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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

After putting the astronomy book away, Jethro looked around the room and relaxed himself. He saw Juvia lean back in her chair and watched Juvia sit down-wait. The teen sat up a bit looking back and forth at the two Juvia's on different sides of the room. Jet blinked a couple of times before realizing that they were both twins. Oh okay, for a moment I thought I was going crazy. His thoughts ran through his mind only to be hindered by Suzumaki's silent exclamation. She didn't seem to understand why he had given the paper to her. Hm I'll just explain later. Jet thought to himself. Within a few moments, his pen randomly flew out of his hand and onto the table behind him. The teen turned around to see it land on Aiko's table. It was a good thing it didn't really make much of a scene. Really only the closest people around them could have seen it. His green eyes locked onto Aaron's as he nodded after his remark then shifted to Aiko. "Sorry, it kind of just flipped out of my grip" Jethro apologized in a low voice.

@LunaCrosby @Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi @True Queen Ashe

Matsuo Miharu

Location: School grounds | Mood: Embarassed

Matsuo smiles and follows the teacher to her next class. Although, whe she gets there, class is almost over. She turns around, facing the teacher, "Thank you, Sir." She smiles at him and walks in, finding name tags already placed around the room. She tries to be as discreet as possible, locating her seat and quietly sitting down. I hope nobody noticed me....Who am I kidding? They noticed me...Great...She reads the board, noticing a name with a mark beside it. Oh no...I wonder if we have homework.

@Suzumaki Arakai

((Sorry it took me so long to reply, I'm watching a movie))

Suzumaki was writing down some of the things on the paper given to her by Jethro when all of a sudden she caught sight of his pen flying across the room.

She began to giggle as he got up to retrieve it and all that she could think of was a dog trying to play fetch alone.

And of course she began to laugh uncontrollably. She couldn't catch her breath and ended up clutching her stomach.

"Oh shit...I gotta stop laughing before I get in even more trouble...wait...trouble..."

Her laughing halted instantly and she stood up, throwing her head back and gripping her hair she spoke loudly without thinking.

"Gaaah! I have cleaning duty after school!" She dropped down in her seat and smacked her head down on the table to sulk.

@True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier


He stood blank as the girl thanked him, "Yeah." He didn't talk much...

"It's not a big deal...is it?" He thought as he returned to what he was doing before.

"Time to get shit done."

The tall man made his way to the teachers lounge and began working on grades and bettering himself with studies.

Aiko saw the pencil fly onto her desk and roll, touching her arm before stopping. 'Hm?' She thought, picking up the pen before hearing the voice and it sent a slight shiver down her spine. It wasn't something she was expecting. Her headturned his way and she stared for a bit. It was a bad habit of hers, staring at somebody before speaking. "N-no reason to apologize." She said, adding a small smile after it. She tried to be as approachable and kind as possible so that he'd feel comfortable around her. The last thing she wanted was someone to feel uncomfortable and awkward around a girl they just met and know nothing about. Aiko then handed him the pen back and looked back at her paper. She wanted to say more and continue the conversation but didn't know what to say. "Uhm... What's your name?" She asks, looking over at him again. Aiko was sure his name was Jethro, but she wanted to make sure she didn't accidentally call him something that wans't his name.




As discreet as she tried to be she could not avoid the fierce gaze given by Mrs. Miriel. "Miss Miharu, I ask that you do not come to my class late again or it will be detention for you. This is your first strike." She stood up and went to the board and under Connor's name she wrote Matsuo on the board and put an X next to her name. "There are maps of the campus available online or in the principles office I HIGHLY recommend you get one Miss Miharu." She adjusted her glasses with her finger and cleared her throat. "I highly recommend you read through Chapter One of tour Astronomy book, you may stay after class if you wish. Your homework is to write a two page essay on chapter one." She stood up and tried to quite down the class.

"I have one final thing to say to the class. Go out, have some fun. Don't stay pent up in this school forever. There's a wonderful city out there rich with new places to see. I do hope you will enjoy yourselves for the afternoon and I will see you all tomorrow. Today's proverb for the day is..." She adjusts her glasses again and pulls a small strip of paper from her purse. "Forget the past and aim for the future." She gave a sweet smile and passed around everyone's electronics, coats, and hats. As soon as the last person got his stuff the bell rang. For the end of the school day.

Currently I am: Scolding @BabyDoll and lecturing the class.

The time of day is: The end of class Go have some fun.

Suzumaki's sudden outburst made Jethro's head turn. Seriously, that girl was unintentionally hogging his attention. Jethro tilted his head a bit at the familiar snap of a pencil. Juvia seemed a bit unhappy. He took an extra pen out of his pocket and slowly placed it onto her table before looking back at Aiko. The bell suddenly rang allowing Jethro to speak in his usual volume. "My name's Juan with a silent J" He said joking around with Aiko as he got his pen from her. "Just kidding it's Jethro. Thanks by the way" The teen corrected smiling a bit. "What's your name?" He asked while picking up his completed homework from his table.

@Suzumaki Arakai @LunaCrosby @Corgi

Suzumaki zoned out as the teacher was talking, she watched as everyone's phone were returned to them. "I wish I had a phone..."

Still sulking she gathered up all of her things and shoved it all down into her bag with no concern for organization.

She approached Aaron and Jean with a frown; Jethro was speaking with someone else.

"Hey...I forgot that I have cleaning duty today because of hitting Connor on the head..."

She let out an exaggerated sigh and grabbed Jean, wrapping her arms around her and letting out a cry.

"I don't wanna be alooooone!~~"

@Aero @True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier
Aiko felt happy that she was having a civil conversation with someone. When he said his name was Juan, she even giggled a bit. Most of it was rfom embaressment for her thinking it was Jethro, but she enjoyed it none-the-less. As shew as packing up, she continued to talk. "Nice to meet you, Jethro. I'm Aiko." She said, grabbing her school bag and feeling the pressence of Hajime right behind her. She could practically feel her glaring at Jet as they spoke to each other. "U-uhm... I should get going." She said, a bit saddened that she had to go so quickly, but it was either that, or a fight would break out between Hajime and Jethro, which she didn't want. "Talk to you tomorrow, I suppose!" She said, walking quickly out of the classroom and out of the building. She wanted to be away from people for a little bit and calm down.



Aaron rubbed the back of his head and cropped a worried look on his face. He knew that Jean was a really nice person and so did Suzumaki so naturally Jean was going to stay behind. He sighed he had no choice. "Suzumaki just come with us I'll sort it out with the principle... Don;t ask how and just do it please." He moved quickly out of the classroom really upset. He ripped off his wristband and put it in his pocket as he moved towards the principle's office. It was time to pull off some of the Steele influence.

He walked right past the secretary and knocked on the doors of the principles office he adjusted his uniform and hair to make him look professional.

I am interacting with: @Suzumaki Arakai

I am at: The Principles office

The current time is: After school!

Jean received, her electronics back from the teacher. 'Yeah, now you're sweet.' She thought. Jean's thoughts were interrupted when Suzumaki gave the news that she has cleaning duty. Jean let out a yelp when Suzumaki grabbed her, and hugged her talking about not wanting to be alone. "I-I'm sure you won't be alone. I mean the teachers will probably still be here so you can talk to a teacher you like." Jean said, patting Suzumaki's head trying to make the girl happy. She listened to Aaron's proposal and watched him and Suzumaki walk out. Jean was relieved that Aaron had a plain, because she really didn't want to have to stay in school helping her crazy friend out. @Suzumaki Arakai @True Queen Ashe
Juvia stared at the pen the biy gave her and sighed, putting the paper in her bag and the pen. She then turned to her sister and glared, obviously unhappy with her as well.

Maya glared back at Juvia, she walked over and kept the glare "mom forced me to be here" she said and exited the classroom.
Hayate Gorou

A knock was heard at the door.

The old man slowly stood up and made his way to answer it, very slowly though.

Once he was at the door he looked down and made way for the youngster to enter.

@True Queen Ashe


Suzumaki let go of Jean and perked up at Aarons words then danced for a second before stating random things, "I was afraid I'd have to beat someone up." She said as she made crazy movements that could probably hurt someone if she wasn't paying attention...which she wasn't but no one got hurt..


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Dance.gif.c2b0dfc0fada7011205a38e7215076a8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Dance.gif.c2b0dfc0fada7011205a38e7215076a8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/spoiler'

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30105a24_Fight2.gif.cdc91a35c89ec32c2b08d1c1037d6201.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30105a24_Fight2.gif.cdc91a35c89ec32c2b08d1c1037d6201.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Again , Havent Been Getting Notifacations , Sorry)

Zack had fallen asleep while waiting for the paint to dry , so he hopped up and stretched , and got ready to put up his shelves


Aaron took a deep breath. Here we go... "Hello sir I don't wish to disturb you. I am Aaron, Aaron Steele, of the Steele industries of America." He held up his left wrist to reveal his brand. "You know, the company that just spent 200,00 American Dollars on your new science lab? Well it's come to my attention that I must ask for a favor, it's just a trifle thing. You see one Suzumaki Arakai has a clean up duty punishment that she has been given. I require her services tonight immediately after school. I can assure you she will be punished but in a way I see fit. What I am asking for is that you remove her from Clean Up Duty." He stared coldly and seriously into the old mans eyes. He used all the training he had from his Great Auntie, the cold stare of control, the flashing of vast fortune. "Should you accommodate me with this venture I shall have my Great Auntie Leona Steele aid in some funding for the school, perhaps new Gym equipment, maybe a statue." He finished.

I am interacting with: @Suzumaki Arakai

I am at: The Principles Office

The current time is: After school.

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(( xD Dammit, she was caught))

Matsuo Miharu

Location: Class | Mood: Sheepish

Matsuo hangs her head as the teacher scolds her. Once the bell rings, she walks out, thinking that she should probably try her best to be early to that class. She gets up and avoids the gaze of the teacher, walking to the principal's office to pick up a map, like Mrs. Miriel told her to do. After picking up the map, she walks to her dorm, her chipperness depleted a little bit after the scolding. Once she gets there, she opens the door, walking in, only to find her pet turtle, Nasazumi-chan, stretching his neck out to chew on some fluff spilling out of a hole in a pillow he had chewed. She gasps, dropping everything and running up to the bed, picking up the turtle and hugging him close to her chest, not squeezing too hard. She sets him back down on the bed, picking up the pillow he had chewed on. "Great. Guess I'll have to get my sewing needle out. Bad turtle!" Matsuo scolds him, shaking her finger. She taps his nose once then sets him on the bedside table, taking out her laptop, deciding to read chapter one and then get started on the two-page essay that was due tomorrow. Looking up the online textbook, Matsuo assumes her browsing position, which is basically her slumping over and occasionally stretching out her muscles.

About two and a half hours later, Matsuo stretches. "Aaaahhh...," she pops her back, "Welp, I guess I'm done with that. But I'd better not be late for class tomorrow." Picking up Nasazumi-chan, she places him inside of the tiny playpen she had made him. "I'm gonna go shower, Nasazumi, now behave," she says, squinting at him and doing that "I'm watching you" thing with her fingers.
Zack put up the shelves about where the desk would go for all his game systems , then a few more for the new systems as they come out , Zack afterwards put up the ones for his manga collection about his bed then around ending at the center of the door , and multiple shelves like this , stacking ontop of eachother , he then fixed everything (Put the bed and desk and such back how they were ) after picking up the plastic , he then began putting up his manga
"Nice to meet you too Ai-" Jethro paused after noticing Hajime glare at him. "-ko Aiko. Nice to meet you too" He continued focusing on Aiko and dismissing Hajime. "Yeah I'll see you around" The teen gave a slight wave then turned around to see Yumi. "Come on Yumi, let's meet Aaron out front" He said putting an arm around the girl and heading out of the classroom. "You too Jean" Jet added putting his other arm around her and leading them outside. His arms returned to his sides as he let go of them, "I finished the homework in class. So if you girls need help, I got your backs. Just no copying word for word or anything, ya know?"

@Corgi @Leaf Fi @Aero
Connor learning that the teacher compleatly ignored his question. Sighed as he then begun to walk outside. He then sat down on the cherry bloossom tree and continued to sing again. Again his voice can be mostly heard if anyone is outside. But this time it wasn't as loud as before it was ind of soft but still hearable if your close enough. He tehn got his head phones and begun to play the song as he begun to sing it. Closeing his eyes in the process. he then continued to look around he didn't notice that other people were outside as well. He continued to sing this time a little louder so he can hear himself threw the headphones. His singing was almost pitch perfect

@Anyone who's comeing outside
Hayate Gorou

The small, old man made his way back to his seat as Aaron spoke.

Once he sat down he pulled up a paper and began to speak in a loud, hoarse voice, "Mr. Steele, you wish to use your name as a ticket to remove one of my students from a punishment given to her by Miyamura Sato?" He said with a cough every now and then.

He then picked up a phone, "Miyamura Sensei can you come to my office."

After setting the phone down he gave Aaron a nod and motioned for him to take a seat...unless he already had.

Eventually Miyamura Sensei made his way to the office very quickly.

@True Queen Ashe

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura Sensei was in his office doing some paper work when his brother entered the room, with a quick glance he glared at him for a second then continued with what he was doing as Akashi approached him and placed a stack of quizzes on his desk.

"Here." He says.

Miyamura gives a nod without any other word until Akashi speaks up.

The conversation he started wasn't a comfortable one so he was pleased to get a call from Principle Hayate that very moment.

Once he made his way there the principle told him what Aaron was asking for and he stood still for a second, chewing a nail.

"I suppose... she's a sweet girl..." Her sudden dramatic apology in mind, "I'll just have her do it tomorrow."

@True Queen Ashe


Suzumaki followed after Jethro as he escorted Jean and Yumi out of class, "Oi, oi! Wait for me!" She said with a laugh hoping that Aaron could get her out of cleaning duty.

"Good luck Aaron..."

After catching up to Jethro and them she throws up a finger motioning for them to wait a moment and darts off to her dorm.

Once there she changes out of her paint covered clothes and throws on something different.

She didn't worry about her nappy hair though... she could fix that on the way there.

@RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi @Aero
Jean smiled at Jethro's offer to help. She thanked him before he left to go to the front and wait for Aaron. Jean heads to her dorm as well. Once there she grabs her laptop and put it in her bookbag. She then jogs to the front of the school.

Omi had fell asleep in the teacher's lounge. He was waken up by the bell and yawned, stretching. "I guess I should better head home." He mumbled and stood up. He threw his empty water bottle in the recycling bin and walked out to the hallway.

Ryuzaki sits in his dorm and drinks his coffee, he didn't have any more cigarettes; he checked.

After the bell rang he got up and left the dormitory to go get his homework from the teachers he didn't attend the classes of.

First Gurin Sensei, then Miyamura Sensei, and then Mrs. Miriel.

Of course she scolded him and eyed him down like a hawk.

He would be finding himself in the student counselors office later to see his punishment.

@True Queen Ashe
Omi went back to the A-2 and started straightening all the desks that were out of order. He grabbed his laptop and walked out.
drummerboi said:
Connor learning that the teacher compleatly ignored his question. Sighed as he then begun to walk outside. He then sat down on the cherry bloossom tree and continued to sing again. Again his voice can be mostly heard if anyone is outside. But this time it wasn't as loud as before it was ind of soft but still hearable if your close enough. He tehn got his head phones and begun to play the song as he begun to sing it. Closeing his eyes in the process. he then continued to look around he didn't notice that other people were outside as well. He continued to sing this time a little louder so he can hear himself threw the headphones. His singing was almost pitch perfect
@Anyone who's comeing outside
Aiko let out the breathe she was holding when the left the building. "I'm just happy that you didn't scare him off." She whispered, a bit out of breathe. Hajime patted her back and said, "I did what needed to be done. I don't trust that guy." Aiko smiled, "You don't trust anyone." Right as Hajime was about to say something, heard singing. Their attention was drawn to a specific cherry tree with a boy sitting underneath it. Before Hajime could say anything to Aiko about the boy, she was already walking over to him.

"Hello!" She greeted, "You're voice is very beautiful." Aiko felt embaressed and rude for interrupting him, so she blushed and apologized. "Sorry for interrupting you, though." Before she could say anything else, Hajime came up behind her and started glaring at the boy as well.
Ichigo went to next period, her mind burned, inside out. She had grabbed her stuff and left just before a teacher had left. She had jogged to the next class, almost knocking a teacher over with his computer. "I apologize for pushing you." she said as slowed down and she went off to her dorm,
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