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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]

Gabriel Denen Kortsy

Gabriel was so very bored, there was nothing for him to do in his small home anymore. There never was, he was always just...bored, bored out of his mind. He lived in the woods, secluded, near Angels but never revealing himself to them. He was thirsty, so he took flight at his home in his mysterious way, with no wings, and began to soar through the air seamlessly. He made sure to stay below the trees, who were very large in this forest. He had chosen it specifically. He heard singing, kind of like a siren...amazing. He recognized it immediately, his sister, A'merie. He didn't want to reveal himself to her, for it would be dangerous, he might get in trouble with his mother for being on Earth. Yet, he found it necessary - he was thirsty and he had no left over water, the stream was his only clean source.

As he got close, he heard speech, not the sweet singing of his elder sister. She sounded in trouble."I apologize...I...I hope that I am not intruding on your territory.." He heard her say, stumbling over her words. "You might want to leave here before nightfall. All kinds of assholes crawl around at night. Earth is famous for it....trust me". He heard, after that, a deep, gruff, male voice. There were no deep, gruff, male-voiced Angels around. Those were the guy's fighting, and if there was fighting in the area, he would definitely have known. He decided to keep flying, but hide in some bushes when he got close to observe. This he did, and eventually, he found himself looking upon A'merie and Daakoon. Daakoon looked sorta scary. SNAP

"Oh, crap!" He yelled out loud when he snapped the twig after shifting his weight. He knew the others had heard the twig, at least the demon, and Gabriel turned and took off from the scene quickly. He hoped neither of them would pursue. He hoped A'merie hadn't identified him, but that was certain - his blue hair gave him away.

@Bambie @EasternGhost
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Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Vesher nearly flinched looking into the princess's eyes. It hurt him to see such pain swimming in her pure silvery gaze. He sighed, "Ma'am, please, let us discuss this with somebody like your parents. I'm sure they are reasonable, and will not turn away a valued friend." He tilted his head as Deux begin to act very strangely, as though having a kind of fit, which, he thought, could not have worse timing. As the demon boy grabbed A'Merie's shoulder he could feel himself literally bristle. If Deux had sought to prove himself trustworthy, he had failed immediately. He had no right to lay hands on her like that.

"DEUX!" Vesher yelled and lunged forward, but his hands grasped at empty air. At first he thought Deux had grabbed her and flown, but to his confusion, it seemed to be vice versa. He propelled himself upward at great speed, nearly catching them, but hitting the portal instead and becoming disoriented.

If she was so afraid that Deux would be deemed an enemy, she should have questioned her faith in him. She must be either blinded by emotion or be under mental influence of some kind. I have to stop her. If I went back to the palace and explained to them that she may have been potentially kidnapped again, and
right in front of me, no less, I wouldn't blame them for killing me right then, really.

He free fell for a second before catching the wind, hard, and hanging onto it like a pitbull. His wings burned, but he pushed faster. He streaked across Earth's sky, through the humid and comparatively polluted ozone, and nearly rocketed into the ground. His feet hit the grass, hard, and he stumbled slightly.

Deux was kneeling on the ground, crying... alone.

Electricity shot from Vesher as he marched forward, just enough to stun the demon, and he grabbed onto his armor, "Where is she?! Where is the princess? What have you done with her?"

@Bambie @ChristinaXIV
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.d33651722534f174e077597c62e2ccc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Winner.jpg.d33651722534f174e077597c62e2ccc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> CHARMEINE KORTSY (THE QUEEN)

"A'MERIE!" The queen felt panic as her daughter ran from the throne room. She moved to chase after her, but stopped herself, feeling the eyes of her people. She cleared her throat and adressed the crowd, her voice soothing and carrying softly, her fifth element hoping to calm their unease.

"The princess has undergone many hardships," she said. "She has gone to rest her heart. Please, let us celebrate this glorious return!"

Her hands gripped eachother tightly and she smiled, bowing her head in a farewell, before sweeping from the room after her daughter, with not so much as a glance at her stiff husband. She ran after her, her delay in following causing her to just miss A'Merie yanking the two into the garden. Charmeine was sure she was going to pass out. Her daughter was just home and now she had disappeared yet again. Charmeine could feel her psyche start to slip. She was shaking, panicking, and on the verge of vomiting. Where was her little one? She had not seen him all day. Surely, he had not gone as well?!

"Dene?" She called, her voice cracking. "My handsome boy! Come to momma!" But he did not come and she felt herself sinking. She needed to hold her children. She needed them. They kept her sane and yet, ironically, they were the final push that was sure to send her over the edge. Charmeine spun in a circle a single time, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes, trying to find solid footing. She was slipping. She needed to breathe, but the overwhelming sensation of doom was pushing in on her at all sides. What was she to do? Was there no peace for her soul?

You are a terrible mother, she scolded herself. You deserve no peace. Your children deserve the peace. If they need yours, then you'll gladly give it.

Where? Where had her little ones gone? She heard a sudden cry from the garden, startling her out of her self and her heart began beating like that of a jackrabbit. She ran toward the garden and cried out when she saw her daughter disappear into a portal, toting with her a Demon boy and being followed by an angel recruit.

Demons. Demons were in her home. Demons were with her daughter. Flashes of memory broke through her horror.

"Come, little angel child. How old art thou, so young and beautiful?" The chuckle of this creature was disturbing, but the little white haired angel smiled at him, the dimples on her cheeks appearing with her grin. The Demon, with the face of a handsome man, but the tusks of a raging animal smiled back at her. His voice was sultry, calming and reassuring, despite his frightening horns.

"Five," little Charmeine said proudly. "I've lost a tooth! Look it!" She pointed to the hole in her smile, giving the creature a superior look, as if this were the most grown up thing in the world. He laughed and Charmeine warmed at his delight in her success.

"How facinating."

Her memory fast forwards, months later and her child self walked hand in hand with the demon in a dark cave.

"Just a little further, my angel," Zumek said. Charmeine nodded, not wanting to tell him that the cave frightened her. He treated her like a big girl and big girls were not scared of the dark. Not soon after, they stopped and Zumek brushed a curl from her round face. "Let us play a game, Charmeine. You hide in the dark and cover your eyes. Do not peek. And I will have to find you." Charmeine frowned.

"But if I am to cover my eyes, how will I know where you are to hide from you?" He laughed.

"It's the challenge of the game, My angel. Now go." Charmeine giggled, but it was a nervous one. The dark scared the child. She turned and did as she was told, finding a rock out of his sight and hiding behing it with her little hands covering her large Green and Blue eyes. Her hair was bright in the darkness and tumbled around her face, disabling her ability to peek if she had been dishonest enough to, as her head was bowed and it made a curtain between her and the face of the demon that had found her with ease. He grinned wickedly. "Do not peek, Charmeine," he whispered, brushing his hand through her hair that tumbled to the ground, the ends of her curls turning slightly gray with dirt. His large thumb, the nail long and curved, brushed her bottom lip and Charmiene frowned, a little uneasy, but it was Zumek and Zumek loved her. He was her best friend, so Charmiene did not peek and did not move.

And then suddenly, his large hand was around her small throat, squeezing, the nails digging into her soft flesh. She dropped her hands to his arm, trying to tug his hand away, her eyes wide with fear. Wind began to whip through the cave as the child unwittingly tapped into her not yet mastered magic. Pebbles on the ground hopped and flew about, reflecting the little girls fear and suddenly a rush of cool air hit the front of her body after a tearing of fabric could be heard. Stars danced in the child's vision and then she could breathe, a scream echoing through the cave. She blinked a few times, clearing her vision enough to see a golden arrow peircing Zumek's eye. She watched, dazed as he slid to the ground, light filling his body, leaking out through his ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

Warm hands touched Charmeine's cold form.

"Oh, Heavenly Father," a deep voice whispered. "I've found her! Ambrose! Your cloak, give me your cloak!" She was wrapped in the warm clak, covering her exposed child body and was lifted up into strong arms. Her eyes did not leave the Demon convulsing on the ground.

Charmeine blinked, shaking as the memory drifted away. Present time swamped her again, her panic and her fear that her children were sure to be harmed turned her blood to ice. She could not breathe. The queen saw the bright stars swimming in her vision once again and she fell, this time literally, her body smacking hard into the ground. She heard a nearby servant scream before her eyes slid shut.



@s o l o





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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/WFWa5.png.dc85df5bf02030246939233040ca88ad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/WFWa5.png.dc85df5bf02030246939233040ca88ad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The boy had snapped, he could feel the tight grip around him as tears slid down his cheeks, his lip stopped quivering as they fell into a silent line of remorse, hiding from the reality he was facing rather than defending against. His hair hid his eyes as he moved his mouth in a slow and rather lethargic motion, "It doesn't matter... It's her... It's her fault..." His brows furrowed as his eyes became hostile at the boy holding him, "It's all your fault, IT'S ALL YOU DAMNED ANGELS' FAULTS!" He planted his backhand firmly on the inside of the wrist that was holding him up, freeing himself. "Screw you..." He walked backwards, his still opened injury on his back being punctured by a stray twig as he pressed against the trunk, he opened his mouth, letting out a weak cry as he fell to the ground, "A...Ah...?" He gripped tight onto the grass as the pain began to burn its way up through his nerves and take refuge in his brain, quickly becoming the only thing he could think about. "S-Stay... St-Stay away! I... I just wanted her back... I just wanted all of them back, and you all... You all took that from me!" He began to crawl away from the angel, one hand and then the other.

Then, something miraculous happened, a gentle breeze tore through the two, leaving the shimmering image of a tattered woman standing beneath a tree to his left. He turned his gaze,
"L-Light...?" She was covered in her own blood, and looked in far worse condition than she had left them in. "No... It-It can't be...?" She nodded, there was a harsh bend in her left leg along with a nearly severed wing, she seemed to show no symptoms of pain, nothing, no emotion. She ran a hand through her golden hair, almost as if on cue, as her other went down and unhooked the knife from her hip. She set the blade on the ground before she cast a glance at the angel, she spoke, but no words came out, instead, she mouthed, "Keep him safe." And with that, she turned her back and vanished, the shimmering figure disappearing into specs of light as she drifted up into the air. Deux couldn't help but watch in awe as a harsh cough escaped his throat, "L...Light!? Come back!" He stretched out his arm, immediately forced to retract due to the pain he had received in his upper back.

He moved his hand back and ran his fingers over the twig before removing it with a pained scream,

@s o l o



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Malphaerus Albyraux Agni The Archangel

Darkness found itself closer to his own heart every moment, the thorn began to stick in his side ever more as time passed on. Malphaerus rose, with his gaze set on two of his greatest Watchers, they moved to his side, being careful to not harm any of the lesser experienced soldiers gathered in the room, however- they moved about with a sense of superiority, and they were worthy of it.

Upon approaching the side of his worthy king he whispered. "My King, I will root out this disturbance, I will leave the majority of my Watchers, 98 of them, to your personal guard- do with them as you wish, but I'd recommend you deal with the... Undiscipline of the current forces, let my warriors train them, properly and thoroughly. However, I recommend that Afazael and Exybrial be tasked with your personal guard, no matter what- they are powerful defenders, I believe tales of their valor exists today."

As he reached towards the main door, leading towards the guarden, the doors slowly opened- no physical push was needed. At Malphaerus' helm were two of his greatest Watchers- Ybael and Axaefel. After following the 'smell' of the disturbance he'd seen, but also the trail of the queen, he had found a peculiar sight- a hole in the wall? Any normal person would not spot it by any means, however for an Archangel who had experienced these walls for many millenia things like this stick out more than a fire dragon in a mid-summer field. He raised his hand to Ybael and Axaefel who complied in absolute silence- their duty was to guide any royal servant or personnel around the Archangels' investigation efforts. As Malphaerus riched further into the darkness which held this hole in the wall, he was able to find a clue to the darkness- it was the scent of blood, a smell which he felt familiar. He kneeled down before the hole and looked through it- what was at the other side was a perfect sight for any spy; the royal sanctum.

Now, however, it was time to turn towards this scent- the familiar, yet distasteful scent of blood... "It has to- Demon." He thought as he stood up once more, allowing his holy radiance to light up the darkness of this particular identation of the hall. He saw faint blood marks, but nothing direct. He could feel the thorn from this very identation, the spy had to have been here. On hind-sight he had spotted one of the recruits, how they even made it into the senctum made him ever more furious, leaving the holy sanctum for whatever suspicious reason- there had to be some kind of connection between the spy and this recruit. Many theories and possibilities surged through Malphaerus' mind, as he finally stood up and continued on, Ybael and Axaefel followed him like shadows.

Malphaerus' mind edged even on the idea of heresy: what if the princess, who had brought with her a 'saviour', had led the way for this demon spy? What if the demon is her 'saviour'? The Archangel's gaze was ever observing, his face was calm, apathetic, but his mind raged on in a million different directions with a million different scenarios- however all was null upon the next turn- in his gaze he saw the Queen. She fell upon the ground, Malphaerus was struck by subconcious reaction and his golden wings carried him the distance almost instantly, but he was too slow, she had already fallen upon the ground and as she did he could see her eyes closing. Malphaerus could see no physical damage, so it had to be the reaction of her inner turmoil.

His mind was null, behind him came rushing the watchers who were absolutely unable to keep up with the supreme haste of the Golden Wings of this Malphaerus. He wanted to touch her delicate skin, embrace her and put her to an ease on the top of her bed, however as he was about to reach towards her he halted himself, as if his entire personality changed, he didn't help.

"Axaefal, Ybael- aid the queen, see if she is alright. If she does not wake, then utilize whatever magic you can to make her do so."

Malphaerus could smell the trail of taint in this very hall, he desired to venture even further, however his duty wouldn't allow him too. He glared down on the queen, whatever emotion befalling his heart not even daring surface against the supremacy of his ideas of honour, duty, and valour. In his hand remained still the golden lily but suddenly, as he continued on towards the center of the royal garden, he subconciously crushed it within his palm, whatever wild life surrounding it dying rapidly without hopes of saving. "Use whatever kindness, sympathy, or emotion you need to guide her to me upon her recollecting her surroundings- and her bearing."

@RiahB @Guilded Clover @Bambie @ChristinaXIV @WeabooTrash @s o l o

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Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Vesher could feel a mixture of fear and fury threatening to boil over inside of him. How dare this demon demand the princess, when he caused her to disappear again? How dare he blame this mess on the angels, the very people he had been begging for mercy? He drew a deep breath and spoke in a calm manner, "I really, really didn't want to do this. Remember that. You've done this to yourself." He gathered his strength, hearing electricity crackle and buzz around him. He sent several volts through the ground, hot blue-white light fanning out across the grass like the pulsing of neurons. It was not enough to kill him, but this was certainty going to immobilize the demon. As much as Vesher hated inflicting pain, he feared greatly for the princess, and knew that time was too precious to try to make sense of all of his emotional muttering. After all... Deux seemed to be speaking of her in the past tense, which made him very nervous. He grabbed hold of Deux once more, this time much more firmly, twisting his wrist at an unnatural angle, "I'm going to ask one more time. Where. Is. The. Princess."

The wind picked up and Vesher looked up, almost expecting A'Merie to be there. But instead, there seemed to be a bloodied ghost. Vesher felt himself pale as he recognized the esteemed guardian, Ariel "Light" Verashoth. He had never met her, but he had heard all about her- from her beginnings as an impoverished child, to her valiant service for the royal family. But now, she looked as though she had been shoved into a woodchipper.

Vesher shivered as she looked straight at him, "Keep him safe? W-what do you mean?!" Surely she couldn't mean the demon? Was she just an illusion as well, perhaps cast by Deux? No... he seemed too genuinely affected by the apparition. Maybe there was another demon in the area. Maybe he had walked right into an ambush. Vesher hated not being able to trust his senses.

Ok, don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't.

His eyes blazed as he spoke slowly and seriously to Deux, "Tell me where the princess is. If Verashoth wants me to keep you safe, so be it, but you aren't going anywhere without me until A'Merie is safe and sound."

@ChristinaXIV @Bambie


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/WFWa5.png.5311c8fab9d455e4efcc6a567bafb7ac.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/WFWa5.png.5311c8fab9d455e4efcc6a567bafb7ac.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

"She..." He managed to formulate some movement form his lips in absolute bewilderment as the shock had taken control of him. "She ran off..." He hung his head in silent shame, some knowledge of the begotten spirit having watched over him. The mere actions he had committed earlier, left him in a state of remorse, the knife she had tossed to him hanging limply in one arm. He freed himself gently from the grip of the angel, something about the supernatural visit cooling his nerves, "She... She went that way." He pointed his finger in the direction A'Merie had run. "Light... That was..." He removed the blade from its sheath. He inspected the celestial steel with its many scratches, "This... This was real..." He looked at the angel, "Did... You saw that, right?"

@s o l o



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With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


"W..wait!" the little angel called to Daakoon, but suddenly heard a crack coming from behind the bushed which made her yip in surprise. Normally A'Merie would call out to whatever was hiding and assure them that everything would be alright and that she was no threat, but before she could, whatever was hiding took off and the only thing that she could make out was that it was a little boy with blue hair and no wings. "Oh dear.." she couldn't believe it. What was he doing there on Earth!? "D-Dene! Come back!" she cried as her large ivory wings appeared behind her and she took off after her brother. The fact that he was here and surly on his own from what she could gather, really worried her. He should be home with their mother in heaven! Not down on earth getting into god knows what. Normally she would have no issue with her brother doing almost whatever it was that his little heart desired, but this was different. Just hours ago she had barely escaped the clutches of hell, which her being on Earth, somewhere she was not suppose to be, had resulted in her being kidnapped. The same could surly happen to her dear little brother. 'No. I wont let that happen. I wont let anything happen to him.' the angel thought to herself as she continued to peruse her knuckle headed brother. "Dene wait, please!"

@ChristinaXIV @EasternGhost @KurtH6355

@s o l o

"D-Dene! Come back!" He heard, but he did not stop. He had seen her with Demons. Demons! Mother had told him never to be near them, and he wasn't about to disobey his mother more than he already had, simply by being in the Earth Realm. Mother had forbid him to come here unless in disguise or under supervision of his guards. The same guards he had to slip by to get here in the first place. He loved coming to Earth, and he knew if he was caught, he'd never be able to come back again. He was too unintelligent to realize he'd be caught sometime, though, but he just kept going. He gracefully weaved through the trees, and he felt A'merie and Daakoon catching up to him as she cried "Dene wait, please!" so he yelled back "I saw you with Demons! Mother told me never to go near a Demon as long as I live, and I shall not disobey mother!" He yelled back most stubbornly as he began to utilize his power of near-light fast speed, and he knew that A'merie nor Daakoon could match his speed. It was his one and only advantage. Soon, he was out of both the Angel Princess and the Demon Warrior's eyesight.

@Bambie @EasternGhost
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Malori woke up and yawned, standing she carried Zania in her arms towards the castle. Zania woke and crawled around Malori's shoulders, wrapping her tail around Malori's neck. "Zania, I feel like venturing to the human realm so get ready with your human appearance as I will with mine." Zania purred but remained alert, always watching everyone's movements.

Malori opened a door that led to the basement, she would've walked through it but Zania would have been smacked by the door and left behind. She walked down the stairwell and saw the portal, walking up to it she skimmed her fingers over the portal. She could see people moving on the other side but the humans couldn't see her or even the portal on their side. Zania jumped off her shoulder and shifted to her human form nodding to Malori. Malori looked at the portal and shifted to her own human form, taking Zania's hand, they both then walked casually through the portal.


Humans scurried around in a hurry like cockroaches running from a light. Princess Malori still held her hand and was squeezing it so Zania looked at the princess, "are you alright, Lady Mal?" Malori merely nodded and started to walk, "I sense a young Angel. Two angels. No maybe four or more. And a demon." Zania looked at the princess as she spoke, so many in one place.

They continued to walk until they came to a park, kids were laughing and chasing each other. Dogs were chasing frisbees thrown by their owners and older kids were playing catch with a baseball. Malori just stood there making Zania worry, the princess could sense a lot of auras that should've been in their homes due to the war that was starting. "Blue hair", the princess whispered making Zania look around, she didn't see anyone with blue hair but princess Malori clearly did.

Daakoon had only saw a slight glimpse of the young angel child and his strange blue hair but he had already decided it was the one he had been sent for. Daakoon felt he should have been happy that he had spotted the child, or rather the child had more or less come to him. Yet, in the presence of the little angel woman named Amerie, who clearly knew the child, he felt a sour taste fill his mouth. He was sure in the next few moments, he would be shocked if things didn't take a dreadful turn when he had to grab the child and leave.


The damned things always made everything more complicated than it should be. Daakoon chased after Amerie who seemed to know where the young angel was fleeing to. Or rather she could follow him better than Daakoon ever could. Who knew what Angels thought? They were more alien to him now that he was a Demon than they had ever been when he had lived as a human. That was amusing to Daakoon somehow. It shouldn't be though. Maybe he was crazy.....or just clueless...

"I don't have time for this" he muttered to himself as he decided it was time to collect the child before things escalated any further than they needed to be.

He quickly raced ahead of Amerie needing to distance himself from her when he made his move. Something about the idea of snatching someone she was familiar with seemed....distasteful.

"So annoying" he muttered once more and in the distance, he caught sight of the child, however he had the ability of enhanced movements. Well Demons and Angels were faster in general. But this angel child was specially able to move faster than the average Demon or angel. Even more annoying.

He decided to use a small trump card of his. To use it outside of combat was unusual and seemed wasteful, but Daakoon was beginning to feel like he was being rushed.

He activated his trump card.

"Beserker Tendency...Ignite" he said to himself and he felt the rush of blood and thunder pump in his ears and he immediately gained the enhanced speed and strength which temporarily was his to claim.

This boost of speed allowed him to catch up to the child leaving Amerie behind in the distance. He snatched the child up and began to already mutter the incantations which brought about his portal back to Hell. Being human in his past had it's advantages no matter what arrogant remarks Demonic Royalty might say. He had gathered the child quickly, and was now going to be away quicker than he had could ever have hoped. He looked at Amerie in the distance and frowned.

I'm sorry Amerie.....I should've stayed in the damn barracks" he whispered.
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Just as A'Merie had finally began to catch up to her little brother, he simply began to fly faster. Dene was known to be one of the fastest flyers heaven had and she prided him for that. However, in this moment it was a hindrance. All she wanted to do was keep her little brother safe and out of harms way. As she watched her little brother disappear into the distance, she felt something else zip passed her, and though she could not see him, she was able to sense that it was the same demon that she had been talking to before. But why? Why was he chasing after Dene? What could he possibly want with her little brother. This made A'Merie fly faster. Her curiosity as well as her concern for her brother fueled her to fly much faster, though it wasn't nearly as fast as the two of them.

A'Merie could bairly make it out, but she could swear that she saw her little brother. 'Good, I'm catching up' but then her breath caught in her throat when she witnessed Daakoon snatch her brother into his arms and open a portal. He WAS kidnapping him. As much as she didn't want to believe that this man was no threat, this man...he....he was taking her little brother to the place that she had JUST escaped to do god knows what.
"Noo!! Please...please don't take him!! Please don't take my little brother! Please!" she cried as she continued flying, now faster towards the two as tears pricked her eyes and threatened to spill over. She couldn't let him take Dene. She would never forgive herself. Her family would never forgive her for letting her brother fall into the hands of danger. "Take me! Take me in his stead. Please! He is innocent!" Whatever the demons wanted they could have. Just not with him. If they wanted to exact there revenge then so be it. He could take her. Take her to his masters. Torture her. Enslave her for all of eternity. She did not care. She would do anything to save her brother. It was the least that she could do after everything that she had caused.

@ChristinaXIV @EasternGhost @KurtH6355

@s o l o

He just kept flying, at his speed, confident he would not be caught by either of him. He began to slow once he was a while away, and he smiled to himself, proud of his escape. He kept at a steady pace, though, wanting to just be safe. He flew around the Forest faster than any human, but at the speed of a regular Angel. He was home free, he figured, and he was happy. "Both of them were chasing me, but I got away! I'm so awesome. I'm totally going to brag to Ayrabelle later, maybe she will be impressed! Maybe she will finally fall in love with me, how I've wished she would. Mother had once found out about my love, though, and said it was improper, but...why not? So, they came from the same mother, what restriction does that form? Instead of marrying into another Family and creating a whole new Bloodline, he could just continue the Kortsy Bloodline directly! It makes perfect sense! But no, Mother was stubborn, and Ayrabelle, dear sister, isn't interested in me anyway, I'm sure. But if she was, if I could persuade her...I could have children of my own. Expand the Royal Angelic Family. But...No, Mother said it was improper, and I can't disobey her, at least, not more than I already have..." He thought to himself, and he would have kept thinking to himself, keep fantasizing about making a Family with Ayrabelle, but he heard something. He was sure he heard the Demon approaching, and he was frightened, filled with Dread. He tried to speed up, but he was grabbed, more like snatched, and before he knew it he was in the Demon's strong arms. "Let me go! Let me go you damned Hellspawn! I order you to let me go! My parents will have you slain!" He yelled, but to no use. He heard the Demon chanting, and he saw the portal to Hell appear from nowhere. His eyes had never been wider, his body had never been so full of dread. "God Bless My Soul"

@Bambie @EasternGhost
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Daakoon frowned. What was he supposed to do? Electra was a basketcase from hell....literally and she was just one source of annoyance he would rather avoid on top of so many others. The struggling angel child bellowed orders and insults at him and Daakoon couldn't bring himself to respond in any way, verbally of physically. He understood the fear and anger the angel child was expressing. He knew of it all too well. Being human once upon a time taught you things that most Angels and Demons would never understand and relate to. Empathy was only one of those. As the Earth Realm faded away and Hell replace his vision, Daakoon looked down to the angel child and couldn't see an enemy in him.

All he saw was a child. Not a young angel who would one day face him and his kind on the battlefield.

Daakoon just couldn't picture it. It was insanity. It was wrong.

"I'm sure it won't help things and it will mean nothing to you little one....but I am truly sorry for this. The world is cruel and it makes people do things that they really wish not to. My Eldest Princess....well....I'll say nothing more on that. As funny as this sounds, I offer you my prayers. I will even make a vow to you. If you are executed for any reason.....I will take my own life in atonement. It's all I can offer" Daakoon said.

Within moments..he was facing Electra and handing over the child. Guilt weighing heavy upon him like the mountains he had stolen the boy from.




Malori grabbed Zania's hand and let her power flow into Zania, it was the only way that Zania could teleport them to the source of power that Malori was sensing. Zania whined from having the power surge through and then they were gone. The spot at the park where Malori and Zania had been standing was empty yet nobody seemed to notice.

Zania staggered when they reappeared yet Malori merely crossed her arms, "Damnit. We weren't quick enough." "Princess?" Malori looked at Zania, "Daakoon was here, with a blue haired Angel. We didn't get here in time to stop him. My sister Electra probably was involved in this." Malori grumbled the last sentence. "There's still another angel here though." Zania looked around not sensing one.

Malori started walking forwards and pointed to the Angel that had been in hell before, that had been imprisoned by Electra's dragon Nitiri. Zania froze and stepped in front of Princess Malori, "this could be a trap, princess Malori, stay behind behind please." Malori didn't nod or speak, just stared at the Angel princess.

Malias sighed as he rested in the royal library. His siblings rarely came here, actually, rarely anyone came here, not even the servants. It was a very comfortable and relaxing place, the books spoke to him, reminded him of what it was like to be human. There were all kinds of books, made by demon, angel, and humankind, some books he'd personally collected over the years.

He flicked through a book on ancient angel and demon peace treaties. There had never been a solid peace between the two sides, either kings were overthrown on either side or someone was killed during meetings.

He frowned "Why is it so hard for our two sides to have peace between each other?" he wondered before he stood up and began walking through the library "I was able to find a magical spell that could bind an angel to me, maybe I can find something similar" he mumbled as he went deeper into the library, going for the very old books, the books of the ancient kings.

"I love her" a gentle whisper floated around him making him frown. There wasn't anyone else down here, he'd made sure of it. He began to follow the whispers to a strange door he'd never seen before. It was covered in strange symbols and, as he gently brushed his fingers across them, the door sent a shock through his system, magic that burned every fiber of his being.

By instinct, he wrapped his wings around his body and gasped. His wings were now a pure snowy white, like that of an angel, though it seemed as if this change wasn't permanent as his wings slowly faded to gray and then to black once again. Still hearing the whispers, he moved closer to the door and listened.

"I love her, why should I not tell her who I really am?" the voice was male and had a soft yet firm tone, as if he held authority.

"Because, dear brother, you are a demon, a being of evil and impurity and she is an angel, a creature that is your opposite in every way" this voice was feminine and held a similar authority as the first "I have held your secret because I care for you, as much as you annoy me" she chuckled "If you must tell her, if she is to find out, then you must be sure that she loves you as you love her"

"Thank you sister I will.." the rest of the man's words tapered off as it grew quieter. Malias frowned, wondering who could have been talking behind this door. An angel and demon in love? That was a very unusual thing to hear.

"Hello? Who is there? There is no need to hide, I won't harm you" Malias was startled and stepped back from the door. This voice was much louder than a whisper, yet it retained an extremely soft and kind approach.

Then, to his surprise, the door began to open, swinging outward and nearly blinding him with the bright white light that filled the small space he stood. He wasn't sure why he did what he did, but he stepped into that light and, as his eyes adjusted, he came face to face with the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.

Malias had nothing to say when he saw her. Instead, he bowed to her. It was the only thing he could think of to do. It was the only thing that came to mind at the sight of her.

She smiled, filling his very soul with a warmth he didn't know could be there "Come now, my handsome demon, there is no need to bow to me" she said with laughter that was like bells in his ears "I'm the one that invited you in, if anything I should be bowing to you"

To his surprise she did just that, a gentle curtsy worthy of a goddess "Now, come and sit, have some tea if you feel like it" she turned and walked towards a soft looking chair, where she floated down to sit.

Malias nodded and walked after her, taking the chair across from her. In front of them was a small table with a tea set and small snacks. It was strange, all of this really. He watched from the corner of his eyes as the door shut. However, he didn't feel alert or in danger, as he would have in any other circumstance.

"I don't want to be rude...but who are you?" he asked.

She giggled "I'm the girl who stole the Devil's heart"
With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


The little angel princess flew faster and faster, as fast as she possibly could, but it was to late. Right when she had just reached the portal the two of them had disappeared. '...no...' it was to late. They where gone. Back to hell where she couldn't reach them. Just as she thought nothing else could get any worse, it had. Her brother was gone and she wasn't sure if she would ever see him again. How could she show her face in heaven again? But that was just it. She wouldn't. Ever. She could never, would never return home. Her shame wouldn't allow it. what kind of princess was she if she couldn't even protect her kid brother, let alone an entire kingdom.

The girl slowly floated down to the ground where she sank to her knees, staring at the dirt below her. 'No...god no please! Please I beseech thee...please...please...bring him back. Let him be safe. Please!!' tears came pouring down her face as it did many times that day. It seemed that today just wasn't her day. Everything was going horribly wrong. The girl had lost and had been through so much in a matter o hours that it became way to much to handle. Sobs could be heard from the celestial maiden as she covered her face with her hands and let everything out all at once. She cried and cried, wrapping her beautiful wings around her for comfort.
"Mother...father....Light..........Dene......I...I..." 'It's all my fault..Dene's gone...and...and if he is to be killed...I....It's my fault. Why A'Merie? Why did you have to be so reckless! Just because you wanted to explore Earth! People are dieing you foolish girl!!!' the little angel inwardly cursed herself, wishing, praying that this was all just some sort of bad dream.

It was then that A'Merie felt another presence behind her. A demonic presence. Was it Daakoon!? Had he revaluated his actions and come back to return her brother to her!? This idea made the angel unwrap herself from the embrace of her wings and stand. But to her disappointment it wasn't who she had hoped. Still...

"You..you both. You are from hell are you not? Please...please may you take me there?" the girl asked, not caring if they where a potential threat to her or not. She needed to get to hell, NOW! "Please.." the angel pleaded as she slowly walked up to the couple of girls standing before her "...please...I will do anything. I beg you!" the girl dropped to her knees before them and bowed as if she were a peasent girl, tears still streaming down her cheeks, "I mean you no harm. Nor your family's I sware it. I just want my brother. Please...." another fit of sobs made its way of of the now near broken angel "..Please...."


@s o l o @Abana

"You're not sorry, if you were, you wouldn't be doing this. You're bringing a child to a monstosity to save your own hide. Shame on you." Gabriel said, angry at the Demon. The ride through hell was....Well, Hellish. He witnessed terrible things. Humans being tortured, Angel Captives being Tortured, a Masse Execution of Angelic Warriors who had been Captured at the recent Battle of Actium, which was a very demoralizing, depressing, and total loss on the Angelic Side. Gabriel, of course, had seen a little of the Battle of Actium. Saw fire, blood, heard screams, heard metal on metal, or sometimes, metal on flesh. It was very traumatizing, and Gabriel had scolded himself for being so recklessly curious and so disobedient to his Mother. He also hated himself for letting himself get caught by this Demonic Thug. Yet, he knew that he was beat by the start. He was at the small age of 8 for Christ's sake. He saw a Pregnant Woman stabbed in the stomach by her Husband with a Flaming Trident, being forced by multiple Demons. It was the poor woman's screams that snapped him from his thoughts. He closed his eyes, hard and tight, tears escaping them anyhow, and dripping onto the Demon that held him. He wasn't going to beg for his life, no, he wasn't like that. Soon enough, he was brought to the Oh-So-Familiar Princess Electra. As he was handed off, he saw that he had a clear shot at the Demon that had carried him to Electra's jaw, and he took it, the Demon being caught off guard and sent reeling. After that, Gabriel sat in front of Electra, awaiting torture, or maybe death.

@Bambie @EasternGhost
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Inias left the throne room to gather his thoughts. With everything that has been happening lately, he was sure that without a break, he would crack under the pressure. Wondering through the quiet hallways, he began to think about what Malphaerus had said. A dark presence in the castle? He was too tired to care. He was sure someone was going to deal with it. It was unlike him to be thinking like this, but he had had enough at this point. He didn't want to be pushed over the edge. Watching everyone leave, he turned towards the garden so he could clear his thoughts.

Approaching the garden, Inias heard a servant scream. He sighed deeply. What is it now? Stepping into the garden, he saw a figure on the ground and surrounding it was two of the Watchers Malphaerus had. The sight immediately troubled him as he made his way to the scene. Getting closer, he saw that the figure on the ground was Charmeine. He tensed up; all of the worst-case scenarios started to play through his mind. He stood over her with fear in his heart. "Charmeine, are you alright," he turned to the Watchers. "What happened to her?" He got down on his knees and began to comfort her. When he touched her hand, it was like he had a block of ice in his hand. "No..."



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra, after taking care of other things around the castle, some having to do with the repair of one of the thrown rooms; the one that was completely obliterated after the fight with that horrid angel, some having to do with her evil scheme to finally be rid of those fluttering beasts they called angels, she found herself in one of the main halls in the castle, barking orders at servants faster then they could process. It was then that Daakoon had appeared to her with a little present. She turned to them and looked down at the boy, letting wide grin spread across her lips,"Yessss. Good boy. You will be rewarded for your job well done. Now run along." the demon princess said, speaking to Daakoon but keeping her eyes on the angel in front of her. Taking a couple of steps towards the child, she placed her finger under the boys chin and gently tilted it upwards, forcing him to look at her "Hello little one. You remember me don't you? How ive missed you so. Why haven't you come to play with me anymore?" she asked Dene with a whine, sounding a little sad. Of course, it was all an act. The demoness cared nothing for the boy. He was merely a pawn for her to use in order to finally crush the angels into dust.

@KurtH6355 @EasternGhost


Zania hissed at the Angel, "
My Princess Malori doesn't like begging, Angel" Malori touches Zania's arm but Zania remained in front of her, "Zania back off. Remember, we want to help Malias with this alliance with the Angels. Besides, from what she's blabbering about, the Angel that Daakoon took is an angelic prince." Zania stepped back though she remained tense. Malori touches the Angels arm and pulled her up, "Electra probably did this, she captured you before and now that boy is probably in her clutches. I'll take you to my brother Malias, he can help get your brother back. Oh and I'm not asking." Malori grinned as she took out her knife and cut her arm for Zania to drink.

Zania stepped forward and drank the princess's blood, restoring her energy enough for one more teleport. "
Zania will take us to the portal in this realm then once we go through it we will be in the castle basement. You must not leave my side, understand? I can mask your presence for a bit and I hope it will hold long enough until we find Malias."

Zania wrapped Malori's wound in a piece of cloth that she tore from her cloak and took hold of Malori's hand. Glaring at the Angel again Zania snatched the Angels hand and then they were gone, teleported to a dark areas that held a demonic portal although even Malori didn't know what place they were in. Zania walked through the portal first while shifting to dragon form, "
Zania will find my brother and help us get there without Electra seeing us. Remember to stay close to me." Malori pulled The Angel with her through the portal.

The basement was large and dark but Malori could see perfectly and headed towards the stares, "
I'm Malori, by the way, the youngest princess of the demon realm. I never go your name?" She glanced over her shoulder to look at the Angel, curiosity filling Malori's eyes. They we're headed to the Royal library and Malori was trying her best to keep the Angel cloaked from any demon's eyes but hers.


She flew through the castle landed in front of Malias' room. She growled and pawed at the door too weak to shift into her demon form because she had used too much energy teleporting. Gnawing the door, it suddenly opened and she didn't hesitate to burst in. She flew through the door only to see him not there, turning she flew out and went to the place he always was if not in his room, the royal library.

@Bambie @Seraph Darkfire
Daakoon had taken the blow from the angel child with dignity. He deserved so much more, but fate worked in ways that Daakoon never pretended to understand. Fate was an asshole in Daakoon's personal opinion...but who was listening to him anyways? He watched Electra speak gently to the boy and felt himself grow nauseous as he knew she meant none of it. Her eyes held no warmth....only coldness. He looked upon Electra and shook his head.

She might have been something more if circumstances had allowed it. Something more than....the vile being she was now. Maybe she still could....fate was a trickster in a great many manner of ways.

He nodded to Electra as she bid him goodbye and job well done.

Rewarded? The thought made him feel even more disturbed.

He looked to the angel child once more and then to Electra. He offered a slight prayer. He was a demon praying to a placed called Heaven which would see him dead rather than give him a second glance, but in that moment, what else was he to do? It was...ironic in a way. He returned to his barracks, wishing he still had the old Champagne glasses that used to sit around. He sure could use a drink.




♦♦♦ E U R Y N O M E

The nerve of these beasts! The thought bounced venomously off the Fallen's mind the moment she entered the fortress to find a foyer empty off all but the wounded who took too long to heal. It would seem to Eurynome that even the Demon King himself had abandoned his home, perhaps wallowing without end over the death of his beloved wife. To think that these creatures would be so quick to calm after an attack by the angels sent the worse kind of shivers up her spine; where were the battle plans, the generals, the battalions of training monsters? They should be planning a counterstrike, with Eurynome herself to lead them! She was, after all, the only Fallen besides the "mighty" Lucifer himself, and as such was the only natural choice! If being sent on a scout's job didn't cut her pride enough, the lack of mobilization forced salt in

These were the thoughts that crept along her brain--when she wasn't busy raging at her orders, she could be seen dripping with the desire of vengeance against her former colleagues. But it was with these thoughts that she would confront the tyrant she served.

Eurynome shoved past the foyer doors that lead into one of the stronghold's many corridors and swept down the hall. Only three strides in did the Fallen watch a familiar figure enter the space. She hurried her steps towards the eldest princess, her gait strong and determined.

Electra, where is--" But she was soon cut off as another body entered the scene, immediately recognizable as her fellow warrior, Daakoon, though he seemed to be carrying something strange.

Her jaws clenched. She sprinted forward to soon stand at her princess' side, vermilion orbs hard set on the blue-haired babe Daakoon had left behind.

Hello little one. You remember me don't you? How I've missed you so. Why haven't you come to play with me anymore?"

The Fallen did nothing to hinder Electra's actions, though her hands each rested lightly upon her twin blades.

Princess, what have you done..." Less question than statement, as she already knew the answer. Never did her gaze waver from the child before her.

@Bambie @KurtH6355 ]
"Yes, Princess Electra, I remember you. I no longer Visit you because I do not wish to Disobey my mother any longer. She deserves the peace -- there always seems to be one difficulty in her life or another, why add another? And I am saddened and angry that you had be kidnapped. You could have seeked me out in the Earth Realm, but instead, you have me brought to hell and you have me witness things that will traumatize me for the rest of my hundreds of years. Unless, of course, you slay me here." Said Gabriel. He was 8, but he was very intelligent with his words. He stared at Electra, angry, and he was tempted to lash out, but he knew he would be killed nearly instantly if he did."Princess, what have you done..." He heard another Demon ask Electra. He shook his head. Stupid. He just kept looking at Electra, calm, cool, collected on the outside, but scared to death on the inside. What had he done to deserve this? Would he be tortured? Killed? Raped? He tried not to think about it, but inevitably, he did. He was scared. Very scared. But he resisted to break down in front of Electra.

"The Devil?" Malias asked "You mean the first King, the eldest Demon, the actual fallen Angel?"

The woman giggled "Of course, who else? He was so difficult too, I mean, you can't help who you fall in love with, but..." she scoffed "He was a mess, but he was my mess" she sighed a little before clapping her hands "Anyway, I didn't bring you here to talk about my love life, you've got your own problems"

He raised an eyebrow "I don't know what you mean" he said.

She chuckled "Well, not right now, only the smallest spark is in your heart right now" she smiled softly "But it will grow, it always does, how else would I fall in love with such a mess" she moved her hand to the left and pulled out a small necklace. It was beautiful and shown with an otherworldly light "This was originally mine, before all of the trouble that came from my love, it is untainted by the war between the demons and angels"

"I would like you to give this to the young angel you encountered before, she is innocent and pure, having a heart full of love and kindness" she let the necklace fall into his hands and for a second, he felt a strange peaceful warmth flood through his system "This necklace is a symbol of power among angels, believed to be stolen by demons" she smiled "Returning it to the angels will help aid you in your goal of peace"

She also handed him a small ring, simple and onyx colored "Give this to Electra when you feel the time is right" she grinned.

He wondered what that was about but decided to follow her advice and placed the items in his pocket before standing up "Thank you for this...I didn't get your name" he said thoughtfully.

She giggled "I didn't give it" then, with a single flick of her hand, he was pushed back out of the door as it opened "Your family needs your help, my cute little demon prince"

Then the door shut in front of him. After a couple of seconds, it simply faded away. He frowned and made a mental note to find out who that woman was. Then he turned and headed out of the library, only to run into Zania as the small dragon flew towards him. He could also feel Malori nearby...with a strange angelic energy signature with her "Zania, what has happened?"

@Abana @Bambie

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