Anathema Ascendant: Now Recruiting!

Axelgear: Great fluff. Was the Eagle's mate with him when he sealed himself away in the chamber?

Karregan: I like the concept, but it sounds like it might fit better for a Moonshadow caste. Your character seems to be more mechanically focused on killing things than on his art, which seems strange given the latter is his motivation, even if one drives the other. Also, you failed to mention his Exaltation thus far, unless the background so far is only meant to cover his mortal life.

Melcairiel & Xarvh: As previously mentioned, this game and the one at GitP, while working off the same concept, will be slightly different. You can be in either or both, but if you choose to play in both, I'd very much prefer you use one character for GitP and a different character for this one.

MorakisChosen: Excellent start. The Guild has protection rackets, yes, that's fine. I'd rather you pay for the Artifact entirely with BP or entirely with XP, if possible. I would ask how he's managing to avoid Resonance, though, or, if he isn't, how those in his cult are dealing with the dark miracles Resonance causes.

Myllinnia: I like it. Just to be clear: one sister Exalted to a Lunar, the other, a Chosen of Secrets or a Wood aspect Terrestrial?; also, remember, Abyssal motivations have to be centered around destruction or Oblivion in some way, shape, or form.

Sherwood: Necrotech/necrosurgery falls under Craft (Fire) and Medicine, and Necrotech/necrosurgery would be specialties within that domain. Keep in mind that, as stated in Abyssals, you use the lesser of these two Abilities.

Luck: Good start, but I'm curious as to how Arishat came to even know about the Monstrances of Celestial Portion.

If your names aren't mentioned, there aren't any particular issues or clarifications I need at this time, aside from those mentioned in the previous post.
I believe by Abyssal, Reaving Lily, is getting Flickering Claw as her mate. But just confirming that here.
Ok. My dude is still in need of some polish and to figure out his artifacts, armor, and hearthstone, so making a change of a few dots to better represent his necrosurgery skills is no problem.
knightfall said:
If that's what you'd prefer, yes.
Then we'll do so.

In other news, I left the fanfic we wrote in my office, so

1) I'm an idiot

2) I will post it on Monday, unless Mel fishes it out from somewhere. =(
CrazyIvan said:
I believe by Abyssal, Reaving Lily, is getting Flickering Claw as her mate. But just confirming that here.
That is the general idea myself and CrazyIvan were discussing, unless Knightfall is against it.

Will try to post the character sheet soon, but am very busy with college, got plenty of things to finish till monday, so will be very busy.
Draft Character Sheet for PrettyAbyssal - its a work in progress, so I'll be editing frequently.

Name: Reaving Lily of an Ashen Spring

Concept: Abyssal Queen

Motivation: To Found a Kingdom

Intimacies: Her Lunar Mate, Political Machinations, The Noblewoman (Hate), The Lover (Jealous Rivalry)


The question of Reaving Lily's First Age incarnation will forever be muddied by the overthrow of the Solars, and the wars that followed. The Solar Queen 'Harbinger of Glory Foretold' ruled a portion of Creation in the East, at the very edge of the Wyld, she and her mate having devoted their lives to carving yet more out of the teeming, infinite possibilities that abound there. While she had not yet fully fallen to the madness of her elder peers, there were troubling signs. Her moods were more erratic, the sound of screaming emerged from her palatial manse with increasing frequency, and her mate showed...signs...for those who knew how and where to look.

She perished at the Calibration Feast along with many of her peers. Dragon Blooded propagandists claim she met her end cowering in a corner, ornate gown ripped from her, begging for mercy - a pathetic thing to be pitied and forgotten. Others claim she died at the end of a Starmetal dire spear, killed by a one-time friend in the Five Score Fellowship. Of her plans, the fate of her mate, or the truth of her life, little is known, as her Manse and holdings were swept up in the cascade of Wyld in the wake of the Great Contagion - lost, or simply cut off.

Simply called 'Cera', the woman who would become Reaving Lily was born to humble parents - a groomsman for a local noble's stable, and his wife. Their daughter had the good fortune of being born slightly older than the noble's youngest daughter, and was taken to be raised as a handmaiden and servent for the girl. Kneeling in classrooms while her Mistress was educated, and watching quietly from the corner of the noble's court, Cera learned much, and her keen mind provided her Mistress with considerable advantages when the unassuming girl gave her advice.

Not that it ever benefitted the girl. As her charge grew in power, Cera came to understand that she would never be rewarded for years of loyal service, or keen insight, for the woman had come to believe that these ideas were her own. There would be no beneficial marriage to a promising member of the household, modest estate on which to live, not even freedom from a lifetime of service. So instead, she turned to the woman's new husband, offering her body and mind for a taste of the privilege she was to be denied. Eventually the affair was discovered, and fearing her father's retribution, the young nobleman agreed to help in her 'punishment'. Cera's service to the mortal noblewoman ended as she drove a dagger into her gut, leaving her to die on the floor, alone, abandoned, clutching weakly at the dagger.

But Cera's service was not truly over. The Lover had been watching the woman, seeing the promise there, and as her life's blood slipped away, an offer was made and accepted. Remade into the Reaving Lily of an Ashen Spring, she was granted everything she was denied in life: Wealth, power, mortal lovers and servants. All if she but served in the name of the Lover. And Lily has for many years, rising in status in the Lovers court, seeing to her wishes, and at least once taking to her chambers. Recently however, something has changed. Endowed with considerable favor, Lily has been loosed in Creation and has proceeded to carve out a small place of power of her own. There are whispers, rumors that she reaches too high, and has set herself up as a rival to the Lover, surely to fall, and fall hard. The Death Lord has remained silent on the subject, although the amused expression on her face as she does indicates...something.

Two things occupy many of Lily's thoughts. The first is the question of the future - is it possible to truly unseat one of the Death Lords, and rule as her own sovereign? The thought is a tempting one, but she knows the consequences of failure - chained to the Lovers throne, thrown in some dark pit, or worse...

The second is the appearance of her Lunar mate. She does not quite know what to do with the creature, or its apparently firm belief in redemption and the defense of Creation. Part of her hopes that time amongst the Abyssals will break the Lunar into a more...suitable...mindset. The other part of her prays it does not.

Caste: Moonshadow


Strength: **

Dexterity: ***

Stamina: **

Charisma: ****

Manipulation: ***

Appearance: ****

Intellect: ***

Occult: ***

Wits: ***


Caste: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Socialize

Favored: Performance, Presence, Thrown, Occult, War

Socialize: *** (Court x2)

Bureaucracy: ***

Linguistics: ***

Performance: *** (Seduction x2)

Presence: ***

Thrown: *** (Crypt Bolt Attack x2)

Occult: ***

War: ***

Ride: **


Liege: ***

Manse: **

Abyssal Command: *

Followers: *

Whispers: **


Improvised Assassin's Trick

Crypt Bolt Attack

Eyes Like Daggers Glance

First Performance Excellency

Morbid Fascination Style

Inescapable Massacre Technique

Haunting Apparition Trick

Soul-Desiccating Style

Irresistible Succubus Style

Exquisite Etiquette Style

Honey-Tongued Serpent Attack

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Blood Mirror Speech

Flesh and Bone Winds


Compassion: ****

Conviction: ***

Temperance: *

Valor: *

Willpower: 7

Essence: 16 (Personal), 37 (Peripheral)

Health Levels: 7

15 Bonus Points:

6 points: Boost Performance, Thrown, Socialize to 5

1 point: Specialty Thrown x2

1 point: Performance x2

1 point: Specialty Socialize x2

4 points: Charm

2 points: Background, Whispers at 2

50 XP:

24: Raise Essence to 3

24: Shadowlands Circle Necromancy, 2 Spells

Liege: The Lover seems to have granted Lily an extremely long leash in dealing with her affairs, and supported the young Abyssal well. Whether this is a show of support, or giving Lily enough rope to hang herself remains to be seen.

Manse: Reaving Lily has a modest manse, in the form of a country hunting estate overlooking a small village which she took from its former Dragon Blooded owner. She uses its hearthstone to draw Essence while in Creation, and it is where she holds her modest court. Powers: Comfort Zone, Magical Conveniences, Bound Servitor. Hearthstone: Gem of Seduction

Abyssal Command: Accompanying Lily into Creation and garrisoning her manse is a small troop of 25 soldiers.

Followers: In addition to her modest command, Lily has a number of personal followers. These include three mortal guardsmen, a ghostly attache, and the ghost of the noblewoman who murdered Lily, enslaved to her and presented as a gift by the Lover.

Artifact: The Lover gave Lily a beautifully crafted bladed whip upon her emergence from her Monstrance, its blades, and tip soulsteel, and small threads of soulsteel running through the braided length of the weapon. The weapon rarely leaves her side, and having initiated the Laughing Wounds martial art style, it can be quite deadly in the Abyssal's hands. Lily herself can attest to the weapons power - at the feast where it was given, honoring her Exaltation, the first blood upon its blades was her own, delivered from the Lover's hand.
I know someone who might be able to create a Fiend for the Infernals game, I can have her write up a description tonight sometime if you're still wanting recruits for that one.
knightfall, you didn't answer on if a couple of coil 2 or 3 zombies would be alright. They're not going to be horribly combat capable, I promise.
Man raising Essence is expensive. ... Never enough XP :\
You said it.

Luck: Good start, but I'm curious as to how Arishat came to even know about the Monstrances of Celestial Portion.
I'm having some trouble trying to get all the points to work out, so some things I had planned may need to change. I was considering going the necromancy route rather than sorcery and trying to squeeze in Ash and Tears Banquet to say that she has spent a fair amount of time in the underworld as a ghost, and has learned many things. OR I may flip it all around and say she's trying to destroy the phylactery-womb and knows the Green Sun Child knack and has spent some time in Hell.
Lochar said:
knightfall, you didn't answer on if a couple of coil 2 or 3 zombies would be alright. They're not going to be horribly combat capable, I promise.
Depends on Resources and your lab, since those would modify how difficult it would be, but you don't have to have to max out every stat/specialty related.
Resources comes from my Liege dots, which gives me access to Resources 3.

Medicine 5, Craft Fire 5, and Walking War Machine, plus all the undead medicine charms. I think I could pull it off.
Luck said:
Man raising Essence is expensive. ... Never enough XP :\
You said it.

Luck: Good start, but I'm curious as to how Arishat came to even know about the Monstrances of Celestial Portion.
I'm having some trouble trying to get all the points to work out, so some things I had planned may need to change. I was considering going the necromancy route rather than sorcery and trying to squeeze in Ash and Tears Banquet to say that she has spent a fair amount of time in the underworld as a ghost, and has learned many things. OR I may flip it all around and say she's trying to destroy the phylactery-womb and knows the Green Sun Child knack and has spent some time in Hell.
Perhaps her Abyssal mate? Or an NPC villain captured her and went all James Bond style talking about how he was going to lock her in one to see what happened, only to have her escape.

I was wondering what all you wanted with the backgrounds. I was planning on writing a fiction (possibly jointly with Feantari), doing a short summary of him (which you've already seen, and I can flesh out some if you want), and having a picture. Would those work, or were you looking for something in particular?
Short fiction is nice, but not mandatory. As long as I get an idea of their background of who they are, what they're working towards, what they care about, etc, that should be sufficient.

For those who want to go the extra mile, though, and earn that extra starting xp...

For those who had mentors in sorcery or necromancy or in the supernatural martial arts, knowing who your teachers/mentors/sifus are and perhaps why they chose the path they did is useful to me as well, though not mandatory.

If you'd like me to provide some of the major personages I plan to include among each group, you're more than welcome to ask me and use those. Alternatively, said mentor could have died, gone renegade, etc, though that in and of itself might be used as a plot hook as well. Who killed them and why, or what caused them to go renegade? Were they even perhaps a spy for another side? (Or are they now only faking going renegade to become a spy for your current allegiance?)

What of family, especially for Dragonbloods? Siblings, parents-- what are their talents? Childhood friends, other people important to your character that you might have intimacies, positive or negative towards? If they never knew their parents, if they were orphans, that's useful, too.

What sort of intimacy, if any, do they have towards their Deathlord, or Yozi, or Luna, or the Maidens?

These sorts of things give plot hooks and let the game be more character-driven.
One last thing.

There's not an ability to increase Appearance on a necrotech creation. Can I increase the appearance of my creations for 1 point apiece?

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