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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


Ryuzaki finally finished cleaning and made his way out of the school building.

And decided to "pay his dad a visit" when actually he's going to buy cigarettes.

That's what he told Mrs. Miriel anyways.

@True Queen Ashe
"Sure. It would be a form of dorm mate bonding I guess" Jethro replied to Yumi. He raised a brow at the tripping line though, "We'll see who will be tripping around later". The teen smiled a bit before he felt himself bouncing on the bed. Jet rolled to his side to see Suzumaki, "Yeah, just focus on your work now 'kay? I'll give them to you tomorrow". "Are you a rule type of person? If so, ya want to tell me those rules right now?" Jethro asked while rolling back to Yumi and putting his arms behind his head.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi
Jean finished her Science essay. "Yes finally!" She said. She closed her laptop not turning it off just in case she'll need it again. She pulled out her math notebook, inside was her math homework which she pulled out and was about to start working on it she looked over at the sleeping Suzumaki and laughed. She poked Suzumaki's cheek. Suzumaki stayed asleep. Jean shrugged and gave up trying to wake the girl. @Suzumaki Arakai
"It'll still be you tripping," Yumi grinned down at Jethro, glancing over to the excited Suzumaki. The ginger girl was in pure joy at the mere mention of cookies, and the green eyed girl couldn't help but laugh as she rocked everyone on the bed side to side. Next thing she knew, the girl was fast asleep on the ground, almost like the excited attitude she had earlier hadn't even existed. 'What a strange girl...' Yumi smiled internally.

"Huh?" The teen glanced back at her dorm mate at his question and she raised a finger to her chin in thought. "... Nothing really comes to mind... Just try not to get in my personal space, that's really it," Yumi told Jethro with a shrug. "Do you have any rules for me?" @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier
"...no. Oi wait, don't smoke inside the dorm. If anyone visits they may think I smoke. Plus, my younger sister has asthma" Jethro explained trying to think of any other rules. "That's it" He concluded glancing at Yumi's homework. "Are you done yet? Jean already finished something" Jet said sitting up to get a better view of Yumi's work.

@Leaf Fi @Aero
Yumi stuck out her tongue at the mention of smoking. "Ew, no. I don't smoke, that's icky." She shuddered at the thought alone, only highlighting her statement. Just as he asked her about her homework, the girl had finished her last equation. She enjoyed maths, but wasn't the best in the world at it. So when Jethro tried to peek she held her notebook tight against her chest. "I-I am!" Yumi nodded, a soft peach colour raising to her cheeks. "But, uh, I just have to... Uh... Finish science! Yeah!" She laughed and lowered the book slightly, but kept it out of his view. "So I'll show you later!" The brunette shot Jethro a sweet smile, but inwardly screamed. Science was another weak point. Just great...

Jean pulled out a pencil and started workin on math with the notes she took during the lesson at school. "Okay, exponents are easy, wait was that a fraction exponent? Crap, okay erase that, there now. X is what? I dunno a letter. Ugh." Jean started to mumble to herself as she did her math homework. She stopped for a little to take of her glasses. She grabbed her glasses case from her bookbag and put her glasses in their case. She rubbed her light dusky eyes and continued on with her math homework.
Jethro smiled at Yumi, "Perfect". He noticed Yumi begin to move differently after the mention of her homework completion though. "You okay?" His hand moved up to lightly touch Yumi's forehead then cheek. Jet kept his green eyes on Yumi as he tilted his head a bit, "Jean, need help with math homework?"

@Leaf Fi @Aero
Jean shaked her head. "No I got it." She said with a sigh, only a few more questions to go. Were her answers right, maybe but she'll check her work later. @RyanJXavier
The thought of being caught out only made things worse for Yumi, and as a result her cheeks burned darker. "Y-yup! Just a little warm!" She laughed and waved a hand to signal it was no big deal. On the inside however, she was practically screaming. She shot him a bright smile to hopefully fool him, continuing to keep her precious notebook away from sight.

Jethro took his hand away from Yumi as he narrowed his eyes at her, "You have a suspicious character". He paused for a moment before relaxing his facial expression, "If one dorm mate is sick, the other must take care of that dorm mate". "I'll give you medicine later" The teen stated while looking at Jean. " . . . If you say so Jean the genius" Jet replied leaning onto the pillows behind him.

@Leaf Fi @Aero
Jean smiled at Jethro's remark. "Genius, yeah right. Ha ha." She said with her fake laugh. She finished up the last two problems and sighed with relief. Jean stood up to stretch her legs and arms. What she didn't realize that there was some paint on her pants around the butt area.
Yumi released a sigh. "I'm not sick though..." She puffed out her cheeks briefly before slowly moving her noteoad to it's position earlier, humming a note. Her pencil rested against the new, clean sheet of paper as she thought, staring at the page in thought. After what felt like hours, she nodded to herself before starting to write once more.

...Something's wrong. Jethro thought to himself before looking at Jean. She might know. Jean's good at this stuff. His thoughts continued to run through his mind causing him to ignore whatever was around Jean's bottom. Eh whatever I'll just keep an eye out for certain symptoms I guess. Jet thought slowly beginning to close his eyes again. The temptation of falling asleep was catching up to him. His eyes suddenly shot open though. The teen wouldn't let this happen to himself. Jet would never lose to boredom. He made a thinking face for a bit while more thoughts ran through his mind.

@Leaf Fi @Aero
Jean sat back down and yawned. Her homework was done so now she can go on her blog. She brought out her laptop once more and her English notebook. She went to her note section of her notes and started typing the special notes that weren't related to the class. "Ooo this would be a good one." Jean whispered to herself.
Ichigo sneaked out of the dorms, taking a breath of fresh air. She went to the courtyard where she could see the sun and probably find some people outside. "The sunset is so pretty..." She said as she sat under a tree. She had a good day today, anyways.
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Yumi continued to jot down her science essay with knitted brows, her expression alone conveying her deep thoughts. On the outside, she may have looked focused, collected and under control, but internally she was freaking out. 'What next, what next, what next..." The words ran through her head as she worked, only freaking her out more and more.

Eventually, she felt like she had written enough and relaxed her face, exhaling in relief. "Done!" She announced as she shut her notebook, smiling proudly. She glanced around the room, imstantly picking up on the fact that she was the last one finished. "Sorry for making you guys wait... Heheh..." She ran a hand through her hair, a little sheepish.

@RyanJXavier @Aero
Jean took a break from typing and looked at Yumi with her dusky light brown eyes. "No problem Yumi, I we didn't mind waiting right Jet." She said smiling at Yumi. She started typing again while waiting for the blonde's answer. @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi
"Didn't mind at all" He replied as an idea came into his mind. Jethro rolled off the bed and right into a handstand, "Can I teach you guys how to do this?...If ya don't already know how to?" There was really nothing else to do at that moment anyway since they all finished their homework. Might as well get some blood flowing and be productive. "Come on who's first?" He asked before getting back onto his two feet.

@Aero @Leaf Fi
Jean looked at Jet's handstand and her eyes widen surprised. She looked back at her laptop screen, nervous. She was the best at gymnastics but never did the sport becuase she was scared of the risks. What if she did a handstand and her hands break. Or a cartwheel and run into something like a car. 'No thank you.' She thought as she typed. @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi
Yumi watched Jethro curiously as he slid off the bed, her green eyes widening as he went into the handstand. She couldn't help but stare as he supported himself upright and remained in that position. When he questioned which one of them wanted to learn how to pull it off though, Yumi immediately shook her head madly. "I'm fine, thank you very much!" She told Jethro before throwing herself facedown onto the bed, trying to hide. Hopefully Jean had no idea and she'd get the lesson instead.

@RyanJXavier @Aero
"Oh come on...fine be that way. I see how it is you two" Jethro stated going back onto the bed and taking a seat. These girls didn't seem open to anything. He thought for a few moments before coming up with a different idea. "What kind of cookies should we make for Suzumaki later?" The teen asked shiftin his gaze over to Yumi.

@Aero @Leaf Fi

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