimed and... ACTUALLY... chuckled a Little.

Yumi waved at Ryu and Hazel as they drove off. "I agree with Jean, she's very sweet too!" Yumi piped up before returning her attention to Suzumaki, jumping backwards when she saw the girl on the ground. "Oh my goodness, are you okay?!" She rested the back of her hand against her forehead, glancing towards Jethro and Jean. "She can't go to karaoke like this!" She frowned in concern.

@Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Aero
Hobbesisalive said:
Riika still looked at him with the same eyes. She was caught too off guard to respond normal and started to blush herself. The two of them looking like tomato's. Matoko then took her index finger and placed it on his own nose. She blinked a couple of times before realizing what was happening. "Boop?" She repeated him with a soft voice. They still sat red as tomato's touching eachtothers noses. If someone saw them right now then..then...Riika pulled her finger back real quickly and started to chuckle i credibly awkward. "Ha..ha...ha.." okay this had to stop right now so she stood up and walked towards the window. "Let's wait outside for them! I can see the Aaron group." She smiled, still a bit akward and acted like nothing of this happened.

Satsuki laughed and raised his eyebrows when the nurse suddenly left and came back with two crutches. "You have some crippled humor." He said with a small smirk. Satsuki shook his head when he asked if he had to help, he was already done after he finished his sentence and got on his feet."Lead the way partner im crime" the boy added, his smirk growing on his face.

"That was very punny." He said, laughing again to almost the point of tears. "Will do, sidekick." He said, chuckling at the pun in his sentences. Ringo almost perfectly used the crutches. He had the occasional mess up but it seemed normal for someone on crutches. When he reached the exit, he peered around the corner and saw some people near the gate of the school "Watch this..." He whispered to Satsuki as he used the crutches to walk inconspicuously close to a male with dark hair and fell over. He winced and pretended to be in pain, mummering 'ow's and 'oof's under his breathe.

@people near the front gate
Jean looked at Suzumaki and patted her back. "Are feeling sick?" She asked her. Jean was kind of sad that Suzumaki may not be able to join them for the karaoke party. @Suzumaki Arakai
Corgi said:
The question was slightky sudden and caught her off guard, "Huh? What do you mean?" She asks confused. 'Between me and Hajime?' She then understand and started lightly giggling. "Hajime-chan's just really over protective about me. She won't hurt you since you're my friend." Aiko said, emphasising the word she and trying to comfort him slightly. "Don't worry about it." She said, giving a reassuring smile.
Koichi somehow felt glad ? The boy didn't understand the feelings on his chest at all, but after knowing that the two weren't involved romantically he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and smiled for a reason he could not comprehend "I'm glad" seconds after he realized what he just said. Then felt his cheeks turning red and became extremely embarassed "N-n-not that i like you that way" he said. "C-can it be? Have i just fallen in love for the first time?"

(Cute post alert)
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Makoto was waiting for Riika to respond to his... at least attempted joke of some sorts, when suddenly, the Boy heared something.. no, SOMEONE drop to the ground, behind him.

He quickly analyzed the Situation. A man, relatively Young, was lying on the ground, groaning and mumbling, probably out of pain. there were.. crutches... next to him too...

"Oh my god, Sir, are you alright!" Makoto exclaimed, crotching down to the fallen man, and trying to Support him in Standing up. "Riika, get the principal, or a secretary, or at least something like that!"

@Corgi @Hobbesisalive

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