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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Kawaii said:
Ichigo giggled playfully as she was outside the nurse's office, then going outside where the dorms are, she was high fiving herself with her first with a boy, an older one, too. She walked inside her dorm to fing two girls about her age in the dorm room. "Hello, Nice to meet you both" she said as she sat on her bed.
Both of them stopped fighting and looked at the girl who walked in.

Juvia was sitting on Mayas stomach, getting ready to punch her when she heard the girl and stopped, looking at her "ohhh... hi" she said as if she wasnt just fighting with her twin.

Maya scrambled out from under Juvia and quickly left after saying a quick "hi".
Satsuki sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Where did that girl go to? He had to settle some things here. What was her name again? The teen sighed louder and turned back to the nursery. "Yo, what was that girl named." He asked so nochalant as possible. He didn't want him to think that he was going for it. Nope.



She didn't mind telling him at all as she liked him and felt she could bear being around him. "She's called Izumi," she smiled to him and took a bite of her onigiri. "But I am missing my cat more." Riika said with a serious expression, swiping of a rice crumb of her cheek.

Yumi shook her head in response to Jethro's question. "No, I just left to check up on that girl who ran away. The one with the cookies." She explained. "They weren't really poisoned, they'd just make you ill if you ate them." The brunette told the group before thanking Aaron for inviting her. At that stage, Connor's quiet voice had sounded out to her, and she blinked, glancing over to him. A soft smile covered her features, and she took the letter.

"You don't have to apologise, I'm okay. Honest." Yumi leaned over and patted his arm, "You're forgiven. And I'll read the letter in a bit, okay?" She offered him a final smile and let out an 'oh!'. "That guy did run his hands through my hair... I don't know why though. I haven't seen him since." The green eyed girl shrugged. @RyanJXavier @True Queen Ashe @drummerboi
Connor looked at her smileing lightly "Oh and just so you know my mum called earlyer she says if you ever want to come round for dinner one day you need only ask she's thankful all of you along with evryone else is nice to me...um......so.....do you like anime...yumi..." he said looking at her as he then blushed lightly as she patted his arm. He then continued to look at her she was to kind to him. If only there is a way to pay her back for her kindness "and also yumi. if there is anything i can do to pay back your kindness....just let me know...." He said blushing even more now. as he then brought out his cd player "dose...um anyone want to listen to some music?"

@Leaf Fi
Ichigo just grabbed earbuds and left the place, "Oh and by the way, My name is Ichigo" she said nonchalantly as she left the dorm, knowing it could happen to anyone. She walked out of the dorms and plugged earbuds into her ears, relaxing with some soft electronica, something that relaxed her.

"Stay away from smokey" Jethro mumbled with a blank face as he turned his head to face the other way then close his eyes again. At this point it was so easy for Jet to just fall asleep right on the spot. Of course, he did this so he could save up some energy for later. That, and he really was tired. He heard Connor's voice, but couldn't manage to decipher his words since he had already entered the nap zone. It wasn't Jethro's intention to miss out Connor's remark. Jet would just talk to Connor about it later.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi
Jean looked at Jethro out of the corner of her eye and smiled. "Always sleeping." She mumbled.


The limo turned a corner and started driving to a massive house. The house was bigger then most buildings in city. The house had dozens of large windows on white stone walls. Two fountains hung in the front yard both of the fountains had a lady sitting on a chair reading a book. The woman had a thin dress on and wearing a wide brimmed hat.

Aaron got nervous wondering how his friends would react. The limo pulled up to a massive gate with his family crest on it, a Lion eating a Dragon in front of a sun. The limo stopped in front of the large dark oak doors and the driver got out and opened the door. "
Sirs, madame's." The driver said. Aaron got out and adjusted his uniform. He turned around to his friends waiting for their reactions.

I am interacting with:

I am at:

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Makoto chuckled, as a Response to her remark, but came to a quick halt when he saw the seriousness in her Expression. ...Is she being serious or is she simply fooling around? maybe she just doesn't have a good relationship with her. Makoto thought, Scratching his cheek. "You... have a cat?" Matoko asked her, a more serious tone in his voice. He was concerned since he had an allergy to cats, and a pretty bad case too. Crap.. what if she has.. like, it's hair or something like that on her clothes! He thought to himself, frowning.


((Btw, i'll be going to sleep in a few.))
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Riika looked at him with a confused look. Was he scared for cats or something? "Ya I have one, but he is home. What is it?" She askes concerned. What was he doing? Sid would never attack someone, that little beastie didn't do anything but sitting in boxes.

Jethro was still fast asleep. The ride was way too comfortable for him to even wake up once. A short episode played through his mind during the car ride though. Yes, it was a dream. It was about him not turning in his homework and failing a test. Thanks to Mrs. Miriel, Jethro just had a napmare. Aside from that, his nap was really awesome.
Matoko sighed deeply, in relief, when Riika mentioned that her cat was at home right now. "it's... really not that big of a deal... i have an Allergy to cats.", The Boy explained, smiling again. that whole 'It's not a big deal' part, was a straight up lie, which was unusual for him to do, but he didn't want Sound like a total cat-hater right now. "W-What is your cat's name?", The teen asked, faking interest in her pet. His allergy even almost killed him once, when he was visiting his friend, who happened to be the owner of a cat. Long Story short, he ignored the symptoms and the allergy swollen up his airways, almost making him suffocate.

Jean looked at the mansion. "Man, I live in a mansion but your mansion is like, wow." Jean said in awe.
Riika noticed that he was relieved, but it quickly followed with the explanation of that. "Ah yes that explains a lot." She smiled and stretched her arms. "He's called Sid." Riika grinned, she loved to talk about her cat, the only thing she really cared for along with her game console. "Well my sister is allergic for cumcumbers and it almost killed her. So I am glad you don't have anything like that." She grinned leaning her shoulders against his. "You got any pets aside from cats?"

Ringo barely heard the boy through the closed door. He rolled back to the door, opened it, and peered his head through the crack. "The girl's name? Ichigo." He said, smirking playfully. He didn't want to embaress the boy anymore than he may have already and so here sunk back into his little man cave and chuckled, "He is so going after her." He said to himself as he checked his phone. 'Oh... I can leave soon.' He thought to himself as he turned off his phone and went back to the little work he had left to do.

Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Where did that girl go to? He had to settle some things here. What was her name again? The teen sighed louder and turned back to the nursery. "Yo, what was that girl named." He asked so nochalant as possible. He didn't want him to think that he was going for it. Nope.


She didn't mind telling him at all as she liked him and felt she could bear being around him. "She's called Izumi," she smiled to him and took a bite of her onigiri. "But I am missing my cat more." Riika said with a serious expression, swiping of a rice crumb of her cheek.

Omi looked at the time. 'I guess I should leave.' He thought and walked toward the door.

Jean poked Jethro's hand tying to wake him up. @RyanJXavier

Suzumaki had fallen asleep three minutes into the ride along with Jethro.

Her head fell back and forth between Jet's shoulder and whoever else was on the other side.

Once they made it to the mansion she was still asleep.

@RyanJXavier @True Queen Ashe @Aero @Leaf Fi


Ryuzaki listened as Mrs. Miriel scolded him for smoking.

He let out an irritated sigh and retorted back, "What makes you think I smoked specifically on school grounds?"

@True Queen Ashe

((I'm at my friends house.))
Jethro slowly opened his eyes after hearing Jean's voice and feeling her poke his hand. It felt as if his head was against something harder than the slightly cushioned limo wall though. He lifted his head before noticing that it was leaning on Suzumaki's which was resting on his shoulder. His green eyes looked back at Jean as he nodded her thanks. The teen nudged his shoulder upwards to kind of shake Suzumaki's head, "Suzumaki we're here".

@Aero @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki was awoken and gently lifts up her head and rubs her eyes.

Once she's tired there's no helping it; all of her energy has been drained.

She looks at Jean then Jet and gives a small smile following up with a yawn.

"Are we here?"

She asks while looking out the window.

@RyanJXavier @Aero

Suzumaki smiled and noticed Jean taking a sip of her drink then began to look around, "Hmm? Where did my drink go?" She says while look at Jet with a pout. "Did you take it like you did the cookies Jethro?" She puts a lot of emphasis into saying his name as she steps out of the limo and stretches.

@RyanJXavier @Aero


Aaron smiled as Jean woke up everyone and chuckled. "Well lets get inside then." He said guiding the group into the massive entrance hall of the mansion, noticeably there was a wall in the center, on the wall hung a picture of the same lady from the fountains. A butler came up, "Welcome home Master Aaron. Um, we were not expecting guests Master Aaron. For you see, your Great Aunt is here." Aaron's whole demeanor just crashed his expression of pure terror.

I am interacting with:

I am at:

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"Did ya hear that Suzumaki? We're attractive people" Jethro said after hearing Jean's remark. He exited the limo before eyeing Aaron's mansion's facade, "Nice place, Aaron". Suzumaki's line made Jethro pause for a bit, "...no. I drank mine then fell asleep. Aaron gave all of us one though". The teen followed Aaron inside the mansion while scanning everything around him.

@Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @True Queen Ashe

Suzumaki continued to yawn and walk with her shoulders slumped over as they entered the mansion; ignoring Jethro.

She didn't even feel like looking around because of the exhaustion.

Her hunger wasn't helping either, her stomach growling echoed in the ears of her pals.

Clutching her stomach she lets out a lousy groan.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @True Queen Ashe

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