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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

nagisa squeaked when hajime hit him, tumbling from the desk and onto the floor with a loud curse. he enjoyed the varied looks he received from everyone, though, all different. some were disgusted, others amused, some wholly shocked. it was perfect. he was pleased to say he left no ordinary first impression on everyone. he frowned when a teacher(he was already displeased with this guy, though. who gave a test to unprepared kids? the devil, that's who), practically banished him from class, his disgustingly sugar sweet voice turning acidic when turned to yours truly. "it's rather unjust for you to say 'please leave my class,' when i was just introducing myself to my new students, don't'cha think?" he said, voice dripping with a faux, friendly enthusiasm. "plus, i was just tryin' to calm them down from your little pop quiz. look, one of 'em is having a melt down!" he pointed towards a boy clicking away at his pen, tears streaming down his cheeks. he put his hands on his hips, shaking his head in a playful disappointment.

@Suzumaki Arakai

"I-I should go look for him now..." Aiko whispered, glancing up at the current teacher and shuffles out of the class room without giving a second look at her over protective friend or friend in general. "I'll be escorting Miss Aiko." She stated, marching out of the class room in an orderly fashion. When Hajime finally caught up with Aiko, she looked worried. "Are you alright Miss Aiko?" Aiko nodded, her face still slightly pink from the last occurance. "Yes. Why do you keep dressing up as a male?" She questioned, giggling slightly before glancing around and wondering where the other student may be. "I told you, I gave up my femininity to protect you." Hajime said simply, folding her arms behind her back and looking around suspiciously.

After a series of questions from Hajime and a lot of searching later, the two found their way to the roof, hoping that the boy didn't just leave the school grounds.

Aiko opened the door and was greeted with the smell of smoke. Hajime quickly sprung to action, her immediate thought being fire and quickly saying, "Pull a fire alarm! I'll see if I can stop the fire." She directed, quickly running to the roof and noticing the boy. Her eyes narrowed. "What do you think you're doing, smoking up here?!" She shouted, crossing her arms. Aiko didn't think it was fire, or else the ashes would've been easily noticable from the floor under. She followed Hajime up anyways and spotted the boy. Before she could say anything, Hajime started to yell at him. "H-hajime..." She whispered, tugged at the hem of her shirt again. Right then, she noticed the boy laying down and falling asleep. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" Hajime yelled, stomping over to him and nudging him with her foot a bit roughly.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"it's not part of the shcedual were suppose to do maths and were going to do maths..." he said quietly taking his math's book out and begun to do mathematics complacently disregarding what everyone was saying "seven times 12 equals 84 and divide that by 2 equals 42" He said as he then jotted more simple equations down. As he then continued to write down more and more simple questions. "18-2=16 devided by 2=7" he said and wrote down. As he completly ignored the fact that he was disturbing the others on the test. He then continued to click his pen over and over again.
Matoko immediatly turned his head into the direction the man was pointing at, noticing the boy that was already struggling wih talking to Gurīn earlier, crying. "No kidding..." Matoko thought out loud, sounding much louder than he planned. Crap.... He really didn't want to be that guy, that put pressure on someone who was obviously already struggling, by commenting on it.

At the mention of a melt down, Yumi's head snapped upwards immediately. The all too familiar sound of a pen being clicked over and over and over was a giveaway sign of who the person was. With an apologetic look to the teacher she quickly got up from her seat, moving to kneel beside Connor. "Hey, calm down... You're okay..." She took the maths book from his hands, closing it before setting it beside her. The trail of his tears was still on his cheeks and she frowned, rubbing his shoulder, just like she had done earlier that day. "Breathe for me, you're alright. No more maths for the moment." She murmured softly in an attempt to sooth the panicked boy. @drummerboi
Miyamura Sato

Being the attractive, student counselor that he is, Miyamura rested a hand on the flamboyant teachers shoulder and gave him a sarcastic smile.

"You're very right sir," he cleared his throat and led the man to the door, gently stepping him outside. "My apologies, and if you'll forgive me I have a class to teach." He shut the door behind him as he entered the classroom once again.



He was just about to fall asleep when a girl nudged him with her foot. With a furrowed brow he sat up and ruffled his hair.

"What the hell?" He thought to himself as he then looked up at the...girl?

"Are you a tranny?" He asked very bluntly with a confused expression on his face.

@mikko @Corgi


Suzumaki was a little confused as to why the boy was freaking out so much and didn't want any help so she just took her paper back and started doodling on the back of it.

Right when she took the maths book from him he compleatly lost it. He screamed in panic screaming and flipping his table and chair "suppose to be doing maths!!!!!! supposed to be doing maths!!!!" He said he didn't hit the girl. but he might have given her a bit of a shock as he then went into a ball and continued to say over and over again "supposed to do maths.....supposed to do maths. no...no....no...." he said his words suddenly turned to absolute crying when he then continued to sob uncontrolable.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai
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Jean blinked and looked over at Connor surprised. "Woah!" She said. 'Is he okay?' She thought, but didn't ask because he looked like if anyone said something he'd burst.

Hajime clenched her fist into a ball and without a second thought, attempted to punch him straight in the face. It was quite a quick reaction in doing so, considering she normally acted upon feelings instead of thoughts, and right now, she wanted to beat this boy up. And so, with have 'much consideration', she did. "Hajime!" Aiko said, a bit worried as she saw her sudden movements to punch the boy. Bringing back an abused boy wasn't exactly her plan, she was pretty sure the teacher wouldn't like it either. @Suzumaki Arakai
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The guy beside her began raging and freaking out, which scared the living shit out of Suzumaki.

She had no idea what to do, she gave the girl who had taken his books a look of, "what the hell did you do!?"

Quickly she grabs one of the books from the girls hand and smacks the boy in the head with it, hoping she'd knock him out or something.

Bad solution...?

She got scolded by the teacher for her sudden actions and was probably gonna get cleaning duty...

@drummerboi @Leaf Fi

Miyamura Sato

Once one of the students began freaking out he quickly stood up but not quick enough, one of the other students smacked him with a book....

"You!" He yelled, pointing at Suzumaki. "What the hell are you doing?"

He quickly ran over and grabbed the boy, lifting him up and helping him leave the room to take him to the infirmary to rest.

Jean was shocked that Suzumaki smacked Connor with a book. No surprise she got the consequences of cleaning duty. Jean watched Miyamura-sensei take Connor out of the classroom. "What the hell was that about?" She said.
Yumi couldn't help but jump in shock as the boy threw his table. She fell backwards- nothing too bad to hurt her- and just stared in a mixture of surprise and horror. Tui be honest, she was a little afraid to even talk to him at the current moment, not sure what reaction he'd have. But she didn't have to worry for long as the girl beside him- the one who gave her that weird gesture- smacked him over the head with a book, and then he was carried away by the teacher. It all happened so fast, that Yumi just stayed on the ground, staring at the spot at which the boy had just been. @drummerboi @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki still held a book in her hand with wide eyes.

"W-well...I freaked out?"

She said, slowly handing the book to the girl who was knocked down.

"Here you go....I'm Suzumaki." She says in almost a whisper.

@Leaf Fi @Aero


A test? On Math? Good game. Aaron smiled slightly as with a simple stroke of his hand began to fill each and every answer correctly. He had to study algebra and economics when he was ten so this was child's play. Once he had finished, way ahead of the others, he turned his paper over, ignoring his neighbor, Suzumaki's drama and placing his pencil away and began to draw in his sketchbook. He started designing the one thing he found fascinating, the Hanging Gardens.

The Hanging gardens was an ancient monument that failed to stand the test of time and was said to massive gardens built from aqueducts but no one can find the ruins so its hard to imagine what they looked like from what little is mentioned of them. The Hanging Gardens is what made him so interested in Architecture in the first place.

I am interacting with: No one.

I am at: In class.

The current time is: Class time.

Jethro looked at the guy who began losing control. Within the blink of an eye Suzumaki smacked the guy with a book and managed to make the teacher leave the room. Before doing anything else, Jet just stared at Suzumaki for a few moments. No exact thoughts were running through his mind when he did so. He quickly looked at the other students whose faces were expressing different emotions. What's done is done. He thought to himself as he made his way over to the area and lifted the desk back upright before putting his hand out to Yumi who was still on the ground.

@Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai
Matoko witnessed the whole incident, completely frozen. I mean, you don't really get to see a guy having a mental break down.. And then being assaulted by the girl Next to him, every day. He rubbed his forehead, seeing the teacher quickly exiting the classroom with the boy. After they left, there was silence for about half a minute, until another girl asked, "What the hell was that all about?" "...W-Well.. he did seem little a nervous to me from the start... But...", Matoko added.


Miyamura slowly lead Conner down the hall and to the infirmary, "You feel any better?"

He asked, staring at the top of his head to see if it was bleeding or anything.

"I don't think the nurse is here at the moment so my brother will take care of you."

Once they made it to the infirmary Miyamura gently sat Conner down on the bed, "don't lay down or fall asleep until someone comes and looks at you alright?" He then leaves the room to get another teacher.

Connor only winced when the girl whacked him over the head with the books. It was a hard cover book. As the teacher dragged him away to the infermary he was left on the nurse's bed just stayin there crying he really didn't want to do that. But he was just so scared. He didn't even know he can't even face his class again and what about that girl he must have scared her half to death. He then continued to cry as he then crawled into a ball. He suddnly felt light headed the teacher didn't know that the book has split his head a little. As blood begun to pour out. It looked liked the girl hit him with the corner of the book. He just continued to cry.

chihiro thumped his brother on the back, face flushed in anger and embarrassment. "what were you thinking?" he yelled, voice raising to an octave he didn't know was possible. once again, his worry did him no good, as his brother simply grinned and winked, rising slightly to kiss chihiro's cheek before walking off.

"sorry, baby bro! it's my planning period. later!" chihiro sighed, shaking and screaming when a teacher ran out with a sobbing boy. i feel as if i may have been assigned a hell class, he thought shyly, walking into the classroom with his head hung low. he sat in his assigned seat, writing a note of apology for the teacher in regards to his brother, face glowing with the light of a fire.
"... Yumi. Yumi Narusaki..." The green eyed girl managed to reply in a soft murmur to Suzumaki, giving her a nod, almost in thanks. A hand was now in front of her eyes, and she glanced upwards slowly, meeting Jethro's eyes. For a second, she just stared, almost in a daze, before her brain began to function again. She took a hold of his hand and pulled herself up. "Thanks, Jethro." The smile she beamed was unsure of itself, but still there nonetheless.

Yumi released her dorm mate's hand as soon as she was steady, and offered a shrug to Matoko. "I honestly don't know..." She said softly, hugging her sides. "I took away his math book to calm him down, but then he flipped..." A sigh escaped her mouth as she shook her head. "It was pretty stupid of me, I guess..." @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier @BobbyW
Jean looked over at the boy talking to him. "But that was extreme..." She finished his sentence. "I'm Jean Arkeasandaa..." Jean introduced herself but didn't smile, she was still to shock to really smile. @BobbyW

Ryuzaki wasn't expecting the girl to throw a punch, he moved quickly in an attempt to dodge it but not quickly enough. The girls fist barely nicked his jaw as he was standing up.

The punch wasn't enough to phase him though considering he somewhat dodged it.

He grew irritated and grabbed the girls arm, "What the hell was that?" He stood tall over the girl because of his height.

His grip grew tighter as he waited for an excuse.

@Corgi @mikko

Miyamura Akashi

Akashi, Sato's brother, entered the infirmary with a stern, pissed off looked plastered on his face.

He looked at the student and raised a brow.

"Stop crying..."

That was all he said as he began to check the boys head with no concern for his pain.

He pulled some specific bandages from a drawer and began to patch the boys head.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2fff388a_MiyamuraAkashi.jpg.12399e500053116f8fc37d8049a1dfcd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2fff388a_MiyamuraAkashi.jpg.12399e500053116f8fc37d8049a1dfcd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Matoko nodded as a response, to her finishing his sentence. "And... My name is Makoto Fujimoto.", the male stated.

"...Nice to meet you... Despite, the circumstances.", he added.

Makoto glared at the girl that just introduced herself as Yumi, and nodded, as a response to her.

@Aero @Leaf Fi
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  • Ichigo plus a math test= A-C+. She was pretty good at math and wouldn't let a pop quiz destroy her. She filled it out, thinking on some questions, but eventually finishing the whole thing. "God, I'm so bomb as they say" she thought.

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Connor couldn't help it. He tryed to hard to stop. His long crys just turned into small sniffles. As he then just waited for him to be fixed up. As he then waited for the teacher to say he's ok now. He then thought of his class. Just laughing at him when he comes back. Laughing all of them. Just because of what happend all because he wasn't told. He then continued to sniffle a little. It didn't help since his original farther always told him "crying is for babies suck it up" He then was about to cry again but he gritted his teeth to stop it.

@Suzumaki Arakai

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