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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Aiko continued to listen, showing interst in what she's talking about. 'Cooking's fun...' She thought, smiling genuinly, "Seems cool!" She said happily. When she commented on her slight timidness, she blushed a bit more once again. "Y-yeah! I'm fine." She said, giggling slightly. Aiko felt like she was trying ot hard to make a friend so she took a deep breathe and calmed down. "Sorry abo-" She quickly got cut off by Omi's voice and she drew her attention over to him. She nodded, happy she gained the information she needed. She got up when the bell rang and grabbed her school bag, quickly saying, "I'll talk to you later, Ichigo!" She said, waving politly and quickly running up to the teacher. "I sincerely apologize for being so late, please forgive me." She said, bowing her head in respect and slight shame.


Suzumaki was startled by the bell and accidentally dropped her notepad.

"Oh my! What's our next class again?" She thought out loud.

Just then, a tall man with long purple hair had entered the room with a large smile stitched to his face.

He began preaching the very second he entered the room; Gurin Sensei hadn't even left yet. As he spoke, you could notice his country accent which was quite amusing.

Miyamura Sato

The teacher made his way into the room and to the front of the class.

He sorted his things out on the desk and counted the students again. With a click of the tongue he noticed that Ryuzaki wasn't in class.

"Damn kid.." he thought to himself then stood with a smile and greeting the students.

"Hello kids, I'm your math teacher as well as your student counselor. We're not going to do very much today considering it's your first day of the school year." He gave a short pause and grabbed a stack of papers from his desk, "but...I do want you all to take this short, ten question quiz. It's just a review so don't sweat." He handed the papers to Jethro with a smile, "Hand these to the class for me will ya?"

With that, he looked around in question. "Anyone care to go find our missing student?" He said while motioning toward Ryuzaki's assigned seat.

@RyanJXavier @Aero
Juvia stared at the new teacher 'its a chance to get out if class and explore but I'm too lazy..' she thought and shrugged to herself.
Aiko looks at the new teacher and gives a small, polite smile. "I'll go look if you'd like." She offered, kind of wanting to look around the area anyways.
Ichigo replied after her, "Yeah, bye!" She waved. "At least I got her name, I guess..", She thought. She then heard the bell and carried her stuff to the next class. She hadn't put her stuff in her dorm, all there was were boxes that she would unpack. She sighed and went on ahead to her other class. She thought about something else until she was stopped by the hum of the teacher. Someone was supposed to find a student of the building, something that would proably help her. "I would like to help as well." she replied
Omi grabbed his water and walked out of the classroom right after Miyamura. 'Good luck.' He thought to himself before he left. 'Some of those kids have such a short attention span.'

Jean was going to raise her hand but a girl beat her to it. Darn, she hated math.
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The green eyed girl watched as their new teacher came in, his smile showing off the pearly white teeth in his mouth. He seemed kind, and the fact was only highlighted when he introduced himself as the student councillor as well. So Yumi kept a kind smile on her lips as well, not wanting to show any disinterest. She was also very tempted to offer herself to find the smoker- having a good idea in mind what he was actually doing now- but was beat to the chash. Not that she really minded; she didn't want the same thing as before to happen once more. Goodness knew what he'd do if they were alone... @Suzumaki Arakai

it was with a most cartoonishly unfortunate turn of events that led to chihiro's most outrageous tardiness on his first day of school. he didn't want to reveal very much, though he is willing to admit it included a miso soup mishap and a call to the fire department. he'd also like to say the incident wasn't wholly his fault, considering his brother did distract him by refusing to get dressed to near their departure time. plus, he wouldn't get out of bed! chihiro did chide him, telling him, "you are the one who practically begged for this job, nagisa! i shouldn't have to be your alarm clock when you're the adult, and you're the one getting paid to rise this early!" though that only earned him a sleepy,

"shuddap, old man, we don't gotta leave yet, right?" before he rolled over and returned to sleeping. in fact, most unfortunately, when the fire alarm began beeping, nagisa had only just barely slipped on his pants. so, to say the least, the brothers were assuredly receiving strange looks as they stood panting and sweating outside of classroom a-2, one in an extremely over-sized cardigan sweater pulled only halfway on, pink eyes blazing with a fire chihiro didn't like.

"nagisa, please don't make a scene," chihiro begged, though the plea fell on entirely deaf ears. pulling his cardigan the rest of the way on, nagisa banged the door open, a wild grin on his face.

"sup, baby dolls? you guys miss me? sorry i'm so late, the li'l boy doesn't know how to cook." he laughed, but the mischievious sparkle in his eye faded into childish glee when he saw a certain brunette in the class. "aiko!" he yelled, ignoring all else(including the teacher that had been speaking), to run across the classroom and squeeze the girl in question. rising slightly on his toes, he ruffled her hair, grinning. "i was so excited seeing you on the class list! i needed my little zashiki-warashi to take care of the classroom housekeeping for me!" he spoke affectionately, something reminscent of a giggle lining his voice. running to the front of the classroom, he pulled himself atop the teacher's desk, standing and performing a dramatic bow. "the name's tachibana nagisa, and it'll be a pleasure knowing you losers."
Miyamura Sato

Miyamura gives Aiko and Ichigo a nod, speaking in a gentle tone. "Thank you very much." He gives a bit of a bow as he says this also.

"I'm not sure where he is so you two should probably split up, no skipping now either." A noticeable change in the tone of his voice appears when speaking to the ladies.

He was startled when a kid ran into the classroom and pulled Aiko into a hug. His eyes narrowed and he tapped the student on the shoulder after he made a daring introduction atop his desk. "Please leave my class." The tone in his voice went instantly from sweet to sour. @Kawaii @Corgi


Suzumaki was gonna go look for the guy until some else spoke up instead.

"Aww darn it!" She thought in frustration; also cringing at the thought of a quiz review.
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Jethro nodded at Gurīn sensei after he replied to his question. The bell was a sign of relief for the teen. The class needed a switch to keep them going. Jet suddenly found himself receiving a stack of papers from the new teacher. He nodded in response and stood up from his seat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Jethro counted the columns as his gaze shifted around the classroom. The teen gave five papers to each head of the columns then returned to his seat. He passed the papers to the person behind him, took out a pencil, and looked at the quiz review.

Matsuo Miharu

Location: Classroom | Mood: Bored

Matsuo gathers her first period things and gets up, walking over to the paper that has the different clubs on it. She thinks for a moment. Hmmm....none of these clubs peak my interest. Maybe I could start one? Although maybe I should get to know my teachers first...Yeah that would probably be best. She sits back down just as the bell rings. Taking out her things for math, she does the same as she did with her first period notes journal. She tunes in to the teacher's speech and thinks about her pet turtle. I wonder if Tsutsui had him brought here already? Or maybe she hired someone as to not raise the suspicion of my father or one of his cronys. yeah..that's probably it. but none the less, I hope he made it okay.

Suzumaki leans forward in an attempt to reach the persons shoulder in front of her.

Of course because her arms aren't long enough she ends up with her knees in the seat, leaning forward to a risky extent.

One wrong move and she'd be face down on the ground.

To her luck she didn't fall and she gave a quick tap to the person's shoulder and returns to a safe sitting position hoping that she caught their attention.

@AceXCrossix (Kaede)
Aiko's eyes widened as she was surrounded by the arms of Nagisa. "N-nagisa Sensei!" She stuttered out, her face reddening by the second from the attention being drawn to them. She glanced at Chihiro, unsure of what to do, even though she's dealt with the man-child for quite some time. Suddenly, she heard a yell coming from down the hall that sounded quite angry. 'Uh oh..' She thought, fixing her hair from the harassment of ruffling hair. Hajime storms down the hallway, determination showing on her hardened face. She bursts into the room, nudging Chihiro over to get through and slap Nagisa over the head before folding her arms and glaring at him. "Don't touch a precious hair on her head." She said before fixing her blazer and tie.
Omi went down to the teacher's lounge and sat in an office chair. He drank his water and spinned around a bit.

Jean looked at the worksheet that was passed back to her. She sighed and picked up her pencil once more starting to write down a few answers.
Haru had his head down he wasn't sleeping just pretending he wasn't sitting next to two girls. 'Why why why why why why why why why!' He thought he didn't know Akari but he met Yumi this morning. But he was still nervous about sitting there. 'Worst luck in the world!' He thought.

Ryuzaki was resting atop the roof with a cigarette in hand, every now and then he would do a French inhale then make O-rings out of smoke due to boredom.

Rooftop girl comes to mind; her angry facial expression, and he lets out a quiet laugh.

"How entertaining." he thought to himself.

@Leaf Fi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ffc7d92_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.e316843fcdcfd8c73669891ced68b869.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ffc7d92_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.e316843fcdcfd8c73669891ced68b869.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jethro furrowed his brows a bit as he solved the math problems. A sudden appearance by a unique, random teacher disrupted his train of thought though causing him to slightly growl under his breath. The teen blinked a couple of times before looking back at the quiz in front of him. Hm, it's not bad...to me at least. He thought to himself as he began to answer the quiz.
Matoko wondered what the man that already introduced himself earlier was doing back here, until he announced that he was teaching... Math... The moment he heared him say that, the boy completely zoned out, letting out a relatively loud sigh. He really, really, REALLY hated math. Matoko briefly overviewed the test he just recieved, starting to at least act as if he was filling the piece of paper. Suddenly, a guy stepped into the classroom, rushing tothe girl, that also arrived not too long ago ...They seem to know each other, and, apparently her name is Aiko, huh. Makoto thought, observing the whole situation.
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Yumi was quite an intelligent girl, so this surprise test was barely any problem to her. The sound of her pencil scratching against the paper was the only thing that filled her ears for a while, and it was broken by the sudden appearance of a new blond boy. She could barely contain her giggles as he burst through the classroom -more or less finding the bizarre entrance and introduction absolutely hilarious (very rare, seeing she's normally very seriously)- and was told to grab a seat. He looked a little defeated, but still cheery. Yumi figured he'd be a rather interesting individual to get to know. @mikko

Before she could even continue her test, another student burst through the doors, and another dramatic introduction was made, albeit not as funny. Today really was strange... @Corgi

Suzumaki looks over at Aaron then over at the boy to her right, a sweat drops and she swallows a big gulp of air.

Staring down are the first question on the paper she strains her brain, causing her face to grow red.

After a minute she gets dizzy then slams her head down on her desk letting out a lough groan.

"I'm gonna fail! I'm gonna die!"

She then throws her head back and pulls at her hair while gritting her teeth.

"What kind of review is this!?" Her thoughts ran wild until she gave up on trying. She wrote down whatever sounded most logical to her then began guessing.

@True Queen Ashe @drummerboi

Miyamura Sato

The teacher watches as students flail around; specifically speaking, Suzumaki. And he can't help but laugh to himself. He leans back in his comfy chair and props his feet up on the desk while taking a glance at his watch.

"I'll give you all five more minutes." He says with a smile.

Now he's looking down at him phone with a furrowed brow, texting away.

Tanaka Ryuzaki's missing presence also fluttering around in the back of his mind.

@Corgi @mikko

Matsuo Miharu

Location: RToom A-2 | Mood: Neutral

Matsuo receives a test, or more like a quiz, and she writes her name, the date, and the class period, which is second. Looking over the test, she notices that the questions weren't all that hard. Well, I guess since I was in enriched math for two years in a row, including last year and the year before, I would think this is easy, since I already learned it. I still don't know why I'm not in advanced this year. Maybe it's just because I "went" to an online school. She shrugs, sighing at the whole situation. Although she is smart, Matsuo is a slow test-taker, so she often rushes through tests so she doesn't seem like she doesn't understand the topic, when she really does. That is one of her pet peeves, when people judge her intelligence based on her looks. She doesn't exactly look the part of a very intelligent human being, though she is. She looks back down at her test and proceeds to answer the questions.

((That is one of my pet peeves, having people base my intelligence on my looks. I think it's because I'm blonde. I hate those blonde jokes. I mean, I don't
hate them. I only hate when people meant them as serious insults or use those jokes as a basis for judging people. I don't think you should judge people until you really know them well enough))
Jean sighed. She knew the answers to the review because she was pretty smart, not straight A smart but maybe honor roll of something like that. But even if she was the smartest girl in the world she still hated math. She finished the questions and sat there staring at the clock.
After a few moments, Jethro silently turned his quiz over and put his pencil down. He double checked most of the questions, but didn't bother to check the last two since they seemed more simple than the first eight numbers. The teen folded his arms and leaned back in his desk. Math was okay. Of course, this was all just review. But overall math was okay. Jet wasn't one to make a big deal of school. Most of the time he found it to be alright not really leaning to a specific side of the spectrum. The classes and people in them balanced out his outlook on school. He was one of those people who didn't try hard at school, yet still got those dreamy grades. It was nothing he really publicized though. The accomplishment was more of a down low thing.
Connor looked at the quiz he looked absolutly terrified he then looked at the papper. He was shacking "not on schedual....not on scheduall...." he said looking at hte papper tears begun to come down his eyes "suppose to tell first suppose to tel first." he said looking at the papper. More tears begun to travil down his cheeks as he then got even more terrified. He then gripped his deask clicking his pen over and over again "click clack click clack" He continued to do this for a while now. His breathing was slightly heavy and shacky as well was his teeth gritting. He was going to breack down.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki noticed the guy beside her, "I think his name was Connie?" she thought to herself.

His struggle was really noticeable so she made is her duty to help him.

Not thinking about the fact that she's not smart at all when it comes to math, she quietly slips her finished paper onto his desk and motions for him to copy her.

She gives him a thumbs up and a nod to calm him down.

"I gotchu" is what her actions said.



Ryuzaki finished his cigarette and decided that he was going to fall asleep. So he did.

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