Anathema Ascendant: Now Recruiting!

They were from the 1e Abyssal book for Necromancy. Every dot lets you add another necro spell up to five, and the same works for Sorcery.
Sherwood said:
They were from the 1e Abyssal book for Necromancy. Every dot lets you add another necro spell up to five, and the same works for Sorcery.
No, then. Spells are bought in the same manner as charms: with bp or xp, directly.
knightfall said:
It would be appreciated.
Armand von Emeric: The Elegant and Loving Monster

Motivation: Find someone who can keep up with him

Urge (Malfeas): Annihilate the sanity and security inherent in loving relationships

Unwoven Coadjutator: Angyalkae

Favored Yozi: Malfeas

Fun specialties:

Performance Seductive strumming ***

Presence Beckoning with his eyes ***

Stealth Stalking women **


Adorjan - Role Model

[Feantari's Character] - Happy Submission

Love - Finding New ones

Armand was a budding musician who sought to win the heart of a young noblewoman. He performed a piece he had created just for her. After, he informed her of his intentions, she told him of her betrothal, and fled the concert hall in tears. Instead of pursuing her, he sat there dejected, until at last he was alone, or so he thought...The beautiful plucking of a harp awoke him from his revelry, and the Angyalkae told him he would never have to worry about his love running from him again...

He looks very much like a bishi, though I haven't quite settled on his exact looks, I'm thinking something very light in color-themes. Using Infernal Monster Form is going to be a huge shock. His Angyalkae tattoo is long fingers wrapping around his left thigh. He has always played the Sanxian, and after exaltation he plays the Harp as well. His artifacts are an Unsurpassed Sanxian and a Tainted Moonsilver Infinite Resplendence amulet. I built him as a starting character, so with the XP I'll possibly pick up an artifact weapon of some sort...not sure yet, and mostly going to focus on new charms and a dot of essence. :)

My intention is to play him as a sadomasochist in some ways, where he falls for a woman, and then starts leaving her disturbing 'gifts', such as the head or fingers of a hated rival on her doorstep, to court her. Should these upset her and she wants to run, well...he enjoys the chase. ;)

As always, I can make tweaks to him a bit, but I tried to keep him somewhat vague until I knew I had a game for him.
Unstatted Background:

The Death Knight known as Reaving Lily of Ashen Spring walked Creation as the handmaid to a powerful Hundred Kingdoms warlord's daughter, afforded the education and upbringing of her social better that she might better serve her social superiors. And serve well she did, acting as a capable advisor and handmaiden to her Mistress. That is, until she caught the eye of the woman's powerful husband and took to his bed. Such an attempt to rise above her station ended with the girl laying on the hardwood floor of a bedroom, clutching numbly at the hilt of the sword driven into her abdomen, feeling her life's blood spill out and trickle between the floorboards.

Instead of dying, she answered the Lover's call, and serves her as a Moonshadow caste Death Knight. Restored to her youthful beauty, and endowed with the power denied to her in life, she has become a powerful officer and agent of the Death Lord. There are rumors that once again she reaches to high, as she has come to be viewed as a rival to her Mistress, keeping her own (admittedly minor) court and playing at games of state left to her betters. When last asked about the rumors, the Lover gave only a wry smile before turning back to a debased spectacle taking place before her throne.
:twisted: I like him.

Just as a heads up to everyone, it looks like we'll definitely have enough people for an Abyssal game and an Infernal game. Which way the third and last game goes depends on the people who are on the fence about character concepts.
knightfall said:
It's his Lunar mate I'm more worried about. :lol:
Speaking of which, I assumed you would handle that however you wanted. If you prefer, I guess I could make one, but I prefer being surprised. >.>
Character rough draft

Str: 3 Dex: 3 Sta: 3

Cha: 3 Man: 3 App: 1

Per: 3 Int: 5 Wits: 3

Athletics: 2

*Awareness: 2

*Dodge: 3

Stealth: 2

*Craft: 3

*Lore: 2

*Medicine: 2

*Occult: 4

*Archery: 5

*Melee: 2

Linguistics: 1

*Ride: 3

Socialize: 1

Willpower: 6

Essence: 4

Personal: 18

Peripheral: 43

Compassion: 1

Conviction: 3

Temperance: 3

Valor: 2


[] 0

[][][][][][] -1

[][][][][][][][][][] -2

[] -4

[] Incapacitated

Artifact: 3 Soulsteel Powerbow

Artifact: 2 Soulsteel Bracers

Liege: 2

Manse: 3 Gladestalker's Stone (Odenol's Codex, p100)

Whispers: 3

Ox-Body Technique x4

First Archery Excellency

Flitting Shadow Form

Infinite Archery Mastery

Quiver of Souls

Reliec Arrow Method

Splinter of the Void

Shadowlands Circle Necro

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Demon of the First Circle

Hound of the Five Winds

Unbreakable Bones of Stone

Virtuous Guardian of Flame

Bone Puppet Dance

Death Mask

Raising the Skeletal Horde

NoisyCricket said:
Speaking of which, I assumed you would handle that however you wanted. If you prefer, I guess I could make one, but I prefer being surprised. >.>
Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something. :twisted:

Do you have anything worked out for his previous Exaltation and mate, or should I have those be surprises, too?
Character pic

I am certainly interested in giving it a go, though I am entirely uncertain as to what to offer up! :)

Edit: I might have missed over it, but are Sidereals here not using Loom 2.0? I'd prefer that, mind you, because I think Loom 2.0 got a lot of things really wrong, and the Errata at least has most of the charms in workable order.

Other than that, ideas abound for Terrestrial Akuma and, of course, the Bride
Gryffon said:
I am certainly interested in giving it a go, though I am entirely uncertain as to what to offer up! :)
Edit: I might have missed over it, but are Sidereals here not using Loom 2.0? I'd prefer that, mind you, because I think Loom 2.0 got a lot of things really wrong, and the Errata at least has most of the charms in workable order.

Other than that, ideas abound for Terrestrial Akuma and, of course, the Bride
Loom 2.0?
knightfall said:
Gryffon said:
I am certainly interested in giving it a go, though I am entirely uncertain as to what to offer up! :)
Edit: I might have missed over it, but are Sidereals here not using Loom 2.0? I'd prefer that, mind you, because I think Loom 2.0 got a lot of things really wrong, and the Errata at least has most of the charms in workable order.

Other than that, ideas abound for Terrestrial Akuma and, of course, the Bride
Loom 2.0?
Sorry, I was TOTALLY confusing this game with another game I was considering on GiantITP.

When it rains, it pours Exalted:P

I think my preference, then, is for a Sidereal--Bronze, Gold, Brass, Iron, or otherwise.
knightfall said:
NoisyCricket said:
Speaking of which, I assumed you would handle that however you wanted. If you prefer, I guess I could make one, but I prefer being surprised. >.>
Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something. :twisted:

Do you have anything worked out for his previous Exaltation and mate, or should I have those be surprises, too?
I honestly kind of like the idea of being surprised by those as plot hooks. That said, if it's too much work, I can take a crack at it. :)
Decisions, decisions.

I'd almost had my Abyssal built completely. How many necrotech/surgeon junkies are here already?
So, we've got a group of Abyssals and a group of Infernals...any hints yet as to the shape of the third?
Looks like we have quite a few players interested in Lunars, but at the moment it's still up in the air, as many people haven't decided much beyond that, if they've even settled definitively on an Exalt type.
I have a concept for a Dusk caste, known as the Broken-Winged Nightingale.

In the First Age, the Nightingale was a transhumanist Dawn caste known as the Shining Solar Eagle, who foresaw a golden era for humanity in moving beyond the merely human. He commissioned the forging of a great number of artifacts that he implanted into his body or even used to replace his limbs wholesale. Piece by piece, he became less a man and more a machine and, some say, he never fell to the madness that the other Solars fell to, thanks to an artifact he forged from a fragment of Malfeas himself.

What is known about him and his inventions was lost in the Usurpation, as the Eagle sealed himself and a small army of cyborg followers away in a grand sleeping chamber of his own design. However, the traitors would find him even there and, to protect himself and his followers as best he could, he detonated one of the essence generators meant to provide life support for him and his worshipers during their sleep. Sealed beneath a mountain of rock, the Eagle and his disciples entered a doomed slumber.

One by one, bit by bit, the machines supporting the men and women who had followed the Eagle into the mountain gave in. In an effort to conserve resources, they shut down and let those within suffocate peacefully in their sleep. Year by year, the numbers within dwindled at a more or less steady rate until, as the 999th passed on, a shadowland formed at the site of this horrible loss. Drop by drop, essence reserves ran dry as the generators could no longer draw energy from the twisted dragon-lines of the Underworld.

Inch by inch, the Eagle drew closer to his demise but, not long before that fateful moment, a ghost chanced upon the tomb through the Underworld and the eyes of the Deathlords swiftly turned to this new prize...

No-one knows entirely what happened next. What is known is that The First and Forsaken Lion lived up to his name and arrived on the scene before his rivals. He collected every scrap of technology that could be gathered from the site before retreating back to the Underworld, with the sarcophagus of the Eagle in tow. Some believe that the Eagle was turned in his sleep, vivisected on the tables of the Lion's necrosurgeons and rebuilt as an Abyssal. Others think that he was rebuilt as a necrotech construct experimentally designed to contain a tainted Solar shard. Others still suggest that it is more likely that the Lion simply captured the Eagle's escaping shard and turned it.

The result, whatever the case, was the Broken-Winged Nightingale. Remembering only the First Age, and even that only vaguely, the Nightingale himself does not know whether he is a reincarnation, mockery or revived god-king. All he knows is that he feels a strange loyalty to the Lion that replaces a feeling he once knew of serving a far greater liege.

Broken in body, mind and spirit, the Nightingale looks like a hideous wreck of a once great man. His body is a strangely attractive and hideous mixture of soulsteel, bandages and the occasional patch of grey flesh. Implanted into his back, a pair of beautiful golden wings are now replaced with two skeletal frames of dull, grey metal, on which hang a set of mottled, dead black feathers, torn from some giant bird. Around him, he carries an aura of mystery, of cold and emotionless violence, and empty, distant sadness.

Sorry, I was listening to the Repo soundtrack a few minutes ago and this popped into my head.


And now he has an inspiration image.

2nd Edit: Feedback appreciated.

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