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"Alright, see ya." Isamu waved back to Marcus. He then turned to the girl he had seen before, who was now sitting with a boy. What! When did that happen? No! He's trying to ruin my harem! My father's dream! How dare he! He clenched his fist. Just let it go man.

Tora glared at Haru as he didn't answer her question. She set her coffee aside, her eyes narrowed, and she put her hood on, leaning on the chair.
I opened my bag and my pistols fell out. "Crap!!" I picked them up as fast as I could hoping no one saw me drop them. I put them under my backpack and grab my laptop out of my bag and put my pistols in my bag. "System on." My laptop boots up, and it scans my eye for security purposes.
[QUOTE="Delila The Deity]
Tora glared at Haru as he didn't answer her question. She set her coffee aside, her eyes narrowed, and she put her hood on, leaning on the chair.


"Is there a problem, sister?..." Haru asked Tora due to her acting aggressive, "Just tell me."
[QUOTE="Rei Itsukaya]
"Is there a problem, sister?..." Haru asked Tora due to her acting aggressive, "Just tell me."


Tora drew a smile on her face,
" Nothing...dear brother." She crushed her empty cup, "...I just took a time to observe you..."
[QUOTE="Delila The Deity]
Tora drew a smile on her face, " Nothing...dear brother." She crushed her empty cup, "...I just took a time to observe you..."


Haru crushed his empty cup as well,
"... I'll be going ahead home, come back when you want to." He stood up, and left Starbucks, leaving her alone in an empty table.
"Thank you. You're very kind." Aleo bowed his head a little before sitting. "To be honest, I didn't expect it to be this busy... But then again, I've never heard of this place before." He chuckled lowly, setting his book and cup on the table. Idly, he opened the first page for nothing more than the familiar feel, sighing in content. Ooh, it was nice to have it back... Glancing back at the girl, he tilted his head a little. "I'm Aleo, by the way. Lovely to meet you."

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]
"Thank you. You're very kind." Aleo bowed his head a little before sitting. "To be honest, I didn't expect it to be this busy... But then again, I've never heard of this place before." He chuckled lowly, setting his book and cup on the table. Idly, he opened the first page for nothing more than the familiar feel, sighing in content. Ooh, it was nice to have it back... Glancing back at the girl, he tilted his head a little. "I'm Aleo, by the way. Lovely to meet you."

@XxBouncy BunnyxX


"I'm Akane," She introduced herself, staring at her cup of coffee, "...Akane Kirishima...".She took a sip of her coffee as she cast her eyes down, "...'kind'?...No one ever called me 'kind'...but, even if it isn't true, why do I steel feel happy?...' She smiled a bit, putting her hood on.
[QUOTE="Rei Itsukaya]
Haru crushed his empty cup as well, "... I'll be going ahead home, come back when you want to." He stood up, and left Starbucks, leaving her alone in an empty table.


Tora sighed, "...Why did you have to leave me here alone? I don't even know how to get home..." She thought, "Wait, this must be a test! Maybe, just maybe, he's testing if I could get home?...Well if it is, I will prove that I am smart, and I know how to get home, Even if I don't really know how to, But, still! I will...."
I see this girl standing alone. So I went to over to her and say, "Hey are you alright. I was just wondering, because you have this concerned look on your face." I then pick up all my stuff, but put one of the pistols in my belt loop."

@Delila The Deity
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AnarchyReins said:
I see this girl standing alone. So I went to over to her and say, "Hey are you alright. I was just wondering, because you have this concerned look on your face." I then pick up all my stuff, but put one of the pistols in my belt loop."
@Delila The Deity

"Yeah. I'm alright..." Tora looked out the window and shouted, "If it weren't for my stupid-twin, stupid-Haru!!!!!" She quickly covered her mouth, thinking that her twin would've heard what she said, and everyone else in Starbucks, "Sorry everyone!!!" She shoured and waved at everybody in Starbucks, sitting down. She cast her eyes down, crossed her arms, and pouted, "Stupid-Haru..."
Aleo felt the corner of his mouth twitch upwards. 'How adorable...' Maaaybe he saw the appeal for her now from the other boy, but he wasn't going to put her in a 'harem'. Nah; he was going to try and be friends with her. "Akane. That's a beautiful name." He would have added the cliché 'rather fitting for a beautiful girl', but he didn't want to overstep the line and get slapped or told to move. That could ruin the possible friendship they could have. "O-oh... Sorry." He shook his head awkwardly. "I, er... You don't mind me calling you Akane, do you...? Or would you rather Kirishima-san?" Agh, how could he forget about Japanese honorifics so soon?! Jeez... Hopefully she didn't think that he was rude now...

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Aleo felt the corner of his mouth twitch upwards. 'How adorable...' Maaaybe he saw the appeal for her now from the other boy, but he wasn't going to put her in a 'harem'. Nah; he was going to try and be friends with her. "Akane. That's a beautiful name." He would have added the cliché 'rather fitting for a beautiful girl', but he didn't want to overstep the line and get slapped or told to move. That could ruin the possible friendship they could have. "O-oh... Sorry." He shook his head awkwardly. "I, er... You don't mind me calling you Akane, do you...? Or would you rather Kirishima-san?" Agh, how could he forget about Japanese honorifics so soon?! Jeez... Hopefully she didn't think that he was rude now...
@XxBouncy BunnyxX


"..No, it's okay..." Akane said, "...You can call me whatever you want, whether it be Akane, or Kirishima-san. I...don't really mind. Thank you for the complement, though..."
... Oh. Well, didn't he feel like a fool. Both his ears and cheeks turning a light shade of pink, he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "N-not a problem, Akane..." He replied softly. Before he could focus anymore on his embarrassment though, a loud shout rang out around the room. Aleo jumped a little, eyes automatically flickering to the purple haired girl who apologied in a... Huffy fashion? He couldn't really tell... "E-erm..." Glancing away from her, he awkwardly took a sip of his hot chocolate, greatly appreciating the heavenly warm liquid. "H-have you lived here long...?" He asked gently once his cup was set down.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]... Oh. Well, didn't he feel like a fool. Both his ears and cheeks turning a light shade of pink, he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "N-not a problem, Akane..." He replied softly. Before he could focus anymore on his embarrassment though, a loud shout rang out around the room. Aleo jumped a little, eyes automatically flickering to the purple haired girl who apologied in a... Huffy fashion? He couldn't really tell... "E-erm..." Glancing away from her, he awkwardly took a sip of his hot chocolate, greatly appreciating the heavenly warm liquid. "H-have you lived here long...?" He asked gently once his cup was set down.
@XxBouncy BunnyxX


Akane had no reaction to Tora shouting, she was used to hearing screams. She set her cup down, "...Yes, I have lived here, for a very long time, in fact...." She answered Aleo's question.
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"A very long time?" Aleo echoed in a murmur to himself before proping an elbow on the table, resting his chin on the upright palm. "You're very lucky... I've just moved here and know next to nothing about the area." He sighed. "Has there been anything interesting that's happened to take note of? I'm rather curious since I've heard next to nothing... Even if the experiences are just your own."

@XxBouncy BunnyxX

(( @AnarchyReins I don't mind! I'm all for it, if you wanna do it ^^ What about everyone else? ))
@AnarchyReins[/URL] I don't mind! I'm all for it, if you wanna do it ^^ What about everyone else? ))

((Yeah, I'm okay with that. I think you might have to ask @ghost of past .))

Akane sighed, "...There's been some robbery, and murder reports. There's also been a number of missing children and people..." She answered, "...I feel sad for them..." She looked down, even if she's one of the people who caused this.

(Okay thats a go then.)

Just as I was about to walk out a black van came barreling down the street. I skidded to a stop in front of the door. 8 guys dressed in black jumped out shooting at the windows. "Everyone get down. I then pull my pistol of my belt loop and started shooting magic shots at them I nailed a guy in the chest knocking him out and another one in the arm. I then tried to run at a guy to take his gun, but he shot me point blank range. I then fell to the ground bleeding out, but I started my regeneration process before I hit the ground. Though to everyone else I was bleeding out to death.

(Okay guys have fun 6 guys left who's gonna get them.)
"Wow..." Aleo paused, nibbling on his lower lip. That's... Pretty rough... It was a sad thing to hear, and even though he did grow up hearing about the same things and being treated like dirt, it didn't really lessen the impact. Before he could say anymore, a loud bang was heard and the windows had shattered in the Starbucks. The sounds of terrified screams filled the air, and automatically Aleo grabbed obtuse Akane's wrist before pulling them both to the ground so they wouldn't get hit. Fuck, just the day he didn't take his knife that trouble came around... Just his luck. "You okay? Didn't get hit?" He whispered to the black haired girl in a surprisingly calm tone.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX
Raikou was just enjoying a morning on his I Phone in Starbucks while munching on a donut. A closer look would reveal his fingers haven't even twitched yet his phone was still scrolling and switching apps as if he was using his fingers. It was just a subtle trick with his lightning that allows him to manipulate technology. That was before a bullet came and shattered his I phone right in his hand a bullet hole straight through the screen the beginning problem. Raikou leapt up from his seat and thundered "YOU SHOT MY I PHOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE!" Then with a swing of his arms he unleashed three orbs of electricity that took out three of the robber, he pointed the same hand at the other three and dared them to shoot at him with a challenging look.
Leaf Fi] [B][COLOR=#b3b300]"Wow..." [/COLOR][/B]Aleo paused said:



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Tora didn't want to be a part of this, so she crawled her way out, managing to not be noticed by the robbers,
"...Curse stupid-Haru for leaving me here... I am sooo gonna tell mother...." She reached it outside. For some reason, she couldn't move, and she also wanted to watch the fight, so pshe just stood there, watching them fight.

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