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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Aiko quickly got out her phone and put it in. "Okay! Go on and look for him. If he'd be anywhere, I think he'd be in the dorm. You can check which dorm he's in at the front office." She said, giving the younger girl a reassuring thumbs-up to show that it'd work. After she did that, she called.

Hajime's jaw was dropped the whole time this occurance happened. 'Aiko just got a guys number without even asking the guy...' He thought, slightly impressed before thinking, 'Wait.. Who's Jet?' He stood clsoer to Aiko as she made the call, to see if he can get any information without saying anything as well.


Matsuo Miharu

Location: Dorms | Mood: Neutral

Matsuo finishes her shower, stepping out and drying off, wrapping the towel around her. She goes and gets on her pajamas, checking on Nasazumi-chan. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, Matsuo gets up, deciding she's hungry, but doesn't want pizza, so she just walks out of her dorm, shutting the door behind her. Walking out of the building, she sees a girl from her class, talking with two other people, a young girl and an older-looking boy. The younger girl slaps the older boy on the back. Then she notices another guy, eavesdropping on the girl's phone conversation.

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"Thank you so much miss!" Hazel cheered before glaring at Ryu over her shoulder. "Let's go!" She announced grabbing her older brother's hand and running over to wherever she thought the front office was.

Jethro felt his phone vibrate a bit before sliding his hand into his pocket and pulling it out. He was still in Yumi's arms so he kind of had to shift his way out of them. "Ello" The teen greeted after answering his phone.

"Oh! Hello Sato-kun, it's Aiko. Uhm... I was wondering where you were?" She asked. 'That wasn't the best wording in the world...' She thought, mentally slapping herself and quickly covering up what she just said, "I mean, a group of friends and I were going to a karaoke place and I was wondering if you'd like to join us. We were all heading htere together, s-so you'd have to come to the front gates of the school, i-if that's alright." Aiko didn't want it to seem like she was forcing him to do anything, though she would really like to see the happiness of his siblings.
Jethro's facial expression was indifferent for most of the introduction until a sudden realization hit him. "Aiko, how'd you get my number?" He asked while raising a brow on the other side of the line. "...anyway, I'm at Aaron's mansi-house. Aaron's house right now. But sure I'll head over there in a bit. I'm with Jean, Yumi, Connor, and Aaron right now though so it might take me a while especially since I rode Aaron li-car...car all the way here" Jet explained fixing his mistakes along the way.

Aiko hoped he didn't ask how she got his number, but when it did happen, she didn't know what to say, so she tried to play it off like she didn't hear him. "Oh, alright. Uhm... Do you need to be picked up or are you alright?" She asked. 'Why did I ask that...?!' She thought, 'If he needed a ride home, he'd probably just call his siblings or walk. You dummy...' Aiko nervously laughs and says, "You know what, if you need anything, just call me. Bye!" She said quickly, ending the call and putting her phone away.


Matsuo Miharu

Location: Outside dorms | Mood: Happy

Matsuo jogs up to the girl, introducing herself. "Hi! I remember you from my class, A-2. I'm Matsuo Miharu, what's your name?" she asks the girl. She pulls her plush blue pajamas up on her shoulders more, so she doesn't show...anything. She smiles at the girl.
"Hm?" Jethro said once Aiko ended the call. She didn't really give him much reaction time. He eyed his phone suspiciously for a few moments before looking at the others in the room. So many questions...they can be answered later. The teen thought to himself before calling Aiko up again. Jet watched the rest of the group interact with one another. They weren't really doing anything else at the moment so he might as well ask her some of the questions he had in mind.

BabyDoll said:

Matsuo Miharu

Location: Outside dorms | Mood: Happy

Matsuo jogs up to the girl, introducing herself. "Hi! I remember you from my class, A-2. I'm Matsuo Miharu, what's your name?" she asks the girl. She pulls her plush blue pajamas up on her shoulders more, so she doesn't show...anything. She smiles at the girl.
RyanJXavier said:
"Hm?" Jethro said once Aiko ended the call. She didn't really give him much reaction time. He eyed his phone suspiciously for a few moments before looking at the others in the room. So many questions...they can be answered later. The teen thought to himself before calling Aiko up again. Jet watched the rest of the group interact with one another. They weren't really doing anything else at the moment so he might as well ask her some of the questions he had in mind.
Aiko didn't expect a girl to run up to her right as she finished so she was caught off guard a bit. "Eh? O-oh! Hello! I'm Ueno Aiko. Nice to meet you Miharu-kun!" She said, sending her a nice smile before rememebring the karaoke party they were going to have. "I almost forgot! Do you want to come to a karaoke sort of party? We're meeting up at the main gate in a bit if you'd like to join us!" She offered, then remembering that she should probably invite Chihiro. "Forgive me for a few seconds!" She said, pulling out her phone again and messaging Chihiro: Hey! Me and a group of friends are meeting up at the front gate in a bit, I was wondering if you'd like to join us! Aiko sent the message and then saw the icon for being called. 'Jet?' She thought, hoping he wasn't calling to see how she got his number.

"Hello?" She asked, completely nervous. She didn't want to screw up the surprise his sibling planned for him.
"Aiko, are you okay?" Jethro asked before looking out one of the mansion's windows. A few moments ago she sounded slightly panicked. "Is it okay if Aaron, Yumi, Jean, Suzumaki, and Connor follow to karaoke too?" He questioned ignoring the fact that Aiko randomly obtained his number from out of no where.

The two siblings exited the dorm after going to the front office, going to the dorms, and knocking on Jethro's door. "Hazel we need to go now it's getting late" Ryu said glancing at Aiko from a distance. Hazel followed behind her brother with a saddened facial expression, "Do you think she might be talking to Jethro?" The young girl was about to run to Aiko when her brother grabbed her shoulder, "No more bugging her. We just walk by and say thank you for her time". Hazel sadly nodded and followed her older brother to Aiko. "Thank you" Hazel said silently to Aiko with sadness lingering in her voice.

"What? Yes, of course!" She said, trying to laugh it off but obviously failing. "Oh, uhm... Yeah! Why not!" Aiko said, seeing the saddened siblings and feelings bad for them. She quickly muted herself and told them, "He's at a friend's mansi-house. I asked his if he wanted to come back to join a group adn I at karaoke. When he comes, you guys can surprise him!" She quickly explained, thinking that a 'mansi-house' was a mixture between a mansion and a house. Aiko unmuted herself and then continued to listen to what he had to say.


after his complete and utter failure of a first school day, chihiro had fled to the dorms to shove his face with baked goods and watch an onslaught of sailor moon, as, quite similarly to the trash that narrated his life events, one of his guilty pleasures was shoujo anime, and no one understood him quite like tsukino usagi(also, tuxedo mask is a fucking babe and he can pierce me with his rose any time he wants). but, ah, anyway. he had lost track of the time, the hours melding into minutes of screen time as he snacked idly on the sweets he had brought along from the bakery, with the hopes of sharing them with new friends. but that was a sad and unimportant thought, so it should be discarded immediately. once again, moving on. to say the least, the gentle vibration of his phone in his pocket roused chihiro from his trance, leaving him to pause the episode and grab the mobile. "aiko-chan??" he said, opening the message with genuine bewilderment. karaoke... he thought, a smile spreading. sitting up, he responded quickly:

'ah, sure! would you mind waiting for just a second? i have stuff to get!! Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ'

sending that, he dashed to put on more appropriate attire, (he had changed into his pajamas), grabbed the small bag of sweets he had made an apology to the teacher his brother had disrupted earlier, and ran out of the door.


Matsuo Miharu

Location: Outside dorms | Mood: Happy and exited

Matsuo gasps in exitement. "Sure! I'll be right back, let me just go get changed real quick and I'll meet you guys there!" she says, jumping and running back to her dorm room backwards. Turning around halfway there, she opens the door and gets dressed exitedly. She picks out a white rop top with a design on it, a school-type football jersey, dark-wash jean high-waisted shorts, thin above-knee black socks, a red beanie, and black high-tops. Once she's dressed, she puts the top on the little playpen for Nasazumi and blows him an airkiss, grabbing up her phone and running out, shutting the door behind her. She runs to the front gate to wait for Aiko's friends to show up.
"Awesome, alright then. I'll see you later Aiko" Jethro said while shifting his green eyes back to the group in front of him. He ended his call then approached the group, "Who's up for some karaoke? ...after what we've done here is completed, of course. A group of people from our class are getting ready to head there from school. You guys want to join them? Well, us? I already said yes on my behalf" He explained before rubbing the back of his neck. They were done with their homework anyway, and most of their spirits were already up. Jet glanced at Yumi for a moment as he thought to himself. Especially her, she's really up and happy after nailing that stand.

@True Queen Ashe @drummerboi @Suzumaki Arakai @Aero @Leaf Fi
"um i don't mind some karaoke at all i think it would be kind of fun" COnnor said smieling as he then walked up to evryone "i ind of whant to show you guys something cool" he said smieling lightly. As he then looked at the others "oh and yumi i hope you'v read that letter you don't know how hard it was for me to write" he said looking at her. WIth a heartfelt smile. As he then continued to look around at the others wondering what thay should do.

@RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi

Riika got out of her couch and looked outside, the sun was shining and the clouds looked nice. It was not a day to spend behind the console. The girl quickly cleaned up her stuff and walked outside, bumping into a big group. "Hey you guys." She smiled and waved as greeting. They looked excited, were they going somewhere fun. "Where are you up to?" She asked curiously.

@Wataru @Corgi @ everyone that is there (the kareoke group)


The teen was surprised to see the nurse this serious. He bursted out in laughter and turned arouns to hide is laughing face. "Haahaa." Were his first words when he had calmed down. "No, look if it really messed up then I would have cleaned myself. I blame me for having such charms." He grinned and pointed to himself. "It looks like it's fine now, she wans't really sad or anything." Satsuki chuckled and stretched his arms. "She was kinda cool"



Aaron was busy working on his homework, the worst thing for him which is essays. He looked up as they talked but really couldn't pay attention much. He finished his essay and gave a little whistle of pride whne it was done and he tucked it away in his notebook. He looked at Jethro, who had just gotten off the phone, and tilted his head. "Jethro I'm from America by the way. I just miss it." He said smiling at the teen. However when they started talking about leaving to go to karaoke he frowned. "You'll have to go on without me. I have to go to work and then go back to school and head to my dorm." He wanted to go but Steele Tradition and all that.

He was laying on his stomach while he was writing and he sat up and crossed his legs. He was happy for his friends. He slowly went off into deep thought as he recalled the yelling he had just suffered through with Leona. She wasn't happy and was going to stick around for awhile. This was bad, first of all it meant he had to work in the Steele industries Super Mall in the center of town. It also meant that she'll be visiting the school often. He gulped at the thoughts and sighed. "
I'm so not going to survive this year am I?"

"Got it. Looking forward to seeing that cool thing, bro" Jethro said shifting his gaze to Connor. Aaron's voice caught Jethro's attention, causing him to look over at him. "America, huh? I've never been" Jet replied trying to imagine the famous country. "What, you can't go? Man..." The teen said after hearing Aaron's response to the karaoke outing. He walked over to the bed and took a seat. "Well, what days are you not working?...for future references, ya know?" Jet noticed Aaron's changing expressions. Maybe Jet and the gang could take Aaron out on one of his off days?

@drummerboi @True Queen Ashe
Jean listened Jethro talk on the phone with a girl that goes to there school. 'Aiko, hmm.' She thoughht trying to see if she knew a girl of that name. Jethro finished his conversation on the phone and asked if they all wanted to go to karaoke. Jean wasn't much of a singer, but to watch her friends singing she wasn't going to miss. "Yeah, I don't mind coming." She said smiling. Her smile was then turned into a frown when Aaron said he wasn't able to go. "Aw, it won't be as fun without." She said. She respected that he had stuff to do but still.


"Oh um,well, I work all week and then I'm supposed to stay at home for the weekends for... Family things... Especially since Auntie Leona is here... She's mainly here to make sure I do those things." He frowned and laid down on his bed. "You guys can catch me at the new Steele Industries Mega Mall in down town Kyoto..." He said sadly and rolling onto his stomach and glaring at Yumi. "Stay away from that smoking asshole and go out with Jethro." He said squinting at her.

"i just realized it's Halloween in 3 months i can't wait is there going to be a Halloween dance." He said looking around he wondered when Yumi was going to open his leter he was getting kind of inpatient. He then wondered was she ever going to open it or was it or just a empty promise he shook his head she wouldn't be lke that right. He then looked at the others "Anyway shall we sing some songs i kind o want to show you guys that cool thing now" he said smiling slightly as he then brought a little something it was his disk of the band he had at school but sadly they split when he had to move. they had a cd each to remember the good music they preformed. Dan was in it of course as lead guitarist. "what would...you guys say..if i told you i was in a band..." he said looking at them waiting for there reaction

@Leaf Fi @Aero @RyanJXavier
lonecoyote said:
Kazue smiled at the girl named Aiko. "Please, call me Kazue. If you want to, you can. If you have something else to do, I can look for Emiko by myself. It's no big deal." He said and looked at the guy.
"I wish I could help. I fell asleep in my dorm room...so yeah." he laughed out and looked away. He didn't mean to fall asleep in his dorm, but he couldn't help it. The bed was just so comfy. Kazue put his hands in his pockets and pulled his phone out, finding Emiko's name and calling her.

Emiko stood by Matoko, talking about softball practice and the new pitch she just mastered. She felt her phone vibrate and pulled it out, answering and putting it to her ear.

"Hello? Oh, Kazue! Yes, I'm in the school! No, I didn't find the classroom! What? Kazue, I'm going to kill you. Where are you? Why are you at the Principal's? I'll be there in a few. Ok. Ok. Bye." she rolled her eyes and ended the call, putting her phone back in her pocket. She looked at Matoko and smiled softly.

"That was Kazue. Do you want to come with me and meet him?" she asked with a small smile.

Matoko shrugged and decided to go with it since he didn't have anything else to do at the moment.

"Sure, why not? I love meeting new people!"

Kazue hung up and smiled, looking at everyone. "She's on her way so we don't have to go find her."

Matoko patiently listened to her rambling about Softball, he really wasn't a sports fan, and didn't know anything about Softball, but he enjoyed her energetic way of telling him about her Hobby. After a quick phone call the Girl recieved, Matoko decided to agree on following her to what seemed to be the principal's Office, at least, that's what she stated in her phone call.

"...Any idea on why your friend is at the principal's? did he break any rules? WAIT, i know! he was late, right?", The teen asked her; Since there were a lot of students that arrived late today,(including himself...) his assumption did have its grounds. He turned his head towards Emiko, awating for an Response of her's, when he noticed a Group of People being at the Principals Office...and.. Riika seemed to be with them. "Is Kazue one of These guys?" The male questioned Em, pointing at the Group.

Since Aiko had everything settled, she ran to the dorms and into her room. Out of breathe, she set down her book, quickly changed into a different outfit, and grabbed her book bag before making sure she had everything including her wallet and leaving. 'I wonder who's my roommate...' She thought, glancing around and shrugging it off. "Hajime, are you excited?" She asks, practically jumping for joy, "Whoopie..." He said sarcastically, even giving a small, lazy fist bump. "Cheer up! You don't have to sing. I'm not going to. I'm just going to watch everyone else have fun." She said, smiling as she skipped down the hall and out the door when she felt her phone vibrate. She quickly dug it out and read Chihiro's message, "Of course! Take your time." Aiko walked over to the front gate and sat down beside it, fiddling nervously with her phone. 'Koichi seemed really cool today. I hope we have classes together...' She thought, her face immediatly turning crimson. "Are you okay..?" Hajime asked, a bit worried. "Y-y-yeah! I-i-i'm fine!" She said quickly, looking down again and continuing to fidget with her phone until the others arrive.
((Matoko and Emiko are currently on their way to Kazue, Koichi, Riika, Aiko and Hajime, who are at the principal's Office. Aiko has called Jethro and invited him and the whole Crew at Aaron's house to join them, since they're planning to go to a Karaoke bar. Since this is only a very Swift breakdown of the Situation, i'd appreciate it if @mikko and @Hobbesisalive would explain what their characters are doing at the Moment, not counting in Riika.))


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