Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)

Exile looks at Holly and then stood up. She grabbed Holly by the scruff pulling her off. "Your biting to hard." She said and then set her down. She walked away looking around the territory. She looked at the scar on her left side and started licking so it was covered up by her black fur. She sighed and then sat down. She looked around some more.
Exile looked at at the brute and then looks away. "Looking around." She said and then stood up once more. "Why do you want to know?" She asked and then turned to face him. She raised her head and then sat down again looking at him. She looked around wanting to get fimilar with the land.
Decay gave her a smirk "Only wanting to know." he said then began to trot away and go back inside his den, which was really a den that cared for new born pups.

Holly looked around and trotted after Exile tugging on her tail but with only her fur in her mouth, and Exile whipped her tail Holly Tumbled the way her tail did, not wanting to let go of her tail.
Exile looks at Holly and then gave out a growl to discourage the pup from biting her tail. She stood up and started walking hoping the pup will fall off or let go. She continued to look around the land before checking her tail to make sure the pup was off of it.
Holly let go but walked right under Exile causing her to trip sometimes, She liked this Fae, she was nice to Holly, some adults dont like her very much, because she is a pest, but this one is kinda nice, She stood under Exile still, wagging her tail and ticking Exile's under belly slightly, then she runs ahead of Exile and Gets into a play position, putting her bum in the air and wagging her tail, "Lets play." She said and stared at Exile.
Exile looks at the pup and then blinked. She turned and walked away not in the mood to play. She shook her head and then stretched herself out yawning. She looks back at the pup and then continued to walk. She turns and then starts walking back to the tree she was laying under. She looks at every wolf tring to get a feel for the strengths and weaknesses of the pack.
Holly sat in the woods, she looked around then started to walk in the opposite direction of the packs camp, she tumbled and tricked thought the forest, sounds and scents over whelming her and she began to run, chasing leaving and tiny birds, she looked around and then suddenly didn't know where she was.
Name Scarkill (I use these wolves a lot lol)

Age 4 years

Gender male

Personality meet him


Crush none

Mate none

Pups I found a pup in the woods by his dead mother and cared for him. His name is Eden

Other I'm an old friend of Exile....a really close friend.

Name Eden

Age 3 years

Gender male

Personality meet him


Crush ha yeah right

Mate No way!

Pups hey! no!

Other ...

Name Morgan

Age unknown

Gender male

Personality Listen carefully....completely and without a doubt....E-V-I-L!!! here spelled backwards live. Here let me sum it up Lives Evil!


Crush right and here I thought I explained the whole Evil thing to you

Mate Here...let's say this slowly. D-E-A-D because? I K-I-L-L-E-D her. Killed, got it?

Pups Exile and knight are the only ones alive

Other *Guy who is asking the questions gets killed by morgan.* Other then your funeral...nothing. *Laughs*

Name Crown

Age 4 years

Gender male

Personality Let's say I love the ladies...but..I'm the right han- i mean paw brute to Morgan got it?

Looks ha you won't beable to stand them. (Oh brother....*rolls eyes at her own character.)

Crush Ever fae I see.

Mate Never!

Pups Nah to much work.

Other Ha.

Name Yin/ Yang

Age 3 years / 3 years

Gender male/ male

Personality Meet them....but I bet you might get annoyed.

(Yin is on the right and Yang is on the left)

Crush Nah/ nope

Mate No way/ Riiiight

Pups *Both burst out laughing like you're an idoit*

Other Also appart of Morgan's pack!

Name Eternal

Age fae

Gender female

Personality meet her


Crush No

Mate no

Pups yes one named Knight

Other She is a captured fae of Morgan, Knight is morgan's pup.

Name Knight

Age 4 months

Gender male

Personality meet him


Crush nope

Mate NO!

Pups I am one stupid!

Other nope

Name Devin

Age 5 years

Gender male

Personality I'm freely with Morgan...what do you think?


Crush hardly

Mate Not on your life

Pups HA!

Other nope
Holly bounced around slightly and she looked around, many scents, many ones she didn't know, she came to a big black road, she sniffed the road and liked down it was warm, she rolled on her back and licked the black road then was appalled it was nasty, but she kept rolling around, then she entered a place that smelt so much different, the ground was hard not soft, and it was dark, the trees blocked her view mostly but she sniffed a tree the clawed off the bark
Exile looks at Black and then suddenly looks around. She lifts her head up in the air and then looked around. Where did that pup go? She started trotting around before picking up Holly's scent. She looked around and then followed the scent at a fast pace. WHo knows what animals would happen to be around to kill the young pup.

Knight was running around playing with a butterfly. He stubbled upon Holly. He stopped and then swallowed backing up. That pup was alone....oh no if Devin saw the other pup she would be killed. He looked around, he had lost Devin but probably not for long! He looked at Holly and then got low to the ground trying to hide not sure if he was seen or not.

Devin sighed deeply and then looked around for the young pup that ran off. "Darn that how am I going to find him....since he's Morgan's son I can't let him get killed. Great...I'm doomed." He said with a sigh and kept walking. "Here you stupid runt....come here before i really get mad." he called not really making an effort or sounding scarry....he didn't want to do this so he hardly called or commanded.

(Normal text is Yin speaking...Bold text is yang speaking ok?)

Yin and Yang walk up to Devin. "Careful." Yin said and then smirked. Yang finished his brother's sentence. "Lose the pup and Morgan will have your head." Yang said with a laugh. Yin looked at Yang and then stepped in front of him. "So find the little runt and get back as..." "Soon as possible." Yang finished. Yang turned around and headed off with Yin following behind. Both were laughing and carring on about Devin's death.

Devin sighed deeply and then sniffed the ground. "Those two are getting on my nerves." He said and then looked around uncareingly. In fact everything he was doing had a 'I don't care' statment about it. He continued to walk as slowly as possible. He looked around and then stopped to scratch his ear.

Yin and Yang both pop up behind Devin. "NOW!" They both shout at Devin watching the older brute jump up and run off beinf scared as a cat. Yin looked at Yang and Yang looked at Yin. "Well brother....I smell a rabbit near by shall I have Eternal fetch it for us?" Yang sugested. Yin shook his head no and then walked off in the direction of Morgan. Yang sat there and then sighed. "but i'm hungry." he said and then got up running to catch up with Yin.

There were two more wolves watching Holly and now Knight. Scarkill was watching and the smell on Holly made him smile...but the smell on Knight mad his anger rise. Scarkill's son Eden was beside him, both hidden in shadows and long dead like grass. Scarkill perked his ears hearing a wolf approaching but not sure if it was male or female....friend or foe. He looked real quick to check behind him....nothing.
Holly had seen Knight, she stuck her nose though the grass and smelt Knight , she wagged her tail and pawed the air for him to come out and play with her.
(By the way....Scarkill and Eden are good guys, Eternal isn't a bad guy either...she was kidnapped and is forced to stay in Morgan's pack. Knight is to young right now to be evil or good.)

Knight looked at the pup and then came out. He odd coloring and bright blue eyes made him stand out more then other wolf pups. (I'm sure the photo I used for him was a normal house dog...but i don't care lol it was just cute.) He looked at her and then play bowed wagging his tail. What he didn't know was he had caught the attention of Scarkill. The young pup was Exile's new half brother meaning he was Morgan's new pup. Right now he was to young to really be evil...but if he grows up with Morgan....that would change.

Scarkill new he had to find Exile...and fast. This pup needed to be saved...and the other pup had Exile's scent all over her. He knew Holly wasn't Exile's pup, but a pup she knew and from the apperence of Knight, Morgan was close by. Holly was indanger, but what could he do? He looked around, if he jumped out now he'd scare them and they could end up running away right into Morgan's jaws.
(Ok thanks, is Chive alive?)

Rosa finally consented to his attentions, but that did not stop her from trying to get a better understanding of the situation. "Wolves are popping up left and right, we barely have a pack which leads me to believe that we either need to join one or leave. You saw what that monsterous fae did to you sister and we have a pup with us," she whispered. The she-wolf attempted to open her eye and quickly realized that it was not an option, her eye was still swelled up and any fraction of light that hit it led to agony
(Hey 14hca14 did you see my new wolves? lol Oh I should put Exile's form with themand the pictures I got for her....hold on I'll post them all again on this page.)

My Good Wolves

Name: Exile

Age: 4 years

Gender: female

Personality: she can be sweet and kind when she gets to know you. You have to earn her trust. If you cross her she will be the most terrifying thing you ever saw. She can rough and mean at first but she is loyal to her alpha.

Looks: (My computer broke down so I can't get a photo.) She's rather large for a female. She has pure black fur and dark blue sapphire eyes. She is rather beautiful but her one flaw is a large scar covering her left side. (Normaly hidden by her fur)

Crush: none

Mate: dead. (not really looking but is open to a relationship)

Pups: dead.

Other: she is known as the Angel of Death, daughter of Morgan the black night. Morgan is a ruthless killer and will do anything to anyone if it benefits him. Exile is also known as one of he best killers but has recently diffracted fate he death of her siblings, mother, mate, and pups. (All were killed by her father.)

Name Scarkill

Age 4 years

Gender male

Personality meet him


Crush none

Mate none

Pups I found a pup in the woods by his dead mother and cared for him. His name is Eden

Other I'm an old friend of Exile....a really close friend.

Name Eden

Age 3 years

Gender male

Personality meet him


Crush ha yeah right

Mate No way!

Pups hey! no!

Other ...

Wolves in Morgan's Pack

Name Morgan

Age unknown

Gender male

Personality Listen carefully....completely and without a doubt....E-V-I-L!!! here spelled backwards live. Here let me sum it up Lives Evil!


Crush right and here I thought I explained the whole Evil thing to you

Mate Here...let's say this slowly. D-E-A-D because? I K-I-L-L-E-D her. Killed, got it?

Pups Exile and knight are the only ones alive

Other *Guy who is asking the questions gets killed by morgan.* Other then your funeral...nothing. *Laughs*

Name Crown

Age 4 years

Gender male

Personality Let's say I love the ladies...but..I'm the right han- i mean paw brute to Morgan got it?

Looks ha you won't beable to stand them. (Oh brother....*rolls eyes at her own character.)

Crush Ever fae I see.

Mate Never!

Pups Nah to much work.

Other Ha.

Name Yin/ Yang

Age 3 years / 3 years

Gender male/ male

Personality Meet them....but I bet you might get annoyed.

(Yin is on the right and Yang is on the left)

Crush Nah/ nope

Mate No way/ Riiiight

Pups *Both burst out laughing like you're an idoit*

Other Also appart of Morgan's pack!

Name Eternal

Age fae

Gender female

Personality meet her


Crush No

Mate no

Pups yes one named Knight

Other She is a captured fae of Morgan, Knight is morgan's pup.

Name Knight

Age 4 months

Gender male

Personality meet him


Crush nope

Mate NO!

Pups I am one stupid!

Other Morgan is my father

Name Devin

Age 5 years

Gender male

Personality I'm freely with Morgan...what do you think?


Crush hardly

Mate Not on your life

Pups HA!

Other nope
Holly, Pawed at his head, she was bigger then he was surprisingly due she was younger, she sniffed him all over, he was a weird scent, she could smell others she sniffed around a bush then a tree, she nudged into Knights side and made hims tumbled and pinned him down and began to wrestle with him.

Yes she is

oal keeps licked her eye and sighed "We cannot Join." he whispered back "They would kill us if we tried, And that Fae was a small one." He said and looked at the sleeping pup, he draped his tail over the pup and felt his breathing, He sniffed his body and was careful not to awake the pup, he looked at the pups paw and looked back at Rosa, "His paw is broken." he whispered "Possible sprained. Maybe even fractured, And if its fractured that means his paw is never going to heal, causing him to only have three functional paws, making it harder to fight, harder to hunt, harder to walk, and harder to live." he sighed and watched the sleeping pup.

Knight blinked and then paws at her. He lifts his head and bites her ear trying to pull the larger fae off of him. He suddenly heard a growl and he looked up behind him. he swallowed. "H-hey Devin...." He frowns as Devin looks at the pup pinning him down. He kicked Holly off and then Devin hit Knight with his paw sending Kinght flying into a tree.

Devin looks at Holly and then smelled Exile on her. He smirks and then growls. "Oh...a little pup...Morgan will enjoy killing you." He said but before he could Scarkill jumped infront of Devin and bit his muzzle. Scarkill growled protecting Holly. Yin and Yang stood behind Devin laughing. Eden walked out ready to fight. Devin shook his head and then lunged at Scarkill, before he could land on Scarkill, Exile jumped and pushed him away while in the air and pinned him down. Devin was shocked. "Y-you're alive!" He looked scared.

Exile nodded and thne looked up at Yin and Yang growling loudly. Fear in all the brutes' eyes. Exile looked at Scarkill. "Take Holly and get her back to the pack...follow my scent back." she said and then looked back at Devin growling loudly.
Holly's eyes were wide with fear she backs up quickly and looked around fast cars were passing her by making her fur ruffle, She then saw her chance and ran across the road, she avoided the cars swiftly, She ran though the woods, panting and whining, She didn't want this male to touch her (Scarkill) she looked back and saw him follnig her, She whimpered and whipped around, she bared her teeth attempting to be scary, she growled, the fur between her shoulder bladed bristling, And her claws dug into the dirt "G-Go away" she growled, even though her growled were not yet scary, it was still loud for a young pup.
(You're controling my wolves....stop doing that.)

Scarkill shook his head. "Stop it...Exile told me to get you back to your pack safe...let's go." He said and then reatched to grabbed her. "Come on those wolves want to kill you...let's get you out of here." he said and then looked as his son Eden runs over leaving Exile to fight the wolves....but from the looks of it she didn't need help. Yin and Yang were running away while Devin was in Exile's jaws and being shook like a rag doll.
(Im sorry :( )

Holly stared at him, She nodded, "But what about Exile?" she whined and looked around, she saw Eden but figured if he was a threat, Scarface would have attacked him, she eyed Eden careful, Then slunk down.
Scarkill looked at Exile. "I...think she's fine." He said and then smiled as Exile came over her mouth covered in blood. "Come Holly...we have to warn the others....Morgan is around." She said and then looked at Scarkill who smiled and wagged his tail at her. Exile smiled and then started walking back. She shook her head and then yawned tired.
Holly followed Exile happily, "Are they coming too?" She asked and looked at Scarkill and Eden, her eyes scanned the area then her eyes got wide "Did you kill that wolf?" he whimpered and stared at her with huge puppy eyes.
Exile looks at he young pup. "No he got away." she said truthfully and then looked at Scarkill and Eden who were following them. "Yes." she said and then cleaned her muzzle. She Continued to walk back to camp. When she got back she looked around for Black. Bringing strangers might not sit well with him or the news of her father's appearance. Either way she didn't like that she was new and was probably on thin ice with their alpha.
Chive let out a whine, and Holly ran to her, Chive stood up and towered over all the wolves "What did you do?" she growled and bared her Teeth, Black came out of his den and saw the new wolves, All of them were small, then he saw Exile being towered over by Chives, Black gave Chive a warning Nip and she backed down, He looked at all three wolves and Stood his full height "What are these? And why are they here?" He growled loudly from deep in his throat to show his angery with Exile, He bared her teeth and stared her in the eyes Dominating her, he growled and bared his teeth again.
Exile stared right back at him not even flinching at his angry voice. "The pup ran off an got thing I know is they are protecting holly while three wolves were attacking. They are old friends Scarkill and his son Eden." she said standing tall still. "I fought them off...but you should know...Morgan is around...and his pack is with him." she said and then looked as Scarkill stood next to Exile.

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