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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War

@WeabooTrash[/URL] is your angel naked?
Well, he isn't entirely nude (as that would also be against website rules, haha). He has these white-ish pieces of cloth covering his genitalia and bottom, connected with beads, I guess (like with those strechable bead necklaces, for instance~). Soooo, I'm trying to stick by the rules, haha.

Bambie said:
Im Baaack! Sorry guy's.
@WeabooTrash , Im going to skim through your profile now, but I'm pretty sure your fine. Feel free to post now hunn.
Okay~ I hope there aren't any problems with the character! I'll post as soon as I can, but not right now. (Maybe in an hour or so I'll start thinking of how to add him to the storyline...)

I'll quickly check the rest of my notifications and get back to consuming before taking part in this marvellous (and detailed)roleplay~
Ok, so I posted. I know its no good, but I was kinda rushing and didn't have the time to give the speech that I wanted...sooo...just pretend that it was all amazing sounding,hmm? Haha. Later guys ^^
Moonstruck said:
@gogojojo331 Have you read the full roleplay thread, or the past few pages at least? If not, I think they might give you a better feel for the mood and tone of the roleplay as a whole. ( :) )
I know, but I like the idea that the POD is kind of a lighthearted individual amongst all this chaos. As you saw in my CS
Quickly like to point out, my post... Yeahhhh... Needs some editing, hold off on reading it. I wanna add the color and bolding... gotta make sure it's all nice and pretty.
xD try and keep the flow going smooth, if there's a change in the tone, make sure it is fluent, as it is slow. You can't just bump depression and comedy back and forth... hence, the incredibly long posts I am infamous for, I tend to change the pace at least three time throughout it, with the mindset of having it entertaining to read. Naturally, since I'm on my own, these rules really don't apply, but I'm trying to stick along the same lines of every one else, even if the characters are a distance. It's best to try and imagine whatever you're typing play out as a movie...
Yeah, well, the header code went out of control, haha (x~x). But maaaan, now I feel uncomfortable posting as my writing style doesn't fit in well with the mood of the roleplay, nor could it be compared to the rest of the posts. And... uh... I haven't read the whole RP to know how exactly things work in this universe, soooo... Please tell me for any mistakes I've made and will make in my posts~ And ChristinaXIV, when am I supposed to find the time to read novel chapters?! I'm a busy procrastinator, after all!
I made them interesting for reader enjoyment, both of them have fighting in it, the second fight is a little darker than the first however.
Light cannot leave hell until granted a portal to do so... I should've mentioned this, but it was in the CS, since she technically wasn't born, and instead, was created into what she was, she couldn't open up a portal as there was no soul for her to impose this idea upon. Rather, she can only go through one in the brief time its open, she literally cannot leave Hell until given a portal to do so. But yes, I could see the prince, GATHERING AN ARMY AND BEGINNING AN INVASION TO REALLY SPUR THE CHAOS! *hint hint* No, that's just what I'd do. Seriously though, working on editing, gimmie a sec, you may beginning reading in like... let me tell you when...

It's good guys! Go crazy!
@Moonstruck, I actually noticed that most of the posts and characters are from the daemons, so I guess I could change things up by truly making my character sit there in Heaven, waiting for someone to open up a portal for him. Or a bad guy to abduct him. That's also a popular and a/n (not so) interesting thing to happen! Waiting for help~ The Prince, I mean.

@ChristinaXIV, I had already started reading it and got to a quarter, I think (or a fifth of the post; it was too HUGE to decide)(but nicely written~ I shall finish reading it!)
I hope you guys don't mind me giving ratings on the posts I read in the RP~ I'm sad there is no simple ''Like'' rating... I accidentally gave a couple ''Fun RP Post'' ratings, so yah. (Also, I personally feel anxious when receiving a rating, so please keep that in mind (/~\) I prefer to imagine no one knows of my posts~)
Well damn... double plot twist, Light keels over from oversleeping.... >.> That's right buddy, two can play that game.
ChristinaXIV said:
Well damn... double plot twist, Light keels over from oversleeping.... >.> That's right buddy, two can play that game.
When I think about it... Light IS sleeping! Whelp. Let's not forget Deux! Now we have three~
ChristinaXIV said:
Death by sleep.... drastic...
You know what? I know the end of the story *smirk*!

Everyone dies the same way in the end - oversleeping.
I have scientific proof! *hands a bunch of scribbled sheets of paper* There! That might be crayon, but is legit!
Awh dear goodness ( :) ) It's just pleasant to sit and read the posts without the stress of having to reply~ Ohhhh, a loner's life for me~

Does anyone want me to make a CS for Deux?

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