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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jean nodded. "Nice to meet you too." She responded to Makoto. She shaked her head getting out of the surprised trance. "So what do we do now..." Jean asked.

"You're welcome and it wasn't stupid. Ya just tried to help him. The situation could've gone in any way" Jethro explained before turning around to face the front of the classroom. He didn't realize Yumi stare into his eyes a few moments ago. It just registered in his mind as eye contact. "We just wait for sensei to return I guess" He glanced at Jean while walking back to his desk and sitting down.

@Leaf Fi @Aero
Hajime glared at the boy and pulled her arm away. It wasn't very violent but she was planning on slapping him again but she was suddenly stopped by a soft hand. "Hajime, you know better than that." She said in her usual quiet voice. Aiko quickly got between the two and bowed her head, apologizing for Hajime's rudeness. "I'm very sorry." She said, striaghtening herself up. "The teacher would like you to please return to the class room." Aiko said, feeling her arm being grabbed and slightly tugged towards the exit. Hajime wanted nothing to do with the boy at this point. 'Are you a tranny?' repeated through her head as she did so. 'That little I'm uncultured. How dare he have the audacity to call me a tranny!' She thought, taking deep breathed while doing so. @Suzumaki Arakai

The large man finished patching up the sniffling boy, "You're done."

He stated and left the room without another word.


Miyamura Sato

Miyamura made his way back to the classroom only to find students carrying on and talking away.

He stepped in and clapped his hands, "Alright, alright. Sit down everyone."

He points to Jethro, "Get everyone's papers." He says before walking over and whispering to Suzumaki.

The two of them leave the room together.



Suzumaki was sitting down in her seat, worried about what kind of trouble she's already gotten herself into.

"I knew I'd mess up somewhere down the line."

All of a sudden the teacher came in and had everyone sit down, she felt a little relieved until Miyamura Sensei approached her and told her to come with him.

Before leaving the class she gave them all a message that she'd be okay and that she'll survive.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30015ab4_Dance3Fightme!.gif.5d14f54efc70467f007234e4b4124041.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58463" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30015ab4_Dance3Fightme!.gif.5d14f54efc70467f007234e4b4124041.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The girl took her arm back and away from his grip and began to leave, he spit on the ground and placed his hands in his pocket.

"Tch, damn girls."

He waited a minute before leaving to go back to class.

"I wonder what I missed..."

He thought to himself and began making his way through the building.




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Jean looked at Suzumaki's little dance and giggled a bit. 'Only Suzumak would dance for getting in trouble.' She thought, sighing a bit at her goofy friend's attitude.
Connor didn't know if he would like to walk back to class. But what choice would he have he then saw the two near the classroom and walked towards them still fresh stiches on his head "sensai... it isn't her fault it's mine im sorry for my actions....please don't let her be in trouble a lot of people acted like that towards me. Even wacked me with a chair once." He said looking at her "So please. Don't let her be in trouble for something i did." He said bowing in respect. As he then begun to head to the class door still a little whoozy but can stand up right. @Suzumaki Arakai
"...Ok, i'll just have to openly ask you all something.." Matoko said, sighing a little. He rubbed his forehead, re-enacting the events that just took place in his head. "Actually.... this might sound a little selfish, but don't get me wrong here." He prepared the others, before Stating his thoughts. "...Is it even safe to be around that guy?.. I mean.. He is completely unstable..." Matoko questioned, not really targeting someone specifically, but more asking the whole class.
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Yumi paused for a moment. "I suppose that's true..." She mumbled thoughtfully in agreement. The brunette watched as Suzumaki was taken away, and it definitely cheered her up a bit. That girl was just too crazy for her own good. Yumi shook her head in amusement before glancing towards the boy who was now speaking. Her mouth opened to reply, to say that Connor could be trusted, but nothing came out. She just couldn't find the words she wanted to use. @RyanJXavier @BobbyW
"Sure" Jethro bluntly responded to the teacher before getting up again. He made his way down the aisles and began to pick up all the papers one by one. The teen could have easily just told them all to pass up the papers, but he figured most of them would have been too distracted to cooperate. His gaze shifted over to Matoko. "It's safe. We just need to give him some time to adjust" He stated looking back at the papers. There was obviously something up with Connor, but that didn't mean that he was completely unsafe.

@Suzumaki Arakai @BobbyW

He was in the process of escorting Suzumaki to the infirmary to talk to Connor when all of a sudden his brother passed by, giving them a glance then he continued on his way.

He noticed Suzumaki give him a look that said, "What's that about?"

"It's nothing." He continued to walk when he noticed Connor approaching them.

He stopped Suzumaki by placing a hand on her shoulder because, of course, she wasn't paying attention.

He listened to Connor speak and nodded to let him know he's listening until all of a sudden Suzumaki yelled out.


Suzumaki followed beside Miyamura Sensei to go to the infirmary.

Another teacher who looked somewhat similar to him passed by with a glance. Looking up a Miyamura, "What's that about."

she thought.

As thought he read her mind he gave a quick, "It's nothing."

Her eyes grew wide for a split second as she began staring at the floor in thought.

"Miyamura Sensei can read minds! Oh my god! This is crazy! I gotta tell everyone."

When all of a sudden a hand on her shoulder halted her in her tracks.

She looked up and saw Connor, she felt a little guilty...which she should.

After he finished talking she dropped her head and clasped her hands together. "I'm sorry!!!"

She yelled her apology before he could truly finish talking.

Makoto turned his head towards Jethro, who was currently gathering everyone's tests, as he was told. He nodded , not exactly in agreement, but in consideration, while handing him his test as he passed by.

"it's....it's..ok im...im used to it..." He said looking down on the floor agai as he walked towards the classroom door and begun to listen to the others talk about him he was sort of hirt by the way people were talk about him. he wanted to know what all the other's thought. about him. Did thay think he was a phycho. He wasn't he was just very troubled. Also he made sure he wasn't seen by the class. as he then waited for the others to reply to the boy's question about him. He then wonderd did he mess up do thay all hate him only one way to find out. He opened the door to the classroom slowly and begun to walk in. His gashes on his head can be clerly be seen. As he walked very slowly towards his deask. He picked up the deaks and made sure it was positiond symetricly to the other's. and also picked up his chair. Knowing the class would be dead silent he sat on his deask and cowerdly waits for the teacher to arrive.

Ryuzaki finally made it back to class, somehow before the two girls who cam to bring him back...maybe it's his long legs?

He had passed by the teacher and the short red haired girl and wondered what had happened before entering the classroom.

The first person he notices is rooftop girl in a different spot from where she was when he left.

Instead, she was standing near the seat that belonged to the short girl in the hallway with the teacher, talking to some others.

He took a trail through the classroom that led him to their group, with a short pause he spoke casually but very monotone, "Shouldn't you guys be sitting down?" The very second he finished his sentence he walked right between the people and made his way to his chair and sat down.

@Leaf Fi @Aero @RyanJXavier @BobbyW
Yumi hadn't even noticed that anyone new had entered the room; she was a bit preoccupied by her thoughts. It was only when a familiar voice sounded directly behind her revealed that the smoker had returned. For the second time that day, she jumped in shock and twirled around to face the owner of the voice, only to meet the air. Her brows furrowed and she turned back to her position from before to spot the culprit, not amused at all. He stunk of smoke. "Shouldn't you have been at the bathroom, not smoking again?" She scowled, crossing her arms beneath her chest. @Suzumaki Arakai
Jean sat back down in her seat. She watched Yumi and Ryuzaki bicker once again. 'I ship it.' She thought to herself.
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura wasn't expecting Suzumaki to apologize so quickly and...so loudly.

He gave a small chuckle to see that she was still in a bow even after Connor went back to class.

"He forgives you."

He assured her as he lifted her back to standing up straight only to reveal a very...disturbing expression.

She stood there with a blank...somewhat angry expression.

He waved his hand around in her face, "Hello? Y-you okay?"

No answer...

After a second she turned to him and asked what was next and he awkwardly led her to his office for some counseling.


Suzumaki didn't listen to a word Connor said after she bowed and apologized. She was already lost in thought, "My pride is broken. I'm dead; a torn book is what I am now. What'll I do? Go back and live in America?....Pfft, as if. NIHAHAHA! I'm invinicible! Wait no I'm not..."

A gentle hand lifts her from her bow, "My pride is even more broken now...to be broken from broken pride. What an ordeal."

She notices Miyamura Sensei's hand waving around in her face, "Stop it." She thought to herself.

After a second she breaks her thoughts but carries the same expression on her face.

"What's next?"

She's now sitting in his office...listening to lectures.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3004db4c_Huh3.jpg.9d66d30ab2d72e62b58e8fc734345608.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3004db4c_Huh3.jpg.9d66d30ab2d72e62b58e8fc734345608.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ryuzaki relaxes in his seat, the rooftop girls statement rings in his ears.

"Are you worried for me?"

He says this, following up with a smirk he continues to twirl her pencil around in his hands.

@Leaf Fi



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"Just collecting a quiz that everyone took" Jethro responded to Ryuzaki before turning back around and picking up the last quiz. He walked over to the front of the room then placed the papers down. Now what. Jet thought to himself while momentarily leaning onto the teacher's desk. His green eyes examined the class as a whole. It was only day one. His hand moved through his hair before he returned to his seat.

Akashi Sensei enters his brothers classroom and grabs a stack of papers from his desk; the papers happen to be the quiz everyone just took.

Without even stopping he enters the room, "Stay here until the bell rings." grabs the papers and leaves without another word.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c300577ad_MiyamuraAkashi.jpg.6b4ee8fbfe41b0113aa70806597ff750.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c300577ad_MiyamuraAkashi.jpg.6b4ee8fbfe41b0113aa70806597ff750.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Connor dropped his pencil he was drawing something he realised he suddnly made his presence known to people who didn't see him come in. He then slowly begun to pick it up. As he then begun to wonder what dose the nice girl think of him. Dose she hate him. Is she scared of him. He then begun to turn his picture book to a picture he drew years ago. He then placed it in front of his deask. He normaly used pictures to show how he feels most of the time to communicate with people as much as possible. The picture he showed was his true feelings what he was feeling evryday even though he always has a smile on his face.

Matoko saw the tall guy's arrival as a blessing, the whole conversation between him and Yumi, and his over all personality, was a great way to change the subject, and even the whole atmosphere. Makoto chuckled a bit, listening to both of them, leaning back into his chair.
That damn smirk again. Yumi hated it. "Worried for you?" She rolled her eyes, "That joke was so funny I forgot to laugh." The brunette replied with a frown, watching her pencil. She took a step forward and opened the palm of her hand for the pencil, much like she did earlier with the package of cigarettes. "I'd just rather no one would be so stupid to get kicked out on their first week of school." @Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki looked down at her hand, his pencil twirling had halted and he placed it in her hand.

At the same time he grabbed her wrist just as he did on the rooftop and jerk her really close, this time closer than before.

As a matter of fact, he stole a kiss from her in front of everyone.

kinda like something you read in a manga.

"What about this one?" He says, referring to the "joke" statement.

Before the girl has any time to say or do anything he gets up as soon as the bell rings and leaves the class before a teacher gets there. This kid leaves class a lot...

@Leaf Fi

((The bell rings through the ears of the students, some were startled, others were not. Some rejoiced and others sighed. there are already no teachers in the classroom.))
Jean retained a serious face but really she wanted to giggle. 'The ship has just sailed and is a canon away. Wow that sounded stupid.' She thought to herself while she waited for Yumi's reaction. As she waited, Jean was happy to hear the bell ring.

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