Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)

Black Glared at the Fae then bared his Teeth at Scarkill. He looked at Eden, Then looked at Holly, "Are they here for you?" he snapped loudly and bared his teeth again letting out a savage growl. He then let his fur lay flat and he said "Because if they want you-" Decay cut him off fast "They have to go though us." he said Black glared at him but gave him an approving nod "Yes, Excactly." He said smoothly "So, are they wolves, Going to fight with us if there is a need for a fight?" He asked then his fur prickled slightly "Becase if not They should leave now." he said with a slight tone of aggresion.
Exile looks at Scarkill and Eden and then looked at Black with a smirk. "They'll help, and'll need them." she said and then stood tall looking at Scarkill who was looking around the pack examining the wolves. He looked at Exile and nodded. Exile nodded back and then looked back at Black. She wasn't submissive at all towards him although so far it hadn't gotten her into trouble yet. Still though she was sure she had to be careful.
Black was amused by her bravery and that she showed no fear of him, he tipped his head back and let a loud beautiful sounding howl slip out of him mouth, The rest of the pack tipped their heads back as well and howled also, Even some of the pups joined but but it ended up in yipping or barking.
Exile sat down and then perked her ears. She soon joined in letting out her own soft and beautiful howl. She stopped and then got up walking away. She laid down under her tree and watched the others. She perked her ears listening for any sounds around her. For now she wouldn't do much still being injured. She looked at Black fo a while before looking away.
Holly went over the Exile and sat in front of her "What is going to happen?" she asked Exile turning her head to one side and staring at Exile, Black bared for Aspin, He told her to make Them all beds to sleep in. Aspin looked scarkill in the eye and the Eden, she looked away nodded then totted towards the dens to make a comfortable spot for them.
Exile looks at her and then sighs. "Nothing you need to know...hopefully nothing happens." she said and then smiled lightly. She looked up at the sky and then back at Holly. "You should go play with the other pups...but this time no running off." she sai and then layed her head on her paws. ___________________________________________Scarkill looked at Black and bowed his head a bit. He and Eden started walking around, getting to know the land and watching out for intruders.
Black nodded and Decay watched Exile slightly, Once aspin was done setting down a moss beddng, she walked out and walk past Scarkill and Eden, And went to bask on a boulder in the field.
(Is the pup still playing and I am confused, you mentioned chives in a post that concerned Holly and Fire of Hearts wolves even though she was dragged to the den with Coal and Rosa? Check the first page of the rp you created two chives…)

Rosa shook her head, “You saw that black fae before she ran away she smelled of other wolves. How long do you expect to hold onto this territory when you have got threats coming from all sides and a pack made up of two competent fighters one of which is half blind?” she barked softly. The fae actually was surprised to realize that she had included herself as a member of Coal’s pack but right now it seemed like the rational and easy thing to do. She was a loner in uncharted dangerous territory and he was brute in need of a pack. Rosa knew that she couldn’t help him expand this pack, no she might join his pack but she was never trusting a brute again.
Sorry The one is Blacks pack will now be called Sleet, The one in the den is still Chives

Coal Growled slightly and stopped licking "There are many more, Bigger then that Fae, But the biggest is the Alpha, You usually has no mercy." he said and and went over to Chive, her breathing was slow and light, and began to lick her wounds and used some moss on the grounds to help stop the bleeding. but there wasn't much he could do for his little sister now.
Exile looked as Scarkill walked back. She looked at him and sat up. "it's been a long time Scarkill." She said and then sighed looking over at Black and Decay. She looked back at Scarkill and gently swayed her tail behind her. "I see Eden has grown strong." She said and then watched the young wolf sniff a tree. "Although still a bit to young." she laughed slightly.

Scarkill chuckled. "Yes i thing the last time he tried to sniff something it hit him in the muzzle and he got sharp quills stuck in his skin." He sighed. "Oh how he complained...I just pulled them out against his will for silence." He laughed and then looked at Exile. "I've been meaning to tell you....your father...he has a new pup." he said and then watched as Exile's eyes widen. She see,med very alarmed. "He is still young and by the way he was playing with the other pup he hasn't been tainted by Morgan."

Exile's alarm calmed slightly. She looked to the ground. "Please don't be an inscent fae like mother." She said and then closed her eyes. "Darn it all!" She shouted and then growled. "If that pup gets cought up in this I might not be able to do anything to save him." She said suddenly angry. "and his mother." she looked away. "i couldn't even save my own pups....let alone my mother and siblings." Her ears fall flat against her head. The breeze gently moves her soft black fur.

Scarkill sighed hating to see his friend in so much pain. "It won't happen again Exile....please be calm." He asked and then looked at her. "Maybe I shouldn't have said anything." He added his ears going down as well.

"No..." Exiel said looking at Scarkill. "I rather would know then find out when it's to late." She said and then sighed getting up. She walked away leaving Scarkill there sighing.
Exile sighed and sat alone feeling pretty down. She closed her eyes and her head only got lower. "Drake...." She whispered the name of her last mate. She sighed deeply and then looked at the ground. She pawed at the ground and then sighed. Her mother was kidnapped by morgan as well. She had once litter of pups and among them was Exile. Exile was the biggest and was picked out by Morgan at a young age. She sighed staring at the ground.
Aspin watched her and walked over slowly "Exile..? Are you okay?" she whimpered at the Fae, She didn't like seeing her sad, She may have just met her, But that didn't stop her from wanting to comfort her and be close to her.
Rosa shook her head, “I am just trying to get you to think rationally. I mean how do you plan on protecting the territory and its inhabitants?” she barked nosing a few mounds of moss towards him before lying down and closing her good eye. She was not going to sleep but merely resting her exhausted muscles. The fae just needed to shut off one of her senses so as to preserve what little energy she had.
Exile looks at her and then gets up. "I'm fine." She snapped and then got up walking away. She sighed deeply and then looks at the ground. When she was feeling upset it's hard to get her to share what she was feeling or what was wrong. She went and layed down alone.
Aspin persisted and followed she was slightly hurt by her snapping then she whispered "Will you teach me, to you know... Fight." she asked and waited for the Fae to respond not knowing what to expect from the violent and upset female.
Rosa sighed in frustration his words confusing her. She opened her aching eye and stumbled out of the den and into the evening light. The crickets chirped and the wind rustled through the trees. "I don't understand, it is you job for this is your territory. If you do not want the responsibility of protecting it then another pack must be found or you must live a nomadic life. Your sister is in no condition to travel and she won't be for a while," she added.
Exile stopped. "To fight..." She looks at her. "Don't you know how?" She asked and then sat down. Could she train this wolf? To fight like her....using moves nbormal wolves don't? She couldn' that would just come back to bite her. She looked away. If this fae didn't know how to fight then why not? Still....but...Morgan would use the same moves and kill others. She looks at the fae....made just this once.
Coal stared at her "It is Not My Territory." He growled and looking into the dark woods "Its His forest." He spat it sounded foul and tasted almost exactly the same.

Aspin nodded "I wasnt taught to fight, Black never taught me due to my good knack for herbs." She whimpered quietly, with embarrassment
Bear arose from his long and peaceful slumber, aand stretched out his back. It was then when it hit him how hungry he was! He whimpered loudly, and stepped outside of the den to get fresh air, maybe it would help the intense stomach pain.
Exile looks around and then nods. "Come this way. Scarkill! I am in need of you!" She yells and Scarkill runs over. "Let's go." She said looking at Aspin. She started running towards the forest. First the fae needing to build up strength, speed and endurance. She looked at Scarkill, he would help her after all he's trained wolves before.
“All the more reason to find a pack to join with their own territory,” she growled but she was cut short by the sound of Bear waking. “Listen we can talk about this later, the pup’s awake, but I ain’t staying if we are going to stay so close to those monsters especially without the protection of a pack. We can’t let that pup grow up here, it is not safe,” she barked softly padding back to the den. “Morning,” she whispered nudging the pup gently. “I guess we need to go hunting?”

Coal smirked and rolled his eyes slightly. Alright, She is charming, In the stubborn irritating kind of way he sat still then stood up, He was hungry, And he guessed the others were too, So he set off to hunt.

Aspin chased after Exile and ScarKill She watched Scarkill run, He was quite....attractive She thought then quickly pushed it to the back of her mind. She panted, her limbs weren't used to running for far for so long,.

Holly trotted around and spotted a butterfly. she whimpered and stalked it, she pounced but it slipped bwtween her paws, it began to fly away and she chased it, swatting at the air, she then came to a large empty feild, she was Alone. She chased the butterfly some more until she swatted it from the air and it fell to the ground, she felt successful, she shook her coat then looked around. She knew her way home, but she had ran all over the field, which way was which, She decided to sit in the field and wait for someone or something to find her, while waiting she happily got distracted with a family of Jack rabbits, The darted out of the burrows when she wasn't looking but when she was they hid, She quickly got frustrated and growled.
Exile stopped and then looked back. "Hurry. You better get use to it...when your fighting you never know when it is going to end." She said and then kept running. She looked at Scarkill who had stopped at a good spot. Exile stopped as well. "Better go through a running course huh?" She said and Scarkill nodded.

Scarkill looked at Aspin. "Better build up strength." he said and then looks around. "Come on, let's run some more." he said and then looks as Exile lays down. "They still hurt?" He asked and Exile nodded. He nodded. "I'll take her." he said and then looks at Aspin. "Let's see how far you can go." he said and then dashed off.

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