Anathema Ascendant: Now Recruiting!

knightfall said:
If you'd like me to provide some of the major personages I plan to include among each group, you're more than welcome to ask me and use those.
I wouldn't mind knowing this. I can think of several demons in the various books that would work, but having someone connected to the plot might work too.

As for the rest, I can come up with a sibling or two, and I can certainly have a lost love intimacy toward the girl who scorned him.
Did you have any thoughts as to where in creation the loyalist infernal group might start out (plans or is it mostly up to us)?
Feantari said:
Did you have any thoughts as to where in creation the loyalist infernal group might start out (plans or is it mostly up to us)?
The Blessed Isle is the least likely, and unless you're strongly inclined towards the West, it probably won't be there, either, but I'm equally willing to go North, South, East, or Scavenger. Any preferences of your own?
knightfall said:
Feantari said:
Did you have any thoughts as to where in creation the loyalist infernal group might start out (plans or is it mostly up to us)?
The Blessed Isle is the least likely, and unless you're strongly inclined towards the West, it probably won't be there, either, but I'm equally willing to go North, South, East, or Scavenger. Any preferences of your own?
South or North sound most interesting to us. Armand is probably from the north, and I can go either way with the defiler.
Hrm. I'll think about it and get back to you. Also, I'll do a quick basic writeup of the homebrewed Infernal NPCs I'll be using.

Are you particularly interested in an Infernal Monster Sifu, a sorcery mentor, or both?
knightfall said:
Hrm. I'll think about it and get back to you. Also, I'll do a quick basic writeup of the homebrewed Infernal NPCs I'll be using.
Are you particularly interested in an Infernal Monster Sifu, a sorcery mentor, or both?
Well, I'm only going Infernal Monster, so that one. :)
Name: Bleak Void of Scars

Exalt Type and Caste: Abyssal Daybreak

Motivation: Turn Lookshy into a shadowland that outshines Thorns

Background: Bleak Void of Scars was a very successful surgeon even before his death and Exaltation. He worked in the city of Chirascuro and made a small fortune by completing operations on a scale almost unheard of. Unknown to him, Fate had in store for him a grand destiny, one that would see him bring back from the brink of death a man that would reclaim a large portion of the South in the name of the Scarlet Dynasty. Heaven even dispatched a Sidereal to nudge Fate in his direction by applying destinies to him.

However, this was not to be. One day in the hospital he worked in, a young woman came in and spoke with him for a few minutes, asking questions about his life. With how pretty she was, the man known as Isshin spoke in great detail.

When she was assured of who he was, the pretty woman shifted into a monstrous beast and attacked, spilling Isshin's blood everywhere. As the last light faded from his eyes, the woman leaned down and licked his throat's blood. "Sorry dear, but I need your destiny, and you, well, don't."

And when he died, the world froze. A man's voice filled his ears, asking if this was how he would like to die. Killed by a beast of a woman, left to perish with not even his pride. It didn't even take a moment to accept the Black Exaltation, and a surge of death and life filled him as he offered himself up to the Void.

Waking as the woman walked away, he called out to her, full of power. Shocked, she turned around and moved to attack once more, before nearly rebounding from herself. "Mate?" she asked, before fleeing.

The nameless Abyssal still hasn't quite figured out why she said that word, but he hasn't forgotten her, nor the pain he owes her for his death.

Giving his name to the Void, Bleak Void of Scars follows his Deathlord master Walker in Darkness with a zeal not seen in most Deathknights, as he has been given a second life, and a new direction for his skills in fixing bodies.

Scars trials for necromancy that Walker put him through were painful, as benefited a Deathknight. For the station of melancholy, Scars was made to walk the streets of Chirascuro once more, his body remade from his wounding by the woman who had killed him. After hundreds and thousands of people had seen his torn apart body, Walker seemingly abandoned him to the mobs that had gathered to destroy the powerful walking dead. Once he had given up hope completely, Walker recovered the Abyssal with promises of great power through his misery.

The trial of memory was the life he took in the body of Mylinda. Working through her body, learning the secrets of the woman he had pined for his entire mortal life, he learned that the body is mere flesh, where Essence is truth.

Stasis was learned easily, watching the unchanging lives of ghosts as they moved about an unending life. On the Stygian Isle, a ghostly farmer would never leave his farm, and continued to do the same thing, for the past few hundred years. Nothing changes.

Inflicting death came easy to the Abyssal. The charm of Life-Mocking Assembly was taught to Scars, and he used the combination of that and a rather large village, creating a shadowland out of the deaths. He left the oldest woman there alive, locking her in her house, with the bodies of four generations of her family hammering against her door.

Decay is Scars body. Knowing the charm Ivory Whirlwind Restoration, but only allowed to destroy his body. Scars body is a mess of rips, tears, and open wounds that bleed nothing, the rememberance of his first death by an unknown Lunar mate.


Physical: 6

Strength: â—â—â—

Dexterity: â—â—â—â—

Stamina: â—â—

Social : 4

Charisma: â—â—â—â—

Manipulation: â—â—


Mental: 8

Perception: â—â—â—

Intelligence: â—â—â—â—

Wits: â—â—â—â—



Martial Arts:

[f]Melee: â—â—â—â—â—



[f]Integrity: â—â—â—



[f]Resistance: â—â—â—


[c]Craft(Fire): â—â—â—â—â—


[c]Lore: â—â—

[c]Medicine: â—â—â—â—â—

[c]Occult: â—â—â—

Athletics: â—â—

[f]Awareness: â—â—

Dodge: â—


[f]Stealth: â—â—â—


Linguistics: â—





Liege â—â—â—

Artifact â—â—â— [Power Mace]*

Artifact â—â— [soulsteel Reinforced Buff Jacket]

Manse â—

Whsipers â—â—â—

Artifacts and Equipment: 5



First Melee Excellency

Ravening Mouth of Melee

Savage Shade Style

Artful Maiming Onslaught


Ox-Body Technique (-1,2x-2)

Ox-Body Technique (-1,2x-2)


Second Craft Excellency

Fault Finding Scrutiny

Eternal Embalming Preparation


Charnel Chirurgeon Deftness

Bone Graft Technique

Life-Mocking Assembly

Ivory Whirlwind Restoration


Essence Draining Touch


Spirit-Sensing Meditiation

Corpus-Rending Blow

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

-Bone Puppet Dance

-Walking War Machine

Join Combat:


Dodge DV:

Parry DV:

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Mental Defenses:

Dodge MDV:

Parry MDV:


Compassion: â— Flawed

Conviction: â—â—â—â—

Temperance: â—

Valor: â—â—â—

Virtue Flaw: Resonance


Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—â—


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 16/16

Peripheral: 37


Bonus Points:

7: Essence 3

2: Melee 5

2: Medicine 5

1: Stealth 3

2: Craft 5

1: Occult 4

Experience 47/50

8: Spirit-Sensing Meditation

8: Corpus-Rending Blow

6: Reinforced Buff Jacket

8: Fault Finding Scrutiny

8: Eternal Embalming Preparation

9:Combo: Shatter and Splice: Fault Finding(3,s,2), First Melee(1+,r,1), Savage Shade Style(2,s,1), Artful Maiming(3,s,3,1w)



Coil rank 3

Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 0, Manip 0, Appear 3, Percep 2, Int 1, Wits 3


Athletics 3

Martial Arts 2

Presence 3

Survival 3

Awareness 1

Creation points (15):

Undead Dexterity x2: 4 pts

Undead Stamina x1: 1 pts

Undead Beauty x2: 2 pts

Bleak Imitation of Normalcy: 4 pts

Only Mildly Unpleasant: 0 pts

Sanitized: 0 pts

Delicate Mummification: 4 pts

Mylinda is the well preserved corpse of the woman that his mortal self pined for, but knew he would never get. Once Exalted, Scars managed to arrange for her death through means that did not flaw her beauty. Spending an inordinate amount of time with her body, Scars managed to preserve the body to an extremely good point, and even beyond that applied the static timelessness of Oblivion to her corpse, before animating her.

Mylinda only requires maintanence every 60 days, unless wounded, but Scars does not send her into battle, instead choosing to send her to his bed.

Risen Great Cat

Scars has raised a great cat as a battle companion, though he's fairly quick to let it take hits in his place. The great cat, once Eternal Embalming Technique is applied, only requires maintenance every 15 days. Considering it's abilities, it is more of a distraction than anything else. Stats are on page 211, Abyssals book.
knightfall said:
Hrm. I'll think about it and get back to you. Also, I'll do a quick basic writeup of the homebrewed Infernal NPCs I'll be using.
Are you particularly interested in an Infernal Monster Sifu, a sorcery mentor, or both?
It looks like my character is shaping up to start with some level of sorcery rather than just sorcerous charms so if you have ideas I'm game, but I haven't looked into the details yet.
knightfall said:
The Blessed Isle is the least likely, and unless you're strongly inclined towards the West, it probably won't be there, either, but I'm equally willing to go North, South, East, or Scavenger. Any preferences of your own?
I wouldn't mind playing in the South, since I've never played there.
NoisyCricket said:
I know someone who might be able to create a Fiend for the Infernals game, I can have her write up a description tonight sometime if you're still wanting recruits for that one.
I believe I'm that someone. I have a dragonblood character I wrote up a while back and I'm working on turning her into an infernal. Basically she's a courtesan/spy, doing what she can to mess with people and screw up their plans *L*. I haven't played an infernal before, but I'm sure NoiseyCricket can give me plenty of help.
Just how many of the Loyalist Abyssals are taking Necromancy in some form?

Considering dropping it to pick up some Laughing Wounds combat viability.
NoisyCricket said:
Well, I'm only going Infernal Monster, so that one. :)
Nalsa, The Silent Roar: Nalsa is one of the oldest akuma in Malfeas. Little is known of this Lunar's ancient past, but it is known she has an implacable hatred for Zenith Solars, which extends to a thinly veiled contempt for Midnight castes, Malefactor castes, and any other beings that would claim the title priest. Though her totem is a lioness, her preferred form is that of a massive Teodozjia, covered in Malfean moonsilver tattoos. Mistress of the Lunar Hero, the Infernal Monster, and indeed many other styles, she is among the most powerful and savage sifus in the demon realm. Her demonic patron is none other than Zsofika, and given her Adorjani nature, woe betide her mate should she ever find him or her. Her students are many... but few are those who survive her training.

Balthazar: Among the Green Sun Princes, the Infernal Monster Style is... popular, to say the least, not only as a fighting style, but, to some, as a form of art, a way of expressing the Infernal condition and a way of utterly crushing foes and killing them in a manner that suits the Infernal aesthetic. Among them, there is a Fiend of a Malfean Urge who elevates the Infernal Monster Style from an art to a masterpiece. Among the gladiators of the Malfean death pits, Balthazar is the most celebrated, for the purity of his brutality and the beauty he brings to tearing his opponents limb from limb. He is selective with his students, but crafts them carefully, like sculptures, like masterpieces, though, like many artists, when he decides he dislikes the results of his work, he destroys.

Tarasque: Slayers and those with Malfean Urges often have a strong penchant for the Infernal Monster Style, but none among them took to it more naturally than the Tarasque. Wild and strong and fierce, Tarasque is a champion beyond compare among the Green Sun Princes, an engine of destruction. It is whispered that the only thing restraining him from ascending (or descending, depending on how one chooses to look at it) to the level of the Untamed Apocalypse Shintai. Interestingly, Tarasque is something of... well, one might not quite say diplomat, but he is one of the Green Sun Princes outside the Fiends that has good relations with the Deathknights, as, in many ways, he is not so different from them, an avatar of destruction, and, in fact, one of his closest associates (he has no friends, nor wants any) is a Dusk caste master of the Dark Messiah style (each has mastered the other's style as well, but, for obvious reasons, each is stronger in their own due to custom charms). They tend to work together when Yozi and Neverborn interests coincide to need something or someone utterly annihilated, and have an odd camaraderie between them. They are both aware that there will come a day when one will kill the other, or that they will kill each other. It doesn't bother either of them, though, and they don't intend to let it get in the way of enjoying their joint bloodbaths until then.
Mnemonsyne said:
I believe I'm that someone. I have a dragonblood character I wrote up a while back and I'm working on turning her into an infernal. Basically she's a courtesan/spy, doing what she can to mess with people and screw up their plans *L*. I haven't played an infernal before, but I'm sure NoiseyCricket can give me plenty of help.
Welcome, Mnemonsyne. :D
I am planning on going heavy into sorcery and necromancy. I only picked up my archery charms because of how slow sorcery is in combat compared to other attacks.

When will you have Haku set up our board so I can get my final-final draft posted with backstory?
Sherwood said:
I am planning on going heavy into sorcery and necromancy. I only picked up my archery charms because of how slow sorcery is in combat compared to other attacks.
When will you have Haku set up our board so I can get my final-final draft posted with backstory?
You wanna be my court sorceress? You can look all spooky and make dire portents and everything.
I was at work.. so errr... yeah... ^_^ ;

Anyhows, question... what is the status of the Scarlet Empress in this setting? Is she missing or no? It is possible that she never disappeared or her disappearance is NOT connected to the Big Black Dude. :twisted:

After all, it's not really fair that Her Redness is also another weapon for the Yozi Princes... not with the kind of odds they've got.
Haku said:
I was at work.. so errr... yeah... ^_^ ;
Anyhows, question... what is the status of the Scarlet Empress in this setting? Is she missing or no? It is possible that she never disappeared or her disappearance is NOT connected to the Big Black Dude. :twisted:

After all, it's not really fair that Her Redness is also another weapon for the Yozi Princes... not with the kind of odds they've got.
Scarlet Empress is missing.

None of you know where she is.

That's all I'm saying.

Indeed... 8)

Also, the only good anathema is a dead infernal... but to achieve that, one might have to use tools most foul. Fight Evil with Evil. :lol:
knightfall said:
Myllinnia: I like it. Just to be clear: one sister Exalted to a Lunar, the other, a Chosen of Secrets or a Wood aspect Terrestrial?; also, remember, Abyssal motivations have to be centered around destruction or Oblivion in some way, shape, or form.
Okay I think I can handily change that motivation from what it is to something else that fits her out. xD In either case Sisters: Lunar and Secrets, usually led about or directed by (hmmm I never really said did I...) Serenity (and likely a Goldy)

I think I may direct my character to Necromancy, maybe. I've still not decided fully on some aspects yet. ^^
knightfall said:
Nalsa, The Silent Roar: Nalsa is one of the oldest akuma in Malfeas. Little is known of this Lunar's ancient past, but it is known she has an implacable hatred for Zenith Solars, which extends to a thinly veiled contempt for Midnight castes, Malefactor castes, and any other beings that would claim the title priest. Though her totem is a lioness, her preferred form is that of a massive Teodozjia, covered in Malfean moonsilver tattoos. Mistress of the Lunar Hero, the Infernal Monster, and indeed many other styles, she is among the most powerful and savage sifus in the demon realm. Her demonic patron is none other than Zsofika, and given her Adorjani nature, woe betide her mate should she ever find him or her. Her students are many... but few are those who survive her training.
Well, as long as I'm not her mate, I think she makes the most sense. :) I'll probably take an intimacy of 'respect' or 'respectful fear and awe' with her.
How the followers avoid Death By Resonance.

1. The nascent cult doesn't actually oppose the Neverborn exactly. It's against tyranny, but the Half-Mad Scary Abyssal still believes the Five Understandings, and (at least at the moment) thinks falling into the Abyss would be a good way to end tyranny forever, so he's trying to persuade everyone that they should go for it (rather than forcing people into it, which would be Bad). Naturally, persuasion from other characters could change his mind here, but it's a long-term thing.

2. Open to interpretation here, but "I will get in the way of that attack" (defending life) isn't quite the same as "I will slay you in the face for oppressing people." It's going to get messy when this guy sees someone being oppressive.

3. As currently drafted, it isn't a coherent cult yet, it's more small groups of people in several villages that pray to him in the dead of night. The Voice himself keeps moving, and mostly just spreads his message and beats seven flavours of the Void out of people who act against it, so there won't be people around too often to get hit with the Resonance.

Having said all that, I think I'm going to bump it up to two dots of Cult- that'd be a few villages where he's turned up and destroyed an oppressive god.

I do have the basics of his philosophy sketched out- it takes the Diligent Practices from the Immaculate Faith and the Understandings of the Void, and kinda welds them together in a not-entirely-watertight semi-coherent whole. Bear in mind that this guy isn't entirely sane...

The Diligent Practices[/b]

The faithful should meet at least once a month to reaffirm their faith and to organise themselves if they need to strike against a tyrant.

The faithful should respect and honour spirits and ghosts, but respond to threats in kind.

The faithful should imitate the example of the Noble Dead and choose their own path through the world.

The right to lead comes from proven ability, not strength (so, for example, the Dragon-Blooded have no more right to command than any other man until they prove themselves).

Anyone who uses his strength to set himself above is Anathema, and should be resisted with all your might.

The Understandings of the Void are left pretty much as they are, but reinterpreted.

Ash- Sacrifices to the Dead give the living a right to expect aid in return.

Bone- the Dead have a freedom the living lack, to stay as ghosts, be reincarnated in Lethe or pass from the world into the peace of Oblivion. Hence death is a greater freedom than life.

Pyre Flame- this one's difficult. At present, with the Voice still believing Oblivion would be a good end for Creation, this says to him that the choice of eternal peace will always be available.

Blood- the Voice plays up the Wyld aspect, and uses this to warn of the subtle enslavement of the Fair Folk.

Void- a perverse message of hope. No-one can escape Oblivion, so any tyrant can be brought low.

I'll get onto rejigging the Backgrounds.

EDIT: Just to be clear, the Voice has cut any ties he had to individuals- his parents are dead and the Mask told him they'd passed on to reincarnation, trusting their son to avenge them (could be BLATANT LIES, of course...) and his few friends in Thorns saw only the Deathknight, not the boy they used to know- the final rejection there, of course, being his flight from Thorns.

Previous incarnations and Lunar Mates? I have no idea, and it'll be more fun to be surprised anyway...

EDIT 2: Backgrounds are sorted.

Artifact 2: Razor Claws

Artifact 3: Articulated Plate

Whispers 2

Cult 2 (bought with experience, including the 3XP I was saving before).

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