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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Satsuki listened quietly to what the man said. A busy life. "Well you can meet people on college right? Just like I meet people here," he smiled an continued. "Don't you have cute girls around?" He looked rather serious about this. It was something he filled his days with..sometimes. Satsuki chuckled and fell down at the bed, what on earth was he saying. Cute girls... boys. Eh what? He blinked and blushed lightly. What was he thinking, that one time didn't count, he liked girls definitly. @Corgi

-were getting at the interesting topics here. Huehuehue
Emiko was about to answer Matoko's questions when al of a sudden she noticed him looking at another student. She turned her head to see who he was looking at and tilted her head to the side when she saw the other student. He was just like anyone else she'd ever seen before except his skin was the color of the night sky. "Woah..." she said in awe, questions popping up in her head but before she could get a word out her body was tugged forward as the boy kept walking and Matoko's curiosity led them to follow him.

"H-hey now! If we're going somewhere I need to at least shower first! Matoko are you listening to me? Matoko!" she said but was ignored as they were in pursuit of the guy. It wasn't before long that she saw the office come into view, seeing the female from earlier and Kazue. Ooh, Kazue's talking to a girl!

Kazue stood there by the principal's office, rocking back and forth on his heels by the principal's office. He was alone at the moment since the others went ahead to go get ready. He wanted to stay there though so he could meet Emiko. Before long though, a female joined him. He looked at her and smiled softly.

"Hey, are you waiting for someone too?"

@BobbyW @Hobbesisalive @MissingBolt
Hobbesisalive said:
Satsuki listened quietly to what the man said. A busy life. "Well you can meet people on college right? Just like I meet people here," he smiled an continued. "Don't you have cute girls around?" He looked rather serious about this. It was something he filled his days with..sometimes. Satsuki chuckled and fell down at the bed, what on earth was he saying. Cute girls... boys. Eh what? He blinked and blushed lightly. What was he thinking, that one time didn't count, he liked girls definitly. @Corgi
-were getting at the interesting topics here. Huehuehue
"Eh.. I suppose. Not really looking for a relationship currently. This face could never be held down at such a young age." He said jokingly, trying to lift the seriousness thelat suffocated the room. When Satsuki mentioned cute girls he chuckled and nodded. "A lot of the girls there are good looking..." He said, not mentioning that he didn't like the female species in that way and that none if them really had the best personality either. He looked over at Satsuki and smirked, "Why're you blushing. You thinking of your crush?" He said, once again teasing the boy.

chihiro stopped for a moment in his mirror to make sure he looked alright, trying(and failing) and failing to tame the mop of mess he called hair, straightening his glasses, and smoothing his cardigan, hoping it didn't look to swallow him entirely. once he was pleased with himself, he left his dormitory, armed only with cookies he baked and his wallet for the battle that was social interaction. he was rushing slightly, hoping he wasn't holding anyone up, nearly stumbling over himself in his hurry. he was pleased to see hajime(i guess hah) waiting patiently at the gate, and waved enthusiastically at them. "sizuki-san!" he greeted sweetly, stopping in front of them. "are you still waiting for everyone? where is aiko-chan?" he asked, cocking his head and looking around.

@Corgi @the karaoke squad​
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Corgi said:
Aiko tried not the giggle as he looked through his bag, a few giggles escaped here and there, but for the most part, she just wanted the red headed boy. When he started talking, her face turned red. 48. 48 was her dorm room. 'Is it even legal cor us to share a dorm room? He is a guy, right? He looks like one...' She cleared her throat a bit. Her hands felt a bit clammy and she spoke, "U-uhmmm... It's f-fine. M-my room? Uh..." She glanced over at Hajime, unsure of what she should say. Aiko decided she would just tell the truth. "48 is m-mine too..." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear again.
Koichi was totally in shock, he, sharing a room, with a GIRL? No, it definitely couldn't be possible, "it's probably a misunderstanding" the boy began to sweat nervously "A-are you sure Aiko chan? It's very improbable that we, a boy and a girl are sharing a dorm" he said getting a little bit calmer towards the end of the sentence "Let's search for somewhere, we can ask about this, shall we?" he said scratching his head, not so calm anymore.

(Hajime will literally kill Koichi lol)

She stood there doing nothing. After a minute when she added herself to the group they were gone already. Do I really smell? She suddenly felt the urge to shower and became a little uncomfortable. Their was only one boy next to her, he was rather tall and had black her, and...had no shirt on. He gaze shifted over his body and she didn't even try to hide is, she liked what she saw. Nothing wrong with that right? 'No, I was actually just standing here when everyone left.' She chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. 'Hey, ehm do I smell?' Riika decided just to ask it instead of worrying herself.



The boy noticed that it became a little awkward, it were only minium moments of silence between the words that gave him that feeling, but it soon became normal again once he started with teasing. Satsuki slapped his own forehead and threw a pillow to the male. Without saying anything he leaned against the wall. 'I've never been in love dumbass.' It suddenly got out and looked the other way. He had been in love, one time. Only one time, with his best friend. He never told him and now they didn't have contact anymore due to school and moving blablabla. Satsuki sighed and felt that this conversation somehow took a wrong direction. It remained awkwardly silence, or so he thought.

Kazue looked at the girl and couldn't help but chuckle at her question. He looked at her and closed the distance between them, and sniffing her. He laughed some more at his action and shook his head.

"No, you don't smell at all. Quite the opposite honestly. I like it." he told her and stood up straight.

"If anyone smells at all, it should be me." he laughed out and put is arm up, sniffing under his arm.

He didn't smell too bad but he did feel sticky and sweaty. Since they were going to karaoke he wanted to smell and look nice.

mikko said:

chihiro stopped for a moment in his mirror to make sure he looked alright, trying(and failing) and failing to tame the mop of mess he called hair, straightening his glasses, and smoothing his cardigan, hoping it didn't look to swallow him entirely. once he was pleased with himself, he left his dormitory, armed only with cookies he baked and his wallet for the battle that was social interaction. he was rushing slightly, hoping he wasn't holding anyone up, nearly stumbling over himself in his hurry. he was pleased to see aiko and hajime waiting patiently at the gate, and waved enthusiastically at them. "aiko-chan, sizuki-san!" he greeted sweetly, stopping in front of them. "are you two still waiting for everyone?" he asked, cocking his head and looking around.

@Corgi @the karaoke squad​
Wataru said:
Koichi was totally in shock, he, sharing a room, with a GIRL? No, it definitely couldn't be possible, "it's probably a misunderstanding" the boy began to sweat nervously "A-are you sure Aiko chan? It's very improbable that we, a boy and a girl are sharing a dorm" he said getting a little bit calmer towards the end of the sentence "Let's search for somewhere, we can ask about this, shall we?" he said scratching his head, not so calm anymore.
(Hajime will literally kill Koichi lol)
"Y-yeah! Probably a misunderstanding!" She said, biting her lip. "Yeah. T-this can't be right." She mustered out, her ears feeling as if they were on fire. "O-oh! H-hi Chihiro! Y-yeah.. There's apperantly a m-misuderstanding with our dorms so w-we need to go fix it." She quickly explained, trying to explain that Hajime doesn't need to get in between it because there was nothing wrong with it.

Hajime clenched his fist when he heard that. He said nothing, trying his utter best to restrain. "Chihiro. Calm me down." He directed, as he turned away from the group and walked a few feet away.

She didn't take a step back when the boy came closer to actually 'sniff' her, but his compliment made her blush a little so she quickly turned around her face a quarted and laughed. What am I doing. Because she never actually blushed this came as a surpise. Must be because he is shirtless. The girl thought while rotating back again. 'You smell like a male,' she said dryly while she leaned against the wall, she just decided to wait with him for who ever it was.

"Alright then! let's get on with it!" Matoko took a few steps towards towards their Destination, but turned his head towards Emiko, as he noticed that she was still Standing there, her eyes focused on the two individuals in front of them. "Em? are you coming?" The Boy questioned her, trying to pull her out of her thoughts. He tilted his head into Emiko's line of Vision, adding on to his attempts to make her move.

@lonecoyote @MissingBolt
Kazue raised a brow and folded his arms over his chest. "Well that's good then." he replied and leaned against the wall. He began to tap his foot, his smile being changed to a neutral face.

"Emiko needs to c'mon." he said with a huff and ran his hands up and down his arms.

"Oh, y-yeah! Sorry." she said and began to move, following him again. She waved to the two from afar and stayed close Matoko, peeking from behind him to look at the other guy. She wasn't paying attention when he said his name so she wasn't sure what to say to him.

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW @MissingBolt
Zack was lost "I dont know anyone , so please exscuse my obliviousness , I zoned out the first half of class and skipped the second half" he said to the male and female he'd kinda blended into as a group with

@lonecoyote @BobbyW

chihiro blinked, confused. "calm you...? oh." it took him a beat longer than what should have been necessary. he cast an apologetic smile towards aiko, giving a small "hello," to her as he took tentative steps towards hajime. "sizuki-san, nothing is the matter. i'm sure this can be fixed, no issues." he smiled feebly, outstretching his arms to envelop him in a hug. it was most unfortunate, though chihiro could almost swear he felt hajime shaking, though he was sure whatever happened was only an accident. he released the hug a few beats after he instigated it, pulling a cookie from his bag to offer as collateral. "maybe a sweet will calm you down?" he asked, holding it outwards with a wide smile. so it wasn't the healthiest or most ethical to eat your pain away, but sweets were always good numbing medicine.

this could be @me , @Corgi , or @Leaf Fi lmao

Riika looked at the boy and waved back at the girl she never met, but saw. 'Is that her?' She said while pointing a finger towards the girl with pink her. 'I think Matoko is dragging her from room to room or something.' She chuckled and tied up her hair in a knot so that two white hair string fell along her face. Why was he waiting here anyway? 'What do you have to do here by the principal?' Maybe she could answer it?

Uzumati walked into school, rather late. His first day and he was already late, what else could go wrong? As he walked down a hallway, he realized that he had absolutely no idea where he was going.
Ichigo walked to the courtyard, bored and no too peachy. She sighed quietly as she got up from the tree, walking back to were she was. Ichigo saw a person then ignored it. "Ah, Being Bored, my old friend." She thought as she sighed.

Kazue looked where she pointed and nodded. "Yeah, that's her." he said with a slight grin. He watched as the boy was taking Emiko by each room. She remembered what he was looking for and shook his head. "I forgot to tell her it's not here. It's in my dorm room." he said with a sigh, running a hand through his hair and thinking about the consequences he'd face once he told her.

"Hm? Oh, this is the only way I know how to get to classrooms around here. I got caught up in Aiko making a club." he told her and heard the doors open.


Emiko tilted her head slightly. "It's ok. I'm Emiko Lanette. But you can call me Em. I fell asleep in my dorm room so I don't know many people either." she admitted and saw a guy walking down the hallway. He looked lost and confused.

"Hey! You must have just gotten here. The school day's over right now. But if you want to, you can hang out with us." she told him with a smile.

@BobbyW @MissingBolt @RubyUzumati
If Koichi was already nervous before seeing Hajime's reaction, his feelings could not be described. He and Aiko were walking to the principal's office when they saw a huge poster with "Dorm Information" written on top of it, "Ah, this might be the solution for all this confusion" Koichi thought tremendously relieved. The poster showed everyone's dorm mates

"Ichi... Ichi..."

Ichikawa Koichi->Ueno Aiko

"EEEHHHHH, so it wasn't a mistake at all!?" the boy exclaimed loudly, when he looked to the side, saw a completely speechless Aiko, as if she just saw a terrible murder right in front of her. The two came back to the group, without exchanging any words on the way back. "U-um, i guess it wasn't a misunderstanding afterall" he said shyly and afraid of how Hajime would react.
Riika chuckled and crossed her arms. 'You want to make a club?' She asked curiously. herself didn't know yet which clubs she wanted to be in, they all looked so boring and were close with school stuff. 'Is there an option to join no club at all?' She grinned and sighed afterwards. If there was an option like that, she would grab it with both hands.

Matoko didn't really listen to Emiko's introduction, but focused more on searching whatever the Girl was looking for, and moving to the principal's Office, since her friend asked her to meet him there. He turned his head towards Em, when she suddenly yelled after another Student. "Yup! My Name is Matoko, Matoko Fujimoto, if you're fancy." The Boy explained, chuckling a bit. he analyzed the Boy that now got their Attention. Pretty average looking. The teen thought to himself, when he let his gaze wander off to Zack, as a comparison.

The male's eyes locked on to Riika, and the... Shirtless? guy beneath her, giving them both a wave.

@Hobbesisalive @lonecoyote @MissingBolt @RubyUzumati

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