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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


Ryuzaki stared at the little girl who was being handled by the blonde guy, "This kid...is..."

He spoke up, "very short..."

Looking over at rooftop girl he smiles, "I like this height better." He says while finally relieving himself of the urge to ruffle her hair; he uses both hands and now looks like he's trying to wash her hair with invisible shampoo...

@Leaf Fi @Aero


Suzumaki kicks around for a split second until finally she gives up, "My attempts are futile!" She says while slumping over and letting her arms dangle down Jethro's back.

She opened her eyes and looked down at the ground, a smile crept up on her face and she somehow...somehow, put herself to where she was sittin on his shoulders.

Raising her arms in the air she laughs triumphantly, "Who's being looked down on now! Nihahaha!"

She didn't even care about the cookies anymore.

Ichigo noticed that the guy had caught the eye contact of her as she walked forward. She took a few more steps and said, "Aren't you the guy who sits next to me in class?" She said as she noticed that Suzumaki was laughing because absentee boy was looking down on him. "And this tall person" she added.

@Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier
Riika watched the whole situation while sipping her coke. She nodded to Makoto and walked towards the group. She stood there not doing anything but enjoying the scene. 'And this is only the first day.' She chuckled.

Yumi paused. "... Poisoned...?" She questioned the girl with a tomato red face. She took a step back, a little confused, and opened her mouth to speak once more when Ryuzaki came over. "... H-huh...?" Yumi blinked once before she felt his hands on her hair, her face turning the same shade as that other girl. She took a step back, "E-excuse me...?" She blinked, a hand resting on her chest. @Corgi @Suzumaki Arakai
Jethro raised a brow at Aiko, "What kind of explanation is that?...doubt it" He took one cookie from the box and held it in his hand. The teen was about to eat it until he heard Suzumaki scream again. She seemed to enjoy the new view. His eyes caught sight of Ryuzaki practically wiping his smoker hands in Yumi's hair. Jethro furrowed his brows and began to make his way over to them. Ichigo however questioned him pausing him in his tracks, "Yeah, I'm Jethro and you are?"

@Kawaii @Leaf Fi
Matoko did as Riika, following her to the Group and observing the Situation, which turned out to be very entertaining. Matoko smiled at Riika, and responded, "....this'll be one hell of a year." The Boy crossed his arms and continued watching them.

Aiko heard the girl question what she said. "N-n-n-no.. I-I-I-I..." She gave up trying to talk. She ran off, clutching the box of cookies.

Hajime saw this and frowns, her face hardening and she clenched her fists and stomped over there, smacking the cookie out of Jet's hand and kicking it away. "What kind of person tries to eat a cookie that the owner doesn't want it to be eaten!" She yells, restraining herself from punching each and everyone there. Hajime grits her teeth and runs off after Aiko.
Ichigo replied, "It's Ichigo, Ichigo Shizuka" she said confidently. She sat next to him and class and ninja'd everywhere while she was in school, which was an advantage for her when she needed to talk to someone or something. This was irrelevant to he encounter, though.


As soon as rooftop girl pulled away from him he lifted his hands back like someone was trying to arrest him, "Oh, touchy I see..."

He said with a smirk before returning his hands to his pockets and placing himself beside her to continue watching the amusing blonde girl on top of the blonde guys shoulders.

She was basically talking to herself about the most random things...."What the hell is up with this kid..."

The girl looked over at him and her eyes grew wide....

@Leaf Fi @Aero


Suzumaki was just having the time of her life on Jet's shoulders, laughing and talking away.

"I'm the king of the world!"

"Hey you know what time it is? Baha! Time for me to take a foot off!"

Suzumaki died laughing at her dumb joke then looked over at the tall guy a light up.

She pointed at him, "Hey shortie! What's up?" And she laughed again....



Before Aaron could reply the old man went to his desk and called forth his teacher. He was offered a seat but refused to take it and stood instead staring at the man with his cold eyes. The old man had balls, that's for sure. When his teacher arrived he remained quite and waited for the teacher to speak when he did Aaron smiled a fake smile. "Thank you sir I'll be sure to let her know." He turned around sharply like a solider would and moved towards the door. "Although Sirs. I was planning to change her punishment to something far more productive. And by productive I mean a job. Since she got help from the Steele's its only natural she should work for them. Let me know if you two decide to take her off completely." He said moving out of the principles office and replacing his wristband making sure it covered his brand.

Aaron sighed as he calmed down. He hated acting like his Great Auntie and he wondered why he failed. Gods if she had seen him. He shivered. She would eat him alive and immediately send him back home. He sighed and moved towards the entrance where a whole group of people had gathered around his friends. He suddenly got really shy and ducked his head down and moved towards Jean hiding behind her. "C-Come on l-lets go..." He said moving towards the parking lot where a large black limo was parked. He sighed, here we go. The driver opened the door for him and he told the driver to wait till his friends came. He then got in and moved around in it so that he was near the door but the others could climb in. He waved for them to enter.

I am interacting with: @Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi

I am at: My limo.

The current time is: After school.

Riika sighed and threw away her empty coke. 'Well, let's join.' And with that she jumped on Makoto's back. 'Haa I am bigger now,' She laughed and patted the boy on his head. 'I am sorry,' the girl chuckled while keeping her balance.


@Suzumaki Arakai
Jethro didn't bother to react to the whole flying cookie thing. He just saw it fall onto the ground then looked back at Ichigo. "Nice to meet you Ichi" The teen said momentarily putting a hand on the girl's head then returning his hand back to his side. "Right, time to take a foot off" Jet somehow adjusted Suzumaki's position so that he carried her bridal style then put her back down onto the ground. The teen nodded at Aaron then followed him to the limo.

@Kawaii @Suzumaki Arakai @True Queen Ashe
Yumi glanced over at the two people running away, one practically in tears, the other pretty damn pissed. She couldn't help but want to run after them, and she took a step forward to, but stopped as soon as Aaron popped forward. She quickly shot him an apologetic smile, taking a step back, "Sorry, can you wait for me? I'll be back in a sec." Yumi told him before looking over at Ryuzaki briefly, shaking her head before running after the girl and boy. "Hey! Wait up, please!" She called after them. @Corgi @Suzumaki Arakai @True Queen Ashe
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Jean smiled. She looked at Aaron behind her. She followed Jethro into the limo. She saw Yumi walk away and wonder what she was doing, but didn't go after her. @True Queen Ashe

Suzumaki blushed for the split second she was held bridal style but them forgot about it once she was back on her feet, back to her normal size.

She hung her head a little, "And my reign comes to an end." She says, looking at Jet with disappointment, "Because of you I got no cookie."

Along with the others she made it to the limo and grew excited. "Woah! What's with this long car!?" She asked while looking at Jet. She began frantically talking about cool cars; you can't really make out what she's saying though.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3037504e_Goofy2.gif.dc7f36c66a28820e851fb85f72ba134d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3037504e_Goofy2.gif.dc7f36c66a28820e851fb85f72ba134d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@RyanJXavier @True Queen Ashe @Aero


He was just casually standing there in his own thoughts when he noticed rooftop girl glance at him.

No time was given for him to ask what so he just thought it instead..."Why'd she look at me like that?"

With a small shrug he glanced at the kid who had just exited the school building; the one rooftop girl asked to wait.

@True Queen Ashe @Leaf Fi



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Connor begun to open his door he was going to the roof again. He felt like crying he hten saw a large limo outside the school. He looked inside and saw the other's He then saw The shoufer "why...why is a limo here.." He said looking at the ground again he then saw his class mates inside it... "where are you all going?" he asked in a quiet voice as he then looked at them all. Thay probably thought he was weard or something as he begun to fiddle with his pen again. He then asked another question "are you going somewhere nice?" he said looking at the people near the fancy limo.

@True Queen Ashe



Mrs. Miriel walked to the front of the school and towered over the students. A very nasty look on her face, a face of anger and betrayal."Mr. Ryuzaki, as a teacher I am simply insulted that you skipped my class. Come with me to the principles office at once. Ditching my class is a massive insult to me and my commitment to my students." She turned to look around at the other students looking at each and every one with a look that says: I wills end you all to detention in two seconds.

Currently I am: Sending @Suzumaki Arakai to the Principle's office.

The time of day is: After school.

"H-Hey! Waah!" Matoko said, when Riika suddenly jumped onto his back. "Hold on! i can't-", Matoko squeezed out as an Response, to the White haired girl's Apologie. The boy almost lost his Balance, then managed to catch it in the last second... and then fell down anyways, landing flat on on the ground, Mrs. Miriel now Standing right over him.

@Hobbesisalive @True Queen Ashe
Aiko stops in the dorm stairwell and slid down the wall and hug her legs. 'You're an idiot sometimes, Aiko...' She told herself, hearing footsteps pound down the hall of the dorm when she glanced up, she watched Hajime run down the hallway. She wanted to call out to him, but instead, she just watched him run on. Aiko looked at the box of cookies and sighed. "Maybe I should go make more cookies now..." She whispered, sniffling slightly and standing. She felt defeated and weird. She normally thinks before she talks but in front of everyone, it was different. She took a deep breathe and started to calm herself.

Ryuzaki's monotone expression instantly turned into a "Aww shit.." kind of expression.

He flinched at the sounds of Mrs. Miriels voices and followed after her with a sigh.

"I should've left school grounds quicker..." He thought, knowing that he won't be able to buy a pack of cigarettes until later at night or maybe even tomorrow.

@True Queen Ashe
Riika felt Matoko struggling to stay balanced. Her eyes turned into shock and she gasped when the boy finaly felt down. The girl bend over, while still sitting on his back her white her touching the ground. "You okay?" She asked sheepishly. But only seeing his facr made her chuckle which turned into laughter. While she laughed Riika noticed that the other were gone, leaving the two of them behind. Once again.

Yumi continued to run for a while until she gained a stitch at her side. 'Dammit...' She grumbled to herself as she slowed to a stop, leaning forward and rested her hands on her knees. There was no sign of the two students anywhere, and it depressed her slightly. After all, the girl sounded pretty upset... Yumi just wanted to comfort her. Pants escaped her mouth as she tried to regain her breath, keeping her eyes shut. @Corgi


Aaron sighed. He wanted to wait for Yumi. "You guys don't mind waiting for Yumi right?" He asked his friends. He smiled at the guy who had a massive personality break in his class. "We're just going to my home. You're welcome to come." He stretched and arm towards the boy, "I don't think we've met I'm Aaron, Aaron Steele."

I am interacting with:

I am at:

The current time is:

"....Ow." Matoko said, the Moment he hit the ground. "...i've been be-" Matoko stated, while Riika broke out in laughter, the Moment she looked at him. he couldn't help it, and started laughing himself, thinking about how silly that just was. He noticed how Riika was looking around them, and did the same, curious on what she's currently observing, and noticed that... the other guys left.

Aiko came into the hall and looked down it. She didn't see Hajime but she saw a different girl. "A-are you okay?" She said, walking up to her. She was a part of the group she said that the cookies were poisoned. "S-sorry about saying they were poisoned. I don't say what I mean when I'm around a lot of people. Also, these cookies taste terrible and they probably could kill someone, which was what I meant." She said, nervously laughing afterwards.

@Leaf Fi
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