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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Juvia took out her phone again and saw a message from someone she didn't know "weird..." she mumbled and decided to see where it lead.

you are?
not important
yeah it kinda is, so uh yeah bye before you turn into some phsyco
Jethro looked at the seating chart for a bit and slightly furrowed his brows. Why was he assigned to the middle of the front of the classroom? How were these seats picked? He thought to himself as he walked over to his assigned seat and sat down. The board was so close. Jet had nothing against sitting in front of the class. He just usually preferred to sit toward the middle.
Jean went and sat behind Suzumaki in her new desk. Jean smiled, "Yeah at least I know someone in this new seating chart." Jean said. "But still, I really miss my window seat." Jean sighed looking at the window. @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki nodded in agreement, "I know! I love window seats...well...this is technically my first year ever being in a public school so...nevermind, Shishishi!" She then looked at Jethro and began yelling and waving. "Oi, oi! Jarro! Look! We're not...too far...Shishishi."

She forgot his name...

@Aero @RyanJXavier
Jethro relaxed in his seat and tried to see the positive side of sitting in the front middle for the whole year. Before he could really come up with anything, he heard Suzumaki yell some Jarro name. Jarro? That's a unique name. He thought to himself as he turned to see her waving at him. "Me?" Jethro looked around to make sure Suzumaki wasn't talking to anyone else. "I'm not Jarro" He said.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki covered her mouth really quickly for a split second then hurried to correct herself; waving once again.

"Jethro! I meant Jethro Nihahaha!" She looks around and realizes that she left her snacks sitting on the desk she was at before. Very quickly does she run over, grab them, return to her seat and sit back down. "Someone would eat them." She gives Jean a reassuring nod.


@Aero @RyanJXavier
Jean nodded back at Suzumaki and gave her a thumbs up. "You have saved the snacks!" Jean said smiling.


Aaron pulled out a notebook and started taking notes he loved school, he hated homework though. School provided him with an escape from his dreary world of his family. While the teacher was lecturing he began to read his textbook and follow along. He however drew on another leaf of his notebook a fancy portrait of Jean and put 'My Number:' at the base of her neck and wrote his number. He did the same with the girl sitting next to him, and finally Jethro. He folded them up and stored them away in his bag. He shot an angry look at Suzumaki since she had been placed next to him and she replaced a seemingly nice girl.

I am interacting with:

No one! Pay attention!

I am at: In class! Shhh!

The current time is: Class time!

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((Suzumaki is sitting next to you now xD we made a seating arrangement. Go look in the overview or a couple pages back.))



Kazue & Ryu & Jethro & Ichigo & Akima & Rayisho

Len & Keade & Zachary & Makoto & Rinshara & Mori

Aaron & Suzumaki & Conner & Riika & Riki &

Tanaka & Jean & Satsuki & Juvia & Emiko &

Yumi & Haru & Akari & Lizabeth & Matsuo &

Back of class
@True Queen Ashe
Jethro tilted his head a bit at Suzumaki's reaction and waved back at her. He nodded at Jean as a sign of thanks before turning back forward. His pen twirled around like a drumstick in his hand for a bit as he listened to the teacher. The material seemed to be a review or rather a placement kind of test to see where the students were. Jethro leaned forward to keep himself awake after his lunch nap.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
Zack finished the painting "Finally" he said aloud to himself as he sat down to take a break before puting the green paint splatter on the waller

Zack finished the painting "Finally" he said aloud to himself as he sat down to take a break before puting the green paint splatter on the wall
Jean realized that Omi was talking and she was behind on notes. Well they weren't really notes just his rules that you must follow and you won't have any trouble, blah blah. Boring things to Jean, but still she took out her notebook and her textbook and wrote everything down in her own little summarized form. While she wrote down her teacher's notes, she also wrote down a few of her own notes. Things she sees now, things she saw, people, etc. Also a doodle here or there.

Suzumaki catches Aaron's evil glance but doesn't really take notice of it, she gives a smile and a wave but realized he has already looked away so she decides to play it off and waves at the tall guy behind Aaron.

She waves for a while until he finally motions a generous nod.

@True Queen Ashe


Ryuzaki catches a short girl waving at him but he doesn't wave back; just stares, wondering what she wants.

She continues to wave so he finally shoots her a nod then looks forward to face the board.

"Damn...that girl's persistent...annoying."

After a minute, he turns and faces rooftop girl who is sitting behind him.

"You got a pencil?" He asks, staring at her pencil then back to making awkward eye-contact.

@Leaf Fi
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Juvia looks around silently, "everyone knows each other and I only know one person" she mumbles and looks around and sighs "I really do hope no one runs to me.." she says quietly and covers her eyes with her sleeve.
Jethro pulled out a notebook and flipped it open to the first page. He took notes for a few moments before feeling himself begin to get distracted by the squirrel hitting a nut against the tree. Eh look forward. The teen thought to himself shifting his gaze back to the teacher. Jet inwardly hoped for there to be some kind of group project soon. Usually those kind of projects took up most of the class time. That meant less lecturing and what not. His hand continued to write some more notes. It was his responsibility to stay on track due to the fact that he was probably the first one that any teacher could see when looking up to view the class. Front seat...yay. He thought to himself before adjusting his position and listening to the teacher.

Suzumaki pulls a pen from her pocket and a tiny note-pad and begins writing down things that might be needed.

She got a whole three sentences jot down before she began drawing out scenes of her winning battles against pirate enemies from her favorite manga One Piece. "I'm a badass." she thought to herself.
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((Pretending that Matsuo's not late

xD ))

Matsuo Miharu

Location: Dorm room | Mood: Curious and bored

Matsuo falls asleep, vaguely remembering that she had woken up breifly when someone, she thinks it was Emiko (her roommate), came in. Her alarm blares it's annoying and repetitive BEEP BEEP BEEPing sound. She feels around for her phone, slapping the bedside table in the process. Something brushes against her hand and she picks it up, squinting at the screen. What? Class? Huh? Suddenly, she's wide awake. Oh yeah! Damn it, I hope I'm not late! Swinging her feet off of the bed, Matsuo slips her shoes on and smoothes down her wild white mane of hair, straightening her beanie. Slinging her bookbag onto her shoulder, she runs briskly down the hallway, careful not to trip and fall. Which is a very hard thing to perfect, considering she is wearing high heels. She runs back, forgetting to shut the door behind her.

Once Matsuo arrives to the main building, she takes out her phone, opening the notes app, and follows the directions that the principal had given her. Upon arriving at the classroom, after about three wrong turns, she takes a look at a sheet of paper stapled to a bulletin board outside of the classroom. It was a seating chart. She finds her seat, using her index finger to help her focus on the paper, and walks in, scanning the rows looking for her spot. She sits down and takes out a mechanical pencil and the right notebook, opening it to the first page and creating a crease in it and writes her name at the top. She waits for the teacher, chewing on her lip.

When the teacher arrives, Matsuo begins to take notes. But since she gets distracted easily, she soon switches over to doodling random things in between the notes. She ignores the teacher, daydreaming about little things like what her life would be like if she were in an anime, or her future life here at Kyoto High. Soon, though, Matsuo decides that she should be paying a little bit more attention. So she stops daydreaming and tunes in to the lecture the teacher was giving the class. Although she was still doodling.
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Aiko Ueno

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Aiko rolled over, staring at the clock with tired, brown eyes that were still glossed over from being closed for so long.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Yes, yes, I know." She mumbled, her little voice a bit raspy.

The girl sat up tapping the top of the alarm clock, turning it off and stretching. She withdrew herself from the covers and stepped onto the cold, hardwood floors, forcing herself towards her dresser and picking out the outfit that she had layed out the night before. A simple floral dress that went a bit past her knees, a flannel shirt, and red flats to match. It took her a full hour plus to find what she wanted to wear for the first day. She quickly picked up the outfit and went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and getting dressed.

'I wonder if there'll be new students this year.' She thought, smiling slightly at the though.

After drying her hair and making sure her parents and brother knew that she'd be okay, she left. The school wasn't so far away so she decided to walk, having a sense of peace before she enters the school. The cool morning air made her shiver a bit, but didn't mess with her excited but nervous mood.

'What if they don't react the same way to me as they did last year?' She thought, biting her lip lightly, continuing to think and trying to find logic in her thoughts.

While being lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't notice the struggling elder trying to cross the street.

"Oh... Ma'am?" She asks, catching the woman's attetion, "I'll assist you." She offered, walking over to her and gently escorting her across.

'I still have enough time, I would be too early anyways.' She thought, waving the elderly woman goodbye and watching her successfully hobbling off.

Aiko then turned back to the street, suddenly seeing traffic build up. She let the people get to their destinations faster since she still had enough time to get to school. Once it finally cleared, she crossed the street and hurried down the sidewalk, wanting to get to her class a bit early, just to set everything up. Once she reached the school gates, a teacher from last year called out to her.

"Aiko! Do you mind helping me over here?' The man asked.

She glanced at her phone for a second and sighed.

'It's not like I can say no..' She thought, rushing over to him and picking up a few of the boxes her had dropped and helped him carry them to his classroom.

Right as she put them down, she heard the bell ring. She quickly appologized and left the class room, rushing to her class room.

Aiko runs up to the door, stopping abruptly before sliding the door open and stepping in, her face turning light pink from nervousness and embaressment, and closing the door.

"S-sorry I'm late." She said, bowing slightly and making her way to the nearest open seat and sat down, hoping it was the correct seat.

She avoided eye contanct with everyone that may have been staring at her, only glancing up once in awhile. It was nervewracking having eyes on you and coming late. It was really embaressing as well. She gently pulled on the hem of her dress, pulling it down so that she wouldn't show to much skin on her legs.

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Stay awake! Jethro thought to himself while writing more notes down. The teacher wasn't really putting him to sleep. Maybe the sensei put other students to sleep, but Jet was only tired because of his lack of sleep from the previous night. Should've eaten one of Suzumaki's sweet treat things. He continued to think to himself before bullet pointing more notes. Jet rubbed the back of his neck as a calm attempt to keep himself from putting his head down right there and then. Fortunately, someone came in late and slightly woke him up by her sudden entrance. Jet eyed her for a bit before looking away. He knew how uncomfortable it was to come in late since he had done so earlier that day. Why would he bother to add on to the pressure by watching her walk all the way to her seat? Jet's focus shifted back to the teacher as he leaned back on his seat.

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