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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

"Feel free to skip the formalities and call me Koichi-kun" the boy said "Also, would you mind if i called you Aiko?" After all he wasn't used to call people by their last name since he was quite informal himself. "No need to apologize, really, you made a great impression actually". He noticed that the other girl haven't said anything yet, but he ignored this for now. "Clubs are really great aren't they?" he smiled once again "I'll probably join the music club, or something like that, i really love to play and compose, also, best of luck with the swimming club". He realized that school was ending but still wanted to stay with the two for a little more "Are you going anywhere after school? We coud go to a great karaoke place i know"

@Corgi (Sorry for taking so long!)
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Practiced ended and Emiko brought her shirt up to wipe the sweat from her face, her stomach exposed to the world but a little skin never hurt anyone. She looked up to see some baseball players jog pass her and whistle. She rolled her eyes and kept walking, fixing her ponytail.

"Emi!" she heard Kazue yell at her. Emiko turned to see a shirtless Kazue and giggled.

"What?" she asked him as he ran by.

"I forgot something in the class room! I'll meet you there!" he yelled as he kept running. Emiko groaned and started for the building. She really didn't want to go back inside because she didn't want to chance running into anyone in her current condition. Emiko dropped her bag by the doors, slipping her cleats off and walkking through the halls. Most of the school was empty now and she really hated being alone.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"
Wataru said:
"Feel free to skip the formalities and call me Koichi-kun" the boy said "Also, would you mind if i called you Aiko?" After all he wasn't used to call people by their last name since he was quite informal himself. "No need to apologize, really, you made a great impression actually". He noticed that the other girl haven't said anything yet, but he ignored this for now. "Clubs are really great aren't they?" he smiled once again "I'll probably join the music club, or something like that, i really love to play and compose, also, best of luck with the swimming club". He realized that school was ending but still wanted to stay with the two for a little more "Are you going anywhere after school? We coud go to a great karaoke place i know"
@Wataru @Suzumaki Arakai [/color][/font]
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Hayate Gorou

The principle was sort out papers like most teachers after school, he would switch back and forth from paper to computer.

After a while the short grape for a man stood up and began to leave his office to take a break but was then met by two students once he opened the door.

With a sigh/cough he looked at the students, "Need anything?"


Riika laughed at the story, it sounded gross but she could imagine it so well. A little boy swallowing a goldfish. The girl almost spilt her drink and swallowed it quickly. "That sounded ridicilous.," She said smiling after the laughter faded away. "But well goldfishes aren't that much fun anyway huh?" She tried cheering him up. She heard that people even could love a goldfish. Nothing wrong with that.



The woman nodded to everyone's compliments. "I'm glad to see you are having fun. I return my Nephew to you for now." She looked at Aaron with a bit of an angry look. "Farewell Aaron." She said accepting her purse from the Butler and leaving the house.

Aaron relaxed with a massive sigh and looked defeated. "
I hate when she visits..."

"So what's next, Sir Aaron?" Jethro questioned looking around the area then back at Aaron. He momentarily glanced at Suzumaki after receiving the gum from her, "Thanks for the gum by the way". His hand slid the gum into his pocket. The teen figured he would save the thing for later that night just in case he was about to fall asleep while unpacking.

@True Queen Ashe @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean sighs in relief that the Mistress of Steele was leaving. She looked over at Aaron and his defeated expression. "You alright Aaron?" Jean asked. It must be hard living with a very intimidating woman. Jean smiled as Suzumaki offers Aaron a piece of gum witha goofy smile.
Yumi smiled at Suzumaki as she took the gum. "Thank you," she nodded before unwrapping it and slipping it into her mouth. She began to chew, watching the old lady wander off before moving once more. Her eyes flickered over to Aaron, studying his face for a moment to decipher his emotions. It looked like he had just lost something dear to his heart and he was now giving up. Yumi frowned as a result, nodding along to Jean's words. "Did something happen...?" She questioned in worry. @True Queen Ashe @Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
Matoko started to laugh as he saw Riika, struggling to Keep her drink in, it indeed was, a funny Story, no matter how butt hurt Matoko was, over the incident. "That's not true! Goldfishes are awesome!" Matoko exclaimed, with great enthusiasm, he meant what he said, but it didn't Sound like he was trying to defend himself, just stating his opinion. The Boy stood up from the Sofa, and stretched himself, he then started moving towards the door. "Wanna go for a Little walk?", he asked Riika, smiling at her.

Emiko sighed and walked deeper into the school, poking her head into different rooms. She looked around as she walked, the place wasn't creepy she just didn't like the fact that she might be here by herself.

Kazue grabbed his shirt and bag, jogging to where he last saw Emiko. He saw her cleats and bag on the ground and decided to do the same. The only problem he had was that he only knew the way to the classroom by going to the front of the building. He ran a hand through his black hair and walking to the principal's office. He saw a small group of people standing there and decided to ask if they've seen his friend.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but have you seen a girl with short pink hair, about ye big?" he asked them, giving them a measurement of how tall Emiko was.

Riika slapped her face lightly and shook her head. "Pfft awesome? I am." She grinned and followed his example of stretching arms. "Sure, lead the way sir Goldfish lover," she teased him as she got on her feet and followed him to the door. I will clean up later. With that she closed the door behind them and walked towards somewhere.



"N-Not really..." He said taking the gum and chewing on it. "She doesn't approve of making friends. Education, money, and control. Those are the only things that matter to her." He looked at his friends and beckoned them towards the stairs. He guided everyone to a massive room. The room had walls within it and on every inch of wall stood hundreds of paintings. All of them weren't of paintings known to the world. All of them were beautiful and looked recent.

At the end was a massive wall and along that wall stood several portraits. It started with a man and a woman. Under the paintings was a plaque: Cornelia Steele, the Mother of Steele. Grant Steele, the Father of Steele. Next was a set of five paintings, three boys with white hair that contained black highlights, and a woman with black hair with white highlights, she was the lady from before but much younger, she looked no older then eighteen. The other girl had purple hair with pink highlights. The plaques under each said: Jacob Steele, The Lawbringer. Joseph Steele, Founder of Steele Politics. Dylan Steele, Inventor of Chloride the Robot. Leona Steele, the Mistress of Steele. And finally, Kira Steele, the Star of Tomorrow.

The next set of portraits showed four people, two boys and two girls. The plaques read: Alexander Steele, Founder of Steele University. Jason Steele, Star of Steele. Christina Steele, Second Mistress of Steele. And finally, Jasmine Steele, Second Mother of Steele.

Next to those portraits was two more, one contained a picture of Aaron, and another of a tanned skin boy with black eyes. These didn't have plaques.


Aiko looks at the Principal, a bit nervous,
"U-uhm... M-may I make a club?" She asks a bit timidly. She opened her mouth to speak again but noticed Kazue asking about a girl with pink hair, "Uhm.. N-no, sorry." She didn't rememeber ever seeing a girl that short pink hair in her memory. She was bad with noticing details since she's not the most observant person. "I-if I do, I'll try to find you or t-tell her you're looking for her." She said, passing off a sheepish smile before turning back to the Principal, "A swimming club, specifically." She said, becoming a bit self concious from many people being around.
Jean frowned. 'No friends! This woman is crazy!' Jean thought. She then followed Aaron upstairs to a room and admire the beautiful art. She smiled a bit enjoying the beautiful art until her eyes fell upon the portraits that introduces all of the Steele family and their titles. "That's a lot of Steeles." She said looking at each individual one, her smile turning into a serious expression. She saw Aaron's portrait and saw there was another boy next to him. "Who is he?" Jean asked. She then took it back remembering how Aaron doesn't like talking about his family. "Nevermind, I don't need to know." She said quickly. @True Queen Ashe @Everyone else in the mansion
"Alright, Catlady!" Matoko responded to her tease, and started wandering through the halls, Riika following him. After some time, he managed to indentify a Girl, in the distance, the girl's pink hair assisting him in it. he turned his head towards Riika, and said, "Looks like we're getting Company." he shifted his gaze back towards the pink haired Girl, and waved, his usual smile painted on.

@Hobbesisalive @lonecoyote

Suzumaki noticed everyone asking what was wrong with Aaron; she hadn't realized but by the time she was gonna show concern, Aaron had already spoken up after taking the gum.

She began following as Aaron showed everyone around.

They came to a large room covered in pictures and plaques.

Suzumaki took a long look and with amazement in her eyes she looks at Aaron, "You got a lot of brothers and sisters Aaron!"

@RyanJXavier @Aero @Leaf Fi @True Queen Ashe
Kazue sighed when one of the girls said they hadn't see her. "It's alright. Thank you though." he smiled at them and before he left, he heard the girl mention a swimming club. His eyebrows raised and he walked backwards. He stood behind the girl and threw his hand up.

"I think it's a great idea. I want in on it!" he said with a grin.

Emiko frowned when she noted that all the stupid classes looked the same.

"How am I ever going to find that room Kazue was talking about?" she breathed out and turned to see two people walking her way. One was a guy and one a girl. She noticed the guy wave to her and she smiled and waved back. Finally, some people!

@BobbyW @Hobbesisalive
Hayate Gorou

The young girl fidgeted and asked if she could make a club, without another word he turned and slowly entered his office; the door shitting in the girls face.

After a moment he returned as opened the door, clearing his throat he handed her a piece of paper to fill out.

"You'll need a swim coach and a proper amount of members. When you've filled it all out take it to the gym teacher and have him look at it. Or Miyamura Sensei, the student counselor."

Yumi's jaw hanged open as she glanced around the massive room around them, taking small, slow steps to circle around and take in all the pictures. If course, the huge family picture at the back was the one her eyes focused on the most, as did everyone else's. "Woah..." The brunette breathed under her breath, in complete awe at the size of the family. She knew it wasn't her place to bring up the topic considering the fact Aaron had revealed to the group, but she made sure to note in the back of her head to try and bring it up later. Especially with that tanned boy with no plaque.

"That's a nice portrait of you, Aaron." Yumi said with a gentle smile, clasping her hands in front of her, hoping the compliment would cheer him up a little. She felt bad for him... What a horrible way to live. @True Queen Ashe @Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier
Ichigo replied, "Is there any Strawberry Lemonade?" She asked politely. She loved strawberries and ironically her name meant strawberry. Ichigo inferred that he was going to tease her for it or something like that, but sir far it didn't happen. She had took of an ear bud to talk to him and he was already treating her, she would at least act polite and lady like since he was the only flirt she had met in the school so she could change his ways -or not. "So Satsuki, did you want to talk again?" She questioned him.

Riika poked Matoko for his teasingly reply and chuckled when the boy waved already to someone. He was such a social butterfly. The girl waved back and Riika stated that she looked nice. "Hey Matoko I am going to unpack some thingies in my dorm? I'll catch your later." She grinned and made a small greeting sign to the girl with pini hair, turned away and walked back. She needed to game, something she valued and loved to do.

"Uhmm I-.." Was all Matoko managed to say, before Riika returned to where they came. He sighed, his gate still locked onto Riika, but quickly shifted over to the new Girl. "Hi there, my Name is Matoko, Matoko Fujimoto, and the Girl that just left was... Riika." He chuckled a bit, and Extended his Hand for a shake.

@Hobbesisalive @lonecoyote
Jethro followed Aaron into a room full of pictures. It was a family tree and Aaron was yet to be labeled. Expectations are high. The teen thought to himself before glancing at the others. That Great Aunt sounded way too strict though. Maybe she was some kind of loner? Aaron made it sound as if the woman went through life like it was a game of Monopoly. "Everyone has their own way of becoming successful. I'm sure her way is different than your's" Jet said examining the different plaques then looking back at Aaron. "Don't let her make you a loner, Aaron" He bluntly concluded.

@True Queen Ashe

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