Anathema Ascendant: Now Recruiting!

Myllinnia said:
knightfall said:
Myllinnia: I like it. Just to be clear: one sister Exalted to a Lunar, the other, a Chosen of Secrets or a Wood aspect Terrestrial?; also, remember, Abyssal motivations have to be centered around destruction or Oblivion in some way, shape, or form.
Okay I think I can handily change that motivation from what it is to something else that fits her out. xD In either case Sisters: Lunar and Secrets, usually led about or directed by (hmmm I never really said did I...) Serenity (and likely a Goldy)

I think I may direct my character to Necromancy, maybe. I've still not decided fully on some aspects yet. ^^
Hrm... The Siddie sounded a bit more like a ronin to me (most Bureau-trained Sidereals would have enough of a disguise not to use an essence cannon and be able to fool most Wyld Hunts), but I'll see what I can whip up.
NoisyCricket said:
Well, as long as I'm not her mate, I think she makes the most sense. :) I'll probably take an intimacy of 'respect' or 'respectful fear and awe' with her.
You won't be. I have other plans for your mate. :twisted:

Though she won't like your mistress, being a Malefactor and all.
Because I do this sort of thing...

The zombies shambled forward, a solid block of rotting flesh- but surely there were less this time? Behind them- behind them he could see another carpet of the dead, but still, the debris of the hard-fought siege. An incredulous smile twitched at his lip as he tightened his grip on his spear, glancing to the side at the glorious sight of the Dragon-Blooded, their power shining in a blaze of glory, stood waiting for the next charge.

It came.

A tortured chaos of stabbing blades and grasping claws, punctuated by the detonations of Thorns’s Exalted defenders; a heart-poundingorgy of fear and violence. There- a claw striking for his head. Here- strike home, feel the weight fall from the weapon. Pain- a blow to the head.

Minutes or hours - who could say? – passed, yet at the end, he stood still. Battered, bruised, bloodied, but alive. An incredulous smile twitched at his lips, the sheer joy of survival almost displacing his habitual defiant frown.

Then movement from the enemy lines grabbed his attention.

Figures stalking from the mist at the head of another wave of attackers. Men and women- living men and women, surely? Pale of demeanour, clad in baroque nightmares of moaning, black steel, but human nonetheless.

Then he saw the marks on their foreheads.

Black. Bleeding. Blasphemous.

A cry sprang unbidden to his lips- “ANATHEMA!†- and the closest of the monsters shot him a look of pure venom, a sadistic grimace distorting her beautiful features. The woman began stalking towards his unit, pointing her immense black sword directly at him.

A twinge of fear built in his gut, but he surpressed it. This was his city, his people, and these demons would not sully it with their evil.

She was close now. Close enough to hear her feet crunching on the fallen.

The fires of his faith burning inside, he began to shout. “Back, demon! You have no place here! We-“

A blur of speed. Suddenly, she was before him, blade swinging to cut him in half- so fast he barely raised his spear in time. No time to catch his breath- a quick jab blocked, then dancing back from another swing. Yet another blow, his spear split in his hands.

His fists would have to suffice. A hand laid open deflecting a blow from his face, then the sword bit flashed through his throat.

He fell.

Blood welling on the mud, he watched the demon destroy his comrades. He closed his eyes, prepared to release his spirit.

I have been watching you, child, said the voice in his mind. Such faith, such fire, such... potential.

They lied, you know. “Anathema,†they cry, but there is no possessing demon. They lied, and you can have the power they would have denied you.

A cold anger grew in his mind. How dare this creature sully the Immaculate Faith in his heart?

But another, near-silent part of him cried, “How dare they lie to me?â€

I know how you hunger to end the injustice you endured for so long. Join me, and together we can end it forever. Just accept this gift. Just let me prove myself to you…

His mind reeling from the shock of broken faith, he accepted, and the voice laid out the bargain…
knightfall said:
Myllinnia said:
knightfall said:
Myllinnia: I like it. Just to be clear: one sister Exalted to a Lunar, the other, a Chosen of Secrets or a Wood aspect Terrestrial?; also, remember, Abyssal motivations have to be centered around destruction or Oblivion in some way, shape, or form.
Okay I think I can handily change that motivation from what it is to something else that fits her out. xD In either case Sisters: Lunar and Secrets, usually led about or directed by (hmmm I never really said did I...) Serenity (and likely a Goldy)

I think I may direct my character to Necromancy, maybe. I've still not decided fully on some aspects yet. ^^
Hrm... The Siddie sounded a bit more like a ronin to me (most Bureau-trained Sidereals would have enough of a disguise not to use an essence cannon and be able to fool most Wyld Hunts), but I'll see what I can whip up.
O.o A very good point. If you feel her Ronin then perhaps she is. (its vague enough after all. xD )
Well, if you'd rather her be Gold Faction, we could possibly work it some other way, it would just require a bit of tinkering.
Background thoughts you probably need to know, knightfall:

It makes sense to me that the Mask of Winters would conceal the true nature of the Abyssals from my dude. As far as he's aware, the Abyssals are just like that, so until someone comes along and tells him, he'll have no idea that he could be anything other than a destructive tool of Oblivion. Given his Immaculate upbringing, he probably also wouldn't know much about the Unconquered Sun- I'd assume just that he's that big glowy thing in the sky.
MorkaisChosen said:
Background thoughts you probably need to know, knightfall:
It makes sense to me that the Mask of Winters would conceal the true nature of the Abyssals from my dude. As far as he's aware, the Abyssals are just like that, so until someone comes along and tells him, he'll have no idea that he could be anything other than a destructive tool of Oblivion. Given his Immaculate upbringing, he probably also wouldn't know much about the Unconquered Sun- I'd assume just that he's that big glowy thing in the sky.
Alright. I'll keep that in mind.
MorkaisChosen said:
Background thoughts you probably need to know, knightfall:
It makes sense to me that the Mask of Winters would conceal the true nature of the Abyssals from my dude. As far as he's aware, the Abyssals are just like that, so until someone comes along and tells him, he'll have no idea that he could be anything other than a destructive tool of Oblivion. Given his Immaculate upbringing, he probably also wouldn't know much about the Unconquered Sun- I'd assume just that he's that big glowy thing in the sky.
You do know that RAW, all Abyssals instinctively know that there is the possibility of redemption, it's just that most of them are fine with being the monsters they've become.
That had slipped my mind, but it's not too hard to work in-

Simply, he's not entirely satisfied with the philosophy he's worked out. It makes perfect sense, but some part of him says there's another way. He doesn't know what and supresses that part of himself, but the seed's there if someone will just help it grow...
knightfall said:
Axelgear: Great fluff. Was the Eagle's mate with him when he sealed himself away in the chamber?
Glee! I love approval! Eagle's mate was not with him when he sealed himself away, no. It wasn't because they weren't close, though.
Finally putting some ideas together for my Sidereal possibility.

I don't remember my parents. It's not amnesia or anything that contrived. I was taken from them. The Five-Score Fellowship found me much earlier than most others: I was taken at the age of six and spirited away to Yu Shan, the city of gods, to attend my training. If I had been a shy child in Creation, I was even more shy in Yu Shan. They told me, at the age of six, that I had a Destiny. They brought me before the Crimson Panoply of Victory, presented me to Mars, and I remember the look on her face. It wasn't mean, not entirely--whatever fierceness there was in her look was a result of her nature as the patron of conflict and not animosity towards me. No, she looked at me quizically, as if wondering if a mistake had been made. The Viziers of Mars were hearty and brave and forceful. I was small and quiet and terrified. In the end, after she'd looked me in the eye for a good long while, she bent down and whispered in my ear:

"I wish to be surprised."

When I asked my superiors, they all told me stories of being brought before Mars. Most had been kissed on the forehead, the mark a spouse leaves on a departing warrior to wish them well. A rare few had been told something, as I had, but those things tended to be transcendent truths. My own enlightenment felt like a blow. I was not good enough. I would have to be the surprise, transform myself.

Not that I ever really did. I was good enough with a sword and a bow, a competent general and a deft hand at Gateway, but I never felt the joy in it that the others felt. I did, however, devour the Panoply's collection of military histories. I learned the great generals of the Deliberative by heart, and their lesser counterparts in the Shogunate and the Realm. I was allowed access to the least archives of the Ivy Manse and I expanded my love outward to encompass all history. It was all a Battle, in the end--Creation was dug as a trench against the warriors of the Wyld, conquered by the Exalted Host, united under Merela's victorious banner and then transformed at the hands of our Fellowship and the Terrestrial footsoldiers. It was all a Battle, all of it, the fight to survive and transform existence.

And I Exalted.

It's different for a Sidereal. When the system works, we spend years knowing that we will Exalt, wondering how it will happen and one day, it's just there. You wake up, and you've got the halo, or you're sparring, or you're reading and it sound immensely unheroic. I think if my own was any indication, it requires a mental heroism: when I Exalted, it was at the moment when I accepted the length and width of the world, and the depth of my responsibility for it. I was reading the Guerrimus, collected wisdoms of the Primordial War survivors. One, a Twilight, had famously said that heroism was asking yourself if you would burn down the world for the chance to make everything right. I looked down from the book, I thought about it, and I terrified myself by deciding that I could, that I would, if it was required of me.

My Exalted life was...strange. I found myself in the company of an informal circle called the Muses. They had been waiting, it seemed, for a Chosen of Mars with the right predilection, an appreciation for art and learning. They introduced me to the politics of factionalism, indoctrinated me into the ways to use and abuse both Bronze and Gold. The Gods of Yu Shan loved us, all five of the Muses, because we were polite and eloquent and respectful...which is to say, we were inobtrusive, unoffensive. We towed the line, made an example on behalf of the entire Fellowship. "Look at us!" we seemed to say, "Look at how cooperative and pleasant working with the Sidereal Fellowship is!" Even the Spiders liked us, and it was reflected in our astrology and our assignments. We weren't given the dirty jobs. We were the ones who went down to inspire great artists or comfort the milk-fed farmboy just on the verge of heroism.

I even once met Chejop Kejak, and like my goddess, he too had a well chosen wisdom for me: "You," he said, and I felt like I was alone in the room with him, "are not a Sidereal. We are subject to the Laws of Heaven so that we may break and bend them in service of Creation. A Sidereal risks himself, his happiness, his safety. Take your smile elsewhere. I have no time for timid people."

I was crushed, but I didn't have time to dwell on it. That was when it happened, that very week. The Anathema rose in droves, attacking from their angles. Heaven was stretched thin. Even the Muses were dispatched into battle. We met a circle of Abyssals, and only I survived.

Sometimes it feels like marshal law up here. Heaven has become so much stricter, so much tighter. There is no luxury left, no time for art or shallow indulgence. We're moving faster than we ever have, and focused as we are on the future, I worry we will forget the lessons of the past. That was why I volunteered, in the end, for a mission deep undercover. I have invaded Malfeas, ingratiated myself to the princes of Hell. I have claimed myself a traitor, and they believe me because I believe me. I push them slowly towards war with Oblivion, stir their Princes to consider me as their Vizier. I'm not even sure of my own agenda anymore. I think they sense that, and still hope that I will agree to the Investiture. I have resisted too long, though; I like my freedom.

I am no braver than I was, but I have found other strengths. They call me Cerise, and I am not sure whether I am of Heaven or Hell anymore.
Interesting. I like it. I hope none of the Infernals have any objections to a Sidereal on their side?

(I would note, though, not to invest too heavily in astrology. While the Five-Fold Fellowship still considers you a renegade, you won't have access to the Loom of Fate).
knightfall said:
Well, if you'd rather her be Gold Faction, we could possibly work it some other way, it would just require a bit of tinkering.
I'm fine with her as a Ronin (and may even be a cooler Idea) ^^
Is this still open for interested people to play?

I would love to kick around an abyssal bent on sending the world to the void or doing a Lunar tyring to redeem his former Mate.
I'm sorry to say this, but we already have an example of both of those. In fact multiple examples of that first one. xD
If knightfall is still looking for people, you should *definitely* think about joining. ^^ Team Infernal and Team Creation could both use a bit more manpower. xD
Well Never done an infernal and only gave it the most cursory of reads. ;)

Though I'm up for bolstering the ranks of team creation.
Weirly enough, two fifths of Team Creation are Midnight Abyssals. Another fifth is a Raksha. Not the most... conventional group of heroes.
There's a good readon why our unofficial name is the 'Breakfast Club'. We take conventional, spinkick her in the face and then teabag the corpse.

That's just how we roll.

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