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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

(alright ))

Zack finished un packing and setting up his side of the dorm , so he began heading to the office to try and get some of whatver he had missed in class


(alright ))

Zack finished un packing and setting up his side of the dorm , so he began heading to the office to try and get some of whatver he had missed in class

Matoko was still waiting for Emiko's Response concerning the two questions, when he suddenly, noticed a... Student, who's Skin Color was literally black, dark as the night's sky, behind him, heading for the principals, just like himself. The teen abruptly stopped, and turned around, now facing the Student. Matoko's Impression was some Kind of mixture of excitment, confusement, and shock. ....Is that painted on?... i mean, it Looks god damn real! Matoko thought, just standing there, silently, the Student slowly approaching.

@Wataru @...Screw it... everyone who's at the principal's, basically.
Aiko and Hajime are at the gate waiting on everyone who's going to the karaoke bar ^^ (I think she tokd you guys)))
(BECAUSE I WANT TO BE......wait....gimme a second....*coughs then clears throat* ) "NOTICE ME SENPAI" in very high pitched pre-pubecent voice *anime pun hell yeah* )

Zack kept walking forward but stopped when another Student stopped and began to look at him

((Note: don't Forget, Kazue is with you guys currently, and he was still waiting for Emiko to arrive, since he invited her. so the others would still Need to wait for her and Matoko to meet them at the principals, well except for Aiko and Hajime, since they've went ahead.))

((I will! just give me a Little time, i'm doing multiple things at the Moment.))

Matoko noticed how the Student he was... let's say 'fascinated' of, suddenly came to a halt, and started looking at him, just like Matoko did as well. There was a Moment of silence... akward silence.. both of them just staring at each other, when Matoko finally said. "U-Umm Hi there!" He tried to slap on his usual smile, but that Student just caught him so off-guard, that even the smile had a Little bit of confusement mixed in it.


((Ok then :3))

Koichi who was together with Aiko and Hajime waiting for everyone, remembered that he still didn't know who he was going to dorm with and decided to take a look around and see if he could find out who is going to share dorms with him."Aiko-chan, I'll see if i discover who will be my dorm mate, do you have any clue about where i could find some information ?" Ichikawa said with his usual and light-hearted tone.

*feels loved*

Zack just gave him an odd look and kept walking again "like , EVERYONE reacts the same way...."
Aiko's head shot up, still a little flushed from her thoughts earlier. She felt bad for not noticing him sooner. She quickly stood and listened. "Uhm... I-I think you'll j-j-just have to ask around. W-what's your dorm number?" She asks, her face turning a bit more red. "I-I mean, o-only if you want to..." She mumbled, not wanting him to think he ahd to tell her his dorm room.
"H-Hey! wait up!" Matoko yelled after the student, since he completely ignored his greeting. "My Name is Matoko!" The Boy stated. He quickly grabbed Emiko by the Hand, and pulled her after him, trying to catch up to the Boy.

@MissingBolt @lonecoyote
Hobbesisalive said:
Riika got out of her couch and looked outside, the sun was shining and the clouds looked nice. It was not a day to spend behind the console. The girl quickly cleaned up her stuff and walked outside, bumping into a big group. "Hey you guys." She smiled and waved as greeting. They looked excited, were they going somewhere fun. "Where are you up to?" She asked curiously.

@Wataru @Corgi @ everyone that is there (the kareoke group)


The teen was surprised to see the nurse this serious. He bursted out in laughter and turned arouns to hide is laughing face. "Haahaa." Were his first words when he had calmed down. "No, look if it really messed up then I would have cleaned myself. I blame me for having such charms." He grinned and pointed to himself. "It looks like it's fine now, she wans't really sad or anything." Satsuki chuckled and stretched his arms. "She was kinda cool"

Ringo just blinked at Satsuki. He didn't know what was so funny about a girl's broken heart, but he waited for him to explain. After he did, Ringo rolled his eyes sarcastically before chuckling. When he continued on, he just stared at him while grinning. "Satsuki's got a cruuush! Satsuki's got a cruuush!" He chanted once he finished, spinning around in his chair as he teased.
Satsuki's smile softened a bit when Ringo chuckled, he was a nice person. But his exxpresions froze when the nurse began to say things. 'Oh gosh, I have no crush. Not her if that is what you mean.' He chuckled and patted the assisitant on it's head. The boy rolled his eyes and sat down on a bed, making it himself comfortable. 'You got a crush doc?' He asked with a large smirk. Oh yes, they called this sweet revenge.

Matoko was getting closer to the principal's Office bit by bit, good Thing Zack was actually heading there too, huh?

He made a small circle around Zack, making a halt right in front of the Boy. Matoko was really, REALLY curious about the student's skin Color, and had to Show great willpower to actually stop himself from questioning Zack about it right away." Wait up! listen, if this is about me staring at you, i apologies! i'm sorry, seriously!" Matoko tried to explain to him, Holding both of his Hands in a 'Stop' Motion in front of the Student.

@lonecoyote @MissingBolt
"Dude its fine , Ive lived with it my whole life , I wouldnt expect anything different" he then began to chuckle before trailing off into a sentence "he he...he...I need coffee...." @BobbyW
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki's smile softened a bit when Ringo chuckled, he was a nice person. But his exxpresions froze when the nurse began to say things. 'Oh gosh, I have no crush. Not her if that is what you mean.' He chuckled and patted the assisitant on it's head. The boy rolled his eyes and sat down on a bed, making it himself comfortable. 'You got a crush doc?' He asked with a large smirk. Oh yes, they called this sweet revenge.
"Oh really?" He asks. What Satsuki was saying sounded like he liked her, but what was he suppose to say? Ringo isn't magic and can't actually tell if he is or not. To his next question, he didn't have to think. "Nah. I'm in college and take classes on the weekends and monday mornings, and the other times I'm here." Ringo said, trying to explain that he hasn't had the time to look for someone. The question didn't really bother him, he was still pretty young.
"Ah! yes, there's the number, let me just find it" Koichi then sat on the ground and opened his bag, which was surprisingly disorganized "It's here, somewhere..." the boy was putting everything that was on his bag on the ground: gachas, flavoured water, books, memos... until when the bag was almost empty he found at the very bottom of it one paper which had the number 48 written with tidy handwrite on a corner. A little embarassed because of the mess he made, he answers Aiko "I'll be on the dorm 48, what about ya? Also, sorry for the clutter. I wasn't exactly ready to go to school when i came".

Matoko managed to paint on his usual smile, as he heared that the Boy wasn't actually mad, or hurt because of his staring "Coffee?... well..." The Boy exchanged a quick glare with Emiko,

let his gaze wander off to the principal's Office, and noticing the now noticable smaller group in front of it. three of the students that were earlier located there left, only a Boy, and Riika were left. Matoko rubbed the back of his head, then locked his eyes back on to Zack. "Well, we still have some Business to attend to at the principal's, but... if you don't have anything to do right now, you can join us! we can go drink a coffee, or do something like that, after we're finished."

@lonecoyote @MissingBolt
"YES!" Zack shouted , thrusting his fist into the air for a moment before regaining his composure "I....havent set my coffee pot up in my room yet...."
Wataru said:
"Ah! yes, there's the number, let me just find it" Koichi then sat on the ground and opened his bag, which was surprisingly disorganized "It's here, somewhere..." the boy was putting everything that was on his bag on the ground: gachas, flavoured water, books, memos... until when the bag was almost empty he found at the very bottom of it one paper which had the number 48 written with tidy handwrite on a corner. A little embarassed because of the mess he made, he answers Aiko "I'll be on the dorm 48, what about ya? Also, sorry for the clutter. I wasn't exactly ready to go to school when i came".
Aiko tried not the giggle as he looked through his bag, a few giggles escaped here and there, but for the most part, she just wanted the red headed boy. When he started talking, her face turned red. 48. 48 was her dorm room. 'Is it even legal cor us to share a dorm room? He is a guy, right? He looks like one...' She cleared her throat a bit. Her hands felt a bit clammy and she spoke, "U-uhmmm... It's f-fine. M-my room? Uh..." She glanced over at Hajime, unsure of what she should say. Aiko decided she would just tell the truth. "48 is m-mine too..." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear again.

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