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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Connor begun to open his door he was going to the roof again. He felt like crying he hten saw a large limo outside the school. He looked inside and saw the other's He then saw The shoufer "why...why is a limo here.." He said looking at the ground again he then saw his class mates inside it... "where are you all going?" he asked in a quiet voice as he then looked at them all. Thay probably thought he was weard or something as he begun to fiddle with his pen again. He then asked another question "are you going somewhere nice?" he said looking at the people near the fancy limo.
@True Queen Ashe
Yumi glanced upwards at the new voice, blinking at the cookie girl for a moment. At that time she couldn't really speak, so she just listened to the explanation. At the end of it, the brunette laughed with a tired smile, regaining her posture. "I'm okay," she shook her hand, "And I understand, I guess. At least no one ate one then, right?" Yumi breathed, holding her hand out to the girl. "I'm Yumi, by the way." @Corgi

Satsuki watched the whole situatiom from above and laughed here and there. Were they nuts? People jumping on eachothers back, throwing cookies. The boy laughed at it and put it cigarette out. It was enough for today. While walking towards the stairs he fell over his own feet landing with his elbows at the stairs, rolling down even further and then stopped. "Auch." He mumbled rubbing his head. "Shit this doesn't look good." His elbows were bleeding heavily and his wrist didn't feel right. A trip past the nursery would be the solution.

With some struggle Satsuki finally reached the nursery. "Hay?" He whispered placing himself on a bed. Waiting for a nurse or something.

@Corgi, you have a nurse assistant right? ^^


Riika saw that Matoko noticed the same thing. She sighed and slid off him, sitting next to the boy. "Is this really coincedence?" She asked giving a small chuckle. Did they smell or something?


Ryuzaki began cleaning the science room first, he would have to wipe down the tables and put away books, sweep the floors, "Do I gotta mop?"

He thought while cleaning, eventually he came to a certain persons desk and thought, "Who the hell can make a mess like this in class?"

The table where this person sits was covered in icing...he looked at the name, "Suzumaki Arakai."

"Who the hell is that?" He thought to himself

@True Queen Ashe


Suzumaki nodded at Aaron and smiled, "I'm up for it!" She said before continuing her story about a time in America where her car looked different on the inside and she got arrested for stealing because it turned out to be a car belonging to someone else. "Blah, blah...I wondered why it wouldn't start, shishishi."

((The story is from a time when she revisited America to see her dad.))

@RyanJXavier @Aero
"Quiet about the cookie. I'll just make some for you tonight" Jethro said bluntly to Suzumaki before watching Yumi walk away. He finished his homework in class anyway so there really wasn't anything else for him to do aside from unpack the rest of his stuff. "Not sure how long it is" Jet replied after getting into the limo. The teen momentarily stared at Suzumaki. She was speaking to the point where he didn't understand anything she was saying. Aaron's voice caught Jet's attention a few seconds later, "I don't mind".

@Suzumaki Arakai @True Queen Ashe
"Connor....Connor Gray....D...Do you mind if i call my Mum so she know's she usualy picks me up after school.....and....how long is the visit....i don't want to be late for my show" He said looking at the boy as he then shooke his hand he then looked at him "c..can i get inside....i...i never had this treatment before." He said still haveing the note for Yumi in his pocket. He then begun to look at evryone in the limo wondering if thay were thinking him comeing is the right choice of direction. He thn looked back to the boy who was leading the visit. "i....i...." he will let them know at least one thing "i lived in poverty most of my life so...i never got to live lke this before..." He said looking at him.

@True Queen Ashe
Hobbesisalive said:

Satsuki watched the whole situatiom from above and laughed here and there. Were they nuts? People jumping on eachothers back, throwing cookies. The boy laughed at it and put it cigarette out. It was enough for today. While walking towards the stairs he fell over his own feet landing with his elbows at the stairs, rolling down even further and then stopped. "Auch." He mumbled rubbing his head. "Shit this doesn't look good." His elbows were bleeding heavily and his wrist didn't feel right. A trip past the nursery would be the solution.

With some struggle Satsuki finally reached the nursery. "Hay?" He whispered placing himself on a bed. Waiting for a nurse or something.

@Corgi, you have a nurse assistant right? ^^


Riika saw that Matoko noticed the same thing. She sighed and slid off him, sitting next to the boy. "Is this really coincedence?" She asked giving a small chuckle. Did they smell or something?

Aiko smiled. She felt more relaxed around only one person that was 'Her Protector'. "Aiko." She said, shaking hands with her. "I really am sorry. I didn't mean for my exit to pull others along." She said, feeling a bit guilty for doing so.

Ringo heard the nursery door open and rolled on his spinny chair out fo the office. "Yo?" He says, looking at Satsuki. "Woah. You got scratched up, didn't ya?" He asks, standing and walking over to the cabinent and pulling out so bandaids and neosporin before walking back over to him. "What happened?" He asks, a bit worried. If he just fell, that's fine. if somebody pushed him over, that's not so fine.
Jean was on an RP website, chatting with her online buddies. She chuckled a bit at some of the comments they left.
Matoko shrugged. "Seriously, this is weird!", he stated, looking at Riika, still lying on the ground, with her on his back. He rubbed his forehead, not being able to reach the back of his head, and chuckled a bit. "Well, what now?" he asked, not really targeting anyone, but just putting the question out there.

Yumi shook her head, "No, no. Don't apologise. I came on my own free will." She told Aiko before releasing her hand. She glanced around for a second, raising a brow. "Wait... Wasn't a guy here with you?" @Corgi

Satsuki was surprised to see a nurse this young. Probably an asisstant. It was even more surprising that it was a male, mosg of the nurses were females. He ignored his thoughts and smiled. "Just fell." He chuckled and took off his glasses to rub in his eyes. "Will I be able to walk again?" He joked to break the ice. Satsuki didn't like awkward situations and always held one or two options for that. And they seemed to be wotking every time.



Riika chuckled and shrugged. "Well want to go to the dorms? I haven't seen them yet." She said while standing up. The girl looked at him and chuckled offering him a hand to help. "I am really sorry." She said once again with a big grin.



Aaron smiled softly at the boy. "It's alright you don't have to be nervous, these guys don't judge people. Something I love." He said adjusting himself back into his seat. He opened the minibar and passed around drinks to everyone. "Well I can give you a job working for me if you want to earn some money. Oh and sure go ahead and call your mom." He contemplated how long they'd be gone. "We'll be gone for a long time, and as for your show its fine, you can watch it at my house." He then remembered something important. He was about to say something until he noticed his friends in the car and to say it to Suzumaki later.

I am interacting with: @drummerboi @Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier

I am at: In my limo.

The current time is: After school.


Suzumaki stopped talking once Connor entered the black Twinkie and she gave him a smile, "Yo!"

Then she looked at Jethro and gave him a look, still upset about the cookie.

Once Aaron entered the vehicle he passed out drinks and Suzumaki took one with a smile.

@RyanJXavier @drummerboi


After he finished the Science room he began taking out the trash from each class room, only the ones that hadn't yet been gotten by other random students in different classes.

With a sigh he headed outside to the back of the school and dumped each trashcans contents into the dumpster.

"Dammit I can't go without a cigarette...."

His crave was growing to the point of wanting to hit someone.


Akashi packed up some of the things he needed to work on and began leaving the school.

Before that though, he visited his brothers office to see him a goodbye.

He knocked on the door and waited...once it was answered his brothers face noticeably shifted from neutral to irritated.

"I'm leaving."

He said and held out his hand for his brother to shake.

Of course, like expected, his brother dismissed the hand shake and turned, letting the door shut in his face.

With a sigh, Akashi left the building and exited the premises to go home.

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura was sorting out grades for students from other classes when a knock was heard at his door.

He answered but was irritated to see it was just his older brother, Akashi.

His brother announced that he was leaving and held out his hand, "...." his thoughts just kind of wandered off as he then turned and shut the door.
Aiko stopped anything she was doing when she said guy. "G-guy?" She questions, trying to restrain herself from laughing, but failed. She began giggling and shook her head. "No, no, no. Hajime's a girl." She said, smiling even wider.

Ringo smirked at his joke, "You need to be hospitalized immediatly." He played along, glancing up at him. "I'm Ringo, what's your name?" He asked, putting neosporin on the bandaid and applying it to the injured area.

Hobbesisalive said:

Satsuki was surprised to see a nurse this young. Probably an asisstant. It was even more surprising that it was a male, mosg of the nurses were females. He ignored his thoughts and smiled. "Just fell." He chuckled and took off his glasses to rub in his eyes. "Will I be able to walk again?" He joked to break the ice. Satsuki didn't like awkward situations and always held one or two options for that. And they seemed to be wotking every time.



Riika chuckled and shrugged. "Well want to go to the dorms? I haven't seen them yet." She said while standing up. The girl looked at him and chuckled offering him a hand to help. "I am really sorry." She said once again with a big grin.

"okay..." he said getting in the limo he then called his mum "hay mum im heading around a frainds house...yeah i made a fraind...what...you want to talk to them...mum i...*sigh* ok" he said putting the phone on speacker "hello id just like to say thank you to you all. I know Connor might be a person who may not be approchable but he is a nice boy once you get to know him. If any of you want to come round his just let him know. Sometimes you just got to approch him. He trys his best anyway i won't embarrise Connor anymore Have a wonderful day evryone" Mrs Adams said as she then smiled to herself. "il speack to you later mum okay bye.." He said sighing "yeah sory about that..." he said

@True Queen Ashe + evryone in the limo
Makoto accepted Riika's help, he grabbed her Hand a used it to assist himself in Standing up again. "Don't be, it was silly, but still fun." He said, chuckling. "Sure! lead the way!"

The Boy exclaimed, when the girl asked him if he'd follow her to the dorms, pointing into the direction.

Jean looked up from her phone to take a drink. "Thanks." She said and drank her drink while typing. Jean looked up from her phone once again to listen to Mrs. Adams talk about her son. She smiled. "That is so sweet." She said.

Omi had gotten his coat that he left in the teacher's lounge. 'That would've been bad.' He thought and put his coat over his shoulder.

@True Queen Ashe @drummerboi



Mrs. Miriel adjusted her glasses and walked up to Ryuzaki and sniffed the air around him and made a click noise with her tongue."I thought I smelled something like Nicotine. Your addiction to cigarettes will kill you." She said as she thought. "I'll have to report this to the principle. Smoking on the grounds is prohibited. You may be Eighteen but that gives you no right to break the rules and smoke such horrible things."

Currently I am: Supervising and Lecturing @Suzumaki Arakai

The time of day is: After school.


Satsuki smiled as the male played along. Well one teacher that wasn't boring even when it was not entirely a teacher. He looked up when he introduced himself and smiled again. "Satsuki." Was his awnser to the question. "Pretty sad, my first social contact since I got here is with a nurse assistant." He chuckled and looked at Ringo again, noticing his eyes. Did they have three colors? Satsuki blinked and wondered about how old he was. 3/4 years older maybe? It made the situation less awkward for him realizing that this could have been a friend of him



The girl waved away his reply and smiled anyway. She was smiling a lot this day.

When the two off them entered the dorm building she was amazed already. It looked better then her own house! Riika looked for her room and entered her eyes shimmering with happiness. This was more then she had hopes for. She looked at Matoko and grinned. "I didn't know the school was this rich."

Yumi's brow furrowed as Aiko erupted into laughter. "Huh...? What's so funny?" She questioned with a confused look, pausing for the girl to reply. Her eyes went wide and her cheeks gained a cherry blossom pink hue, and she stared for a moment. "Wha...?" She blinked. "B-but... I thought..." @Corgi
Ichigo left the scene, ninja'd her way to her dorm and managed not to go in a limo, something she didn't like. Instead she sat under a tree, listening to music. "God, I'm so tired" she said as she stretched and and put earbuds in her ears, listening to some music. Ichigo was surprisingly tired enough to trip herself and scrape her knee. She took of her ear buds and looked at it. "To the nurse, I guess..." She said as she walked to the nurse, with blood trickling down her knee. She grabbed tissue from her pocket and wiped wobbling to the nurse's office.

Ichigo arrived to the nurse asking, "Hello, Is the nurse here?; All I need is a band aid." She asked as she wiped the blood off her knee.

"Thanks bro" Jethro said before taking the drink and gulping it down at an average speed. It took him a few moments to finish it. After he finished te drink, Jet leaned back in his seat and put his head against the wall of the limo. His lack of sleep was catching up to him, the group was waiting for Yumi, and the limo was comfortable. There was no reason for him not to take a short nap. His eyes gradually closed as he drifted off to sleep.
Matoko followed Riika to building, and into her dorm, noticing her impressed Expression the Moment she entered it, she was obviously amazed by the Look of the dorms. "I've heared that they've renovated the building recently, including the construction of a science lab, that you may or may not have seen." The Boy scratched his cheek. "Wondering where they've gotten the money though." He added.


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