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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Riika fell onto the couch and breathed in the fresh air. "Hmm only thing I love of school so far." She laughed and grabbed her back. Yesterday her mom bought a starters food packet, so she grabbed it and put it on the table. There were octopus sausages, different kinds of onigiri and miso soups. "Hungry?" Riika asked, settling down herself with an onigiri.

Ringo nodded at his name. "Nice." He was happy that he got to help at least one person today. After he finished his last sentence, he sarcastically scoffed, "Are you implying that I'm not worthy of a first interaction?" He, once again, joked.

Aiko continued her giggle fest as she replied, "Everyone does. She said she 'Abandoned her femininity' to protect me. Though, I don't really know why a lot of the people I know are over protectvie of me." She said a bit timidly.

Hobbesisalive said:

Satsuki smiled as the male played along. Well one teacher that wasn't boring even when it was not entirely a teacher. He looked up when he introduced himself and smiled again. "Satsuki." Was his awnser to the question. "Pretty sad, my first social contact since I got here is with a nurse assistant." He chuckled and looked at Ringo again, noticing his eyes. Did they have three colors? Satsuki blinked and wondered about how old he was. 3/4 years older maybe? It made the situation less awkward for him realizing that this could have been a friend of him



The girl waved away his reply and smiled anyway. She was smiling a lot this day.

When the two off them entered the dorm building she was amazed already. It looked better then her own house! Riika looked for her room and entered her eyes shimmering with happiness. This was more then she had hopes for. She looked at Matoko and grinned. "I didn't know the school was this rich."

Satsuki shrugged and rolled his eyes teasingly. "Hmm I am not implying anything, doc." He chuckled and looked at his elbows all bandaged. "Ah thanks." He said while a girl stepped into the room. He looked at her and back to Ringo. "You got another visitor." He said while smiling to the cute girl. "Hey there,"

Ringo almost didn't notice the other girl. "Yup, hiw may I assis- Never mind." He said, noticing the girl's knee. "Go sit next to Satsuki." He said, sending a small, sly wink at Satsuki as he went back to the cabinent to get more bandaids. "I'll keep in mind that people normally start showing up around this time." He said, walking back over to Ichigo. "What happened?" He asked the same question that he asked Satsuki. When he said that, he elbowed the boys knee, trying to tell him to ask the next question.

Kawaii said:
Ichigo left the scene, ninja'd her way to her dorm and managed not to go in a limo, something she didn't like. Instead she sat under a tree, listening to music. "God, I'm so tired" she said as she stretched and and put earbuds in her ears, listening to some music. Ichigo was surprisingly tired enough to trip herself and scrape her knee. She took of her ear buds and looked at it. "To the nurse, I guess..." She said as she walked to the nurse, with blood trickling down her knee. She grabbed tissue from her pocket and wiped wobbling to the nurse's office.
Ichigo arrived to the nurse asking, "Hello, Is the nurse here?; All I need is a band aid." She asked as she wiped the blood off her knee.

Ichigo replied, "I fell down..." She said as she sat next Satsuki, him talking to her, "Hello". She said in a polite voice, not trying sound like Kuchi-onna. She was tired and was angry that that it happened. Ichigo sat and looked around, it looking like any other nurse clinic. She then played with thumbs, not doing anything else.

@Corgi @Hobbesisalive
Satsuki narrowed his eyes a bit and shook his head lightly only for Ringo to notice. "Ichigo right?" He smiled and out his glasses back. "Be more careful next time," the boy added with a charming smile. He had flirted with hundred of girls over time and knew exactly how he had to do the trick. A side that he liked to flirt, he never had been in a relationship. Not wanting the trouble of caring for someone.

@Kawaii @Corgi
Yumi offered the girl a shrug with a gentle smile. "I've no idea, but it's pretty sweet of her. She seems pretty nice." She said with a giggle, rubbing her cheek. "I can't believe I mistakened her for a guy too... That's so embarrassing..." @Corgi
Matoko noticed how Riika placed the packet of Food on to the table, "You bet!", He responded to her comment, taking a seat next to her and gulping down an Octopus sausage. while chewing on the sausage, he suddenly heard his phone beeping. Huh... Looks like i just got a message. he pulled out his cell phone, and discovered thatit was his mom, who wanted to remind him to call them in the evening. He replied: I haven't forgotten mom, don't worry, also i'm going to try and visit you guys in the Weekend, please tell that Hiroyuki too.

The teen waited for a quick 'Ok' from his mom, which he recieved, he then pocketed his phone once again and ate another sausage.

"Yeah, Ichigo" She said nonchalantly. She knew he was flirting with her, something that didn't happen too often. "Thank for your care" she said and managed to muster up a sheepish smile. She didn't have a crush yet, but this guy seemed like a maybe, probably date him for fun. She sighed inside her mind as thought about it. She waited for the nurse's assistant as she took out her phone, checking the time.

Riika couldn't help but peek at the message he received. It looked like it was his mom and she smiled at the message he sent back. "You got a sister?" Riika asked, trying to bring it like she didn't know anything.

Ringo tried to restrain his laughing and succeeded, though Satsuki's flirt was hilarious. "I'm Ringo." He said, trying to shimmy into the conversation. He quickly bandaged Ichigo and gave her a polite smile. He stood up and reached out her hand to help her up.

Aiko shook her head slightly, "You're fine. Everyone does it, it's not really new." She said, trying to console her. "But I'm fine and thank you for coming after me. It shows me you care." Aiko said, "I need to go though and you were with your group too." She didn't want to hold Yumi here when she had others waiting on her. "See you around!" She said, walking towards her dorm room.

Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki narrowed his eyes a bit and shook his head lightly only for Ringo to notice. "Ichigo right?" He smiled and out his glasses back. "Be more careful next time," the boy added with a charming smile. He had flirted with hundred of girls over time and knew exactly how he had to do the trick. A side that he liked to flirt, he never had been in a relationship. Not wanting the trouble of caring for someone.
@Kawaii @Corgi
Satsuki noticed that the girl was quitr young. Should he be doing this. He chuckled and rested his head on his hand, looking for a way to undone his actions. But the girl replied nice and he just smiled while he gave Ringo an unnoticable poke. What is he laughing for? Satsuki stood up as well to let the girl go. She looked older then she was right? Or did he miss something?

Ichigo got up has she was helped up by Ringo. "Thanks, Ringo" she replied as she moved her leg around. She winked at Satsuki and gave him an air kiss, in her mind it was flirting and her first time doing it. "Hm, Rude but a nice feeling" she thought as she walked out the Nurse's Office.


"A brother, actually.", Makoto answered, a Little surprised because of the sudden question. His gaze shifted over to Riika, and he started explaining, "His Name is Hiroyuki, although i call him 'Hero', from time to time. Anyways, he had a pretty hard time saying goodbye to me, so i promised him to visit as soon a possible." He locked his stare onto the girl, analyzing her Looks. "Do you have any siblings?", he asked her, a smile still formed on his face.

As Ichigo left, he burst out laughing. "You two were made for each other." He said, not sure himself if he was joking or not. "If you ever want to come in here to chat or anything, feel free to do so. I'm normally very bored anyways." He said honestly, pulling his spinny chair towards him and sitting down.

Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki noticed that the girl was quitr young. Should he be doing this. He chuckled and rested his head on his hand, looking for a way to undone his actions. But the girl replied nice and he just smiled while he gave Ringo an unnoticable poke. What is he laughing for? Satsuki stood up as well to let the girl go. She looked older then she was right? Or did he miss something?
Yumi quickly waved to her new friend as she left. "See you later, Aiko!" She called before running off in the other direction, pushing her legs to go as fast as they could. She had nearly forgot about the others, to be honest, so she felt a little in debt to the other. It was silly, but a small gift wouldn't hurt. Yumi pondered on what this was going to be as she ran, eventually making it out the school building and to the limo. "I-I'm s-so sorry..." She mustered out to the group, frowning apologetically. "I thought... It wouldn't have.... Taken so long..." Looks like there was gonna be gifts their ways too. Yumi gulped in some more air before hopping in, admiring the inside. @Corgi @True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier @Aero @drummerboi @everyone else there
Juvia sat in her dorm glaring at Maya "now I'm only going to be known as Mayas twin instead of Juvia, why did you have to come" she said angrily.

"Mom forced me to, she thinks if we stick around each other we will open up" she said angrily as well

One thing led to another they ended up beating the crap out of each other, like at home. This would go on for awhile.

Riika blushed as he said he had a brother. Names always confused her and she chuckled at his explanation. It sounded like a younger brother.Did he see trough her? Her peeking? Riika tried to react as normal as possible but felt awkward anyway. She shuffled around and nodded at his question. "Yeah an 8 year older sister." She smiled by the thought of her sister. She needed to visit her soon.

@Kawaii @Corgi
"y....yumi...i...i didn't know you were comeing...." He said looking at her he then sat to the seat next to her "Um....i never got to apologyse the um.....accident.." he said looking at the floor of the limo he then realised something " i.....um....i want to do something i nver did before...." he said handing her the letter adressed to her "i....want to tell you a bit about myself....and why im like this....in the letter i explain all my life in it.....you have been so kind.... and it shouldn't be you who should apologys...im sorry please forgive me Yumi" he said bowing while sitting as he passed her the letter. This was massive for him. But he felt he could trus Yumi. He just needed to talk to her.

@Leaf Fi

(the letter is basicly all the details about him ie his back story
Ringo laughed and roled back into his office, only to sigh and put them into the system.

Hobbesisalive said:
Riika blushed as he said he had a brother. Names always confused her and she chuckled at his explanation. It sounded like a younger brother.Did he see trough her? Her peeking? Riika tried to react as normal as possible but felt awkward anyway. She shuffled around and nodded at his question. "Yeah an 8 year older sister." She smiled by the thought of her sister. She needed to visit her soon.

@Kawaii @Corgi
Jethro's head kept leaning over to one side or another as he took his nap. It did that so much that he momentarily woke up, looked around, and managed to see where the gentle voice started coming from. Yumi finally made it into the limo. After how long? Jet wondered to himself before leaning his head back against the limo's inside wall. "...Did you run into that smoker again?" The teen asked without making any eye contact. Another voice caught Jet's attention causing his green eyes to shift over to the source. "Ello" He said in a monotone voice to the kid who flipped out earlier.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi
Ichigo giggled playfully as she was outside the nurse's office, then going outside where the dorms are, she was high fiving herself with her first with a boy, an older one, too. She walked inside her dorm to fing two girls about her age in the dorm room. "Hello, Nice to meet you both" she said as she sat on her bed.



With the gang he knocked on the window for the driver to go and the limo leaves the parking lot. He smiled and looked out the window watching the buildings pass, once again admiring the buildings of the city.

(I'll give everyone a chance to post once before we arrive at his mansion.)

I am interacting with:

I am at:

The current time is:

Matoko noticed the smile, that slowly formed on Riika's face after mentioning her sister, indicating that she's probably missing her. "What's her Name?", The Boy questioned her again, showing an obvious interest in Riika's life. Matoko was always nosey, but he really liked Riika, and enjoyed being around her, so getting to know her was quite important for him.

...I just Need to make sure that i don't go overboard, like on the Roof... Makoto Thought, frowning for a second, but quickly returning to his previous Expression.

Jean notice they were driving off so she stuck her phone back in her bookbag. She looked out the window.

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