Anathema Ascendant: Now Recruiting!

Flickering Claw was born to a small tribe in the South. When she was in her early twenties, a monster began to stalk her tribe, killing them off one by one. Determined not to let this monster terrorize and kill off all of her people, she went out to try and stalk it, taking nothing more than a spear. For days she wandered, trying to find any sign of it's passage, and while she did find tracks on occasion, they always led her away.

One night, while she was trying to follow the latest set of tracks, the full moon shone brightly on her, and she found her senses sharpened, and was able to finally see that the tracks she was following were a mere diversion. Filled with a sense of urgency, she knew she needed to get back to the tribe fast, and before she knew what happened, found herself on all fours, moving much faster than she ever imagined. When she got to the tribe it all seemed peaceful, but then she noticed a figure crouching near one of the tents, who suddenly began to glow a sickly green color, in a blink on an eye she was there, towering over the monster, her hands, now claws, tearing at the monster, and a silvery glow surrounding her.

Terrified of her new Anathema powers, the tribesmen turned her away, but did thank her for disposing of the other Anathema.

She has since traveled the world, and was greeted by some Lunars who taught her what she needed to know, and tattooed her.

It was during those travels that she came upon another monster. One she's trying to redeem, so as to try and give Creation a better chance to survive, her Abyssal mate.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_04/Were_Cheetah_by_Magolobo.jpg.605e91799c6225e5c292e8f4085e98e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_04/Were_Cheetah_by_Magolobo.jpg.605e91799c6225e5c292e8f4085e98e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Were_Cheetah_by_Magolobo.jpg
    91.3 KB · Views: 202
Well, the good news I guess is I may be abandoning the warstrider. Don't really have any *other* reason to dabble in Melee, which makes the justification rough.
Defiler to NoisyCricket's Scourge

I feel a lot of her color would come from whatever direction we tend to be set in so her title and other details are a bit fluid at the moment.

Caste: Defiler

Motivation: Gain power and knowledge (general motivation to be tweaked for campaign if desired)

Urge: Cecelynian

Urge details: Rule the x direction of creation by the tenants of Cecelyne's heirarchy.

A court mystic forced out by a cruel twist of fate, but she vowed not to be forgotten. Now vaulted to the head of a growing cult she wields the power of the Yozi. Her ambition, to be a great sorceress queen. Her task, to rule over the people of the x, imposing upon them the hierarchy of Cecelyne and the worship of the Yozi. Her only true subject outside of the cult is the Scourge Armand von Emeric whom she tries to control and protect.

I picture her as a very dainty and somewhat short woman of beauty. She moves with a courtly manner and an unnerving determination for one of her stature. Very controlled and calculating, she truly strives to make the best life for her subjects, though they might not always appreciate the strictures of her rule.
I'm interested in playing an Abyssal. Drafts of her charsheet and backstory follow!

Name The Merciless Trail of Blood and Tears

Concept Psycho Murderer

Motivation Destroy all life before the Deathlords do

Caste Midnight


Self-indulgent, sadistic, terror loving, bloodthirsty. Her utmost disrespect of human life is more than obvious in her every day actions. “Some healthy murdering is an excellent muscle stretching in the morning and a good way to keep fitâ€, she has been heard repeating time and time again.


Strength ooo

Dexterity ooooo

Stamina o

Charisma oooo

Manipulation ooo

Appearance oooo

Perception oo

Intelligence ooo

Wits oo



Martial Arts

F Melee ooooo GrandDK ooo 3.5bp


War ooo

F Integrity

F Performance ooo

F Presence ooooo Intimidation o 2.5bp

F Resistance ooo

F Survival



Lore o

F Medicine o

F Occult ooooo 2bp

F Athletics ooo






Linguistics o



Socialize ooo


Compassion o

Convinction o

Temperance oooo

Valor ooo

Willpower ooooo o

Essence o


Artifact oooo Shriek of Clockwork Ending (Soulsteel Deadly Transformation Armor)

Artifact ooo Merciless Cry of the Damned (Soulsteel Grand Daiklave)

Manse oo ???

Whispers o


+ Joy (aka Blasphemer of the Flawless Arrow)


Melee I

Five Shadow Feint 2xDV 130 Reduce enemy DV

Elegant Flowing Deflection 2 131 Ignore Parry DV penalties against 1 attack

Vengeful Riposte 3 131 Counterattack

Broken Toys Riposte 1+Dam 131 Disarm

Eye of the Tempest 5W 131 No DV penalty for attacking

Death Deflecting Technique 4 132 Perfect Parry

Hundred Razor Circle 5 132 Attack anyone within 3m

Presence I

Dread Lord's Demeanor 7 145 Enemy must roll Valor to attack you

Heart-Stopping Mien 7W 145 -2 and Essence unsoakable damage when attacked

Killing Words Technique (W) 145 Victim of social attack pays HL instead of WP

And backstory

Her human name was Candy. Who names their daughter Candy? She could just kill them for that…Oh, wait…She did… Well, anyway, she would do just about anything to get rid of that name..ANYTHING.

But, let’s go a bit further back in the past. She was an only child…repeatedly. Somehow, other siblings making the mistake of leaving her mother’s womb, never made it to childhood.

“I told you, I want a SWORD to play with, not a BABY! What can you do with a baby? You cannot cut with it and it breaks if you throw it at someone!â€

Anyhow, it seems that her parents, along with her extended family, accompanied by more-than-a-few people around the village, got a bit tired of finding dead bodies all over the place every time she’d go out…A little girl here, a cat there…Seemed that other life forms did not really agree with her.

“Natural selection…If they cannot run fast and survive some stabbing, how do they expect to go ahead in life?â€

In any case, it’s kinda hard to defend yourself against a wild mob, attacking you while you sleep. Good thing she always kept her sword on her at all times. Dear mother and father were leading the ill-devised attack (of course- who else would have organized something as sloppy as that?) and their heads were the first to decorate her bedroom floor. But, you can defend yourself so much when you’re a mortal and vastly outnumbered.

So, in between a pile of dead bodies, she lay wounded in her own house, sensing life leaving her body, thinking: “Oh, well, shit happens…..†, as the attackers kept coming…Until..Black smoke…A blast…Bodies evaporated (mmmm, good, no burials needed, or cleaning up the mess), a dark, tall person, a talk about clinging on to life..or un-life…changing name (say no more!)…killing…powers… Sounded good…REALLY good!

Once upon a time, long ago, when Anathema played with powers beyond comprehension and ruled over Creation, there existed a mad Unclean (as Creation would come to know of them) who pondered various unnatural things and performed unsavory experiments upon mortals and dragonblooded alike.

He was eventually slain as were others of his ilk when Creation rose up under the Dragonblooded against the tyrants.

But his experiments... those were not all gotten rid of, not for trying by the dragonblooded. For even by the standards of his 'peers', some of said Unclean's experiments were taboo to them.... and thus he hid them in ways that shouldn't be possible, and yet were.

In due time, several millennia (and quite a number of earth shattering cataclysms) later... one of the Unclean's laboratory was uncovered by the righteous children of the Realm. While much of the research were deemed unspeakable and quite blasphemous, one of the experiments and research was eyed by the Dragonblooded with surprise and greed.

After all, what dragonblooded wouldn't want descendants with increasing purity in their bloodline, no who or what was in their ancestry?

And thus a certain Great House utilized the research to enhance a single child before even her birth.

Romanatali Tepet was born in Realm year 715, on the first day after Calibration. From her childhood, it was clear that Romanatali was gifted by the Elemental Dragons. It came as no surprise to anyone when she exalted at the prodigal age of seven as she was sent off to primary school.

Despite her parent's aspects of fire and air, Romanatali's aspect was very strongly Wood.

With the ease that came of being a dragonblooded, Romanatali graduated from primary school with flying colors. Like her sisters and quite a number of her cousins, she opted for the House of Bells, where she graduated with honors.

Since then, she has wandered Creation as a knight errant. Fixing things. Righting wrongs. And making sure that those beholden to the Realm are protected from things without...

In the years since she left the Blessed Isle, Romanatali has seen things that she's fairly certain few others back home had. She's also done things that she's certain that should word get out would destroy her social standing in the Realm and possibly result in her being called a traitor.

After all, she has learned to compromise. To work with evil against greater evils. Standing with the moon anathema against fey attacks upon the threshold. Working with... strange beings who claim to be exalted, but looked nothing like normal exalted or anathema against demons.

But beyond compromising, Romanatali has learned the fine arts of public relations and how to frame things in social contexts to make it seem... utterly reasonable for what happened.

It likely helps also that she has a 'pet' fey oathed to obey her commands and wishes running interference with those who would besmirch her reputation and honor.
Name: Arishat, The Man-Eater

Concept: Creepy Lunar Witch

Player: Luck

Motivation: Destroy all of the Monstrances of Celestial Portion

Caste: No Moon

Her mother and father were missionaries for the Cult of the Illuminated. When she was still a young girl her family traveled to the edge of Creation to spread the Cult’s doctrine to the “barbarians†near the bordermarches. One of the tribes actually listened. A church and school were built, agriculture cultivated, and general “civilized†ways of living were adopted. And so, the village became a small oasis of civility, and worship of the sun-touched, at the edge of the world.

It wasn’t until several years later, when Arishat was in her early teens, that intermittent problems cropped up from small bands of wyld creatures. The natives, however, were still rather proficient in martial affairs and fended off the rabble consistently. Eventually though, these creatures’ masters became fed up and launched a serious assault against the village. A small army of wyld mutants and their “beasts†descended upon the village. Though she was whisked away to hide in the church with the other women and children, it wasn’t sufficient. The tribesmen were not enough to thwart the attack, and soon the doors to the church were broken down as well.

One of the few standing to protect the children, Arishat’s mother was the first to be cut down. Engulfed by rage, despair, and devotion; Arishat was graced by Luna and entered a terrible frenzied fugue. Battling back the enemy forces single handedly, she chased them all the way across the bordermarches and into the Wyld, where she killed the last one.

Alone, confused, and frightened, Arishat wandered the Wyld for nearly 2 weeks. The destructive energies warped both her mind and body during that period. Finally, the Silver Pact found her. Bordering on chimerism, Arishat was extremely lucky (or, unlucky) that her rescuer (condemner) opted for immediate tattooing, rather than extermination.

Lochar said:
Decisions, decisions.
I'd almost had my Abyssal built completely. How many necrotech/surgeon junkies are here already?
I was considering it, but I couldn't really get the character sorted in my head. As far as I know I was the only one.

On groups- Renegade Abyssals could work with the right kinds of Lunars, couldn't they? 'Cause I think we have a few of each.

And BACKGROUND for the Voice that Speaks of Shadows at Midday!

The child that became the Voice that Speaks of Shadows at Midday was a native of Thorns in the years before the invasion by the Mask of Winters. Born during the wars over the succession, his family barely managed to stay alive, eventually settling in cheap accomodation in one of the less salubrious sectors of the city.

His parents, simple, devout craftsmen both, were threatened by thugs affiliated with the Guild*- a simple protection racket, which they dutifully paid, allowing them to get on peacefully with their trade and with raising their son as a good Immaculate.

They raised him too well. He began to dream of joining the Order, and made a point of studying the Texts, as well as honing his body. The Noble Insights show that one should not strive to surpass one's lot in life, and the adolescent boy took this lesson to heart and began to speak out against the criminals. He began to get some support from other locals, despite the frequent beatings he received, and the thugs realised something was wrong.

The young boy himself was tough- surprisingly so, even with his penchant for the martial arts- so, after one particularly vicious attack, the thugs decided to escalate the conflict. Not to martyr the boy and give those who listened to him a symbol, but to break his will by murdering his family. This was just over four years ago.

The plan worked- to a degree. Shocked at the brutality, the other local people retreated and ceased their defiance, but the young man who was to become the Voice now had nothing to lose. His speeches became more fiery, his hatred for those who oppress the weak more vehement, the fights between him and the thugs more and more violent. The confrontation would surely have ended in death for one or both parties. The intervention of the Mask of Winters changed all that.

When the young Voice's militia unit faced the foe, he was in the front rank. His comrades stood firm against the first wave of zombies, but then came one they could not hope to stand against- one of the Mask's Abyssal Exalted.

Beating aside his guard easily, the Deathknight casually pierced him through the throat. His thread on the Loom of Fate began to fray before its time, Fate itself subverted by the actions of the Underworld. Then came the voice.

"Life can be yours once more. Join me, and together we can break the shackles of life and free all people from tyranny- forever."

So persuasive was the voice, so seductive the message of a continuation of the crusade, that he accepted. Among the bodies of the fallen, the wound on his neck sealed and the black disc of a Midnight Caste began to weep blood on his forehead.

Taken to the Mask of Winters and initiated into the secret arts of the Abyss, the Voice that Speaks of Shadows at Midday was truly born. His faith was strong- all tyranny would be ended when the living and the dead alike made peace with the universe and left for Oblivion. He spread the word of his master, both in Thorns- he took particular pleasure in using his new-found powers to smash a group of rebels and criminals in his old home district- and elsewhere, spreading a peculiarly Immaculate form of death-cult, where some heroic martyrs delay their passage along the Path to help their descendants, and where the final apotheosis was to join the Dragons in the Void.

Slowly, however, through the looks in a hundred faces, he began to see the truth. His soulsteel-armoured form was, far from the holy liberator he had been told, the iron fist of oppression around the throat of a whole nation. Eventually, his mind was decided.

In the bright light of midday, when the Deathlord's servants were at their least active, he took his armour and his weapons and fled.

*I'll change that if the Guild don't do protection rackets, but it's a way to make money, no?

Couple of quick points:

1. I assumed the Guild run protection rackets; if not, that can be changed.

2. He's now going to have a pair of Soulsteel Razor Claws. If Knightfall wants, he could use the idea I had where the Mask of Winters is a complete BASTARD and gave the Voice a pair made out of his parents. Please don't tell me if you decide to use that.

Modified sheet up shortly- swapping Melee to Martial Arts, changing some Virtues, and a couple of tweaks to skills.


Name: The Voice that Speaks of Shadows at Midday

Concept: Dark Messiah

Player: MorkaisChosen

Motivation: Cast down the tyrannical rule of the Deathlords

Caste: Midnight

Anima: An angelic being bound in thorny vines (because it's cool, the irony picks up if he's from Thorns)




[ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]





[ ] Archery--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Martial Arts----[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Melee----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] War-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

ZENITH (Caste Abilities)

[ ] Integrity------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Performance---[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Presence------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Resistance----[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Survival-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[ ] Craft----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Investigation--[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Lore----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Medicine------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Occult--------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Athletics------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Awareness----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Dodge--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Larceny-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stealth--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Bureaucracy---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Linguistics-----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Ride-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Sail-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Socialize------[X][][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]




Flaws and Merits




Cult [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Whispers [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Artifact [X][X][X][X][ ] (Soulsteel Superheavy Plate, "Shroud of Eternal War")

Artifact [X][X][ ][ ][ ] (Soulsteel Razor Claws, "Shards of Misery")

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]




1. Ravaging Blow

2. Foe-Blinding Jab

3. 1st Integrity Excellency

4. Eternal Enmity Approach

5. 2nd Performance Excellency

6. 2nd Presence Excellency

7. Injury-Absorbing Discipline

8. Spirit-Hardened Frame

9. Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference

10. Armour-Calling Kata

11. 1st resistance Excellency

12. Dread Lord's Demeanour

13. Wounds Mean Nothing

BONUS Ox-Body x4 (-0 x2, (-1 and 2x-2) x2)




Liberator: Speed 5 Accuracy +6 (Pool 12) Damage +5L (Total 8L) Defence +2 (Parry DV 4) Rate 3 Steals 4 motes on damage




[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }




Compassion Conviction

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X][X][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }

Temperance Valor

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][ ][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }


Dodge DV 2


Dodge MDV 7


Parry MDV 4




B21 L19 A17




Powers: Raise Zombies (5 motes each, automatic at 11+ Motes), kill Mortals with 4 dice Aggravated for 5m




~0 [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]

~1 [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ]

~2 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

[X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~4 [X]

Incapacitated [X]




[X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

Personal 18|____

Peripheral 44|____

Committed 13




[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]


Flawed Virtue:






Hates the Guild


Hates Tyrants








47 spent: 24 on Charms

3 to raise Temperance to 2

5 to raise Presence to 4

7 to raise Resistance to 5

3 on Artifact Background

5 to raise Melee to 4

3 spare at the moment.

BPs: 14 on Essence, 1 to raise Resistance to 4.

I changed a few charms around, too.

One more question: the rules say you can't have a background above 3 without spending BPs. Is it acceptable to buy 3 dots of Artifact with Background points and the last with XP, or should I shuffle things round again?
Before we can post the joint fanfic, I need to know if we'll use color codes for players or for languages.

If players, I'm call dibs on RED

If languages, I'd suggest this:

OODDDD Skytongue

008000 Forest tongue

00FF00 Rivertongue

FF0000 Flametongue

0000FF Seatongue

BF8000 Low Realm

FF00FF High Realm

FFBF00 Old Realm
Oh yeah. Languages. And all those other bits I forgot about.

This is where inexperience bites me in the backside. As a Satrapy, would Thorns speak Low Realm or Riverspeak? It makes sense to pick the other one up as a second language, but I really need to know which one's native.

Also, the Flaw for Wounds mean Nothing is Conviction- can't be used if I'm acting against Motivation or a negative Intimacy.

Also also, a bit that should be appended to the background:

Since leaving the service of the Mask of Winters, the Voice has not stopped moving. He walks Creation, preaching his new creed of defiance and destroying oppressors of all kinds- whether they be a bandit chief demanding tribute or a local god that refuses to bring rains without a sacrifice. Stories have begun to spread in less devoutly Immaculate areas of the Voice of the Wilderness, a vengeful spectre that stalks from the night to destroy those who place themselves above others, and a desperate few offer prayers into the night that he will save them from their servitude. Where this will lead, only time can tell...

Motivation-wise, I realise this doesn't quite seem to fit- except that he has no idea what to do to cast down the Deathlords. The thing that keeps him going is that goal, but until someone gives him a little guidance he doesn't even know where to start. Of course, if he got together with some other Renegades and maybe some Sun King Seneschals and Gold Faction Sidereals...
Okay so here is mine (And I can go either way Renegade or Loyalist with it. But at the moment this is so renegady, no)

Character Name: Dispairing Secret Trinity Song

Gender: Female

Concept: Lost Priestess of Oblivion

Caste: Midnight

Motivation: To Find out who's voice taunts her in Creation.

I was a daughter of a blacksmithing father, but I had no mother. She died in childbirth, for as I understand it, my birth was unusual. In fact when you have two other sisters with very similar qualities, one can only wonder how mother carried all of us. Yes I am one of three, in a set of triplets. We’re like twins except, there are three of us. We grew up in a hard environment. Father blamed us for mother’s demise. Eventually as we grew up it became difficult for father to tell us apart. So, as inappropriate as it was, we had to wear clothes that revealed our navel and thighs, for upon each of us had a mark. My mark was a cobalt set of three triangles, my sisters Ruby and Esmeralda each had a different mark, one crimson diamond for Ruby and two jade green circles for Esmeralda.

We lived in a highly religious area, we were outside of the Realm’s influence and isolated from what Creation knows as highly civilized, so we worshiped local deities. Deities such as gods of female love, gods of crops, and gods of the forests, these were the beings we worshipped. While it looks like a myriad of religions in fact it was quite simple. As long as we worshipped the gods and the servants of the gods we would know peace. This was perhaps my greatest downfall, I actually believed it. I was a fervent worshipper while none of my sisters were as strong in prayer and faith as such as I. But there came a time when not even my strong prayers would save anyone.

A stranger had come to our village and as such we were very interested in her. She was alone and we knew her to not be from around here. Her skin was flawless and porcelain, her hair was golden like the sun, and her weapon was strange, a large tube like weapon, she called an essence cannon. Strange indeed and my father wanted to know how it worked. I on the other hand didn’t like her. She was drawing away the prayers to our divine ones. She was a strange woman and was looking for something or she said. One day I approached her and before I could do anything she seduced me and took me to her room, where she played with me. It was annoying how easily she manipulated my feelings, but I couldn’t fight it. As I lay against her she told me one thing, she told me that my village was doomed, and that I should go with her. I refused that day, though I had considered it, I think she had made me fall in love.

Still it was a week later, and my rendezvous with her were becoming frequent, until -they- came. They were the dragon blooded we had so heard about, and they were after what they called an Anathema. Little did we understand what that was until they started a fight right in the middle of the village. The strange woman that had come strangely happened to not be the Anathema they sought. Still it was a strange creature that had posed as our god of female love. But slowly they destroyed our village. I tried to stop them, the village was dying I had cried to them. And before I knew it I was held hostage by my goddess. The woman laughed at the dragon blooded assured that a hostage would save her, but that didn’t matter. They drove a spear through me and into the goddess. I shuddered as I felt myself slide down the long spear, and my goddess with me. My sisters watched in horror and in a moment of surprise silver power engulfed Ruby while an Emerald green aura enveloped Esmerelda. In a matter of moments my sisters and my lover destroyed the Dragonblooded.

I laid in the dirt my body laying on that of the woman and our blood mingled. A voice came to me in my dying. Promising me power in exchange for a few things, as I laid there dying only my anger at being sacrificed to kill an Anathema brought my answer. For my new masters whom I would worship I will be their sword, their weapon. And in that moment only a cry of horror reached my ears as the woman that had seduced me watched as I was engulfed by black essence.

They tried to get me to go with them, but I had made a promise and a promise I followed. I left the village, it was burning and my sisters and would be lover were leaving as well, I just chose to leave before them. They wouldn’t find me, or at least I had hoped so. It was many days perhaps months before I finally and painfully arrived at the Shadowland of the Lover taunted all the way seemingly by the very sun, it was here at that shadowland that I was introduced to the Lover and later the Neverborn who empower me. And yet a part of me regrets, it is this regret that grows and creates a divergence in my purpose a purpose that was once stronger than any other, and it is this Divergence that allows others to tempt me with freedom. The Whispers warn me of pain, but deep inside I desire to know, what taunts my days in Creation and why does it bother me so! Dreams haunt my times at mediatation and rest, dreams of perhaps a life before, of a powerful but overly compassionate woman, a woman whose charismatic ways endeared people to her. These dreams vary from time and place and only so far one showed of me dying a painful death at a large party.

Somewhere out there, my sisters hunt for me, directed by the Sidereal that had once been my Lover, a part of me hopes we meet again, another part of me fears that we will have to fight.
Pet peeve I just have to bring up:

Who's, Whose, Their, They're, There.

Who's: Contracted form of Who Is, as in "Who's this?".

Whose: Possessive term, as in "Whose hat is this?"

Their: Possessive term, as in "Their car."

They're: Contracted form of They Are, as in "They're over there."

There: Used to direct someone to something, as in "They're over there."

With that out the way, back to the Anathema.
Next step: Appearance!

The Voice that Speaks of Shadows at Midday is, physically, an 18-year-old man of middling height, but broad-shouldered and built with compact muscle. His porcelain skin has no blemishes, and his shoulder-length hair is- since the Black Exaltation came upon him- the glossy black of a raven's wing. He usually wears a long, nondescript brown cloak over his soulsteel armour- a jet black, barbed shell with the usual faint impressions of faces that moans in utter desperation when he is struck.

His weapons, a pair of soulsteel tiger claws, are embellished with embossed thorns. The left claw sobs quietly, while the right is normally silent but yells in anguished rage when the Voice attacks.

(I've never been all that good with looks, but that should do.)

Also, one for knightfall- first post says I'm interested in a Loyalist Daybreak, but that's no longer the case. I'm considering bashing out a Dusk, though.

EDIT: This is roughly the look I'm going for, except no helmet. The spikes'd be small enough that it just looks weird when he's wrapped up in the cloak.

EDIT 2: Oops, soulsteel's black, not grey.
I have changed everything about my pg :P

here it is:

Name: Duke of Dark Elegies Foretold

Motivation: Find Inspiration For Bloody Poetry


Born from a particular noble family, he always had everything he wanted.

Since tender age, he grew up spoilt, superb and arrogant.

He cared not about who or what was around him, but only about his poetry.

He passed many days searching in vain for the inspiration.

Eventually, the city controlled by his family fell under siege by a merciless barbarian horde, that, as soon as they forced their way through the walls, slaughtered half of the popolation.

That very day the Duke was walking, searching for inspiration by walking around the streets among the corpses of the citizens.

Yet, raptured by the sight, he didn't notice a heap of bowels and entrails on his way, upon which he stumbled.

In that very moment he had a flash of inspiration.

Seeing that perfect picture of chopped bones, skulls splitted in halves and corporeal fluids squirting around he understood where his poetic mood should have taken its inspiration.

Overwhelmed in a creative burst, he wrote his first opera, "Ode to a broken collar-bone".

No doubt, the Gods themselves envied his genius!

But, as fast as it came, the inspiration faded away.

And so he started to make the inspiration by his own.

Crushing, destroy and maiming, he wrote pages and pages of poems.

Quickly his operas raised to success, featuring in thathers and public squares packed and crowded of faithful enthusiasts.

It definitely helped that those citizens that did not appreciate tended to become the very subjects of it...

Character Sheet:

[ ] Strenght-------â—â—â—â—â—â—

[ ] Dexterity------â—â—â—

[ ] Stamina -------â—â—â—â—

[ ] Perception-----â—â—â—

[ ] Intelligence---â—â—

[ ] Wits-----------â—â—â—â—

[ ] Charisma-------â—

[ ] Manipulation---â—â—â—

[ ] Appearance-----â—â—â—



[X] Archery--------

[X] Martial Arts--- â—â—â—â—â— Spec: Grand Goremaul â—â—

[X] Melee---------- â—â—â—

[X] Thrown--------- â—â—â—

[X] War------------


[ ] Integrity------

[X] Performance---- â—â—â—

[X] Presence------- â—â—â—

[X] Resistance----- â—â—â—

[ ] Survival-------


[ ] Craft----------

[ ] Investigation--

[ ] Lore-----------

[ ] Medicine-------

[ ] Occult---------


[X] Athletics------ â—â—â—â—â—

[ ] Awareness------ â—â—â—

[ ] Dodge----------

[ ] Larceny--------

[ ] Stealth--------


[ ] Bureaucracy----

[X] Linguistics---- â—â—â—

[ ] Ride----------- â—

[ ] Sail-----------

[ ] Socialize------


Artifact â—â—â—â— Jade Perfected Kata Bracer (oadenol pag 42, +essence to acc, dam, def, soak and 2 to rate, 16m)

Artifact â—â—â— Soulsteel Grand GoreMaul (8m)

Artifact â—â—â— Soulsteel Breastplate

Whispers â—â—â—â—â—







Willpower â—â—â—â—â— â—â—â—â—

Essence: 4


-Corpse Might Surge (Increasing Strength Exercise)

-Headstones Flung Like Pebbles

-Blade Summoning Gesture (1m)


AM (6): pag 203 DB MEP

-Force Of The Mountain (2m, +essence at damage)

-Unmoving Mountain Stance (3m, anti grapple, anti knocked, + hiding)

-Stone Dragon's Skin (2m, +AM to soak)

-Earth Dragon Form (4m, +AM to soak and hardness)

-Shattering Fist Strike (3m, x2 raw damage on objects)

-Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique (special 1wp, destroy weapons on parry)

BP & Experience Spent:

1 bp for "large" mutation

2 bp to raise MA from 3 to 5

2 bp to raise athletics from 3 to 5

1 bp for MA's spec

3 bp to raise valor from 4 to 5

3 bp to raise convinction from 3 to 4

3 bp for whispers bg


16 XP to raise essence from 2 to 3

24 XP to raise essence from 3 to 4

3 XP to raise bg from 3 to 4

6 XP to raise bg from 3 to 5

1 px left

PS: i have taken the "large" merit/mutation. Make me know if I cant pick it :P

Wow. I'm impressed.

Also, minor change to the background- the Voice was now born two years before Thorns tried to invade the River Kingdoms, to get him up to the right age at the invasion of the Mask.

I'll have a look at typing up his philosophy at some point, but it's definitely going to be a blend of Immaculate and Abyssal.
Quick general notes (I'll get into specific characters/players next post):

Current Tally:

Loyalist Abyssal Circle:

Axelgear: Abyssal (loyalist, Dusk caste)

CrazyIvan: Abyssal (loyalist... ish, Moonshadow Caste)

Melcairiel: Abyssal (loyalist... ish, Midnight caste)

Sherwood: Abyssal (loyalist, Daybreak caste)

Xarvh: Abyssal (loyalist...ish, Day caste)

Loyalist Infernal Coven:

Feantari: Green Sun Prince (Defiler caste)

Noisy Cricket: Green Sun Prince (Scourge caste)


Lochar: Abyssal

Karregan: Abyssal (Dusk caste)

MorakisChosen: Abyssal (renegade, Midnight caste)

Myllinnia: Abyssal (Midnight caste)

Grey: Green Sun Prince (Fiend caste)

Luck: Lunar (No Moon caste)

Shadow Red Claws: Lunar (Sun King Seneschal, Full Moon caste)

Gryffon: Sidereal

Haku: Terrestrial (Wood aspect)

While I assume, at the moment, that Lochar, Karregan, Grey, and possibly Myllinnia may be loyalists to their causes, the rest is a pretty eclectic bunch. It looks like you guys are leaning towards the redemption route overall, but if you'd rather be purely fighting against the Abyssals, Infernals, and what-have-you, please, speak up.

Loyalist Abyssals: You're a motley crew, and it looks like we'll be pulling you from various Deathlords, in which case you will probably have been assembled at the behest of the Neverborn, with various Deathlords having been commanded to send a Deathknight or two.

Abyssals in General: I expect much of this campaign to take place in Creation. Some in the Underworld, yes, but mainly creation. I recommend picking up a hearthstone or a hearthstone amulet, though, of course, you can always slaughter extras to get your motes if that's your preference.

Celestials: If you don't include anything about your First Age incarnations/previous incarnations in your character profile, I can and will come up with them for you; likewise with your mate/previous incarnations of your mates.

Colors: I'd prefer not to use different colors for different characters or languages, but that's just me. If the majority of players prefers that, we can go with that.

Intimacies: As these characters are technically post-Exaltation, I won't cap your Intimacies at your Compassion, but at Compassion + Willpower, though you're free to have fewer Intimacies.

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