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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Riika got to her stuff and unpacked her console quickly, attaching it to the small tv that already stood there. She shove her favorite game in and leaned back at the couch, the food still spread over the table. But the girl ignored it and happily started her game, Matoko was sure a cool guy. I should ivite him once I decorate my room. Rikka played with a small and was looking forward to the new days to come. It was going to be one heck of a year.

Emiko saw the girl with him wave to her and show a greeting sign. Emiko did the same and watched as she went towards the dorms. She watched as the boy came up to her and told her his name.

"It's nice to meet you, Matoko! I'm Emiko Lanette. Just call me Em!" she said happily and shook his hand. Emiko blushed when she remembered what she was wearing. Nike shorts, a loose tank top where you could see her sports bra and stomach. She blushed and put a hand behind her neck.

"Sorry for the way I look. I just came from softball practice." she apologized.

Kazue watched the old man give the girl the paper. He looked at the paper and nodded.

"You can count me in. Also, I have a friend who would love to join!" he told her and patted her on the back.

@Wataru @Hobbesisalive
After some time the boy decided to talk about the music club wih the principal "Excuse me, i'd like to join or create a music club" Koichi said with politeness ''I am willing to take on all responsibilities needed" He had an unusually serious look on his face. "Also, i missed most part of the first day accidentally since i thought the school year would start precisely tomorrow, have i missed something important?"

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi @lonecoyote
"Alright then, Em, and don't worry, i mean, you can't expect someone to do sports in suit and tie!" Matoko stated, chuckling a bit, and although he really didn't mind her appearance, the wet stain on the front of her Shirt, did irritate him a bit. "Anyways, you seem a Little lost, what are you doing actually?" the teen questioned her, locking his gaze on to her eyes, trying to make her feel more comfortable, since she was obviously embarassed because of her Outfit, right now.



Aaron glared at the other boys portrait. "My cousin, and Leona's favorite." He answered Jean. He smiled as everyone cheered him up. "I like to spend my time in here. These are the ones I made." He said moving to the side where there were several pictures of buildings. Each painting had high detail and some had people in front. "I love architecture and these are some beautiful building I've seen in Washington D.C." He pointed to the ones with American government buildings. The White House, Lincolns memorial, the Library of Congress. He stared at them his expression slowly turning happy again.

After everyone had their fill of the art he guided everyone to his room. The room was a step into a whole new world with American styles and appearances. He smiled as he wandered around the paint stained carpet to several pictures that hung up on the wall. An easel was next them which would explain all the paint stains. He hopped onto his large three person bed. He smiled and pulled out his notebook. "
Ugh I hate homework..."

Hayate Gorou

The principles gaze soon shifts to a young boy with a serious expression.

He took the students demeanor as respectful and gave him a club file.

"We've already got a music club but they will probably need a club president considering it's a new year."

With the shake of his head he answers the boys other question, "Today was just the first day; your teachers will tell you if you've missed anything if they don't recognize your face."

With that, he have the students a nod then continued down the hall so as to nap in the teachers lounge.

His green eyes momentarily studied each piece of work. It seemed that Aaron had a gift in the arts. "Nice work" Jethro said while following Aaron into another large room. The teen could get lost in a mansion like this. It was a good thing he didn't wander off in the beginning. "Finished mine in class. If anyone needs help then just say so" Jethro said after hearing Aaron's complaint. "Aaron, are you going to live in America?" He asked noticing the American influence in his new friend's room. Jet didn't sit down anywhere though since he was unsure if Aaron was going to get mad if he sat on his bed or not.

@True Queen Ashe

Suzumaki continued to stare, taking in all the portraits.

She had zoned out but came to when she was about to ask Jet something but realized everyone had already continued on.

Once she caught up to them she found herself in Aaron's room, he had plopped down on a large bed.

Seeing how big it was made we want to jump on it but she held the urge back.

She then looks at Jet, "Look at my work for me!" She says while reaching into her bag with chibi ramen figures on it and pulled out a mess of paper.

After scrounging through it all she pulled out some certain ones and handed them to Jet.

"Math and science is all!" She says while slowly propping herself onto Aaron's bed.

@Aero @Leaf Fi @True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier
Ichigo froze in her mind, "What did he say, do I look old?" She said as her conscience became frozen for a second. Ichigo didn't want to lie, this guy was cute and what not, but was it really worth it? "15, why?" She said casually as she noticed that he was going to hit on her. "How old are you since you're asking me?" She added.

Satsuki opened his mouth and sighed, putting his head against his hand. How does she not get it? Did he had to spell it out? "15 ah" the boy leaned against the machine and crossed his arms sipping from his juice. "I am 18." He concluded, hoping that she would get it now. 15 was out of his league, he wouldn't aim for someone that age. That would never work right?

Emiko smiled softly and looked back up at Matoko. He was looking her in the eyes. She noted that she liked his eye color.

"Meeting my friend, Kazue. He left something in a class room but I'm not sure which one....they look the same to me." she sighed and looked down. Then her face lit up. She grinned and looked up at him, her blue eyes shining.

"Wanna help me?"

Kazue rasied a brow and looked over at the other guy. "Now, Emiko would really love that." he said and forgot to introduce himself to the group.

"Oh, I'm Kazue Suoh by the way. Nice to meet you all." he said and smiled at them

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Jean loved looking at Aaron's work, it was magnificent. As they walked down the hallway to his room, Jean didn't say anything and just admired Aaron's work. When they got to his room, it looked like the room of an artist. She chuckled at the paint stains. She then sat down on the carpet. 'The paint stains are probably dry by now... Hopefully.' She thought as she grabbed her laptop and her notebook out of her bag. She proceeded to open her notebook to were she wrote the essay. Jean turned on her laptop and waited it to load once she put in her password. "I agree to that Aaron." She said chuckling and looking around Aaron's room. 'So this is what an American room looks like.' She thought. @RyanJXavier @True Queen Ashe @Everyone who is active in the mansion right now
"Ah, Okay" She said as she drank the juice in her hands. Ichigo knew that he was saying, "You're a baby" and "That I'm older than you" and what not. Ichigo was turning 16 in August. She was young, but by 3 yrs which didn't seem so long to her. She decided to speak her mind since it wouldn't hurt, "So, You're saying I'm a baby?" She said, smirking at him.

"Woah... These are amazing!" Yumi smiled wildly as she admired Aaron's work, completely filled with awe and amazement. Aaron was so young, yet he painted as if he had years upon years of experience. It truly was fantastic.

Thankfully, his room was no different, Ave Yumi felt like she could spend an eternity just staring at the small details of each painting. "You really do like your art," she giggled, nodding towards the paint splattered floor of his room. It was nice he found some enjoyment in this mansion, especially with someone so strict over your shoulders. At the mention of the homework, Yumi sighed, frowning the slightest bit. She'd much rather wonder around Aaron's home at the moment, now that she had gotten a taste. "Oh, really?" Yumi turned to Jethro, blinking. "Nice! I'll make sure to ask you if I need help." Yumi nodded and pulled out her notebook, heading over to the huge bed and sat with her back leaning against it.

@True Queen Ashe @RyanJXavier
Satsuki raised his eyebrows. The only thing he had said was that he was eighteen. Wat was her way of thinking? "Did you hear me say that then?" He looked up to the sky and sighed. "I think you are cute, but not as you know.. not as ehm. Just forgot that I flirted with you, Fiveteen is just a bit too young for me." Satsuki finished his drink and walked uo to her. "I don't think that you are a baby. Don't go saying things when it never happened. Kay?" He grinned and patted her on the head. Then turned around and walked into the school building again to scold the nurse. Satsuki walked into the office with a fast pace and turned around the chair Ringo was sitting on. "Because of you I made a girl feel bad." Okay maybe she wasn't feeling bad, but Satsuki wanted to rub the guilty feelings into Ringo's face.


Jethro received Suzumaki's work and took the pen out of his pocket. His brows furrowed as he read through her assignments, "Remember the notes I gave you earlier? Make sure your paper revolves around those topics. It just needs to be more concise or...straight to the point, ya know? Don't forget to reword the notes though. Other than that, your science homework is okay" Jet explained handing the science stuff back to Suzumaki. His gaze then shifted over to her math work, "Anything to the power of zero is one. So 7 to the zero power is one.". He paused for a moment before continuing, "You can cancel out these exponents here since they are in a fraction". "...So x to the seventh over x to the eighth simplifies to one over x to the first power. So all in all the whole thing equals one over x which is a variation of x to the negative first power" He concluded with an indifferent expression before handing the papers back to Suzumaki.

Jethro watched as the others sat down on Aaron's bed and just decided to join them. He lied down in front of Yumi before looking up to the ceiling. "I might be up late tonight. I won't make that much noise though" The teen said glancing at his dorm mate.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi
Yumi stopped her work as Jethro spoke up, a brow raising in curiosity. "Oh?" She turned her head to face him, focusing her green eyes in the boy. "How come? I thought you said you were finished your homework." The brunette stated before finishing off an equation, glancing back at him. @RyanJXavier
Jean was typing on her laptop on the carpet but couldn't help but to eavesdrop on Yumi's and Jethro's conversation. She to was curious on why Jet would stay up late.
"Just need to finish unpacking...that, and I need to make cookies for Suzumaki" Jethro stated keeping his gaze on Yumi. "I'll just keep one or two lights on while you're asleep. If I run into something though, I blame you" He said looking back at the ceiling.

@Leaf Fi
As soon as Satsuki left, she left as well, with a neutral expression instead of a frown or sobbing. Ichigo walked inside her dorm as she plopped her bed. Ichigo thought for a bit. Was he paying attention at all? He acted a like if he hurt her feelings. She sighed as she took out her ear phones and plugged to her ears. Playing classic electronica on her ears softly to relax after a day of interaction.

As she closed her eyes, she opened her eyes like if she forgot to do homework. "Oh no, I have a crush." She said in a monotone voice before as she screamed into her pillow then face palming. "Why Ichigo, Why?!" She thought after face palming.
Jean tried not to chuckle a little at Jet's remark, so she just smiled. 'If he does fall that would be funny.' She thought typing her last body paragraph. Jean only had the conclusion left and she could do math. "Yay." She mumbled to herself sarcastically.

Suzumaki nodded after everything Jet explained then began to correct her mistakes...kind of.

After a little bit she over hears Jet mentioning cookies, "Really!?"

She began bouncing on the bed while sitting criss-crossed.

"Awww, that's super sweet of you!" Yumi couldn't help but smile at the thought of Jethro's kindness, placing down her pencil. "If you want, I could help out. I don't want you accidentally tripping and hurting yourself." She paused for a minute before giggling, "Actually, trip all you like. That'd be quite the story to tell the nurse if you hurt yourself." She added as a teasing after thought and playfully tapped Jethro's arm.


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