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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jean rolled her eyes playfully at Jethro's comeback. "Ha. Ha." She said smiling. Jean then got out of the limo and followed Aaron to the entrance. Jean looked at the picture of the lady on the wall. 'She's everywhere huh.' Jean thought. She didn't really hear what the butler said lost in her thoughts but when she came back to reality she looked at Aaron noticing his face of terror. "Are you alright Aaron?" She asked concerned. @True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai
Satsuki pouted by seeing the head of the young male. He totally the thought he was going after her. "Ichigo okay," he repeated and snuck out the little office. Well he was first going to the dorms to check if the rumors were true. On his way Satsuki bumped into a girl he barely recognized. "Ichigo!" He said happily that he had found her. But the moment that the teen wanted to explain he closed his mouth. Maybe the girl was already dreaming about him, could he hurt her. Don't be stupid man. He got to do thid now or else he would maybe hurt her later on. "I meant nothing with that, yeah well I hope I didn't make you sad or anything." Satsuki chuckled awkward and looked around for a salution. "Want a drink" he asked in a polite way. That was it he could treaf her to a drink and everything was solved.

Jethro eyed most of the pictures that surrounded the area. Who is this woman? He thought to himself. The teen tilted his head a bit after hearing the butler's words. So this may be his Great Aunt. Jet concluded in his mind before glancing at Aaron. Jean seemed to be able to take care of the guy. The least Jet could do for Aaron after he invited the group to his awesome mansion was keep Suzumaki calm. "Let's find our way to the kitchen" He said calmly looking over at Suzumaki after hearing her loud stomach. Besides, Jet owed Suzumaki cookies.

@Suzumaki Arakai


The butler cleared his throat at Jethro. "Please do not wander around the house. I shall escort you four to the living room. If you are hungry I shall have the cooks make you something to eat." He said in a very professional matter. He escorted everyone into a large red room with a floral design on the walls. The room had plush red carpeting and had really plush and expensive looking couches. Three of them to be exact and all of them facing a massive TV. A coffee table stood near the couches that had a remote on it. Under the TV was a glass cabinet filled with a ton of games and video game systems.

Aaron didn't join them but instead slowly walked up some steps to the second floor with a defeated look on his face.

After awhile the Butler returned. "Dinner is ready." He said and escorted everyone to a large dining room with a fancy hand carved table. Twelve chairs were positioned along it. On the table stood a small feast. "Please, dig in." The Butler said as he bowed and stood near the door.

After eating and everyone left the dining room, someone was waiting in the entrance hall for them. It was the lady from the painting. She was a little older then the painting but still had that air of command about her. She smiled as they drew close. "Hello and welcome to my Sisters humble home. I assume you're enjoying your visit?" She asked.

Aaron was standing in the corner looking at the woman with a timid look.

I am interacting with: @Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @drummerboi @Leaf Fi

I am at: My house...

The current time is: After school.

Jean followed th butler everywhere he took them admiring the place. First, they went to the living room and sat on these really nice couches. "Ooo, theses feel nice." She said with a sigh as sat on one of the couches. She didn't touch the remote or game systems because she didn't want to be rude and start playing with stuff that isn't hers. She noticed Aaron wasn't around anymore and was about to ask where he was until the butler came back and announced that dinner was ready. 'He may had some business to settle or something and is already at the dining room. Yeah.' Jean thought to herself as she followed the butler to the dining area.

Annnnd she was wrong. Aaron was nowhere to be seen during dinner. Jean ate her dinner in silence trying to figure out where in the world (is Carmen SanDiego) was Aaron. After dinner was finished, Jean followed the group back toward the entrance hall and standing there was a woman. 'It's the lady in the picture.' Jean thought. She had asked if they were enjoying there stay but there was something about this woman that rubbed Jean the wrong way. But Jean shrugged off the feeling and nodded her head at the woman's question, too scared to talk. @True Queen Ashe @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @drummerboi
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Suzumaki was relieved to hear Jet offer her a way to the kitchen but was soon disappointed when the butler halted their actions. Before she could let out a sigh he offered to prepare them dinner.

With a weak smile towards Jethro, she waited patiently with a yawn here and there.

After a bit the butler returned and mentioned that dinner was ready her eyes lit up wearily and she followed everyone to the dinning hall to eat.

Of course she stuffed herself full and became even more tired; it was wrong to think eating would help her weariness.

Eventually everyone returned to playing 'follow the leader' with the butler when an old woman appeared.

Suzumaki studied the woman and rubbed her eyes with a yawn.

After a second she nodded, "Yeah...the food was great and the house is drastically large!" she said with mild enthusiasm.

Quietly she looks at Jethro, "I'm tired..." She speaks, gently head-butting Jethro's stomach repeatedly.

@RyanJXavier @True Queen Ashe @Aero @Leaf Fi
Connor looked at the house it was huge he felt he was one of them royal aristicrates he saw in one of his films. For once in his life e felt happy he was smiling like a child in a candy store "you said that we can eat anything...um....iv always wanted to try um....a roast diner" He said spieling lightly he then begun to cry out of sheer joy "Im...im sorry it's just i never had thos opportunity before i feel like im a fricking aristocrat and i just.....i never experienced anything like this before" he said smiling and crying as he then begun to wipe the tears away smiling away like a idiot. he then looked at the others. "um...Arron do yu have a music room i think i now have the comfidence to show you fur something great" he said smiling lightly. Knowing he can trust these four people

@True Queen Ashe
Matoko noticed her smile again, once she mentioned her cat, that was apparently named Sid, and frowned when she asked him about any possible pets he might have. "Well... i had a goldfish once.", Matoko answered. "But... how should i put this...", The Boy stated. He sighed, deeply, before finishing his sentence." At that time, my brother was two years old, and... alone, in my room.. together with Jeremy. The fish was named Jeremy, by the way, anyways... Long Story short... he took him out of his Aquarium... and... uhh.. ate him." The teen said, rubbing the back of his head. Hiruyuki was too young to remember that incident, and denies that he ever did something like that until this very day, it did lead to many, MANY fights between them, and Matoko still waits for an apology from him.


(( The School day is over, and Jethro, Suzumaki, Connor and Yumi are currently at Aaron's mansion, Makoto and Riika are hanging out in Riika's dorms, Ryuzaki was sentenced to cleaning duty by Mrs. Miriel, who is their science/English teacher, for skipping her class. Juvia's Twin sister seemed to have arrived at the School herself, and was fighting her, until Ichigo entered their dorm, and now they're having a Chat. Also take a look at the Character sign-up page, there's a good Chance that you've missed a few new characters joining.))

Ichigo turned around to find Satsuki behind her. "Hello, again..." She waved at him meekly. Who knew that he was probably going after her. Ichigo wasn't ever the flirt. She wouldnt go after guys, just because. She was a lot more calmer and not so promiscuous. "Oh well, you reap what you sow" she thought. "Yeah, sure I'm ok with some drinks" she said nonchalantly

Aiko continues to read the book, slowly becoming obsessed with the plot. The bark of the blossom tree scratched her back a bit, but she was too into the book to mind. With a stony face, Prosper emptied his bag onto the desk. Barbossa leaned forward. He took the sugar tongs, the medal lions, and the magnifying glass, one by one, and turned them in his pudgy fingers. He inspected them from every angle, the boys watching him... Aiko was cut off by a peach blossom landing in her book. She was suddenly taken out of the book's world and she looked around, noticing how empty the campus looked. She then looked up, a bit worried that it was getting dark already, but it wasn't. 'Where'd everyone go?' She thought, a confused looking spreading on her face.

Suddenly, she felt a hand lay on her shoulder. Following hte arm up, she was greeted with Hajime's face.
"Are you okay?" He asked, sounding quite worried. "I'm fine. A girl names Yuki cheered me up." She said, smiling slightly at the thought. Hajime's eyes widened as he stared at Aiko, trying to process what she just said. "You... Made a female friend?!" He asked, the ends of his mouth tugging up into a smile. "Yes?" Aiko said... More like questioned, but it was still some what of a statement. He jumped up and started silently cheering. "Is it that rare?" Aiko asked, giggling slightly. "Yes!" He exclaimed, suddenly calming down and sitting next to Aiko. "What book are you reading?" Aiko's face lit up at the question, "The Thief Lord. I know you don't like books, but this one is awesome!" She said, showing Hajime where in the book she's at. She started going on about what's happened until where she is and what she thinks is going to happen.

(Character development scenes... Woo)
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"I guess it's time for practice, eh?" Emiko asked herself as she made her way to the field. She ran a hand through her hair before putting it up in a ponytail. She jogged to the field, seeing some new faces. They waved to her and she waved back, her nerves calming. Once she reached the dug out, she saw the coach.

"Emiko!" she said and patted Emiko on the back. Emiko smiled at her new coach. She had met her prior to this so they weren't strangers.

"Hi coach." she said and put her bag down. Her coach grabbed her by the shoulders and introduced her to everyone.

"Everyone, this is Emiko Lanette. She's our new pitcher! Take care of her, ok?" she asked and Emiko looked at everyone and bowed.

"Please, take care of me!" she said and stood up, receiving claps and introductions from everyone.

"Alright, everyone! Give me two laps!" coach hollered out and a symphony of groans followed by the sound of metal cleats walking out of the dug out. Emiko sighed, following the rest of the girls as they began to run.

Kazue on the other hand, was at baseball practice. He was getting along greatly with the other guys, exchanging numbers already. He could see the softball field a few yards away from the baseball field. He scanned the group of girls jogging and spotted Emiko. He grinned, relieved that she did in fact make it to practice on time.

"Suoh! Centerfield!" his coach yelled to him from the dug out. Kazue turned to look at him and nodded. Kazue jogged out to center, his primary position and watched as every position slowly filled in. With a batter walking up to the plate and the pitcher starting his wind up, practice was just beginning.
Yumi could barely speak as they were brought to the mansion. Never in her life had she seen one, let alone been inside one, so this experience was pretty exciting for her. As they were introduced to various rooms, Yumi had to run to catch up with the small group as she stopped often to admire the scenery, pictures... Well, pretty much everything. The food served was delicious- the best she ever had, in fact- and next thing she knew, an old woman had appeared in font of them. She remembered her from a huge portrait they had encountered earlier.

"Yes, this place is amazing!" Yumi said with an awestruck look, politely smiling at the woman.

@True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
Koichi was chilling at his home, getting everything ready for the super-important first day, that would be tomorrow, when he decided to take one more look at the pamphlet he received, and when he saw that the first day was actually today, the boy desperately picked up his bag and went to the school "How could i mess everything up, when i definitely couldn't?" thought the boy as he ran forward. Arriving there, he saw the typical scenario of the end of a school day, everyone going home alongside their new friends, "Well, i'll go to the principle's office... But where is the principle's office?"

Ichikawa then spotted two girls by a tree and decided to ask them. "Sorry to be a burden but could you tell me where's the principle's office? 'Cause i messed up a little and thought the first day would be tomorrow"

Wataru said:
Koichi was chilling at his home, getting everything ready for the super-important first day, that would be tomorrow, when he decided to take one more look at the pamphlet he received, and when he saw that the first day was actually today, the boy desperately picked up his bag and went to the school "How could i mess everything up, when i definitely couldn't?" thought the boy as he ran forward. Arriving there, he saw the typical scenario of the end of a school day, everyone going home alongside their new friends, "Well, i'll go to the principle's office... But where is the principle's office?"
Ichikawa then spotted two girls by a tree and decided to ask them. "Sorry to be a burden but could you tell me where's the principle's office? 'Cause i messed up a little and thought the first day would be tomorrow"

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Akima was simply lounging about outside, waiting, watching the people around her. This year I'll find someone, she thought to herself, full of determination. I'll find someone and I'll never let them go, she continued, grinning. She was seated on a bench, her bag beside her. Her first day had been good but generally uneventful, unlike the coming days would be. She had already seen a few attractive looking guys, but none of them really seemed to... stand out.
Koichi was glad that Aiko was helping him willingly, and followed her cheerfully."Thanks a lot, by the way, I'm Ichikawa Koichi, nice to meet you" he said blasting a big smile, looked around, the campus was indeed pretty in that spring afternoon and the setting sun enhanced that beauty, "What kind of thrills will i live in this place" thought the boy, already getting distracted. "Are you liking it here ?" the boy asked shyly as he looked up to the sky, admiring it

Miyamura Sato

The long haired teacher made his way through the halls with a stack of papers in hand.

Looking around he could see students leaving school grounds for home.

He noticed a student sitting on a bench but didn't recognize her face.

With a smile he approached her, "Evenin' young one." He says once close enough for her to notice.


((You can look in the overview to see anyone's appearance.))

Emiko wiped the sweat from her forehead, wiping on her shirt as she looked up at the sky. Practice was almost over and now it was time for the pitchers to pitch. Emiko grabbed a drink of water before getting her glove and getting on the mound. Her teammates gathered on the side, watching her. Her catcher set up and gave her the signal, calling for a fast ball. Emiko took a breath and began her wind up. She scrunched her nose and furrowed her brows, looking down momentarily as she let the ball go and it went straight to the glove with a loud "pop". Everyone stood there in awe as they saw how was her pitch was. The catcher threw the ball back and Emiko smiled as her teammates whistled at her.

Kazue could here whistling from the field. He looked over at the girls and saw Emiko on the mound. He grinned and turned back to his own practice.

"Alright, we're cutting practice early today. Just give me a lap around the school." the coach said and the boys groaned. Kazue sighed and took his shirt off, throwing it to the side since it began to stick to him. Kazue stretched a bit before he started on his lap.
Wataru said:
Koichi was glad that Aiko was helping him willingly, and followed her cheerfully."Thanks a lot, by the way, I'm Ichikawa Koichi, nice to meet you" he said blasting a big smile, looked around, the campus was indeed pretty in that spring afternoon and the setting sun enhanced that beauty, "What kind of thrills will i live in this place" thought the boy, already getting distracted. "Are you liking it here ?" the boy asked shyly as he looked up to the sky, admiring it
Jethro looked at the butler indifferently after he made his remark. The teen just followed the man into the living room and sat down for a bit. A few moments later, the butler came in and led them to dinner. The meal was definitely satisfying. Soon the group was led to Aaron's Great Auntie. She seemed to have a unique air of confidence radiating from her older appearance."Yes Mistress of Steele, we are enjoying our visit" Jethro replied before looking at Suzumaki and gently lifting her head away from his stomach.

@True Queen Ashe @Suzumaki Arakai

((You can look in the overview to see anyone's appearance.))
Akima looked up curiously, spotting someone she believed to be a teacher. She.. had never seen teacher with such long purple hair though... on a guy especially. He was smiling though, and she smiled back. "Good evening," she replied. "My name's Akima. Are.... you one of the teachers here? I think I've seen you before," she paused, thinking to herself about this teacher. Perhaps it was sometime in school.

Suzumaki's head was directed away from Jet, pouting, and sticks her tongue out at him then reaches into her pocket and realizes she has gum.

Pulling the gum from her pocket she smiles and throws her hands into the air...slowly.

She exclaims to herself quietly then shoots Jet a thumbs up with a nod.

Quietly she slips a piece of gum into Jeans pocket then hands one to Yumi and Jet.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @True Queen Ashe @Leaf Fi

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura continues to smile, listening to the girl as she speaks.

Once finished he answers, "I'm Miyamura Sato. I teach math and I'm also the student counselor."

His voice was smooth as he spoke, looking at her he tilts his head.

"We're you in my class today? I'm still learning faces and I want to make sure all of my students get their work."

Jean surprised that Suzumaki and Yumi have the guts to address the woman. Jean still didn't say anything. She felt Suzumaki put something in her pocket. She pulled out the piece of gum and smiled. She unwrapped the piece and put it in her mouth. 'Better than talking, I guess.' She thought. Jean knew these kinds of people, nice on the outside a devil bitch in the inside. Her step-dad told her about people like Mistress of Steele and that you should always have your guard up becuase people like her love to use people's weaknesses against them. She sighed and built up the courage to speak. "Yes, your house is quiete enjoyable." Jean finally said smiling. @True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @drummerboi

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