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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Connor held his hand near his ear he didn't like the sound it was to loud "ow...." he said as he begun to pack his things being the first one out. He then wanted to get out of that classroom as fast as possible. He didn't leave unoticed though almost all hte classroom noticed him. As he then went to the school roof and sat down on his own. Just in his own world he left the drawing on the same page. he then suddnley begun to cry no reason at all he just suddnly cryed as if he wished he never existed in the first place. He then begun to thing that he shouldn't have had this life he wanted a loveing mum and dad and a new life i guess that was to much.


Aaron gently returned his stuff to his bag and made his way over to Jean who was on her way out. He gave her a little wave and handed her the little note he had made with her portrait on it and his number underneath. He made his way over to Jet and handed him the same note when his bastard classmate that he already had conflict with already brushed past. Aaron turned with a smile and wave when he saw him suddenly bend over and kiss Yumi.

Aaron got pissed when he saw her reaction, pure terror. He swiftly moved towards the man before snobbishly yelling behind him. "Hey smoker. Why are you such trash." He glared daggers at the guys back knowing he'd be ignored. He didn't really know what to say any better. He slowly went to Yumi and handed her his note as well. "Call me if that bastard bugs you again." He said looking at her then he randomly tilts his head. "Unless you WANT him to bug you." He said his eyes growing wide.

Before she could react he asked his trio of friends, "Want to head to the Science Lab together?"

I am interacting with: @Aero @RyanJXavier @Leaf Fi@Suzumaki Arakai

I am at: Outside Classroom A-2

The current time is:Passing period before Science class.

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Matoko witnessed how the tall guy, Pulled Yumi really close to him, and moved in for a kiss.

You can't say Makoto expected it, but it didn't really take him by surprise, this time around.

The male sighed in relief as he heared the bell ring, standing ip from his chair, stretching himself.

He started wandering through the school, his destination being his dorm. The boy lied down on his bed once again, various,thoughts shooting through his head.
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Yumi, just like before, released a triumphant smile as the pencil dropped on to her hand. She was just about to return to her seat to leave the boy in peace when the unexpected happened. Once more, he latched on to her wrist and pulled her in, however this time was completely different to the last. His lips were on hers for a brief moment before she was released once more, wide eyed and dumbfounded. A crimson red had covered her entire face as her free hand clasped over her mouth, taking a step back. She tried to speak, to slap him, to do anything, but the most she could muster was an embarrassed squeak. As fast as she could, she ran behind Jethro, clutching on to the material of his shirt as fists she hid her face, completely mortified. @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier
Jean broke her attention from the drama to look at Aaron. She opened up the piece of paper he gave her and eyes became wide. "Aaron this is amazing." She said smiling. She folded up the paper again and stuck it in her notebook. "Thank you." She said. The drama was over so she didn't mind leaving to go to science now. What's his face left again, what is wrong with that boy. She backed up her things nodded at Aaron. "I don't mind heading to the science lab with you guys.". @True Queen Ashe
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Suzumaki was released from the terror of long lectures after the bell rang.

For some reason she was given a stress ball to squeeze, "I have so many of these..." she thought to herself while tossing the ball around.

She began making her way to the science lab, not before using the bathroom though. She also had to go to her previous classroom and crab her cupcakes.
Connor then suddnly thought off something. Maybe he could sing singing always made him feel better when he's sad. He got his disk player from his bag it was quite a good size and got his disk it was song's that normally meant something. He begun to play a song called Leia and begun to sing some of the lyrics. It took him while back in England. But he learnt the whole song in Japanese. In england he done music for GCSE so he had to preform a lot of songs. His favoret was metal. He always liked it so he begun to play the song and begun to sing the lyrics. His pitch was surprisingly good and the timing was almost perfect he always thought he was crap at everything else. But singing was his number one thing he can do right. He sang his heart out if people were outside they would hear him.


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Matsuo Miharu

Location: Class | Mood: Surprised

As the bell rang, Matsuo gathers her things, standing up and walking out the door. She thinks about the events that had just unfolded before her eyes, sighing. Why must people fight? I mean, that wasn't technically a fight, but it sure seemed like one. What with that girl hitting the poor child upside the head with a book. Although, if I had been in her shoes, I would be scared and probably would've acted upon instinct too. So I can't judge. I mean, she was right beside him. She makes her way towards the dorms, thinking about the previous events and whether or not her turtle was patiently awaiting her arrival. No...She giggles to herself. I bet he'll just want food when he sees me.

((Ok, I think my character needs human interaction
xD . Anyone wanna interact with Matsuo?))

The tall teacher walks around the school building with his hands full of papers and books, a pencil rests behind his ear and many pens lie inside his suit pocket. His narrow eyes shift around when he suddenly looks out the window after noticing a girl heading towards the dorms.

With his hands still full he makes his way out and catches up to her.


He says once close enough to be heard. His voice is deep and smooth and his face carries a blank expression.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30081cdb_MiyamuraAkashi.jpg.79f85cc617b532645e124a57d5523f4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30081cdb_MiyamuraAkashi.jpg.79f85cc617b532645e124a57d5523f4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Minus the smirk



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Yumi only stirred from the smooth material at the sound of Aaron's voice from beside her, glancing at his face before shyly taking the note from his hand. Slowly, she released her grip from Jethro to open the paper, her eyes going wide once more. Thankfully, it was in awe. Her smile returned to her face as she took in the picture. It was amazing...

She had to force her eyes away from the picture to look up at Aaron. Her lips parted to speak, and she was about to thank him for not only the picture, but for his words to the smoker. It was kind of him. However, they never came out as he continued; "Unless you WANT him to bug you." The horrified expression came back, and before she could vocalise anything, he was gone once more, calling her and their friends to join him. Yumi mustered a nod before following after him and Jean. @RyanJXavier @True Queen Ashe
Jethro glanced over his shoulders to see the others still standing. It just so happened that he did so right on time to see the kiss. The teen furrowed his brows and stood back up after seeing the similar movements of someone he knew too well. He'd seen his father do the same to another woman. The sight was engraved in the teen's memory. Rage was the common trigger that was set off by a close reenactment. Someone ran behind him and clutched the material of his shirt. Jet was too blinded by a vision to notice who it was though. Without turning around to see, he walked right out of the room after receiving the drawing from Aaron. His eyes didn't bother to look at it at that moment. Where is that pot sucking motherf- His fists were clenched tightly while he searched the halls.

...calm down.
Jethro swallowed in silence holding everything in with his head bowed down. Science was next anyway, and their room was different that time. "Front seats..." Jethro mumbled making a sharp left turn. "Just miss everything..." He made another sharp turn before dodging some short kid. His mind attempted to focus itself on something else on the time being to calm him down. Don't think about him. Jet thought referring to his own father. He isn't worth being thought about.

@True Queen Ashe @Leaf Fi
Connor continued to belt his lungs out singing his heart out. He loved singing and nothing was going to stop him now he left the door open so his music can be heard from down stairs he didn't' know what room. Again even if a window was open you can hear him singing his lungs out. As he then with such passion sung his most favoret song he loved to sing. Letting go of all his fears his streess evrything was going away from this moment he didn't realise that it was hot so all the windows were open he didn't care and didn't know anyway. So he continued to sing his heart out regardless of who hears.
((Thank you! Both of you))

Matsuo Miharu

Location: School grounds | Mood: Neutral

Hearing a deep voice calling after her, Matsuo turns around, coming face to face with a tall, narrow-eyed teacher, his arms full of books and loose leaf paper. "Yes sir?" she asks, looking up at him. She wasn't particularly tall, but not short either. More on the tall side, about 5"7 or 5"8. She has an hourglass build, being fairly skinny, but still having a little meat on her bones. I wonder if he needs help....I guess I'll wait to hear what he has to say before I offer anything. Shrugginh her bag on her shoulder so it stays up, she looks at him expectantly.

Suzumaki finally makes it to the science room, before most people she noticed. I guess the counselors office is closer than the classroom.

She sits down with a sigh and begins bouncing her stress ball on the desk. "I wonder if we'll be assigned seats in here...?"

She starts whistling a tune to herself while waiting for Jean and maybe Jethro and Aaron to enter the classroom.

@RyanJXavier @Aero @True Queen Ashe


Ryuzaki once again found himself opening the door to the rooftop, he could hear someone singing.

Without paying it no mind he took a seat near next to the door and began smoking a cigarette.

He sits near the door so that if he hears someone climbing the steps he can put his cigarette out faster.



Akashi adjusts some of the papers and books in his hands and looks down at the young girl, his facial expression remaining he same.

"Your class..." He states without much closure on it. What about her class?

He pauses for a second, continuing to stare her in the eyes.

"Not the dorms..."

As he says this one of the books began falling, in an attempt to catch it he drops everything else he had just been carrying.

He grew irritated and began picking up the papers. "I've got to resort these when I get to the office..."

Once he finished he finaly packed his things. He sighed a little and walked and saw Ryuzaki "r...ryuzaki d...did you hear all that..." he said tilting his head to the ground lightly as he never had anyone in this school listen to him before. He then continued to look at him "d...don't tell anyone ok" he said looking at him. As he then looked at the boy makeing sure he won't tell anyone. He probably thought he was crap. He then piut his disk and cd player in the bag "if im disturbing you....il go elsewhere" he said looking at the floor again.

@Suzumaki Arakai
((Guess I better post this before anyone else enters the class...))



Mrs. Miriel swiftly moved down the halls of the science lab and found her classroom. With a swift motion she pulled out her staff key and unlocked the door to her new Science Classroom. She took in a large inhale of the brand new Science Room. Freshly stocked with science supplies. She moved along the glassed shelves eyeing all her beautiful equipment, beakers, testtubes, burners, even thirty microscopes. She felt a little giddy, alas a proper lady must not act on such childish feelings.

She put down three large leather bags and began to pull out the textbooks for this course; Astronomy and also the textbook: Physics. She began to place the textbooks on each table, one of each per person. Then she went around and placed two mechanical pencils and a notebook on top of the textbooks. When she was finished she gently folded up the leather bags and placed them in her large bag. She pulled out the class dosiere and adjusted her thin glasses and began to make labels. She then taped each students name on each table so they would understand where they are sitting.

She smiled when she finished and observed her aire of order. She then grabbed a fresh piece of chalk and wrote on the chalkboard:

I am Mrs. Miriel and I will be your Science and English teacher for this school year.

Under that she began to outline the course schedule. The first semiester will cover Astronomy, learning of various planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies. The next semister will consist of Biology learning of Cells, Viruses, DNA, plants, insects, and animals.

Having filled that chalkboard up she moved to the second chalkboard next to it. Here she wrote up the rules for her class:

'Talking is strictly prohibited unless conversations consist of the subject matter.'

'Homework will be assigned everyday and must be returned the next day.'

'You not permitted to remove items from the respective cabinets.'

'Electronic Devices, coats, and headgear will be confiscated at the beginning of class and returned after class.'

'Textbooks will remain in the classroom.'

'Finally, you may stay after class however long you wish and please feel free to ask questions. I am here to teach and you are here to learn.'

She smiled as she added the last word and period and put her hands on her hips and looked at her neat cursive handwriting. Her classroom was almost complete and in good time too for the bell will be ringing very soon and those children will certainly be here. She moved towards her desk, placed a laptop upon it and also pulled a projector from one of the cabinets and began to set the system up properly so that she wouldn't have any difficulties while giving her lectures. Finally the last thing she placed was her favorite quill and a vial of ink, and then some papers that she still had to fill out. Her room was complete!

The bell rang and she smiled here they come. When the students had piled in and the final bell rang she cleared her throat to gain the attention of her class.
"Greetings class A-2. I am Mrs. Miriel and I will be your teacher for this hour everyday for the rest of the year." She paused for a moment so that everyone can take in what she said. "I am here to teach you. You are here to learn. In my class I am not your friend." She moved to the board with the rules on them and pointed to them. "These are the rules in my class follow them. Should you break any you will be punished. I punish in a system of three. You get three chances, break all three and you will fail the test that will be issued at the end of every week, no matter how you score." Already the protests began and she adjusted her glasses. "I do not want to hear your protests. Now as you can see in front of you, you have two textbooks. These textbooks will remain in class. The notebooks however are allowed to leave this room. Think about that for a second. In other words, take notes or you might not have the information you need to fill out your homework or study for my tests." She looked around at the class waiting for their complaints to subside before she erased the board with the rules. "Oh and Mr. Steele. Just because you are a Steele does not mean I fear your family. You will recieve no special treatment from me."

"Please open your Astronomy textbooks to the first chapter and we will begin todays lesson." She began to explain in great detail and drawing up the Earth. She explained about the many different layers that the Earth has. When she was finished, the class was nearing it's end. "Here is your homework, you are to write a two page essay on chapter one and turn it into me tomorrow. Failure to turn in your homework, completed, and that will be your first warning. You may all now converse openly until class ends." She made her way to her desk and watched the class while filling out her paperwork with her quill.

[A NOTE! Go ahead and actually do this homework if you want :3 I will read it all and try to reward as best as I can to anyone who actually completes it. If you don't want to actually do the homework that's fine but don't expect special treatment. :P ]

Currently I am: In my classroom.

The time of day is: Currently my class time. Pay attention.

Matsuo Miharu

Location: School grounds | Mood: Neutral

Matsuo helps him pick up the books and papers. Once she's grabbed the last sheet, she gathers them and neatly organizes the papers into a pile on top of the book stack that she had made. She waits for him to gather his things and hands them to him once he has his own pile created. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that classes were over once I saw other students headed for the dorms and other places. I'm new here," she says, smiling an awkward smile at the teacher. Shit! I thought class was over, I should pay more attention...

@Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki begins smoking his cigarette and closes his eyes until he hears the singing stop and a kid from his class approaches him looking nervous.

"This kid knows my name." He thought curiously.

"You're not bothering me any. Do you and I'll do me."

He says with a blank face.

He wasn't bothered at all by the singing but he doesn't like the guys nervous aura.

Ryuzaki stares at the kid for a minute then clicks his tongue.

"Loosen up man."



Suzumaki looks at all the doohickeys and giggles to herself.

"Look at all the magic trick items!" She yells without thinking then quickly covers her mouth and looks at the teacher.

@True Queen Ashe

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30089dbf_Excited1.gif.4f0d3e8432e64417d8e38fe8bbf35cc0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30089dbf_Excited1.gif.4f0d3e8432e64417d8e38fe8bbf35cc0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Nods in respect to her generous actions.

"No...class A-2 has science...do you know the way?" He asks, standing up straight with his things in hand, this time more neatly so he doesn't have a worry about dropping them.




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Aaron smiled as his crew of friends walked with him to the science building. On he was about to enter he stopped cold. There, right there in front of the sign, was his family's crest. A lion eating a dragon in front of a sun. He stared at it with horror. So that's how Great Auntie managed to worm her way into this school... He shivered horribly. He quickly followed his friends inside. They found the classroom and entered and Aaron was caught off guard by the strict looking teacher they had. He made hsi way into teh room and saw the textbooks and... Their names... On the desks... So they had assigned seats in here. He smiled though.

It seems that Jethro, Yumi, and Jean were near him. Though he still shared a seat next to Suzumaki and he glared at her name. He took his seat and noticed the rules and the glare coming from his teacher. He gulped, she knows.

As she began to explain the rules his fear was torn truth as she focused him out and told everyone what she did. In desperation he adjusted his wristband and hid under his bag embarrassed and terrified.

I am interacting with:

I am at:

The current time is:

"hm..sorry im just not used to people..." he said looking at him as he then walked towards his lession. He then saw the other's he saw his whole class. He then tryed one last time to redeem himself "um hi evryone." he said to evryone. waiting for what thay would respond with would thay wave to him or will thay just simply ignore him. He then contineud to look around. After the others responded or not respond at all he looked to find his deask. The other teachers probably told each other to be careful while handling him since he's a bit troubled. He then looked one last time to see if anyone responded to his introduction well second introduction.

@ Anyone

Suzumaki was wandering around the classroom looking for her seat when she saw Aaron and the others enter the room. She gave a big goofy wave and jumped towards them when all of a sudden Conner entered with a "Hey everyone."

She smiled at him and ran towards him stopping with a twirl and a poke to the stomach.

"How's your head!?" She asks with a laugh.

@drummerboi @True Queen Ashe
Connor was supprised at Suzumaki's warm welcome "um...better i...i guess but enough about me.....are you..ok" He said looking at the floor holding his arm as he glanced from the floor to her then to the floor again. He then continued to look at the floor still not giveing her eye contact. He didn't mean it to be rude it's just the way he is "im...sorry i scared you..." He said hoping she and everyone else was alright. "im sorry i scared you all as well....i didn't mean to....".

@Suzumaki Arakai



Mrs. Miriel looked up from her paperwork at the sound of the door opening and when it closed she stared coldly at Conner."Mr. Gray do not be late for my class again. Next time I will lock the door and you will miss class entirely. That is one strike for you, I suggest you read through chapter one of the Astronomy textbook on the desk that your name is on before you leave for class." She shifted in her seat and wrote up Connors name and put a X next to it on the chalkboard. She then returned to her seat.

Currently I am: Scolding Mr. @drummerboi

The time of day is: Finishing class.


Suzumaki laughed at his apologetic nature "you're fine!", because of her height she was able to pop her head beneath his, staring him directly in the eyes.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" She asks, her eyes wide open but was soon interrupted by the teacher scolding Conner. Suzumaki gave him a salute then continued searching for her seat.

Once she found it she noticed that she was near her pals. Looking at Aaron she gave him an energetic wave then a thumbs up for some reason.

@drummerboi @True Queen Ashe

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