Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)

Lakota looked around and panicked. What was this other wolf running from? Was she in danger? She barked and ran into his side and Lakota knew she was serious. Clumsily, Lakota ran out of the clearing, tripping over twigs and crunching leaves as he moved. He never did very well under pressure and the other wolf’s panic caused Lakota to lose what little nerve he had. Perhaps they were running from a wolf killer; he had heard from other packs that sometimes wolves out in the dark forests would mercilessly attack and kill each other. He could never imagine why a wolf would want to kill him, Lakota rarely caused harm for anyone but he wasn’t going to take any chances by slowing down now. “What are we running from?!” Lakota called out to the other wolf, hoping that she wouldn’t answer with “wolf-eating wolves”.


Chives kept running "Don't look back. It will catch us. Run faster!!!" she whimpered And Timber let out savage noises behind them. her paws thudding hard on the ground breaking sticks and twigs as she plowed through bushes towards the wolves.

Black sat in the feild waiting for the white female to respond when his ears pricked to the sound of another Fae he swivvled his head to see the Fae and he saw her standing at the edge of the clearing, a large black Fae the scent of blood and infection waved off of her and he stared at her his light blue eyes piercing through her and he just stared at her his pelt began to bristle and rise slowly making him even larger.

Rosa's already roughed fur nearly leaped off of her back when the two wolves jumped off the rock. The order to run was not lost to her as that was already her plan but she was not prepared for the sudden nudge she recieved from the male. It took her a moment to reorient herself as she managed to keep her paws underneath. A quick glance over her shoulder confirmed her fear that the wolf chasing them was huge and hulking.
Nyra chuckled evilly, stopping her circling and baring her teeth once again at Black.

"You don't seem like you want to attack me." She growled, her long black nails making a loud scrapping noise on a nearby piece of metal lying on the forest floor.

Her brightly colored green eyes glowed fiercely in the dark as she watched his every move, waiting to attack him if he tried to hurt her.
Coal- "Don't stop.! Keep running" he panted Even thought the animal was not behind them anymore it was still to close for comfort. He then noticed his sister wasn't behind him and she stopped "Chives?!" he barked.

Chives halted when she heard her Kin's voice, They couldn't be separated, But she wouldn't let this male die, even though she didn't know who he was, or what he was doing here, She didn't want to watch him die, not another one. Then she noticed she wasn't running anymore

Timber launched herself into the air and made a savage noise as she came down towards the ground, almost directly on top of Chives.

Black looked around and stood up his long black pelt shimmering, he didn't want this White Fae to See the Black Fae, they might fight. Black looked around quick to make sure Agony wasn't here.
Rosa pelted after him her ruddy coat just a blur but she was forced to stop when he slowed. He was barking for what she assumed was the she-wolf with him earlier but she was no where in sight. She shifted from paw to paw in anticipation waiting for the male to continue running for she could not bring herself to leave him.
Coal Whined and looked around fast, the savage noise making him stumble and his mind began to Race,he looked at the Fae beside him and realized he was putting her life in danger my not running, "Keep running." he growled low and began to run again, his paws sinking deep into the mud.

Timber landed On Chives and opened her mouth wide, showing her savage long sharp fangs and pinned her down with one paw her drool and foam dripping Onto Chive's chest.

Chives whimpered and whined, she stared in fear at the Hulky wolf, she whined louder as the Fae pinned her down, her heavy paw on her chest, She panted and looked around fast, her back sunk deep in the mud, her fur plastered against her, she pinned her ears against her head and whimpered.
Rosa was reluctant to follow knowing that by running they would be leaving another wolf behind. "If its three against one we might be able to save her," she barked as she chased after him. She was willing to fight even if it meant risking her life. She really did not have a lot going for her and she could not find a reason not to try and save the fae. Every victory for the dark wolves only gave them more strength and weakened the wolves just trying to live.
Coal stopped in his tracks and whipped around, he bared his teeth and growled loudly then ran around Rosa and back into the Dark Forest, his paws sunk deep but her kept running. Your all i have left. he whined inside his mind Dont die, Dont die. Dont die he kept repeating

Timber licked her fangs and picked Chives up by her scruff and shook her violently her teeth sinking deep and her fur became clotted with blood

Chives whimpered and whined then went limp slightly knowing she couldn't escape Where was her brother!?
Bear moaped about the pack, limping with quiet whimpers. After trying to hunt a baby fox, the father came and attacked Bear. Thank goodness the pup got away with his life, but her tripped over a large stone, causing his left paw to ache, throb, and bleed constantly. Quickly, he saw Timber and her size, and cowered in to a bush, his whimpers getting that much louder.
Timber's gaze flicked around and she stopped shaking Chives, she slammed the wolf onto the ground and sniffed at the bush the pup was in and growls slightly.

Chives laid on the ground, her blood puddling fast
Rosa raced after Coal's and arrived just as the huge threw the fae to the ground. The monsterous wolf had found something else to occupy its attention, Rosa quickly sniffed the air and at first all she got was blood but then she scented the pup. "You handle the fae, I'm going after the pup," she barked to the brute darting past the huge wolf sniffing at the bushes. She puts herself between the pup and the monster letting out a resounding growl. "Back off," she snarls bearing her fangs. She keeps moving a bit so as to make herself a more difficult target.
Timber watched the Fae and bared her fangs, she growled a loud bellowing growl and barked, her drool dripping from her mouth, her eyes darted back and forth watching the Fae

Coal whimpered and nudged Chives, her blood covering his nose, he whimpered then growled and looked up, his ears pinned back and his tail lashed slightly
Bear closed his eyes tightly, and nodded. "Sorry for causing any trouble." He whispered, lifting up his injured paw and hobbling away. Before limping away too far, he turned. "Is something wrong? Do you need help?"
Timber heard the pup and whipped her head around and spotted it and another wolf beside the one she amos tkilled, She swatted Rosa in the face her claws scratching her cheek deep, she knocked her down then lanched after the pup jumped into the air and started to come down on the pup.
Bear squeaked as his small bod shook rapidly. Just knowing of Timber's presence frightened him, so he held back whimpers and became still. He waited for her to give him an order, growl, anything. While he waited, he put his ears down, and tucked his small tail inbetween his legs.
Rosa resisted the urge to yelp as the large fae swiped her face, the pain was excruciating and she felt as if one eye may have been rendered useless. She tried top open it but could not for all of the pain. Yet she still fought, "We need to get out of here now," she barked to the brute. The fae dug deep and lunged for the pup, she tried to grasp him in her jaws in an attempt to get him out of the way. She could feel blood dripping down her face and was threatening to drip in her one decent eye.
Bear peeked open an eye, and became more frightened after seeing Rosa. They both seemed rather scary, so who could he trust? Did they both want to crush him, or is there something more behind it all? As Bear was contemplating, he didn't even realize Rosa try to pick him up, and succeed.
Timber landed in front of the Female, he towered over her greatly, she drew her lips back in a snarl and bared her monstrous fangs. her paws were almost the size of the pups head, if not bigger, She began to drool again, she growled loudly and was getting her face closer and closer the the females, Dominating her, staring her in the eyes and baring her big teeth.
Bear looked up at Timber's teeth, and wondered if he could snarl like that. He bared his teeth, but from him it looked like a cute smile. So he returned his mouth to normal, and instead whispered something very faintly, enough that even he couldn't hear himself. "Please don't hurt us." He whispered ever-so-quietly.
Timber sniffed the pup, she snorted and sniffed almost like a bear, she looked at the pup and licked the pups face, she sniffed him more, then snorted again blowing his fur flight, she lick his head pinning his fur against her head with her slobber
Rosa snarled as best she could considering she was still holding the pup in her mouth. She was in no way comfortable with giant wolf being so close to her, she seemed to go back and forth between trying to dominate Rosa and snuffling around the pup. However despite the large faes attempts to force her into submission she held her own not back down. She diverted her eyes for a moment trying to see if the brute would be ready to run soon, she wasn't sure if the bleeding fae on the ground was alive but if she was he was going to have to carry her.
Timber bite onto Rosa's back of her neck and shook her slightly, Rosa's blood dripped into her mouth and she dropped rosa, she took the pup from her mouth and placed next to Rosa and she pinned Rosa down with one paw and she bared her teeth in her face, "Run." She growled softly and got Off Rosa, she pushed the pup towards Rosa and howled "Run." Timber barked at her

Coal grabbed his sister's scruff and began to run She let us go? she let us live? Coal wondered as her ran though the woods, his sister was alive, but barley, he kept running, hoping dearly that the Agony pack wouldn't find them
Bear, when he was licked, gave a tiny curious lick back, but regretted it. Once Rosa was told to run, he didnt know whether to stay or go. Running was out of the option, so he sat down, turned to Timber, and licked his paw to clense it of blood that began to come out.

(Just tagging because I saw you were both online lol)



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