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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro put his hand down, "That's not my intention. Just wanted to shake hands with you". The random squiggles kind of hinted the slight tension that Juvia felt from their interaction. "From where I come from, shaking hands with someone you just met is a sign of respect" He clarified before looking away from her doodles and back at her face.

*Zack is still skipping class painting * he had finished the first wall and almost finished the wall with the door on it
(Who's my dorm partner? By the way my cs is a kawaii cross dresser)

Lens in class with his cat eared hood up sitting in his seat not trying to be seen by anyone.
Suzumaki @Aero

Suzumaki had fallen asleep without realizing, remembering Jeans statement she smiled and nodded with a yawn.

"I think it was something like...Makise's Bakery?" She tries to remember.



Ryuzaki's nap ended shortly, he looked at the time and decided that maybe he'll go smoke on the roof top but was caught by the student counselor.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Gintoki-sakata-gintoki-26203464-550-660.jpg.030ca7e22ebdba3b69b71a4cb2642e83.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Gintoki-sakata-gintoki-26203464-550-660.jpg.030ca7e22ebdba3b69b71a4cb2642e83.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 190cm tall
Miyamura Sato (Student Counselor/Math)

Miyamura Sensei was heading back to the office when he noticed one of the students leaving the dormitory; wondering why he wasn't in class.

He shortly stopped the student and brought him to class.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/original.jpg.a5f9907cf211f26e65422cc673a93652.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/original.jpg.a5f9907cf211f26e65422cc673a93652.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Ryuzaki @Leaf Fi

Ryuzaki entered the classroom, giving a glance to each of the students. One of them caught his eye; the girl from the roof top. He looked at her and gave her a stuck-up smirk. Then took a seat.



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Omi nodded and watched Makoto walk away. Omi watched as Ryuzaki walk in trying to figure out why he was late. He thanked Miyamura-sensei for bringing him to class.

Jean wrote down the store's name and laughed a bit at Suzumaki's sleepiness. "Thanks." She said. She urned around and set her notebook on her desk. She turned to another page of the notebook and started writing. @Suzumaki Arakai
Ichigo Shizuka

Ichigo looked around her seat, comfortably looking around the classroom which was big and had many students stuck inside it. She was bored even though school was her only passtime through the day. She hoped she find some other people to talk to because she felt invisible to others this day. "Ooh, Window seat!" She thought as she looked up to the sky that was shaped like leaf. She ten snapped out of it, looking straight ahead to the board.
Yumi leaned over in her seat and gently patted Aaron's arm. "I'm sure your dorm mate made sure to not touch any of your stuff. Don't get yourself worked up when you don't know the outcome, okay?" She offered him a supportive smile before sitting properly again. @True Queen Ashe

As soon as the door opened once more, Yumi's gaze flicked over to the newcomer, suddenly becoming very tense again. She made an effort not to show it though, instead choosing to glare daggers at the smoker from the roof in reply to his smirk. It only lasted a second though, as she turned away stubbornly, trying to ignore him. He was trouble, and that wasn't something she liked. @Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki stood facing the guy in his seat, the seat right in front of the rooftop girl, and point towards it, "I'm assigned to sit here."

He spoke casually with a deep voice.

@Leaf Fi @True Queen Ashe


Suzumaki nods at Jean before laying her head back down and falling asleep.

Jethro leaned back in his seat while waiting, waiting, and waiting for the teacher to begin. He didn't care what it was they needed to do next. The teen just desired to do something so that he wouldn't just sit still and do nothing. Even Suzumaki was falling asleep! His hand pulled a pen out of his pocket before placing it onto his desk. Jet lightly mumbled nonsense as he began to dissemble and assemble the writing tool.
Ichigo Shizuka

Ichigo then put her head down, there was nothing to do. She looked around as she knew she would fall asleep."Why world?" She said to herself as she looked at the window, daydreaming.
Miyamura Sato (Student Counselor/Math)

Miyamura Sensei, once again, entered the class room. This time he came all the way in and stood at the front of the class.

He cleared his throat before speaking; looking down at a piece of paper he begins to call out the seating chart.

"Good evenin' kids...evenin'? Afternoon?...Ahem, oh well."


Kazue & Ryu & Jethro & Ichigo & Akima & Rayisho

Len & Keade & Zachary & Makoto & Rinshara & Mori

Aaron & Suzumaki & Conner & Riika & Riki &

Tanaka & Jean & Satsuki & Juvia & Emiko &

Yumi & Haru & Akari & Lizabeth & Matsuo &

Back of class
"Oh no..." Yumi mumbled under her breath, sinking a little into her seat. 'I like you.' Goddamn that stupid guy! Pretending not to listen, she glanced around the room, spotting the one person she wanted to see. Jethro. The green eyed girl quickly waved a hand to him a few times to grab his attention, before shooting him a look. One that says 'I think I'm screwed' before facing the front of the class once more at the new teacher. Looks like today wasn't going to be the fun day she had planned after all. @Suzumaki Arakai @RyanJXavier
"Then I'm sorry if I seemed rude, by where I come from I mean my family, you can't go in there and expect to not leave with at least a bruise. We tend to attack each other in the house as a way to show we care. I've grown a habit of attacking anyone who charges at me." She sighs and sets her pencil down.

Len looked to the front of the class to the new teacher thinking "I hope she isn't mean" as he pulls out a pencil and paper starting to right music to calm him down as he waited for the teacher to start so he looked around the room seeing a couple kids talking to eachother but they were fin.
Miymura Sensei

Miyamura Sensei gave a bow to the students before giving the other teacher a nod and exiting the classroom.

After a second he pops his head back in, "I'm Miyamura Sensei, your student counselor and math teacher. Yoroshiku."

And leaves once again.

Zack finished up the walls in his room , now he had to do the ceiling...he had to stand on his desk after sliding it back over
Jethro looked up from his pen after noticing a waving motion from the side of his eye. He saw Yumi waving at him then suddenly shoot him some kind of look. Jet couldn't really decipher it though since he wasn't really used to analyzing facial expressions. I'm just gonna ask her what's up later. He thought to himself before looking at Juvia again. "It's okay I won't attack you . . . what's your name?" The teen questioned.

@Leaf Fi @LunaCrosby
"You might not attack me but I might if you come up to me at a quick pace, its kind of a reflex I guess. And I'm Juvia Grayson" she says and looks around at everyone to see what they were up to.



A flash of surprise from the mans demand and then a sudden bout of anger. He cleared his voice and spoke, an air of authority coming from him. "First of all good sir there is no seat assignments. Second of ll learn some manners when talking to me." He gave the man a piercing angry look and put his hands together into a ball. He then turned his attention to the kind girl talking to him and smiled. "Thanks for the words of consideration I'm just worried is all." Aaron completely ignored the boy now.

I am interacting with:

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi

I am at: In front of the dorms

The current time is: Lunch time!


Ryuzaki stood there; he just place his hands in his pockets.

"I take it you were in another world then? When the teacher just came in a told us where to sit?"

Confused, he thought to himself, "I guess we don't have to take our seats until tomorrow then?"

He pointed to the seat in front of the boy, "If your name's Aaron Steele...you sit there."

@True Queen Ashe


Kazue & Ryu & Jethro & Ichigo & Akima & Rayisho

Len & Keade & Zachary & Makoto & Rinshara & Mori

Aaron & Suzumaki & Conner & Riika & Riki &

Tanaka & Jean & Satsuki & Juvia & Emiko &

Yumi & Haru & Akari & Lizabeth & Matsuo &

Back of class
Jean put her pen down and looked at the new teacher in the front of the class. 'Who's he?' She thought as she looked at him up and down. But as fast as he was here, he was gone. "Miyamura-sensei?" She mumbled.

Omi was glad came in and got the students attention, becuase the bell rang after he left once again. "Alright everyone, class has started." He said standing up. Besides the Dorm Assignments he put the seating chart, Miyamura-sensei said to the class for those who forgot. "If anyone has a problem with their seat please tell me and I will tell Miyamura-sensei." Omi said after he was done writing. @Suzumaki Arakai

Jean sighed and looked at the window. "Bye bye window..." Jean said sadly. She picked up her bookbag and was heading toward her new seat until she heard Aaron fight for he thought was right and smiled. "Look at him go." She said.
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"Got it, Juvia" Jethro replied looking back to the front of the classroom. He noticed the same sensei enter and leave their room once again. Guess we're an interesting class? Jet thought to himself before leaning back in his seat. His eyes wandered the room and stopped at Aaron. The guy was calmly standing up for himself. Well, that was the info Jet collected since he only heard Aaron's "second of all learn some manners when talking to me" line.
Ichigo looked ro see a teacher in front of everyone. Ichigo then noticed that she called out roll and stuff and was ready to start class. She glanced at him really quick then looked back at the sky.

Ichigo tried to grab her pencil for class but, her wobbly fingers kept her from doing so and let the pencil roll away from her. "Ugh, Stupid Pencil..." She grumbled as she reached her arm to the floor to grab it.
It took all of Yumi's strength amd willpower not to tackle the complete badass of a boy beside her into a hug. If it was her handling this situation, the brunette would already have slapped the boy from the roof at least five times before running away and hiding. The other, however, was completely calm and collected. It made her admire him, actually.

"I know the feeling, but don't make yourself sick over it. I don't want to drag you all the way to the nurse," she joked with a lighthearted smile, before turning to the smoker. "You don't need our permission to sit. Go ahead." The words were brief, and she glanced at him for but a second, before facing Aaron again. @True Queen Ashe @Suzumaki Arakai

Ryuzaki is slightly alarmed by the girls actions; he doesn't show it though. A small smile creeps up on his face as he pulls the chair out and takes a seat, leaving his long legs in the walkway.

@Leaf Fi @True Queen Ashe


Suzumaki shoots up out of her chair, a little bit of drool sliding down her face.

"Gaah! I fell asleep! Sensei!"

She looks around to see a few people have changed seats.

"Oh god...where do I sit!?"

Looking up at the board, she sees the seating chart. After a moment of looking at it she turns around and heads to her seat near Jean.

"Shishishi, look how close we are!"


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