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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting!]


그녀 는 여왕 폐하

"A story?"

"That's right. When I was your age, television was called stories. And this is a special story. It was the story my father used to tell to me when I was sick, and I used to tell it to your father. And today I'm gonna tell it to you."

"Has it got any sports in it?"

"Are you kidding? Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles..."

"Doesn't sound too bad. I'll try to stay awake."

"Oh, well, thank you very much, very nice of you. Your vote of confidence is overwhelming. Once upon a time..."

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Not only did he create those things that have had such a huge influence on us today, but he also created creatures that we both love and fear. Perhaps he had hoped for a better reaction, or perhaps he had meant for it to be that way when he created angels and allowed Lucifer to lead the betrayers to become demons themselves.

Though they were on opposite ends of the purity scale, they were still the same thing: angels and demons. Just like a good person and a bad person is still a person.

God didn't like the feud that formed between the angels and demons and thus created a single angel that was nothing but sweetness and knew not how to hate or look down upon another. He told her to go down to earth and to find a single being and show them how to love and be loved in return, for that is and was the greatest lesson to be learned. She was forced to be in the form of a human, but she didn't mind, she found it to be interesting to be straightforward.

One day, whilst looking for someone to teach how to love, she stumbled across the worst sort of man. He knew only how to hate, how to steal, and how to break hearts, but he had a soft spot for this girl after they got to know each other a little bit. And soon this grew into a strange friendship, and even later, love. She had fulfilled her duty and then revealed her true self to him and when the light of her true form touched his skin, his true form showed as well: he was the ugliest sort of demon that even the most maniac of minds couldn't come up with. And yet, she loved him anyways.

That's when the other angels, her brothers and sisters, found out about her love for the demon and found it unclean. They killed him and then killed her, for she had given up her purity for him. And so the demons heard that their brother had been slain and took it up as their duty to purge the earth of their cleanliness.

Now a war has begun and earth is the battlefield.

It was always said that only until death do you part, but true love is eternal.

And so is hatred.

"Hear this now: I will always come for you."

"But how can you be sure?"

"This is true love - you think this happens every day?"
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_lx03oe96k41r92n6uo1_500.jpg.596ab979e68d35c874d12f7588264043.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_lx03oe96k41r92n6uo1_500.jpg.596ab979e68d35c874d12f7588264043.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...

Electra sat on her very kingly like thrown, legs crossed, tapping the arm rest with the tip of her perfectly manicured finger nail as if she were greatly irritated. "W-would you like another grape Majesty?" one of the servants practically whispered, bowing her head low and was careful not to look in Electra's eyes; not only was it considered rude for a servant to look upon the face of someone of the royal family, but also for fear of being struck by Electra's mind boggling trances. Without saying a word or even bothering to look her way, Electra shooed the quivering servant off with just the wave of her hand and immediately the servant bowed once again and quickly scurried away. Two other servants stood at the sides of her, fanning her with one of those giant feathered fans you would see in a Egyptian palace, two servants combing her hair and one on her knees scrubbing her feet. There were many other servants with her in one of the many grand halls of there ever large palace; some cleaning, some bringing her things that she would just dismiss and many more to toy with and use as she pleased,they were all hers to do with as she wished.


With love~Å'Merie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.89ae70e7085ac0a7e24d9ca38d848aba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.89ae70e7085ac0a7e24d9ca38d848aba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Staring off into space, which was something that was completely normal for A'Merie to do, she walked aimlessly through her garden which was filled with trees, flowers of every kind, fountains and of course....you guessed it, her beloved little animals. The garden was humungous; about the size of a football field, which is why she considers her garden a 'jungle'. "My lady. Princess? Princess Kortsy!" A'Merie's servant called, trying to grasp her princess's attention. With a little yip, A'Merie turned around to face her servant girl,"Oh forgive me Yessie, I-I'm sorry. What is it?" she asked, her voice sweet, sweeter then the sweetest of honey combs. She was known throughout the palace for her humbleness and her unyielding kindness. Yessie, hearing the princesses voice couldn't help but to instantly feel bad and got down on her knees to beg for A'Meries forgiveness. "P-please please, hush now. You have done nothing wrong." A'Merie said, dropping gracefully to her knees as well and took her servant's hands in her own, giving them a gentle reassuring squeeze and her a loving smile. Yessie looked up at her and shook her head like a mad woman,"No no no princess, you musent kneel, I am but a lowly servant, I am not worthy of your kindness to me!". A'Merie stood and gently pulled Yessie up to stand with her,"How many times must I tell you Yessie, you are more then just my servant, you are my friend." she said while lifting her hand to cup Yessie's cheek.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.7d7c2cadfcbfaff5b63677e2f3d28641.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.7d7c2cadfcbfaff5b63677e2f3d28641.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Asaolle Clouse Valince

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/97480d73bf5bf18d4a47e7cccc028caf.jpg.dbf89b10ff2ed5c890f832bef7fee708.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52992" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/97480d73bf5bf18d4a47e7cccc028caf.jpg.dbf89b10ff2ed5c890f832bef7fee708.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

May I play you a lullaby ????

The Demon sighed as he closed the book in his hand. He was extremely pissed about how that story ended and he would never their would be no better ending because the writer was dead. Asaolle stood up from his desk chair and looked at the only light in the room. It was a small candle that just never seemed to run out of wax. Asaolle picked up the small candle with his free hand and let it light his way to his book shelve. The book shelve was made of old mahogany and the books them selves looked as if they were never touched. With a few quick readjustments with his collection of books he just barely made room for his newest addition. Before he made his way out of his room, he looked back to stare at the bed that had the softest and whitest of sheets and his desk which had paper littered in its shelves, and lastly he looked at the violin he would play for himself before he dosed off. Then his hand found its way around the door handle, and when he opened it he found his servant about to knock on his door. Samuel gave his master a smile before he spoke "Master, Jos has come to meet with you, he wishes to speak about the books you've ordered for him to find." Asaolle knew the demon couldn't find the books in the first place and Samuel's smile gave away his assumptions were correct. "I'm assuming that low class demon couldn't find me my books, well then let's go have some fun with him shall we" Asaolle said with snake like venom in his voice. Samuel already knew the demon was to be punished and with a wicked smile he agreed with his master "Very well" With the blonde hair and green eyed servant chasing behind his master, Asaolle made his way to were he would find the demon who couldn't give him the books he wanted the sixth time in a row.



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I'll fight...

Servants were scurrying about, doing random things, cleaning, carrying things. Malias sighed, knowing that it was Electra who was causing this commotion. His sister was fond of making people work for her, even when she didn't need anything from them. He rolled his eyes and headed out into one of the many training areas. It was outside for free movement, there was no grass, only brown earth from the many times he'd trained here before.

It was open to the air of the Demon World. It wasn't as bad as many would believe. It was surprisingly calm. The Prince pulled his hood up over his head, obscuring his face and held his right hand out. His scythe formed in his open palm and spun as he twisted it through a few simple exorcises to get warmed up. By the time he was finished, he wasn't even breathing hard.

With a snap of his finger several figures appeared around him, each brandishing different weapons. These were magical constructs designed to be training dummies, they had no living presence, only empty shells given pre-programmed knowledge of fighting tactics. Because of this, Malias could go all out without fear of killing someone. Unfortunately, this constructs weren't useful in real battle as they couldn't make split second decisions.

A flash of blades and a sudden clang as he blocked them with his scythe before twisting and sending several flying back. Anyone who saw him fight would understand why he made a good devil despite his temperament. When he fought with no concern for his enemy, as he did these mindless puppets, he was ruthless and calculating, a true Demon Warrior.

There were some who would say, not out loud of course, that if he behaved this way all the time then he would even surpass his father. There was passion in the way he moved and cut through his enemies. It was the way that he held himself during battle that gave him the appearance of a King.

Light remained rather silent as her cautious gaze shifted through the trees. It was a pleasant afternoon, the trees had a breeze flowing through them that just begged her wings to erect from her back and take flight. Naturally however, the guardian had developed a self-restraint through centuries of hard training. Her free leg hung limply from the extended branch on an overhead tree. Her ice-blue eyes tracked the princess's movement, as her own pale-pink lips found themselves in a straight. She kept the line tight as the other girl made her appearance, Light had known her from the constant presence next to A'Merie. She was no threat, of that, she was certain. Her fingers twirled her necklace that hung tight to her, the small sapphire gem cool against her fingernails. Perhaps it was the certain ease of the day, or the low amount of sleep she had obtained last night, but everything seemed peaceful.

Then there was the servant girl, bumbling over herself due to a slight mistake she had made that was only the cause of a rough assumption. Her straight lips remained so, as her mind began to praise the princess for having shown an excellent example of true leadership. She only wished good tidings to the family she served, but as far as it would be, she could not help but shake the small pangs in the back of her head. Her lance rested tight on her shoulder, spread across her lap and locked in tight by her left arm. The sword that she had carried as a symbol of pride as the official blade for the guardian of the Kortsy family, hung peacefully by the strap on its sheath above her head. With a slight sigh, she began to ponder, curious as to the whereabouts of the world, trying to create problems in her head to work around. She knew of the war going on, and that's what she had been trained for, she began to think of potential faces that any enemy to the one and only celestial throne might compose.

Of course, she was just being silly, her life was completely normal, there were no demons coming to get her family, not a single one, and if they were to, she'd strike them down where they stand. She rubbed her fingers together gingerly as a small warmth radiated in between, turning into a small trail of light which strode up into the sky slowly. The wind carried it and soon dispersed it, the little particles disappearing. The forest is truly beautiful... She gazed around, the little creatures running around reminding her of a distant past. Why... Why do I remember so many things without being able to truly remember them? She shrugged, sliding herself off of her branch. Mid-fall, she extended her arm to remove her sword from the tree. She strapped it around her torso, clutching tight to her lance, she waited calmly in the shade, her eyes still on A'Merie.

As cautiously as she could, she began to walk towards the girl, nearing the gap between them with every step. Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders and down to the mid-end of her back as small white feather littered a gentle and graceful pattern on the left side of her cranium. It wasn't too long before she was around twenty feet away, and leaned against a tree calmly. The closer she was to those who she had to protect, the better a job she could do.

With love~Å'Merie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.d08c240d1435bcfd3e1ab3111f278d00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.d08c240d1435bcfd3e1ab3111f278d00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


"Come my lady, it's time for breakfast!" Yessie practically cheered. It couldnt be helped. If there was one thing that anyone should know about this girl it's that she loved food.

A'Merie had woken up early that day and decided that she would spend a little more time in her garden. She had been kept busy with lessons and her studies that she hadn't had the time to really indulge in her favorite pass time..tending to her garden.

A'Merie giggled at Yessie as she danced around the flowers of her garden. She was so pleased to see that her place of peace had effected more then just her in a positive way. The two began walking back to the palace when A'Merie sensed another presence near. However, it wasn't a bad aura, rather a friendly(to her) and familiar one. As they continued to walk, she finally caught sight of what she had been feeling was there with them. "
Oh, Light! Hello!" the little angel quipped with a gentle smile, "How are you feeling today?" she asked, genuinely curious. She knew that Light wasn't much of a talker, but that didn't bother her one bit. Light had been there for her family since she could remember. No..that wasn't right...Light was a PART of her family since she could remember. Though the two shared no blood bond, it did not matter to A'Merie. As far as she was concerned, the entire kingdom was her family. Yessie hadn't said a word, instead she just bowed her head in respect. The girl was a tad bit afraid of the warrior, but still respected her, as she did the rest of the royal family. And though Light wasn't exactly royalty, she was in charge of their safety, which was royalty enough for her. "Would you care to have breakfast with us? That would make me so happy." she said while walking towards the woman, taking one of the daisy's from the little bunch she had collected to place in the center piece of the table for breakfast and offered it to her.




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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Ayrabelle grabbed a book off the shelf and sat down on the floor, with her back leaning on the self. More stories, she thought, better start reading then. She had spent almost her entire day in the library, as always. The library and the freedom to choose any book from this huge library was what she love most. She opened the book and start reading it. A smile appeared on her face now and then when she found something funny, especially when the book s something along the line with an angel falling in love with a demon. She was only half way through chapter one when a servant girl came in, carrying a tray.

"Princess, your tea is serve," the servant girl said and bowed a little before picking up the tea cup and put it on the table not too far away from her.

She smiled and thanked her politely. It had taken her years to adjust to the palace, but she was glad that she did. Because of her time living with her mother, she tend to forget that she's now the youngest princess. She moved closer to the table so she could drink the tea. She marked where she was up to then put the book on the table before picking up the tea cup and drink some.
"Camomile tea," she said after she's taken the first sip, "my favourite." She went back to her reading again, with one hand on the book flipping pages, and the other holding the tea cup.

When she finished the chapter she stopped turning the pages and looked outside, through the glass window. She thought about going outside and play, but she also really want to finish this book. She sighed then placed the tea cup on the table and closed the book when she saw her personal servant girl, Sera, entered the room. Ayrabelle knew what she was going to say so she stood up and brush off any dust on her skirt. She smiled,
"it's breakfast time isn't it?" She asked, knowing the answer already. Sera bowed her head a little, making Ayrabelle frowned, then she looked up and nodded.

"I guess I better go," she smiled then exit the library, with Sera following behind her. She yawned as she walked down the corridor. Like usual, she had stayed up late again last night just to finish a book, but it was worth it. She entered the dining area and took her usual seat then wait for the breakfast to be serve.


Light stood attentively, as was her duty as guardian. As her lady spoke to her, she responded as respectfully as possible.
"Thy lady. I appreciate thee offer with the greatest respects, but I do not deem it worthy for me to eat. However, I may accompany thee if this would please thy own well-being better." She ran a swift hand through her hair as she was presented the daisy, graciously accepting it and putting it in a pouch around her hip. She was many things, a warrior, a trapped soul, an incarnation of an ancient power, but one to deny a gift was not one. She could specifically remember taking care of A'Merie, from when she had been born. Trained for such things, she had undergone brutal beatings, she'd known of the evils in the world, and she'd seen the corrupted hearts of men and the demons below. It was an abyssal world they lived in, but if the princess would strive for hope, then she would have to be the light ahead of her.

She cast a gentle nod towards the servant, doing her best within reason, not to drive her off. She even added a coy little smile to sugar up the rather discerning look upon her face. Her attention returned to the princess, "M'lady, thy father has beliefs that something in particular were to happen to thee today. M'lord has a certain paranoia about him and he has asked thy own to keep an extra close eye on thee." To be fair to her master's wishes, she could feel it too, a rising feeling in her gut as she gazed around the forest. The forces of darkness grow stronger, the evil in the hearts of men grow ever more chaotic. Soon, I feel, this small war of ours will burst into an all-out chaotic bloodbath. And with that, she cast her icy gaze upon the girl who she had come to know as not only a sister, but as a young master. "Thy father is justified in thee's beliefs, something is brooding below, and we have reasons to believe they'll come after thee. For what reasons I know not. I only wish I could know more to protect." She waved her hand slowly, "It is nothing for someone such as thyself to worry thyself over. I will take care of anything that'd come your way. Forgive the tinned news so early, I fear I have not ruined thee breakfast?"
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ectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


After being pampered all day, Electra had become bored. Shooing away the remainder of her servant's, Electra made her way to her balcony and gazed at her magnificent kingdom. She couldn't help but to notice her brother in the training grounds....again....as always. "Pft..fool." she snorted as she quickly looked off into the distance again. She didn't quite care to much for her "older brother". Partially because...well...he was a half breed. A filthy human made demon thanks to her father. And it didn't stop there. Not only was he made demon but he was even accepted into the royal family.Lucky bastered. Still, surely her father had gone mad. Which, of course, to her was all the more reason for him to pass the crown down to her and allow her to reign as queen. "Hermine!" Electra called to her servant girl as she looked out of her balcony. Hermine did not answer,nor did she move; she was day dreaming, which was something that she couldn't afford to do as she was about to find out. Electra clinched her jaw then called out again, but this time she sounded unusually calm, yet creepy "Hermine..". Hermine immediately snapped her head up as if she had just been woken up from a deep sleep and rushed over to Electra."Yes princess" Hermione said as she bowed before her. Electra turned to her but didn't say a word and when she didn't say anything Hermione made the biggest mistake of her life...she looked up into Electra's eyes. Electra still hadn't said a sword, instead she just stared blankly at her,"AAHHHHHHHHHHHH" Hermione screamed as she pressed her hands tightly over her ears, tears flowing from her eyes."You took to long..." was all Electra said as Hermione continued to scream in agony from Electra's excruciating gaze. This was but one of the affects of her power and for Hermione's insolence, she had to pay the price. Eventually Electra released her influence and Hermione collapsed onto the floor, looking as if she were dead. Turning back around to look at of her balcony, Electra smiled ever so slightly, why?Because she was evil, duh!

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Asaolle and Samuel were rather close to say the least. The two were nothing alike physically but they had the same hobbies, music and reading, and had relatively the same personality, but their social standings were completely different. Then their was their sense of style Samuel was dressed always dressed in a the nicest of Victorian suits and on special occasion he would have top hat on his head, but Asaolle on the other hand looked like he was apart of the goth kids, with his rather dark apearence and a shirt that never seemed to cover his abs. Even though demon prince was supposed to treat his servants with cruelty, he had grown rather fond of his servant and treated him as if he were a friend.

The way to were his other servant Jos, a demon who looked to be around the age of thirty who had a buzz cut to address he wasn't a man you wanted to fight, was through the training grounds. He couldn't help but give a small smile as he saw his older brother. He had liked his brother a small bit but never thought he was friends with him. "Malias nice to see you here, I'm just on my way to go punish a demon with classical music... He hates it after all, all ways puts him in a mood that would scare father....I just love to see that man go berserk....its quite funny" he said to his older brother still adorning a small smile on his face. "Oh if you wanted to we could spar, I haven't had I good fight in a while, and my servant can wait" he added with a tune that made it seem as if he was challenging his brother and smirk helped make a point he wanted to test his power against his brother.
With love~Å'Merie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.a8dfd26caa096798e3116e7784f80c7d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.a8dfd26caa096798e3116e7784f80c7d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


A'Merie listened attentively to what her guardian had to say and simply shook her head "Oh dear..father always was a worried soul." she said, feeling a bit pained that her father, the king had been going through so much in the past few years. She placed her hand over her heart and thought to herself for a moment. What could she do for her poor father to ease his mind. At the moment, she could think of nothing. Even though she didn't want to think about it, the war was all to real and raging on. People where dieing, scared and in pain because of all of this chaos. All of this..because two people were forbidden to love one another. It simply broke her heart.

After a moment of being so caught up in thought, she snapped out of her trance and turned her attention back to Light when she mentioned that she hoped she hadn't ruined her appetite. "No, of course not. I was just thinking." Just then she heard a sudden gargle and she couldn't help but to giggle. It was Yessie's stomach. The poor girl was hungry and here they where holding up a conversation that could be had while they ate. "Come, let's forget about all of this and go have some breakfast, hmm?" the little princess said in that ever so heavenly voice that she was famous for and took Yessie and Lights hand in her's as she made her way to the castles Dining room.

Upon arriving, it seemed that her little sister Ayrabelle had beaten her there. "Ayra! Good morning dear." she greeted as she stopped to kiss the top of her head before taking her usual spot next to her. Ayrabelle was brought into the family not to long ago, and ever since then she had been grown very attached to her. She was such a little cutie in her eyes. So small yet smart and sweet. A'Merie loved all of her sibling's, but she had a special connection with her for some reason.




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Shade was in the demon kingdom sitting in his pitch black and red armor thinking "it's fun here as always there's never anytime to get bored in this kingdom especially me since I'm the royal demonic assassin" and he gets up and starts jumping from roof to roof and sees the prince in the court yard and goes to there and is looking to spar like always and goes in the court yard and goes up the prince and bows and says "prince good afternoon how's your usual training going" with a grin under his mask.

@The Akolite

The Charmeine
The subtle breeze that the heavens had graced upon them blew through the colorful meadow flourishing with variety of flowers.

The heaven lights from above shone brightly over the crystal-clear lake making it shimmer with twinkling brilliance. The branches of fresh green trees swayed gently in the wind as if they were dancing along with sandy-brown locks that flew behind soft white feathers of giant wings of a bird but it was no bird but a winged being. A young girl sat within the meadow with plucked flowers laid in her lap while her hands were busy with making a crown.

Her pale ivory complexion glowed like the moon under the light and magenta orbs were focused on her work at hand to make it perfect to wear. While she was concentrated on her flower crown, a few small critters gathered around her with curious eyes watching the angel tie flowers of blue, purple, red, pink, and many other colors together in a circle. Placing in the last of the flowers, the angel soon was finished with her crown and turned towards her little friends with a angelic smile,"

All done.

" She stated and placed the small crown upon one of the rabbits that flocked around her. Looking over at all her furry friends, she couldn't help but smile more at how lovely each looked with her creation and got up from her spot to stretch her tired muscles, her wings raised high in the air while she do so.

Just when she was about to walk off to find some more flowers, a voice called out from a far as a distant figure could be seen running towards the angel with arms waving,"

Genesis! Mother wants you home for breakfast.

" Turning her head towards the voice then back at her friends, Genesis -- the angel's name -- waved towards them watching the animals flee off happily with the gifts they received. Returning her attention back at the fellow angel, her eyes lit up at the sight of her younger step-sister,


http://i.gyazo.com/489e0a7611e1c3ada1572c834954f967.png, running towards her before jumping into her arms surrounding themselves in laughter,"

Shall we go home?

" Genesis said shifting the small girl in her arms so she could carry her into the sky as her wings spread out wide before flapping. Carrying both of them up into the air, Claire began to giggle with her arms tightly around Genesis' neck, careful not to choke her,"

Mother said we're gonna eat outdoor since it's such a nice weather!

" Claire said watching the meadow below zoom past them and houses ahead with one particular house standing out to them with a familiar boy flying above it with a piece of sandwich stuffed in his mouth.

Quickening her pace, the two sisters halted in front of the oldest brother,


http://i.gyazo.com/fe8aca4e05305ee04ee3d436a34e39f1.png, who grin at the two while swallowing the last of his sandwich,"

Right on time guys, there's still some food left but you better hurry before Casper and Jasper eats it all.

" He warned teasingly of the other two siblings,"

Food! Let's hurry Genesis before those two get there!

" Claire exclaimed as the three raced back into their home. When they entered, Genesis was hit with the sweet aroma of dishes served freshly made by her mother and a warm, cozy feeling settling into her heart as if the house was welcoming them home. Letting Claire down, they went over to where the smell came from and saw their mother standing at the stove stirring the jam needed for the bread with three other people seated at the dining table set with dishes. Hearing footsteps approaching behind her,

http://i.gyazo.com/386b4af5be3a76113b08cc38fecd56c7.pngMs. Yarbrough

http://i.gyazo.com/386b4af5be3a76113b08cc38fecd56c7.png smiled at the last three of her kids,"

Great timing! Help yourselves to some food.

" She offered with a smile while two boys snickered staring at the two sisters,"

If there is any.

" The two twins,

http://i.gyazo.com/44fdbf771c5479a82f013d82e55e1687.pngCasper and Jasper

http://i.gyazo.com/44fdbf771c5479a82f013d82e55e1687.png, chuckled stuffing their mouths full of food,"

Wah! Save some for me too!

" Claire squealed running to beat her brothers from eating it all while Genesis laughed and followed after Claire, taking her seat next to her older sister,


http://i.gyazo.com/982d55a61af2256f860d8f352f5da06a.png, who was busy reading a book with an apple in hand.

Taking a bite out of her share, Genesis stared at her sister's book with curiosity while Ester continued to flip through pages,"


" Jointing from her trance, Genesis looked up towards her sister with an imperceptible nod in response, pulling her chair closer to read along with her sister while their morning, as usual, went on like normal with rowdy siblings fighting for food and another day to be thankful for.


The Douma
Piano fingers ran

through soft fur as a loud purr could be heard from the feline. A small smile slowly formed on the man's lips hearing the cat enjoy the affection given to it. The mornings were always the best times to cherish as it was always the most peaceful times with birds singing their praises of the morning sun and the youngsters all playing outside with their friends. It bought great comfort for the man as he watched the kids play together, squealing and laughing, with their small wings just barely developing to become like his own.

His silver tresses matched perfectly with his wings and his hazel eyes stared with a hint of happiness at the kids before he shifted back to the cat who hopped off his lap towards the kids. Getting up from his sitting position, the angel went off away from the village towards somewhere he could spend time to clear his thoughts. He could go visit some friends but he rather take the time for himself since he was a elderly guy. Strolling around the village and towards the woods, he wandered off on his own for some adventure of his own until then.

OCC Notes: Compare to Genesis' post and Cyril's, I really need some interaction for my guy angel.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Ayrabelle talked to Sera for awhile while she was waiting for others to arrived. She stopped the conversation when she saw A'Merie entered the room. She greeted her with a smile. A'Merie had placed a kiss on top of her head before taking a seat next to her. Out of all her siblings, A'Merie was the one that Ayra trust the most. She love her siblings equally, but she don't feel that much connection with others as she had with A'Merie.

"Morning Merie, " she smiled brightly. She noticed that Light and Yessie was with A'Merie and she turned to them and give them a smile, "Good morning Yessie. Good morning Light."

Ayrabelle wondered if more was going to join them, knowing that their father doesn't usually eat with them in the morning.
"Merie, are we waiting for more people to join us?" Her stomach growled when the smell of breakfast reacher her noise. Covering her stomach, Ayrabelle blushed slightly and looked down at her stomach then back up at A'Merie with a smile. "I think my to act is hungry."

Malias twisted and rammed his scythe blade through another dummy before pausing and snapping his fingers. The instant he did, the other puppets stopped moving. He rested the scythe on his shoulder and frowned. The first thing he heard was screaming coming from where his sister had been. Another servant had done something small and gotten on her nerves again. This irritated him, she had no consideration for those under her.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Asaolle and Samuel walked up to him. He sighed softly and tried to calm himself. Electra loved to get on people's nerves, letting her see that she'd gotten to him was like giving him something sweet. He smiled at his younger brother "You really shouldn't tease him like that, there are people in this palace that aren't as forgiving as we are for transgressions"

He raised an eyebrow and grinned at the idea that his younger brother wanted to spar against him "Alright, that sounds interesting, these puppets are too predictable anyway" he snapped his fingers once more and the puppets vanished. Malias could hear the challenge in Asaolle's voice, and he couldn't ignore a challenge from his brother.

He cocked his head when he heard another approach. One of the Royal Assassins. Malias didn't particularly like Assassins in general. The killing aspect anyways, their ability to move through the shadows was excellent. He believed that his father used them wrong, they'd be much better at gathering information than just killing opponents.

With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


Upon her entrance, breakfast was served, and boy did it smell heavenly...literally. She hadn't realized how hungry she really was until the food was set on the table. Yessie was hovering, as she always did when it was time for the royal family to eat. Servants where to wait until the family was finished to eat, which of course, A'Merie did not agree with whatsoever. "Please, sit. Do not be afraid." and without hesitation, she did as her princess commanded of her. This was normal. The kind and queen where notorious for never having breakfast, much less any other meal with there children. And of course, A'Merie understood completely. Her mother and father were the great ruler's of there vast kingdom, ruling and caring for billions; and with the war going on, she expected nothing less. This was how it was. How it had to be...for now.

Hearing her sister's stomach growl in tune with Yessies, A'Merie smiled brightly; pearly whites bared for the world to behold.
"There is no one else that I know of that will be joining us at the moment. Please, help yourselves." she said as she reached over the table, grabbing the bowl of assorted fruit and serving herself a large spoonful. Yessie, as always offered to serve her but A'Merie, as always declined. "Please, help yourself sweet girl. It is all right." she urged. And finally, Yessie smiled whole heatedly at her princess, tears whealing in her eyes. What a kind hearted princess she served.

A'Merie had finished off her breakfast rather quickly, whipping the corner's of her mouth and her finger's and standing up to excuse herself from the table.
"I shall see you after lunch for our strole Ayra!?" she asked, but did not stay long enough for a reply. She was some what in a rush and was secretly trying to get away quickly before light had followed her. Today was the day after all. Today was the day that she would go and explore. Explore earth. It was forbidden for her of course, but she desperately wanted to get away from the kingdom for a while and walk amongst the creatures known as humans.

A'Merie wasted no time. She practically ran out of the palace doors and darted strait towards her beloved garden. She huffed and puffed, racing past the many flowers and tree's that decorated her prized possession and stopped once she was in the clearing located at the center. Her eyes flicked from right to left and even up to be sure that no one was around, and once she was safely away from prying eyes, she took a deep breath spread her arms out on either side of her, allowing her silky impossibly ivory wings to rip from her back(which doesn't hurt at all) and stretch out wide behind her. 'Now...let's go before someone see's me..' was her last thought before she flapped her wings once and hard and was shot strait into the sky. The air was so crisp and clear and the sky's heavenly ray's where incredibly bright that day. The light bounced off of her wing's, skin, and hair creating the illusion that they where glowing and sparkling; as if she where a star shining bright in the middle of day time. A'Merie flew up and up, high towards the "sun" and when she was so high that everything below her looked like tiny dot's, she kept flying upwards. Any normal person would think that the way to earth would be down, but that just wasn't true. The secret was, the portal to earth was hidden high amongst the clouds and could only be accessed by those who carried the crest of the Korsty's, which she had in the form of a neckless dangling between her breasts.

The portal opened and A'Merie continued to fly upward, which soon had contorted and was really downward. She had finally made it to earth.

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Hurrying down the winding hallways to the breakfast hall, Lavina was almost in tears. How could she be so stupid? She was supposed to be up early to prepare the breakfast and she woke up late. The loose feathers on her wings came off and started to dot the white floor with light orange. What is wrong with you? Those thoughts came up every time she messed up and she hated it. You should know better. Why are you doing this to yourself? You were created for this and then you screw it up? She wiped the tears from her eyes. You're pathetic.

Slipping on the floor a couple of times, she ran through the beautiful, endless halls she knew so well. They briefly reminded her of some of the halls she went down in some of her other masters' homes. These ones are by far the prettiest. These thoughts helped her escape the voice in her head she heard too often. She continued until she noticed that she was out of breath.
I've forgotten how far the room was. Was it always this far? Lavina panicked. She turned and saw her trail of feathers behind her. Checking her memory, she realized that she was heading in the right direction, but she was taking the long route that led through the gardens. Sighing and hitting herself on the head with her hand, Lavina continued down the endless hallway.

Finally reaching the breakfast hall, she burst open the door panting and with a stream of tears down her face.
"I'm here!" She took a look around the room and noticed that A'Merie was gone. "Oh goodness. Where did she go!" The tables were full with plates and people were beginning to leave. Standing in the doorway, she sighed heavily.
"Well, the man deserves it anyways he promised me books, and he never gets them, he's always saying he'll get them the next time he goes up to the overworked, but all he comes back with is nothing...." Then Asaolle turn to face the assassin. Asaolle thought the assassin was being to direct with him, but the prince wouldn't say that out loud. He spoke to the assassin with no emotion because he didn't need to speak kindly to him "You must be mistaken because I wasn't training, I was simply hoping to spar with my brother and he happened to say yes...." Then he turned his head to his servant. "Do you mind punishing Jos for me, I'd rather fight my brother" then focusing his attention back to his brother "This will be a simple spar no fight to the death or anything like that, and I hope you don't mind if I use my power, got some special martial arts moves that I use with it" he gave his brother a smile as he said the words. "Oh assassin do you mind being a ref or something, unless you have someone to kill..." He said with out turning his head to look at the killer.



She followed A'Merie to breakfast, her lance gently pattering against the ground with each left step that she took. Her eyes flocked their way to the ceiling as the princess gave her morning greetings. There was the younger princess, one who had addressed her by her name, Ayrabelle. The youngest of the lot, and probably the most mysterious, Christina had always kept close eye on her, but never once questioned the girl's actions. Her hands found their way to rest on the lance as she took her place in the room, she responded to the earlier mark,
"Fare the well this morn' Lady Ayrabelle." She let an abundant hum fill her larynx as she stood, attentive to the eating.

She soon found herself lost in thought as though the world may soon come to a close, something was gathering, a feeling in the air. It was amidst the ditz of her own thoughts that A'Merie revealed her kindness. A true blessing that girl is, kind inside and out. However, it was her next actions that had baffled Light, the girl rambunctiously left, and with the slight thought that Light would not follow.

Now with full strength in her wings, she arched herself down, the magnificent white feathers unfolding, "Dammit kid!" She pushed hard, skyrocketing towards the portal, which, just to her luck, disappeared within a few moments, disappeared. She had missed it, "Earth..." She scoffed, as she flew with immense speed towards the edge of the celestial realm, there was one other portal, one that would lead her to the realm of the corrupt. She flapped hard, the wind letting her hair fly behind her as fray feathers fell into the perfect void below. Dammit, what's wrong with her? She pushed her leg out hard as she felt herself breaking the speed of sound, the lance firm in her right hand as her sword clattered against her back roughly.

She saw it, the bizarre rock formation, several kilometers from any angelic civilization. "Why do you have to make this so difficult!?" This wasn't the first time that the adventurous princess had tried, and it was frustrating, but now she'd actually done it, she'd let her guard down at breakfast, and for what?

She folded herself up tight as her body barreled through the portal. Slipping right through as the air became corrupt. She could see cities below, a major cluster of civilization as she scoffed, "Miserable fools." She let her body plummet downward, aiming for a more desolate area, a heavy density of trees. With grace and amazing speed, she unfolded last second and caught herself, sending a hard shock-wave all over the ground. She sighed, folding her wings tight to her back. "Where are you little one...?" She shut her eyes and began to concentrate.
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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Ayrabelle nodded and grabbed a bowl of fruit. She only had just started eating the fruit when A'Merie rushed out of the room after saying something abou a stroll later. She giggled and shook her head, knowing that A'Mirie is like this when she have Light with her. Ayrabelle instructed Sera to have some fruit too then got back to her bow, of fruit.

"Sis Merie is so lively this morning," she said to Sera, "I'll go out later, if you want to come."

It was usual for her to invite Sera. Ayrabelle likes Sera company, and she even think of her as friends, despite her status as a servant. Sera had agreed to come with her, which makes Ayrabelle happy. She turned her attention to the entrance when she heard someone from the outside. It was Lavina. Ayrabelle smiled,
"Good morning Lavina!"

She took a sip of the tea that had been place on the table for her while she was eating.
"You're looking for Merie?" She asked Lavina, "if you are, she just went out, probably to Earth if I'm not wrong."
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With love~Å'Merie


When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

And you still have all of me.

The rhythm of my heart...


It was a incredibly noticeable change in the air and atmosphere. The air was thicker and definitely not as clean as it is in heaven. However, "Oh my.." trees...there where tree's just below her. Hundreds of thousands of them, and they where all put calling her name. She would stop there, just for a little while. Her main mission was to be amongst humans before Light had found her and dragged her back home. She felt so terrible for having to be so much trouble to her guardian. The last thing she wanted to do was be a nusense to her, but her curiosity got the best of her. A'Merie was never the rebellious type. Well, unless of course you count running off without so much as informing anyone about her whereabouts; but she coudln't help herself.

Taking in the vast and fine greenery of earth, she let her eyes scan the area until she found a nice small spot for her to squeeze in and land. She didn't dare land in a clearing for fear that she would make her presence to obvious, hence making it all the more easier for Light to find her. After landing, gracefully planting her feet on the rough soil, A'Merie willed her wing's to disappear into her back. It was sunset. Time was much different on earth then it was in heaven. Time was precious. Time was something that she had less of because of her disobedience. She would have to explore quickly and try to avoid light as much as possible, which she knew would be extremely difficult.

Wandering the forest, A'Merie took in every sight and sound. Every vine and tree, every bird and bee. It was all so beautiful and exotic. It truly made her wonder why it had such a bad reputation and why her father forbade her to go. This place was like another heaven. A blue bird had been flying past when it caught sight of the celestial being walking in the distance when it fluttered towards her and hovered just before her. A'Merie smiled bright and held her hand out, stretching a single finger so that the bird could perch.
"Hello little one." she purred as she gently pet its little head. The bird chirped with delight at her heavenly touch. With a few stride's, A'Merie glided over to the nearest tree and sat at the base of it, gently petting the little birds head and began humming a little song. Her voice carried through the woods, luring more creatures in like a siren at sea. her voice was beautiful, words couldn't describe; and as more and more creatures of the forest surrounded her, she did not panic, rather smiled and none verbally welcomed her ever growing company of little companions.



Ēlectra "Haydie" Elstife

Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt Riøt

Hells greatest...


After Electra's little scene, a few servant's came and took the poor servant girl's body away as per her order. The demon princess took her final glances over her lands and was just about to go and have a little snack when one of her male and rather muscular(as where all of her male servants) servants made his way towards her and stopped about ten feet away from her, got on his hands and knees and bowed,"Your majesty, there has been word from an assassin stationed on earth. It is said that they have spotted a celestial being." he rumbled. His voice deep and naturally husky. She loved it.

Her servants news intrigued her and made a wide devilishly sexy grin spread across her face,"Is there now...". Electra turned to look out into the distance from her balcony once more, pondering on what course of action she should go with. Her eyes then glanced back at her two brother's and..."Yess...." she hissed as she lurched herself from the tall balcony that was easily several story's high and landed effortlessly and gracefully on her feet. She then began making her way towards the group huddled around the training grounds, strutting as if it where a runway show strait towards the assassin. Electra walked right between her two brother's, not even giving them the time of day. "Assassin." she called, walking square into his face,"There has been a angel sighting on Earth. I want you to go and retrieve the little bitch and bring her to me. Alive." she commanded with so much power and authority in her voice. She sounded like a almighty queen. The demoness gave the man one last look over, smirking to herself, then turned on her heel and pushed her way in between her brother's again. "Oh, and one more thing..." she added without turning just yet, placing a single hand on her hip,"Should you fail in your task..." it was then that she half turned to face the assassin and gave him the brutally cold and dangerous look that she was rather known for, "...I will personally see to your suffering..." and with that, Electra strode off and disappeared into the night, only to appear in on of the main halls...HER main hall again.

With a sigh, the demon princess ran her fingers once through her smooth raven hair and placed a hand on her rather curvy hip. "Alec.". A tall, built golden skinned man strode quickly towards her and knelt ten feet from his princess. "Yes your majesty" the man announced loud and proud, bowing his head in respect. Electra looked down at him as a small grin graced her lips. She didn't say a word or move for a few seconds, but when she did, she strode seductively towards him, "Rise." she commanded. He did as he was told. The powerful and seductive woman walked slowly, making her way to encircle him,"Alec..." her voice became soft and milky and she continued her feather light steps around her servant but soon came to a stop, rising on her tipie toes and let her lips hover close to his ear. "Alec...I'm hungry..." she half whined and yet the sensuality in her voice remained. Alec, her servant, was lost for words. His mouth had gone dry and his body trembled with desire, blood boiling with lust. This was all a normal thing. Alec was one of the select four that Electra would feed from when she needed, or wanted for that matter. The situation wasn't foreign to him. Her feeding on him was a normal thing. Her seducing him was normal as well. And yet...he was drawn to her. Captivated. Entranced. His body gripped with desire for this dark goddess before him. He would not turn her down. Not ever. "Y-ye-ye..s...my princess...do wi-th me as you s-see fit. My everything...belongs to you..." he breathed, closing his eyes at the feel of her breath on his neck. Electra just grind and licked her lips,"Good boy.."

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"Seems our referee has somewhere to be" Malias said softly as his sister strode away. It would be a lie if he said that he hadn't thought about slicing her in half with his scythe. He could have done so, easily as well. Her guard was completely down as she made the effort to ignore him. But, alas, she was his sister and as annoyingly evil as she was, he was brought up to care for family, no matter what kind of person they were. They were bound by blood, unlike Asaolle and himself. Though he and Asaolle also shared a certain bond. They were bound by the fact that they both used to be human.

He rested his scythe on his shoulders "Guess we'll just have to mind our own match" he said to Asaolle before letting his weapon vanish "Use whatever powers you want" he said "It isn't a good fight unless the opponent is going all out" he stretched a little before popping his knuckles and neck "I'll use my bare hands, I haven't been practicing my hand to hand combat as much lately"

As Malias slid into his fighting stance, his blue eyes blazed from behind his hood. His demeanor changed and the air around him seemed to follow suit. No matter who he fought, he fought them as equals. Whether King or Servant, in his eyes, they were someone he was going to clash fists with. Though, even in this state he offered no killing intent. He never fought to kill his opponent, only to prevent them from fighting back.

"Well this should be fun" He said with a smirk as the boy cracked his knuckles and got into his loose fighting stance that seemed to have no real defense to it. Asaolle next moves would be as would be extremely quick because in the blink of an eye the Demon Prince's body vanished into his own shadow, fumes of darkness seemed to fly off the shadow that moved on its own and it began to make its charge. Asaolle wasn't scared of the boy in this form, sure he knew this kid could pack a punch if he landed a hit, but when he traveled in the shadows he couldn't touch anything and nothing could touch him. The bad thing was Asaolle couldn't take very many punches even though himself could deal a quite a bit of damage. The next thing Asaolle knew was that he was in his brothers shadow and his plan went into action. Asaolle jumped out of the shadow his body was turned on his side and he seemed to be spinning at his brother. Because he was, Asaolle's foot was heading straight for Malias's stomach.
Malias was surprised as the sudden vanishing of his brother, yet he didn't show it. He waited for the sign of attack, a second later he felt it, the slightest change in the air and Asaolle appeared from his shadow. He grinned "Very unique my brother" he said twisting himself so that the younger demon passed just in front of him. He brought his fist back and aimed to strike Asaolle as he passed by.

Not many seemed to understand that fighting required the ability to predict and even outsmart your opponent. Most seemed to prefer brute force over anything else. His brother had been smart in trying to use surprise to beat him. However, before his sister was born, their father had beat extensive training and military knowledge into him. Afterwards though, she, being far more like him in attitude, became the focus of his attention. It had been up to Malias to continue his training on his own. It had become almost like a habit.

Asaolle was certainly gifted though. Should he perfect his abilities, he would become a formidable foe, or a powerful ally.
A smaller demon, wearing robes that covered his whole body and leather shoes, was walking around, passing by the castle that the royal family lived in. He looked at his hands, seeing the scars that was there. "This won't do at all." He said to himself, snapping his fingers. A circle appeared at his feet, slowly moving up to the top of his head. The circle vanished once it reached the top of his head, changing his appearance to look like a human. His clothes changed as well, making him wear a black T-shirt and blue jeans. His shoes changed to black sneakers, the same color that his short hair changed to. He even seemed to grow a couple a couple inches. "There you go scout, much better." He said to himself, looking at the castle. He was barely able to make out two people sparring in the training grounds. He made his way there, making sure to not be seen. He landed on a window of the castle and sat down, holding himself up with one leg. He put his hands on his knees, keeping one foot parallel to the wall. The other foot just had the heel against the castle. Upon closer examination, he saw the demon prince sparring. He smiled and watched, wondering who was gonna win.

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