Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)

brb fire, i gotta eat dinner, :D be back in a minute , dont leave!!!

Black waited until the Fae was finished, cleaner Exile's wounds, then she waited until the blood subsided, and backed away, Black leaped off of Exile, he waited for her to get to her paws, and he growled. his pelt still flat, and his teeth not bared.
Exile blinked in confustion. She stood up once more feeling better. She looked at Black eyeing him closely although her agresstion towards him was calmed but still unsure of her situation with him she stayed in a fighting stance. She tilted her head a bit staring at him with her percing blue sapphire eyes. Her fur slowly started to settle and become smooth. The silky black pelt was still stained with some blood, and the large scar on her left side was visible right now. Her ears were perked.
Black moved his left paw and about 10 more wolves smaller then Black but bigger then Exile stepped out, their pelts bristling and their teethed bared, Black said one word "Agony." he growled, and stared at her, the other wolves growling and snarling.
Exile was really confused now but it's not like she hasn't been in the outnumbered fights before and not won. The only thing is....they were ALL bigger then her. She lowered herself more tensing up so she could bolt in seconds if she had to. "Agony?" She asked and looked at him. She was so tense and yet seemed fearless but it wasn't that she wasn't's just that she could overcome her fear....and that is why she showed no fear.

Exile's looks:


(No white pure black fur.)
Blacked nodded and Growled at Damion, who had begin to lunge for Exile, Black Hit Damion hard in his rib cage with one paw, and with easy pinned the struggling and aggressive Brute, he bared his teeth and Damion, and Damion got quite. Black kept Damian pinned "Its a pack."
Exile tilts her head. He was protecting her now? Why? She looks at the brute that had tried to lung for her. She didn't stare long, provoting them would be bad. She didn't move. "Your pack...I'm guessing?" Exile hag guessed. She was smart which was why she survived so long, but this situation was confusing. First he wants her off his land....and or dead and when she refuses and thinks she was going to die he starts protecting her?
Black gave a slight nod, "Who is hunting you?" he growled, he loved to fight, he was tortured as up pup, now he has a thorn in his heart (Not really only a saying) He rarely give mercy, but this Fae had a fight, and he wanted to help her, but if she made one wrong move, she was a feast for the pups.
Exile looks at him and then looks away. She closes her eyes. "Fine I'll tell..." She sighed and looked back at him. "Morgan the Black Knight. Also my father, he sent his wolves to chase me up here. Guessing to be killed by you...which I'm surprised your not busy doing." She said and then looked down. Suddenly she was more sad then anything. She looked up and then shook her head. No don't show emotion.
Black gave and aggressive growl "How do they know about me?" He growled and sunk his claws into Demon, Demon howled in pain, And Black took his paw off of him, Demon whined slightly and went back over behind Damion. He could sence her sadness, but he growled again.
Exile looks at him. "I don't know." She looks at him and then looks down. She sighs and then perks her ears. She looks at Demon and then at black. She backs up slightly. "Morgan is clever and unstopable." She said and then looks back at him. "Why are you helping me?" She asked not wanting to think of Morgan anymore. This brute was confusing. The young fae was taken back by his mercy.
Black nodded and lowered his head "i have no reason." he growled "And i never said i was helping you." he growled denying himself even though her knew he was, "Come On." he growled "Lets go home." He growled again and began to lead Agony back to their Camp. A Beautiful white Fae walked up to Exile "Dont mind him." she spoke softly as she trotted beside her. "He just takes time to get used to." he said and panted slightly.
Exile looks at the fae and then nods. She looks at the ground. She was still worried but still, suddenly her tiredness came back. She was stuggling to walk yet again. She looks at the fae and then back at the wolves of Black's pack. She did wonder did Morgan know of this strange brute? She shook her head and then looked down. She needed rest but Exile was to stubborn to rest just yet.
The white Fae watched Exile Limp. "So, tell me more about this Brute, Morgan." She said feeling bad for the Fae, She was Taught Never to show pain or weakness, Because that's when others notice you are weak and want to take advantage of that.
Exile looks at her and then stops. Her eyes become filled with anger and saddnes at the mention of his name. She started walking again. " I said is my father. The Black Knight a killer unlike any other. Well so I thought till I met your Alpha." she smirks slightly a the small joke but then turned very serious once again. "Morgan will take a weakness and distroy it...use that to crush you and everything dear to you. He has no mercy and uses fear and pain to control other wolves. I was his top assassin...someone who did his dirty work." she sighed deeply. "I killed for him...The Angel of wolves started calling me." She sighed deeply. "My mother...his mate was worried about me...fear what I was becoming." She shook her head. "Once I showed mercy to one wolf Morgan killed my mother...and then killed my siblings, mate, and pups." She looked at the fae.

"I fought him once....and survived just barely...his best fighter." She said and then stopped turning so the fae could see her left side. She moved her fur show the large scar. "This is what I got from it. I managed to get away from his pack....and since then i've been running from Morgan...he is not to be trusted and will killed anyone but not before using them to such a degree that it makes you wish you were never born." She said and then started walking again. Her mood darkened.
Aspin could feel her moods change rapidly. "Thats horrible." she whined and then began to get worryed "There are a few females in this pack, That have pups. One Female Her name is Miyako She is very protective of her only living pup Ash All the pups were killed by her mate except for him, Black quickly assassinated Her mate after hearing the story. The other Female Has Three pups, Rut, Tuke, And Holly, Her mate was killed in a rock fall, running from the human cars, when they were tracking down the pack. They wanted us all dead.
Exile looks at her and then nods. She closed her eyes. "I fear morgan will not be so easy." She said and then opened her blue sapphire eyes. She looks around and then stumbles a bit. She regains her balance and then shakes her head. She looks at the fae and then looks at the other wolves. She puts up her act like nothing was wrong.
Aspin quickly got worried "is e coming here?" He asked Fear the pups would be injured horrible or killed his he did. "Because we don't know him, How does he know us?" Then a loud growled rang out and Miyako was glaring at Exile and baring her teeth "What is it?" she growled to the Male that stood beside her, His pelt was a pretty golden color with white as well, he stared at Exile and wagged his tail slightly "What does it look like?" he asked Miyako, "Is it a prisoner?" she growled again, the fur between her shoulder blades bristling and her neck fur rising, Black trotted beside her "No." he said loudly ":This is Exile" he growled "You all, will treat her like you treat each other." Then two Young males smirked and chuckled, They were the trouble makers, and they treated all the wolves like dirt. Mikayo growled softly then turned around and Picked Ash up by his scruff and took him into the den, her paws leaving prints in the deep snow.

You should check out the Agony's pack skelly
Exile looks at Aspin. "I don't believe so....please be at ease." She said and then looked at the other wolves. She looked at the fae that went into the den. She had a soft spot for pups...seeing as her own were killed. She went and layed down under a tree. She closed her eyes and then tried to rest. She sighed deeply and then opens her eyes unable to sleep.
Black laid on a boulder, some snow flaked fell onto his black fur, Then loud and squeaky yips ran out as Holly, Rut, And Duke ran out of the den, their tired and skinny mother followed, Rut went over and started to crawl all over Black, Black let him, Duke came over and started to bite and tug onto Black's ears and fur, Black pinned the pup fast with his massive paw, Miyako laid under a willow tree panting, he took Ash between her paws and began to like his fur, grooming him, She licked his hair and the fur on his head stood straight up, He growled and clawed it down again, Holly went up behind Exile and crawled all over her and tugged on her ears.
Exile looked at the pup and then laid her head back down ignoring the tugging. As long as Holly stayed off of any sore area's the young pup was safe. She shook her head a little to discourage the pup though. She sighed a bit, she was very gentle with pups, but if hey pushed her she might give them a nip or two as a correction.
Holly leaped off of her and cuddled by her side. she squirmed until he laid on her back and she was against her warm belly, she whined and let her breathing fall into rhythm of sleep.
Exile lifts her head and then looks at the pup. She curls her tail over the pup and then lays her head back down. She closes her eyes and then tries to sleep herself. She sleeps for a few minutes before opening her eyes again. She shakes her black fur which desperately needed cleaned.
Holly whined as Exile began to move, and she sat up, she yawned and then saw a small little purple flower poking out of the snow, she howled in excite meant "Spring is coming!" she howled and wagged her tail excitedly as her brother Duke came over and started to wrestle with her, Then she bit onto his fur and they rolled in the snow and bumped Exile a few times, Holly pinned him down and tugged hard on his Ears, making him yelp in some pain as her sharp teeth pierced slightly.

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