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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

"Thanks, Jean and Yumi" Jethro replied suddenly seeing Suzumaki doing her Suzumaki thing. "I don't think Suzumaki is a fan of affection" He bluntly said while looking off into the distance as if he was silent the whole time. The teen rubbed the back of his neck before leading them on, "Come on, let's go to the school gates. We just need to take ten steps anyway. Suzumaki can even sit on the nearby bench to let loose from whatever it is".

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Aero

A hand touching Suzumaki's forehead knocked her slightly into confusion.

Seeing how Yumi was worried Suzumaki jumped up and shook her head, "No, no, no! I'm fine...I just wasn't ready for the girls attack..."

She looks at Jethro, "She's good...really good." her eyes squint as she says this then begins stretching like she's about to run three miles.

"Let's go!" She says as she steps behind Jean to follow wherever they're going.

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi
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Wataru said:
Koichi somehow felt glad ? The boy didn't understand the feelings on his chest at all, but after knowing that the two weren't involved romantically he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and smiled for a reason he could not comprehend "I'm glad" seconds after he realized what he just said said. Then felt his cheeks turning red and became extremely embarassed "N-n-not that i like you that way" he said. "C-can it be? Have i just fallen in love for the first time?"
(Cute post alert)
'H-he's... Glad?' Aiko thought, her ears burning a shade of red as she tucks her hair behind her ears again and starts to tug on the bottom of her shorts. When he says the others sentence, she felt like squealing and running away, but her legs were locked in place, and she was sur ethst if she did squeal, it would sound like she just died from being choked. "U-u-u-u-uhm... O-o-o-of course!" She mustered out, for some reason looking up into his eyes. "R-right..." She said, feeling a bit more calmed by the gold eyes. Aiko then heard footsteps and looked away, figuring it was Hajime.
Riika looked how Makoto gathered all of his confidence to reply. And yes she felt sorry for him, she had gome through the same. But with the words he chose he actually made her laugh a little. "I wish someone had killed me a minute ago." Riika chuckled feeling another silence creeping up. But this one different then the horrible previous one. "So..? Want to go outside?" The girl quickly put some words to break the silence and started walking towards the door. When she heard Makoto calling for her. The girl turned around and nodded quickly. But she ran back instead of running towards the nurse. "Hey...Makoto did you let him trip or something?" She looked at the male and back to Makoto. "Forget what I just said." She grabbed the man under his armpits and tried to get him up. "H-heavy."

@Corgi @BobbyW


Satsuki grinned and followed him towards their first victim. A boy and a girl. He watched how Ringo 'fell down' and caused a commotion. The girl turned back and tried to get up Ringo while she stated that he was heavg. Satsuki bursted out in laughter, trying to make not to much noise. He peeked from the corner and closed his eyes to keep the laughter in. "What was up with this?"
Hobbesisalive said:
Riika looked how Makoto gathered all of his confidence to reply. And yes she felt sorry for him, she had gome through the same. But with the words he chose he actually made her laugh a little. "I wish someone had killed me a minute ago." Riika chuckled feeling another silence creeping up. But this one different then the horrible previous one. "So..? Want to go outside?" The girl quickly put some words to break the silence and started walking towards the door. When she heard Makoto calling for her. The girl turned around and nodded quickly. But she ran back instead of running towards the nurse. "Hey...Makoto did you let him trip or something?" She looked at the male and back to Makoto. "Forget what I just said." She grabbed the man under his armpits and tried to get him up. "H-heavy."
@Corgi @BobbyW


Satsuki grinned and followed him towards their first victim. A boy and a girl. He watched how Ringo 'fell down' and caused a commotion. The girl turned back and tried to get up Ringo while she stated that he was heavg. Satsuki bursted out in laughter, trying to make not to much noise. He peeked from the corner and closed his eyes to keep the laughter in. "What was up with this?"
Ringo starts to quietly laugh. "You're so sweet." He said slightly sarcastically and seriously at the same time. He chuckled and got up by himself, putting weight on his 'crippled' leg. His eyes widened as he stared at his leg. "IT'S A MIRCLE!" He said, grabbing his crutches, patting the girl on the head and running towards the building. He tried to keep a straight face but once he got inside, he collapsed on the floor in a heap fo laughter. "I'm heavy!" He choked out, speaking between his laighs and gulps for air.
Satsuki couldn't hold it any longer and made his wag into the office the same time as Ringo. He collapsed next to him and couldn't stop laughing. "T-thag m-miracle thing...that you did..hahaha..wait." he tried speaking but laughter kept creeping up his throat. "Her face! His face!" Satsuki rolled onto his side an gasped for air. Finally he calmed down a little and sat up. "Man, that was fun!" He smiled and looked to the nurse who was still laughing. I am happy that he is having fun. Somehow Satsuki was releaved that the male didn't get bored when next to him. He wanted to be found fun by him.

Matoko just stood there, unable to explain what the hell just happened in front of him. What... was... that? He quickly exchanged a glare with Riika, rubbing his head. "...What... was that?" The Boy then, suddenly turned his head towards Riika, his face completely red again, but not because of uncomfortableness, or embarassment, but because of Anger. "...You thought... THAT I WOULD TRIP SOMEONE WHO'S ONLY ABLE TO WALK WITH CRUTCHES!" You were able to hear Matoko yelling through the halls, loud, really, loud.

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Jethro laughed a bit at Suzumaki's response before arriving at the front of the school. He stood by the gates and glanced at the people around the group. The teen managed to spot Aiko before giving her a slight wave. She seemed to be a bit busy at the moment though so he didn't bother to disturb her any further. Once again Jet scanned around the area with his green eyes. The group seemed to be waiting for a few more people so...might as well get to meet more of them.
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Riika was totally stunned when the male just walked away, blaming it on a miracle. She wanted to laugh and turned towards Makoto, but he looked like the opposite of laughing. And before she could even ask what was wrong his started yelling. Her arms slid next to her body and she closed her etes while she let the boy rage from his sudden outburst. When he was finished Riika opened her eyes again and frowned. "Not on purpose idiot." It sounded calm but there was more behind it. She felt anger too and turned around. "I am going outside." With that she walked away not giving Matoko a glance.

When she reached the fresh air she could feel her heart bouncing. W-what just happened? She quickened her pace towards the group and stood still next to them. Most of the people she never met, but she wasn't in the mood for i troducing. The girl just scanned them real quick and tried to get in order what just happened. That whole touch my nose thing and now his sudden outburst. Riika didn't understand a single thing about it.


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Matoko was shocked, mostly by himself, he yelled much louder than expected, but that shock soon turned into regret, as Riika decided to just leave him here. The Boy sighed deeply once Riika left, re-enacted the Events that just took place. He didn't feel good, at all, not after this. ...What did she mean by... 'Not on purpose?' The teen rubbed his forehead, and then moved towards the School gate himself, using the other way around, though. ...And there i thought we were on good grounds again... Matoko was able to see a big Group of People, were they all going to join them to the Karaoke bar? and... if they are.. how are they going to get there? He managed to identify most of the Groups members, they were all in his class. The Boy waved, not at anyone specifically, but at the whole Group to let them know that he was here.

@The Karaoke Peeps.
Jethro's gaze stopped at Riika. She looked a bit familiar to him. He was able to come to the conclusion that he had seen her earlier that day, but never really got the chance to talk to her. Before having anymore thoughts run through his mind, Jet waved back at Matoko who made his presence known. The teen looked back at Riika and noticed her slightly uneasy facial expression as if she had just gone through something. Hm it'll be an opener I guess. He thought to himself before making his way over to her. "Yo, are you okay?" Jet questioned in a calm manner as he looked at Riika. He didn't want to startle her or anything.

@BobbyW @Hobbesisalive
Zoe pulled into the school lot. "I guess this is it?" she thought. She didn't even know where her dorm was. She was the random new girl who came to school.
Riika remained silent when someone started talking to her, not realizing it was towards her. But when it remained silent for a moment and she felt someone looking at her, she quickly turned her head and chuckled. "Oh, ehm sorry I.." she sighed and shook her head. "You understand right? And yes I am totally fine, karaoke right? Hehe." The girl managed to sound cheerful amd she rubbed the back of her neck while saying so. Her gaze shifted for a short moment towards Makoto, but it seemed like he was interacting with others already. "I am Riika by the way," she smiled and ig ored the way she felt earlier. Meeting new people always brightened up her mood.

@BobbyW @RyanJXavier
Emiko and Kazue made it back to the principal's office, seeing that the two weren't there and saw them outside. The two went outside to join them and Emiko's head tilted to the side a bit as she saw a blonde boy she had met earlier in the day.

"So are we leaving now or?" she asked and broke away from Kazue's arm. Kazue followed behind her.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW @RyanJXavier
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki couldn't hold it any longer and made his wag into the office the same time as Ringo. He collapsed next to him and couldn't stop laughing. "T-thag m-miracle thing...that you did..hahaha..wait." he tried speaking but laughter kept creeping up his throat. "Her face! His face!" Satsuki rolled onto his side an gasped for air. Finally he calmed down a little and sat up. "Man, that was fun!" He smiled and looked to the nurse who was still laughing. I am happy that he is having fun. Somehow Satsuki was releaved that the male didn't get bored when next to him. He wanted to be found fun by him.

"I-I should be a-a-an actor!" Ringo said, trying to catch his breathe. Once he did, he heard Satsuki speak. "Y-yeah! You should do it t-too, later." He said, smiling a toothy grin. "You know, you're probably my first friend here." He said, sitting up and wiping his eye from the tears that were falling. "Hm.... What to do now?" He thought, pondering while staring at the ceiling. "Do you have any other ideas?" He asks, looking over at Satsuki.

Hajime finally managed to calm down after several counts to 20 and punching a bean bag in his room, he finally went back to the front gate. He strayed from Aiko and Koichi but kept an eye on them the whole time. He quickly straightened his blazer and fixed his tie. He leaned against the wall that he chipped and glances at it but quickly looked back at the two. He didn't know why, but he felt.... sad? Yeah, sad. It was like there was a bit in his stomach that he couldn't get rid of no matter how hard he tried. 'It's nothing.' He told himself, continuing to watch the two fidget.
Zoe walked trough a crowd of people, asking around where the dorm rooms were. "Um excuse me... hi can you-" No one would even bother to stop and help her. Zoe didn't know what to do but walk around searching for the dorms.

Ryuzaki had just finished getting into uniform when his boss came towards him and told him to go change back into his clothes.

"I made it.." He said with irritation in his voice, his boss quickly raised his voice, "You 'made it' five minutes late!"

The anger of the boss felt somewhat contagious but Ryuzaki held back his balled up fist and spoke up, "Three..."

"What?" Asked his boss.

"I'm only three minutes late..." Ryuzaki kept his face nonchalant the entire time his boss yelled; even when he accidentally spit in his face.

"Listen here boy! Don't you get smart with me; too damn disrespectful you are! Now get your tall ass out of my café!"

Ryuzaki turned and headed back to change and soon headed back to school grounds.

"Shit..." He thought with a sigh.


Suzumaki began to grow excited as more people gathered around, with a loud yell she shot her arms into the air and began to dance around.

"Uwaaaah! Banzai~! Shishishi!!"

@Aero @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW @Corgi @ZoeAliceChester @lonecoyote @WhoeverElse

"Yeah, but I'm not going to sing" Jethro replied to Riika. He smiled a bit at her introduction, "I'm Jethro Sato". The guy's gaze followed Riika's quick glance at Makoto. Jet looked back at Riika after a few moments, but before he could say anything else, Emiko questioned him about whether they were all leaving or not. Jethro eyed the disorganized group for a moment, "Are we missing anyone?"

@lonecoyote @Hobbesisalive
(Sorry @ZoeAliceChester but you can not join th rp until you make a character sheet. Bu once you o than yah you can totally jump in :D .Read the rules carefully please. And welcome)

Jean was so busy playing on her phone again she hadn't realized so many new faces showed up. "I didn't know the whole school was going to karaoke." She said chuckling, not caring who heard her. She laughed at Suzumaki and her strange dance. @Pretty much everyone
Like a cat, Emiko heard someone talked to her and popped up. She smiled at Jethro and decided to introduce herself. "I'm Emiko! Call me Em, please." .


Kazue looked around at the people and chuckled at the girl dancing. He didn't know everyone but that was okay by him. It was a large group which meant more new friends. He heard Emiko talking to someone new. He shook his head. "She's so troublesome." he said aloud.

@Basically Everyone
Riika shrugged. "I am totally going to sing." She pointed towards herself and grinned. "But I have a terrible voice though," the girl chuckled and looked around. Pretty her whole class was here. It was going to be fun!

@RyanJXavier @everyone else
Even though Makoto didn't really feel like talking after what just happened, he thought that getting to know the People you're going to spend your time with would probsbly turn out to be a good idea, and with that, Matoko took a quick look around the gate, searching for someone interesting to catch his Attention... and that Person was... wearing a Blazer.. and a tie... and also seemed to be spying on... a couple maybe? Makoto decided to Approach the stranger, waving at them ...Ah.. yes, i saw... him...? before, while that weird teacher was basically crashing Sato's math class, The male sighed one last time, before finally speaking up. "Hi there!" He tried to slap on his usual smile, but only managed to create a weak, Version of it.

BobbyW said:
Even though Makoto didn't really feel like talking after what just happened, he thought that getting to know the People you're going to spend your time with would probsbly turn out to be a good idea, and with that, Matoko took a quick look around the gate, searching for someone interesting to catch his Attention... and that Person was... wearing a Blazer.. and a tie... and also seemed to be spying on... a couple maybe? Makoto decided to Approach the stranger, waving at them ...Ah.. yes, i saw... him...? before, while that weird teacher was basically crashing Sato's math class, The male sighed one last time, before finally speaking up. "Hi there!" He tried to slap on his usual smile, but only managed to create a weak, Version of it.
Hajime slowly turned his head in Makoto's direction. It was a mixture of a glare and a plain stare. "Hi..." He said, turning back to Aiko and Koichi. He didn't really feel like socializing at the time and tried to not get into a conversaiton.
Emiko looked around her at all the people. She was getting excited and also a bit timid since they were all taller than she was. She puffed her cheeks out before blowing the air out and sticking her tongue out.

"I want to sing! Sing like a princess!" she yelled and then put her hands over her mouth as her face turned a bright red. She didn't mean to yell so loud. It kinda just happened...like breathing. She looked around to make sure no one heard her. Hopefully, she was right. After all she sounded like a spoiled toddler.

@Everyone in the group
"Jethro, you can call me Jet" He introduced while smiling at Emiko. "I'm pretty sure your voice is amazing Riika. If it sounds a bit off, it's the mics fault" Jethro replied glancing back at Riika. "Suzumaki, can you help me get this group's attention? It's unorganized and we need to get leaving before it gets any darker" The teen called out looking at the orange haired girl.

@lonecoyote @Hobbesisalive @Suzumaki Arakai

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