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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro walked into the science room and navigated his way to his assigned seat. He had a slight glare on his face from what he just underwent. His expression faded though when he read the board and began to listen to Mrs. Miriel. Jet wrote down a bunch of notes before glancing up at the woman to listen to the assignment. After hearing the homework, Jet decided that two pages was okay. It was science anyway. Two pages would have been ridiculous if it was for a non-major class subject.

(Here is my post! Dost thou see?!)

@True Queen Ashe @True Queen Ashe @True Queen Ashe
Connor sighed "thank your for letting me know mrs Miriel" He said as he then begun to walk towards his deask and read chapter one he was a fast reader so he wrote a few notes down on chapter one and continued to review the chapter doing a few little more notes on the chapter before then closing the book and already beginning to write the essay he liked astronamy the star's and the shapes they created. As he continued to write his rough copy of the work. As he then contineud to write his rough he glaced up at the bored and wrote his homework after that he raised his hand for the teacher to ask a question.

@Suzumaki Arakai



It took a few minutes for Miriel to notice his hand but when she did she adjusted her glasses."Yes Mr. Gray how may I assist you?"

Currently I am: @drummerboi

The time of day is: End of class.

"um....you teach English as well....well i was thinking maybe i can do some creative writing...." He said looking at her "i'v done some already i have done a short story about....a boy who...want's a guardian angel but....he...soon discovers he is his own angel" He said handing her some rough copy's some pages are very well details while other's need a little bit of work. He then wondered what she was going to say. Maybe she was going to say it's crap and he should give it up. That is what his dad always said in fact. His dad mainly said everything he should stop doing.

@True Queen Ashe



Miriel shook her head. "My class isn't for writing or reading Mr. Gray next time ask Mr. Gur?n. I teach English, since as you know, we are in Japan, not many of your classmates know the English language."

Currently I am: answering Mr. @drummerboi 's question.

The time of day is: Almost the end of class.


Suzumaki jots random things down in her note book, she had to throw her notepad away because she doodled on every page.

She stares at Connor as he asks the teacher a question then continues doing her work.

"I wonder what's for lunch tomorrow..." She thought to herself.

Deciding that hunger was on its way, she decided to pull a cupcake from one of her boxes and began to eat it.

The joy spread through her body as she gobbled it down, then another, and another.

"One, two, three, four, five..." She was shocked to see how many she had left. Internal screams began to ring through her body as she put one of the boxes to the side and got up to throw away the one she just emptied.

"Do I have to raise my hand?" She thought but it was too late, she's already up and at the trashcan.

@drummerboi @True Queen Ashe

Matsuo Miharu

Location: School grounds | Mood: Embarassed

Matsuo blushes out of embarassment. "No...," she says, still looking at him. I only got directions for the first two classes! Why didn't I ask for more directions! She smiles at the teacher, hoping he wouldn't drop his books again. Not so she wouldn't have to help pick them up again, but because she hoped that he got to class without loosing any papers. I wonder what class he teaches?

@Suzumaki Arakai
At least he could begin his homework now. Jethro took out a piece of paper and began writing about the first chapter in their astronomy book. After a few moments of writing, Jet managed to write up to a full page. He momentarily took a break and let his eyes wander around the room. Watching Suzumaki's facial expressions might as well be an occupation. It took a lot of thought to guess what made her twist her face, smile, or seem as if she was internally screaming. His eyes stayed on the girl for a moment before he looked back down on his paper to continue writing. His essay focused on the Earth's formation and all that other stuff the teacher explained. Jethro frequently referred to his notes as a reference rather than the book since Mrs. Miriel mentioned a few things the book seemed to lack.
((Let's all pretend Jean was there the whole class xD ))

Jean put her pencil down next to her notebook and sighed. 'This class will be the death of me...' She thought. First, no electronics! Jean's heart broke when she saw that rule. Second, this woman was so frickin strict! Three strikes and you fail the next test, what?! Finally, Jean was so bored writing this essay about a chapter they just read! She just finished her second body paragraph when she took a break to massage her head. Her notebook had about five pages of notes all from this class! 'Just don't think about it and finish the essay...' Jean said. She wanted to cuss something in English so not many students would know what she was saying but couldn't becuase Mrs. Devil Woman knew English. 'At least, my friends are near so this may not be that bad.' After, ranting in her head Jean took a deep breath and exhaled. She picked up her pencil and continued to write.

Suzumaki watched as Jean rubbed at her head, she thought for a second then perked up. "Oh!" She reached into her pocket and pulled out a butterscotch lozenge and passed it to her giving a reassuring pose. "Yosh!" She thought to herself.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c300ad3ab_Thumbsup2.gif.17be90ec5987fe4b42e67fc91249dd39.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c300ad3ab_Thumbsup2.gif.17be90ec5987fe4b42e67fc91249dd39.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Jean out of the corner of her eye sees something coming toward her. She looked and saw the lozenge. She looked up at Suzumaki and her pose. Jean couldn't help but to smile, giggling a bit. She opened the lozenge and put it in her mouth. She gave Suzumaki a thumbs up, Jean's way of saying thank you.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Aiko continued to sit in her assigned seat with Hajime lingering over her, glancing around at everyone else nervously. She was way to protective over her but most people in her life have done that to her other than her parents. Aiko looked at the textbook and then back at her paper. Her paper already had words sprawled onto it that showed the first page was already nearly complete while Hajime hasn't even started yet... At all. "You know you should start writing." She said, glancing up at the masculine female. "Yes, I know. But one mustn't abandon Miss Aiko so simply." Hajime said, a small smile playing on her face.

Suzumaki feels around in her pockets for more lozenges and finds two more, she debates for a second on whether or not she should eat them both or give them to Aaron and Jethro.

After a minute or two she gulps and slowly; shakily, places a strawberry lozenge near Aaron and a caramel lozenge near Jethro.

She thought the caramel reminded her of him so it'd be funny...only to her though.

@True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier
Jethro finished the whole homework assignment before hearing some mumbling a few seats away. He glanced at Aiko and Hajime who were speaking as if it was math class. A light sound of something being placed on his desk caused Jethro to face back forward and look at Suzumaki. He held the lozenge up to her before raising a brow. Was she sure she didn't want it? Did she really intend to give the caramel lozenge to him?

@Corgi @Suzumaki Arakai

It took Suzumaki a second to understand why he was staring at her then she realized and gave him nod following up with a goofy peace sign.

"Okaiee!" She whispers quietly and continues to jot things down in her notebook, she doesn't know it but she's doing the entire assignment wrong.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c300ca159_PeaceSign2.gif.72a0e78986cf33dab4a778b45b9c08c2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c300ca159_PeaceSign2.gif.72a0e78986cf33dab4a778b45b9c08c2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(I guess I should get Maya into class before she's any later)

Maya enters the school building, a blank look on her face as she wandered down the halls. She sighed and spotted her classroom"A-2" she said quietly and bodded to herself, she entered the classroom and saw a familiar face... her twin sister.

Juvia looked up at a newcomer and froze, if anyone looked at her they would think she was surprised.. which she was. "Oh no.." she said quietly and turned to her paper, quickly filling it out. They looked identical but with slightly different colored hair, the resemblance was surprising.

Ryuzaki sat on the roof and stared aimlessly at the sky. He was out of cigarettes and was wondering when he'd get the chance to buy another pack.

Waiting until the weekend would be too much so he decided he'd wait until classes were over.

A dry mouth began to irritate him, he was just too lazy to get back up. A sudden buzzing came from his pocket, pulling out a black iphone, he stares at the message then shuts the cellular device off to avoid further annoyance.

"Damn...I'm thirsty." He thought and finally decided to go get a drink. He made his way down the stairs and outside the school building. A vending machine could be seen near the doorway of the dorms.

Once he was there he looked over all the different liquids and chose the black coffee then headed to his dorm room to see if maybe he had another pack of smokes somewhere in his bag.


Aaron finally stopped hiding and poked Jean and Jet on the shoulder. "Hey you guys want to come over to my house after class?" He asked nervously. He was glad his friends weren't reacting to his family name. He waved at Yumi and when she came over he repeated his question to her. He moved a stool over to the others and sat on it happily. "We can finish our homework there together." He said groaning. "I hate homework so doing it with friends would be amazing." He then looked around at his friends with an eager expression. However he noticed Suzumaki in the corner of his eye and a bit of an ashamed look on her face. So he turned to her and forced out the words. "You can come too Suzumaki, just be careful please." He really can't wait to hear his mothers angry words for bringing her.

I am interacting with: @Aero @Leaf Fi @RyanJXavier @Suzumaki Arakai

I am at: In class.

The current time is: Almost the end of class.

Jethro smiled a bit and ate the lozenge. He never actually had one before so the taste surprised him. Jet looked at Suzumaki's work before furrowing his brows a bit. What is she doing? The teen thought to himself before opening the astronomy book and taking some extra notes. A poke on his shoulder disrupted his train of thought causing him to glare at the one who interrupted him. His facial expression relaxed though once he saw it was Aaron. Jethro nodded at the guy's offer then turned back around. Although Jet had already finished his homework, he didn't mind helping some people out.

After a few moments of extra note taking, Jethro slid the paper over to Suzumaki. The paper contained the main points about the chapter and a line at the bottom that said, "Write about these things. Don't copy it word for word though. These are just some important lines from the book".

@Suzumaki Arakai @True Queen Ashe
Aiko continues to work, continuing to write the two page essay the teacher wanted... Even though it was starting to end up to be way longer than that. She glanced up at everyone else, a bit worried that she didn't make many friends on the first day. "Hajime, I'm going to socialize a bit." She told her, silencing her from any other comments being made by looking around the room for someone to talk to. Normally, she wouldn't ignitiate the conversation, but she'd feel a bit strange to not have met at least three people total the whole day, and have gotten their names.

When she spots a brown haired boy, she observes him for a bit before reaching over to tap on his shoulder. Before she could, she pulled her hand back and stared at her paper again. Disturbing him now would've been a bad way to start off, and so Aiko just went back to working again, consuming herself in doing so.

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Juvia stared at her paper sh sighed frustratedly and with out thinkg she scribbled all over the paper and dropped her pencil, leaning back in her chair with an angry look, it was surprising because she barely showed her emotions.

Maya walked to an empty seat and sat down "my dear sister seems angry.." she says quietly.
Jean looked over at Aaron and nodded. "Yeah, I'll come over. But can I bring my laptop? I hate writing essays, I like typing them instead. " Jean asked. @True Queen Ashe

Suzumaki peeked over at Aaron as he invited the others to her house, when he didn't say anything to her for a second she grew a bit disappointed and sighed.

"Aww...I did something wrong again." She thought and began thinking of a way to fix it when suddenly he looks over at her and throws her a verbal invitation as well.

Her eyes lit up and she shot her arms into the air to cheer but caught herself before yelling, "Horray..." she says in a soft whisper but is soon distracted by Jethro sliding her a paper.

She took it and read it quietly and wondered why she needed this stuff when she already had a ton of stuff written down and random doodles of illustrations that seemed to be important. Of course almost none of it could be read by anyone other than Suzumaki...

Either way she gave him a nod, "Understood!" She exclaims quietly.

@RyanJXavier @True Queen Ashe
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Aaron nodded his head happily practically radiating metaphorical flowers. "Sure just meet me out front when you guys are ready to leave. I won't stay long after I get done moving out of my dorm my ride will be leaving." He said moving his body as if he was dancing. He was happy to have friends and even happier that they accepted him he couldn't help it.

I am interacting with: @Aero @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi

I am at: In science class.

The current time is: Near the end of class time.


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