Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)

Rosa didn't waste a moment and despite the pain searing through her face she grasped the pup in her mouth and took off after the brute. She tried to be gentle with the pup as they ran but she had no desire to risk another encounter with the monstrous fae. She did not why they had been spared but Rosa was not about to wait around and find out.
Bear squeaked in surprise, and lifted his dangling feet closer to his stomach. His tongue lolled out of his tiny mouth as he tried to remain calm, awaiting for the female to say something, anything.
Rosa grunted and apology as she did her best to run through the tree. Being blind in one eye made dodging difficult and she had to slow her pace in order to stay safe. She shot a questioning look at the brute hoping, wondering if maybe he knew of a place they could rest.
Bear looked up at Rosa as best as he could, but he could only see just the tip of her nose. "I'm Bear." He whispered, licking his nose a little.
Coal jumped out of the mud and got to hard ground, his pelt was plastered with mud and matted slightly with blood, he Crawled under a mush and into a large Den, he sent Chives down, He went back out and took the pup in his mouth, he crawled into the den and set the pup down, he motioned for Rosa to enter.
Bear gazed around the den, and wagged his tail. He stood up, but didnt use his bad paw, he kept it lifted up. "Hello!" He said somewhat quietly.
Rosa followed warily, as the adrenaline pumping through her veins began to run its course she began to think more rationally. She was out of fight or flight mood and was beginning to feel the severity of her injuries. As soon as she slid into the den she knew she needed to get out. Other wise she would bleed all over the bedding and everything would become soaked. By now she could not open her left eye at all and that side of her face was completely red and marred. The back of her neck was also caked and she was pretty sure she had a cracked rib. She looked at the fae the brute had dragged in, "Is she alive?" she coughed.
Coal nodded then began to lick Rosa's wounds "Stay still." he growled and began to lick her wounds, he kept licking the wounds until the bleeding got slower slightly.
Rosa took a step back ignoring his order, "Is she ok?" she asked again wobbling towards the fae they had come back for. She glanced at the pup hoping he was fine also, obviously whatever was bothering his paw had hindered him in getting away or protecting himself so it must be severe. "I'm Rosa by the way," she barked looking back at the brute.
Bear laid down as instructed, and wagged his tail. "Was tht giant wolf going to eat me?" He asked out of curiosity, using his hind leg to stratch away at his itchy face.
Exile looks at the brute and then jumps hiding her wounds but the smell of blood was in the air. "Who are you?!" she demanded with a loud growl, fear rising in her. She couldn't be seen as weak. Her fear turned to anger, she rose her tail and shackles ready to fight. She growled lowly and stared right at the new male with cold killer eyes. (sorry went on a trip and I'm back now!)
lack heard the whimpered then he turned around and faced the hiding Evil he towered over the bushes she was hiding in, "i wouldn't suggest you trying to fight." he barked in a savage voice, and he bared his teeth, "You wont win." he growled and lowered his head, "the fur on his shoulders rising and bristling.
Bear closed turned to the male sitting in the den with him. "Do these fights happen everyday?" He asked.
Exile looked at the new brute and then slowly backed up. "Are you so sure?" she asked him, she was tense and feeling cornered. She perked her ears suddenly ready to kill them both. No....that was the old Exile....she calmed but still was ready to tare them to bits. She lowered herself ready to pounce. "Explain yourself, both of you!" her black pelt was stained with her blood and some others. She was reascently in a fight and by the all the different scents on her pelt there were many of them, most were dead now. Exile's blue sapphire eyes were locked on the Black.
Bear howeled faintly at the sound of Exile, and then began to run in circles anxiously, trying not to yelp because of his throbbing paw.
Rosa did her best to hobble out of the den. The new fae was covered in blood and most of it wasn't her own Rosa bared her teeth before grasping the nervous pup in her mouth. She tried to whisper soothing words as she nudged him back into the den. "It is going to be fine just stay here until we figure it out," she barked softly. One eye was still closed from the wound given to her by that d@^n monster fae who had attacked them and she knew the rest of her face probably looked like hell but Rosa had to help Coal deal with the new comer.
Bear licked her nose and wagged his tail, nodding in response. He laid down, and kept his breathing quiet, trying to stay on the downlow.
Black stood up more, he stood his all mighty 6'2 and bared his teeth, the fur on his neck bristled and between his shoulder blades, he growled louder then her, he was bigger then her, stronger then her, and possibly smarter, he was raised by humans and observed them while they did the same to him, he learned a lot, and over the years, he learned even more about the normal wolf kind, :You are on my Territory Fae, if anyone is doing explaining it will be you." he snapped and growled again, still baring his teeth.
Exile stepped back. Great another brute like Morgan....this is bad...he's even a bit bigger. She thought to herself and then lowed her head growling. I'm to injured to even try and fight. Darn it, Morgan must have he sent his wolves to chase me up here...another trap darn it......darn it all! She looked at him and then looked aroyund....anything to give her an advantage. "Even if this is your land, My reasons are of my own and don't plan to share." She said growling. She was starting to feel weak. Crap....if I faint I will surely die. She shook her head and then stared at him as she walked left of him. She cringed, she couldn't leave and she couldn't stay....the perfect trap. Morgan really got her this time.

She looked up, there was a low branch. No to far away to hit him with. She could climb it but what then? Stay up there to die by blood loss? She looked back at the large brute. She was still growling although her threats were empty.
Black stared at her, his cold eyes ripping at hers, He bared his teeth, her growls meant nothing. he could smell her blood then he let the fur on his shoulders lay flat "Get off my territory." he said savagely and loudly, then he looked around fast and smirked, "Stay." he growled loudly, not To exile but to something else, Then a dozen cold eyes opened from the darkness and stared at Exile, all of the full of rage and murder, They were smaller then Black, but Larger then Exile. They stood in the darkness, their deep growls making the forest seem silent.
Exile looks at Black and then at the other wolves. She growls at Black. "I can't leave....not yet." She said and then looked back behind her. She looks at the eyes of wolves and back to black. She smirks. "Either way I'm dead...if I fight you I'm dead and if I leave I'm dead....heh...perfect trap for me...however i'd like to die to someone more worthy then the wolves back there...sorry...but I'm not going anywhere." she growls calling on ever ounce of strangth she had. She was large for a faye and right now she wasn't afraid of the wolves hiding. She showed no fear to Black either. She walked right up to him and growled. Her threat was more now, she had to hold on just a bit longer.
ck looked at her out of the corner of his eye and whipped around fast, he smacked her in the face with his massive paw his claws raking her cheek, He pinned her down, one paw on her chest, then he growled something loudly to one pack member, Then a white Fae came and began to lick at Exile's wounds, Black kept hre pinned, baring his teeth still, and his pelt smooth, but his eyes burning from the drug.
Exile growls loudly and looks up at him stuggling. She looks at the fae and then looked up at him. She stopped saving her energy. She kept her head towards her chest not wanting to expose her neck to the brute. Her eyes stared right at his with no hint of fear at all. She could smell something wasn't normal about him but that was no consern of hers at the moment. She kept growling but only at him, the fae wasn't a threat at the moment but the large brute pinning her was.

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