Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)

Aspin felt her ears twitch with embarrassment, She dashed off after him panting, her large paws made thuds on the ground, She chased him, her limbs ached but she didn't give any warning, her chest heaving, she pushed herself to the brink as she chased the male.
Scarkill looks back at her and only runs faster pushing her to keep running. He saw a fallen tree, with a smirk that showed one of his k9s he turned dashing for it, jumping over it. He looked back to see if the female could make the jump. He looked around for anything else that would push her and make this hard to keep up. He wanted to push her strength and her will. In a fight it often comes down to who will keep on fighting and who gives up or dies.
Rosa sighed and turned as if she were about to head into the forest but it seemed Coal had beat her to the punch. "Well it seems that Mister Macho brute over there will handle getting the food, that leaves us to do something fun," she barked softly looking about the small clearing. "We should not stray too far from the cave but at the same time we need to be quiet. Chives needs her rest and for some reason I don't think a noisy pup will help her," the fae teased softly. As she looked about the camp for entertainment a leaf feel upon her back and a smile spread across her face. "Alright, the leaves are falling and they are making the ground so wet and squishy with dead leaves, your job is to catch them before they hit the ground," Rosa barked. To demonstrate she lept into the air and plucked a leaf floating down from a branch.
Scarkill looks at her and then smiles. "Very good." He said and then sat down. "May I have the honor of knowing my students name?" He asked and then smiled at her letting her take a rest. He looked around examining the area, he wanted a good picture of his surroundings and anywhere else to challange the fae.
Scarkill nodded and then looked around. "Ok aspin....I am Scarkill." he looks at her and then stands up. "Let's run back shall we?" he said and then dashed off back towards exile. He turned though going to make the run longer this time. He chuckled and ran faster loving the breeze in his fur and then pounding of his paws on the soft dirt.
Bear nodded, and crept over to the tree. No leaves were falling at the time, so he decided he would make them. With one paw, he attempted to climb a tree. He fell, free falling from ten feet in the air, but latched on to the tree quickly. He climed to the branch with the most leaves, and bounced on it until leaves came falling. He leaped from branch to brach until he was on the ground. Bear ran around, catching leaves in his mouth as he did.
Rosa watched in amazement as the small pup scaled the tree. She started to yelp when he lost his footing but his quick reactions saved him. And then the moment he touched the ground he didn’t skip a beat. He was catching all of the leaves in his mouth with ease. Suddenly the fae remembered that she was supposed to be playing along too. Carefully she darted about snapping a leaf here and another one there. She would hop over top of the pup and purposefully stand so that he had to go around her or between her legs in order to catch a leaf.
Holly heard the yelp and looked around a large rock, she saw a wolf and a pup playing with leaves, she was bigger then the pup, but she was still slightly frightened, then she saw a little pond, she went over and saw a little green head poke out of the water, She wagged her tail and yipped at it curiously, A little bird landed on the green things covering the water, the bird walked along and pulled out a tiny golden fight, Holly got excited, thinking she could walk on the green lily pads as well she Jumped onto them, The cold water rushed over her and into her mouth, She choked and coughed as she began to doggie paddle, the water weighing her down she kept going under, she began to bark every chance she got the cold water making her blood feel ice cold. She started to get tired and her legs began to ache she had messed up again.
Exile jumped in and grabbed the pup. She pulled the pup out of the water quickly and swam back to shore. She got out of the water and then slowly walked back to camp. She set the pup down and shook off starting to shiver. She looked at the pup and then laid down very cold from the water. She started licking the pup to make sure holly stayed warm.
Exile looks at her and then starts licking Holly. She shivered and curled around the pup. She layed her head down whining slightly because she was so cold. She glanced at Holly trying to keep her as warm as possible. She looked around. She had to find a warmer spot.

Exile looks at her and then picks her up. She started walking, she was shivering. One of her paws were bleeding to from cutting it on ice. She looked around for some help before entering a warmer den. She laied down and kept licking Holly to kepe her warm.

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