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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Ichigo blushed at his comment about her name, "Strawberry", the name given to her in Japanese. "It's okay, I didn't see the whole thing." She replied. He was surprisingly kind. "Nice to meet you, Connor." Ichigo said as she held out her hand to him.

After a while, Matoko stood up from his desk, turned off his Laptop, and headed out of his dorm. He was, quite frankly, bored, and planning to socialize a bit, When he finally managed to find two students he already knew from his classes. huh... that Connor guy... don't know why but i still have that weird uneased Feeling around him.... Well.. that Jethro did Claim that he was ok... or at least stated that he wasn't a threat... and the other Girl, i did see her in class, but don't exactly know her Name.. yet, i mean. The male thought. he slapped on his usual, bright smile once again, and waved at the two individuals.


Riika was headed to the courtyard with a Coke in her right hand and her second apple in her left hand. She was tired from listening to all information and plopped down at the nearest bench. Not able to talk at all. The girl leaned her head againt the wood and sighed, closing her eyes. 'I long for my bed,' She mumbled while she bit a part of the red fruit. Enjoying the fresh taste it held. The girl looked at three classmates talking to eachtoher. One was the guy in the seat next to her and a girl named Ichigo. Oh and there was Matoko.





The older teen walked upstairs searching for a roof before he headed to the dorms. He heard that their rooms were good, so he wanted to check them out himself. He opened the door to the roof and peeked before he set foot on the grey tiles. He didn't want to disturb anyone relaxing here. But it was empty and he leaned against the iron bars. Liting up his second cigarette already. His sister agreed that he could smoke, just not more then two a day. And Satsuki strictly held on to that.
Jean yawned, waiting for Aaron to come back from the office. She looked around and saw long blond hair flying toward them. "Hey there's Suzumaki." She said waving at her friend. @Suzumaki Arakai
"nice ot met you to " he said as he then begun to shake her hand and then begun to listen to his music singing his songs again not realiseing he can eb heard by the two he tends to do that. Imagin people arn't there again his voice was brilliant after the practice he done he then begun to realise what he was doing "oh sorry i tend to zone out a little" He said looking at the two. He suddnly was atig a little bit shy around them now. KNowing he was good at singing.

"Oh that's okay, everyone does that sometimes." She replied. While she was talking with Connor, she saw a boy waving at her. She waved back at the mousy brown haired boy. She noticed that Connor was a bit shy and the other boy was a extroverted boy. She signaled for him to come over here.


Riika almost dozed of while watching the group of three. She needed some interaction or she was really going to fall asleep. The white haired girl got on her feet and headed to the students with a bright smile on her face. Which no one could see, because she put her apple in her mouth to take a bite. 'Hmey guys,' She greeted them quickly swallowing the piece of fruit.

@Kawaii @drummerboi
"bet you thought my singing was crap didn't you" he said looking at her he was getting more comfterble here now still shy as ever but now he's starting to get use to it here He then continued to wonder what the other's would react to his singing. He begun to have a sudden feeling. H atculy wanted others to hear him sing. Was this feeling. Comfidence.


On her way to find where the others are she notices Jean waving at her, growing excitement causes to trip in the process of waving.

She fell flat on her face, causing two of her milk bottles to bust and go all over her newly changed clothes.

After a second of lying face down on the ground she slowly stood to her feet and gave Jean a smile; no shortly after that did she throw her head back and grip her hair. "Kusoooo!~" Her yell could be heard throughout the entire out doors.

Before even fully approaching Jean, Suzumaki turned and headed back to her dorm room; passing by Ichigo, Conner, some perky guy and another girl. She gave them a smile for a split second then remembered why she was angry; back to a furrowed brow and frown.

Once she got to her dorm she, once again, changed her clothes.

@Kawaii @Hobbesisalive

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Ichigo saw a white haired girl greeting her and replied, "Hello, may I ask your name?" She said calmly as the girl took a bite of her Apple.


"No, I didn't. How would I know when I haven't heard your voice?" She replied as she heard his voice and found her eyes glittering. She smiled brightly, his voice was something she was curious about and wanted to shake it out of him, but she didn't. She then saw Suzumaki close by, milk dropping on her. She shouted, "Goodness, Are you ok?"


@Suzumaki Arakai
Makoto understood that the Girl was signaling him to join their conversation. The teen was happy that the female responded to him in that manner, and continued his way to them.

"Hi there, you two!" Matoko stated, smiling at both the Girl, and Connor, brightly. he heared the Boy singing a song while he was heading to them, and seemed to be a bit embarassed about both him, and the Girl Hearing it. "Wow.. you have a beautiful voice!" Matoko stated, letting his arm rest on Connor's shoulder. Suddenly he heared a familiar voice aproaching them, and discovered, that it was Riika, from earlier. He was about to greet her, when another Girl, past by him, soaked in some Kind of liquid. Huh.... he thought, turning his head back to Riika. "Oh, hi there, Riika."

@Kawaii @drummerboi @Hobbesisalive @Suzumaki Arakai
Connor saw suzumaki. He then begun to walk towards her room "excuxe me a momment ichigo im sorry." He said he then knocked on her room door "Suzumaki....are...are you okay?" he said looking at the door. He was now comfortable enough to not look at the floor anymore "Suzumaki....if it's about the incident you...you don't need to beat yourself up about it... i...im used to stuff like that and you kind of made me stronger in a way.. i feel kind of more comfortable here now... i just have times when i need to let go.." He said looking at the door. hopeing she would hear him.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Riika shook her head. 'Nope' She said smirking. 'Of course,' She threw away the apple and licked her lips to get the remaining taste out of it. 'Riika, and you are Ichigo right?' She said while she gave a short smile to Makoto as greeting. It was nice to meet new people, but seeing a familiar face also relieved her. She liked little classes more then big ones. Then you couldn't meet anyone. Now it was simple and organized.

Ichigo smiled at him, then greeted him, "Hello sir to you, too" she smiled. The boy was definitely extroverted and outgoing, very happy-go-lucky. She saw a semi group of people around her, "At least they are nice, okay Ichigo?" She thought as Connor went to Suzumaki and she was questioned by the young girl. "Yeah, Ichigo, Ichigo Shizuka" she semi-bowed.

@BobbyW @Hobbesisalive

She didn't hear Ichigo holler in question and continued to her room.

In the process of changing a knock was heard at her door, you could hear someone yell from the inside and a loud thud.

Shortly after, Suzumaki opened the door with a crazy doo for hair. She began to pout while looking at conner, "I dunno how to do pig-tails..."

The loud thud was her trying to put the drawer back in the dresser but the knock at the door caused her to drop it.

Jean couldn't help but to laugh as Suzumaki falls flat on her face getting milk all on her. Suzumaki still happy and positive ran off to her dorm, and Jean just shaked her head still chuckling.
"And while we're at it, i'm just going to introduce myself too. Ahem.... my Name is, Makoto, Makoto Fujimoto.", Matoko stated, in Response to Riika's introduction.

He took a second to think about the Name Ichigo, which Riika just claimed the Girl to be. "..You mean.. Ichigo, like, in strawberry?", Matoko questioned the girl, his smile still remaining on his face.

"hmhm hay... il help you first off let's get this draw sorted out "He said smieling as he then contineud look at her. He then begun to pack all the things neatly in her draw after that he got two scrunchies. "here i'l help a little girl in the orphanage i was raised had me done it all the time" He said realiseing what he just said. As he then just kept quiet now. He then lookd at her and gestured tot he scrunchies as if to say "can we do this now" he said looking at her

@Suzumaki Arakai
Ichigo excused herself from the conversation, "Hey, I'm gonna help Suzumaki". She jogged up to her and fixed her pigtails into twin braids as Connor tried to help her. then she resumed her conversation with the group. "Y-Yeah, Strawberry." She sheepishly giggled as she rubbed the back of her head.

@Suzumaki Arakai @BobbyW

Riika took a sip from her coke and smiled. 'Nice to meet ya,'' Her gaze then shifted to Matoko who just introduced himself. She chuckled at his questioned and looked at Ichigo again. Strawberry, it sounded really cure. And it did fit her well. Riika thought as she took another sip of her coke. It was nice to hang outside like this. Her eyes followed the girl when she ran off and she turned to Matoko again. 'Looks like we are always left behind.' The girl said, referring to the other time on the roof.

Jethro nodded at Suzumaki once she gestured for the group to wait in their spot. After a few moments Jean excused herself to go off to her dorm as well. "Yumi, do you need to get anything?" Jet asked in a patient manner. Jean returned rather quickly and reentered Jet's line of sight, "Ello again". Jet's green eyes followed Jean's gaze as she waved at Suzumaki. Took her a bit. He thought to himself before raising a brow as Suzumaki fell and ran back to her dorm.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Aero @Leaf Fi
Ichigo resumed the conversation after she helped Suzumaki with her hairstyle and continued it with Makoto and the other girl. "Yeah, my name is obscure but, cute at the same time" She commented. Her name wasn't so weird, or at least she thought before all the questions.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW

Suzumaki nodded at Conner but then Ichigo, a newly familiar face, came running up and took the scrunchies.

The strawberry girl had Suzumaki's hair up in the blink of an eye. Suzumaki looked to Conner and laughed as he seemed somewhat dumbstruck.

Quickly she looked in the mirror and started fluffing her hair.

"Uwaaah! Sugoi!" She exclaimed then ran to the group of people and stood between them, "Lookie, look!"

She gave a small twirl and struck a pose before noticing unfamiliar faces. She took the hand of the happy-go-lucky looking guy with one hand and used her other hand to grab ahold of a light-haired girls hands.

"I'm! Su! Zu! Ma! Ki!" She spells out her name, "Nice to meetcha! Shishishi!"



Ryuzaki finished getting all of his work and began carrying it to his dorm room.

He noticed rooftop girl standing with some friends and walked right passed them; the urge to ruffle her hair snuck up on him but he didn't do it.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @Leaf Fi
Aiko yelps as Hajime runs after her. "Noooooo! Hajime stop!" She yells sprinting across the courtyard, runnign past a group of people. A box of cookies in her hand as she does so. Shortly after she does Hajime runs past the group as well, chasing after Aiko. "But Aiko~ I want your cookies!" She yells. As they continue to run around the courtyard, a bystander sees this and starts playing music.


Matoko nodded as a Response to Ichigo's excuse, and waved after her in the process. The teen found it to be an interesting Name, since it's also a word, that was commonly used.

The Boy turned towards towards Riika, and chuckled as a Response. "Well, i hope it's just a coincident!" He shifted his gaze back to Ichigo, once she returned, stating, "Uhmm... i'm not entirely sure, but i think Matoko means... truth, and Fujimoto core or, root. So combined, that would mean, the root or core of truth." He rubbed the back of his head while explaining his Name, when suddenly, the girl that was apparently named Suzumaki returned, and grabbed his and Riika's Hand, introducing herself in a excited manner. "Hi there Suzumaki! i'm Matoko, and it's nice to meet you too!" Matoko stated, smiling at the over-excited girl.


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